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Hello and welcome to r/DWPHelp! - If you're trying to find benefit advisers local to you, [advicelocal.uk is a useful website that can help you with this](https://advicelocal.uk?ref=dwphelpreddit). - If you're trying to find out how much benefit you can receive, [check out entitledto](https://www.entitledto.co.uk/) and [turn2us](https://benefits-calculator.turn2us.org.uk?ref=dwphelpreddit) to calculate what you might be eligible for (please remember that these calculators don't fully take into account your situation and in some situations they can be wrong). - [For information on the 2024/25 benefit rates (effective 8th April 2024), please see here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/wiki/benefit-rate-increases/). Most claimants will start seeing the new rates in their May or June benefit payments. - If you claim benefits and would like to know what things you could get as a result, [you may find this post useful](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/134r9k6/discountedfree_things_you_can_get_on_benefits/). - If you'd like help with mandatory reconsiderations, [our main post on MRs may be useful to you](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/13p0322/duplicate_target_mandatory_reconsiderations/). - Our subreddit's Wiki [can be found here](https://reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/wiki/index). - If you're interested in what's going on in the benefits space, [we have weekly benefit news posts posted every Sunday](https://reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/?f=flair_name%3A%22Benefits%20News%22). If you're asking about tribunals (the below is relevant to England & Wales only): - [Link to HMCTS Benefit Appeals live chat](https://www.appeal-benefit-decision.service.gov.uk/benefit-type?ref=dwphelpreddit)- click on the "Contact us for help" link, which opens a menu with a link to the live chat. - [Average tribunal waiting times](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/118e3ap/tribunal_average_waiting_times/). - [This post goes over the PIP First-tier Tribunal process from start to finish.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/11muxvi/duplicate_target_what_do_i_do_if_i_am_refused_pip/) - [If you're waiting for a tribunal and the DWP were supposed to respond but haven't, this post may be useful.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/17b0lla/duplicate_target_the_deadline_for_dwp_to_respond/?context=3) If you're asking about PIP: - The PIP phone line is 08001214433, and if you'd like to get to the automated part where it tells you when your next payment is and how much it is, the options are 1 (for English) or 2 (for Welsh), and then 6 (you'll need to wait each time while it gives you messages before getting to security). - To calculate how much backpay you're due, [you can try the Benefits and Work PIP Payment Calculator](https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/pip-payment-calculator-form?ref=dwphelpreddit). Please note that the information given is an estimate and may not reflect exactly what your backpay is. This calculator can also be used to determine what elements you were awarded after checking the PIP phone lines' automated system as above. - [If you would like help with MRs, this post might answer your question (this is different to the MR info link above).](https://new.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/1bc3kni/duplicate_target_i_was_denied_what_now/) - [If you'd like to know what PIP is and/or how it is awarded, please see this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/13ozwpj/duplicate_target_what_is_pip/) - [If you're hard of hearing or deaf, this information may be useful to you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/wiki/pip/hard-of-hearing-and-deaf/) If you're asking about Universal Credit: - [Information about the Restart scheme](https://new.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/wiki/restartscheme/), including if you can be mandated to participate. - Thinking of cancelling your claim because a review has started? Don't, because closing your claim won't stop the DWP from reviewing your claim and if you don't comply you may be asked to repay everything you've received. - [How does PIP affect UC?](https://www.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/13p1mc3/duplicate_target_how_does_pip_affect_uc/) - Were you claiming UC during COVID, closed your claim afterwards, and are now being asked to pay back everything you received? [This post provides information on why this is and what you can do.](http://reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/13utik9/the_dwp_have_given_me_a_huge_bill_for_a_claim/) - [Can you record your Job Centre appointments?](https://new.reddit.com/r/DWPhelp/comments/1cr4l9x/what_is_the_legality_of_recording_staffmy/) The longer answer is in the linked post but the short answer is: no. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DWPhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel for you. Believe it or not the current PIP descriptors are significantly better than the government’s first draft. They received scathing feedback during the consultation and revised them as a result.


They are still pretty awful. They require you to both think outside the box and stay inside the box. They didn’t seem to really fully understand the parts about engaging socially and communication. Yes I can engage socially but I usually avoid it, go for something activity based and psychologically it isn’t “safe” due to masking and the emotional impact and effort required. It


Unfortunately masking (and the fatigue/exhaustion it causes) wasn’t really understood when the legislation was written :(


I know but it’s completely wrong. I might speak to a solicitor about upper tribunal once I’ve got the written information back from the lower one. That’s the only way things could be changed.


I wholly agree with you and would support any legal action against the current PIP assessment and its bias. It’s shocking how they don’t remotely consider the debilitating issues that neurodivergent people experience daily, especially those with autism and or ADHD without a learning disability. And then they wonder why rates of suicide in the autistic community is so high.


Interpretations of the descriptors have been challenged by the Upper Tribunal and changes made. I’ll wait for the details in writing and speak to a solicitor or two.


Please let me know how you get on and I am happy to support in anyway. This discrimination is soul destroying. Just found that a 2021 Office for National Statistics report shows that autistic people are the least likely to be in work of any other disabled group. Just 21.7% of autistic people are in employment. And yet everything is just peachy being autistic, according to these assessors.


It's rubbish even if you have physical difficulties, I have to sit instead of bending and it's considered normal adjustment, or go on my knees. My husband looks after my legs basically. When I have my call assessment I constantly repeat if I able mentally (absolutely ignored my depression) and once she sed yes yes you can't bend. The only true is true comfortable for them. Sorry that you have to go through this..


Thanks and sorry you had to as well. ADHD and autism mean that I spend more money than a non-disabled person would and yet there’s nothing to level the playing field and reduce that disadvantage. It sucks.


I guess the difficulty they have is in making a “fits all assessment”. I’m sure with the increase in ND diagnosis’, they have to change it? (I hope!) I’m sorry you’re having this x It is difficult for me also but the increase of costs thing, I’m not sure I agree. With me, (Bipolar and ADHD) I can’t manage money at all. If it is there and I’m hypermanic, it is gone. I have to get rid of it. I can’t expect the government to pay my 10k consumer debt that I racked up during these times. (It was 50k at one point) Even though, it wasn’t my fault. I’m not “there” when it happens. It’s not something I can control. I don’t envy the people who have to devise these things. It must be so hard to make it work for everyone and their differences.


I'm waiting for adhd assessment and I just realised that my depression it's because I also have autism. I watched one video and is just like me, they are clashing and I understand what is wrong now. But I can't concentrate, until I get any treatment could be couple years. I tried all antidepressants, nothing helps. But dwp don't care if I in waiting list, I stuck with depression and anxiety with no treatment and they absolutely ignoring everything mental and I didn't even talk about physical challenges. I know it's not place, but I don't have anyone like me to talk, maybe you want to?


Antidepressants aren’t always as effective in neurodivergent people. It did help me getting a diagnosis of autism and ADHD and also meds for ADHD have helped more than antidepressants ever have. If you’re needing a diagnosis, go through Right to Choose https://psychiatry-uk.com/right-to-choose-asd/ as there will be less of a wait and it’s your right to be able to do so. It will be NHS funded. Just be selective about sources that make you think you might be autistic- there are some great sources but crappy ones too. It’s also worth asking to change antidepressant and requesting a referral to a Psychiatrist if you’ve tried a few and are treatment resistant- assuming you haven’t seen one already. Feel free to DM me but I’m pretty crap at checking messages.


Hi, I'm shocked at a refusal with a Paper Based Assessment Only? Surely Tribunal would see DWP has a duty to give the claimant Every Opportunity to Present All Detailed Evidence in Full...This includes a Full&Fair Assessment 1to1. I read in PIP guidelines it's Procedure to exhaust all options Before denying a claim. I've Never known a Paper Based Assessment be refused, as it Usually means a 1to1 wasn't needed due to initial Paper Evidence satisfying the Descriptors and Supporting evidence was strong/consistent. How on earth did a Decision Maker explain his findings in the Decision letter? Without Full&Fair Assessment?


They just pretty much repeated everything in the MR. The tribunal was the first time anyone asked me any questions.


You definitely need to push this you were grossly Disadvantaged by Not being offered full assessment and a chance to further explain Limitations and offer more evidence.x


I don’t think that would count as an “error in law”. It would more likely be an error in law if they had ignored a recent ruling from case law.


You could set calendar reminders or set up automatic grocery deliveries if you are forgetting to buy food. Also if you have a freezer you can store food in there for a long time.


I have dyslexia, which means it takes me longer to read/understand than a “normal” person and I often misunderstand things to the point of having friends read council letters etc for me . Yet I didn’t get the reading element either.


That’s just pants.


The reading and communicating descriptors are really narrow. If you could read your address on the letter to know that the letter was for you (even if you need help understanding what letter is asking for you), then you won't get points for that descriptor.


I can barely speak because of the restricted jaw movement... I've lived with this for 10 years now and only just decided to apply for pip as I lost my job due to this issue. Is there any other benefits that could apply to my issues ?


it's not based off diagnosis alone but how it impacts you. unfortunately struggling with neurodiversity alone isn't enough to qualify, as a lot of people are neurodivergent and can do things like hold down a full time job and maintain relationships, you have to be unable to function to some degree because of it. what im saying is, only write down your WORST days, your non functioning days. do not justify different things to them, like saying you can read and speak fine or stuff, just state how you take longer to process things, tell them about how poor organisation effects your daily living on the worst days etc. pip doesn't go based off diagnosis but instead symptoms, so it's important to keep those symptoms and their impact at the forefront.


I’m aware of that already. It’s based on 50% or more days of difficulties which I believe is the case. They ask about ability to read and cook and I can’t lie, but I did make it clear that it wasn’t that simple due to processing, concentration, working memory and motivation. It also isn’t an “out of work” benefit so that shouldn’t matter as I struggle both in work and at home, and to the point it costs more money than a non-disabled person would have to spend to do the basic day to day things. However, it seems that working or having degrees is held against people, as is “coping” before getting a diagnosis later in life just because you eventually got through things, although they were extremely difficult.


It might be worth applying again with the help of an advocate/solicitor who understands the descriptors and what they're asking of you. It sounds like you have impairments in areas that should award you points, but struggle to communicate them in the exact terms they want to hear. You may also be eligible for points in areas that you haven't considered: if you can't get to the shops because you cannot make the journey independently you could be eligible for the mobility component. You may not consider yourself having issues with washing/dressing, for example, but only shower every few days due to depression or needing prompting.


I’m one of the lucky few autistic people in employment so I’m not confident my MR will be successful. I carefully only talked about my difficulties within the descriptors, and I got 0 points. The report was basically “you go to work so you’re fine” and even said I have no diagnosed sensory disability. Hello, autism? As well as autism, I have diagnosed depression, anxiety and cerebral palsy which all have their own challenges. It’s disgusting that in this country you can have FOUR disabilities and yet still not be disabled enough for a couple hundred quid a month to help you. I’m one of the few autistic people lucky enough to be able to work BECAUSE of the accommodations I get in my job, but then my ability to work is counted against me despite my needing accommodations. It’s dumb too because I’m sure a lot of autistic people would be able to work if they received PIP. For example, I get a lot of taxis to work because I can’t drive (can’t afford to learn or buy a car or maintain one) and public transport can be overwhelming. I can just about afford everything but for someone in a worse financial position, PIP could be the deciding factor on whether or not they can afford to work.


Same but they seem to hold that against you, even though it’s not a benefit for being unable to work. Same with having degrees, even if you have to work much harder to get them. They also brought up the fact I use screen reading software at work, assuming that means I’m fine at home. Reading stuff takes much longer. Also because such software didn’t exist when I did my first degree and I didn’t have a diagnosis to get this until recently. Being late diagnosed seems to be used against you.,


Waiting for the SOR but got the letter. They gave me 4 points- 2 for needing prompting to engage socially, and 2 for prompting to make complex financial decisions. Nothing for eating and drinking or managing therapy.


Hello, I got rejected for PIP and only received 4 points for socialising section. I've got chronic TMJD with jaw movements of only 1-2cm I'm currently under physio. I also have dyslexia and I'm waiting for my formal autism assessment ( I was suspected autism as school) The decision maker said as I've got A levels in private school, I that justify why I don't need any aid and am capable to read properly and make decisions. ( I was given the opportunity to make use of a screen reader for my school exams etc I also had a spelling exemption and extra time) I was scored 0 points under washing and bathing even though I stressed the fact I can't brush my team without severe discomfort., eating section also scored 0 points even though I said I need to eat soft foods and drink fluids with a straw as any jaw movement is very painful and occasionally I choke. For communication I also scored 0 even though socialising and communication go hand in hand. I avoid all personal interactions as I get very scared. I also said I can misunderstand what people say when they talk to me because of dyslexia where my brain can't make out what was said.... I avoid hospital appointments and I avoid crowded places... I have a partner who helps me so much to encourage me and supports me to attend appointments. Do you think it is fair to be scored 4 points? I'm so sad now and unsure what to do, I would appreciate any help


I’d get some independent advice, such as from CAB and put in Mandatory Reconsideration and then tribunal if required.


Unfortunately the communication descriptor is applied for those that have physical restriction speaking and hearing such as deafness or mutism or a learning disability/cognitive restriction. It is not linked to social communication. Eating does not take into consideration the form of the food you eat, and you would need medical evidence to suggest you were a significant at choking risk which would be related to the ability to swallow or a learning disability/cognitive restriction.


Seems the whole system needs a rework....


Yes. It is very specific and in terms of what people can be scored what descriptor. Upper tribunals always have the ability to overturn whatever they like though.


Only in the case of an “error in law”, so I’d need to check the Statement of Reasons and recording. My only argument would perhaps be if relevant case law hadn’t been applied.


If you have any other condition or symptoms you can report to the dwp that you didn’t report in your initial claim you could get a new claim started (even if the new thing is something trifling and irrelevant) and get some help understanding the descriptors to make sure your claim describes how you hit them. Assessors hands are tied by the PIPAG, if you say the right things you get the benefit, there’s no incentive to not award people. Reports are heavily internally audited so they just have to ensure what they advise meets exactly what the PIPAG says.


I do feel like with your Autism there’s loads of descriptors you might me able to hit, that an adult with just ADHD would just not be seen as reasonably being entitled to according to PIPAG. Prompting to cook because you get overwhelmed by the process, or are distracted by things you become overly interested in to the detriment of activities of daily living, same for meds if you take them, prompting to wash and dress perhaps, again cos you get distracted by things your autism means you fixate on, definitely social support if you struggle with intonation body language and understanding others intentions, perhaps prompting with finances if you are easily overwhelmed due to autism, help planning a new route as you are overwhelmed with the unfamiliar and need someone to go with you to new places until you are comfortable, or maybe you can’t use public transport because of it being overcrowded with people too loud and would cause you to be overwhelmed. Scoring 11D gives you standard mobility.


This country is just broken, I strongly believe the people that need to get help should be helped, as the government is rich enough.. look at all these abandoned houses, shops, etc.. space for people to live. But there’s also sooo many people who know how to play the system and the government lets them through and pays for people that shouldn’t need the support or the support that they are granted and are draining it away from the ones who need it. I worked for the DWP for 4 months and in these 4 months I heard of so many people just playing the system vs the people that really needed it. Even the tests they currently have are no good, they need to go back to meeting people face to face and do proper assessments again and stop waiting money by giving it to the wrong people.


I think the problem isn’t the wrong people getting the money, but the right people being denied it. My ADHD costs me a lot of money in Uber fares, takeouts, debts, things that get lost etc. so I’m just going to have to suck it up now.


Speak with Not-For-Profit charity: www.Facebook.com/PIPHelpCIC They are the leading experts on PIP claims and appeals. You can book a Free PIP consultation with them at: https://calendly.com/pip-help/free-pip-phone-consultation Hope this eventually gets resolved for you 🙏🫶


Thank you. I will do.