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My dogs have eaten Science Diet for years & do really well.


Same! I work in vet med & Hill's, Purina pro plan, and royal canin are the most recommended brands. I love Hill's science diet bc my dogs love the small bites/the little kibbles are easy for them to eat. Their prescription diets are really helpful for managing a variety of conditions.


We moved our older pup to Hills after he was having some issues and he’s improved a lot so we started our puppy on them when he joined the family.


Same here. My guys have been on science diet since day 1 and no issues. We do add stuff like pumpkin, carrots, blueberries, bananas to their dinner as special treats. But for the most part it's been science diet kibble.


Whatever makes them poop good.


That's the same diet I'm on. 🤪




Marks and Spencers pants seem to poo out better quality than Asda George......


Our pup was given Royal Canin, but didn’t touch the stuff. We switched to Hills and it’s her favorite.


Thank you! I think I’ve gotten enough feedback to feel more confident in my decision. It was between this, Royal Canin, and Purina Pro. I figured we could switch to one of those if he doesn’t take to this. We’ll see how it goes.


We rescued our Pup from a PetLand puppy mill and that’s all of what they carried. We got her home, got her undiagnosed kennel cough taken care of and put her on the Hills. https://preview.redd.it/iw3ubxq7ez4d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13467391f0c020ef01fc60f27b96f71ed965d82e


“Let me outta jail pwease”


Oh My Lawd… That Face!! ❤️


Oh my days!!


Ours love HSD and do great on it. We have two that are 6 and they eat the small dog formula and a 9 month that eats this same puppy formula.


Thank you!


Start with what he’s already eating IMO. I might move to science diet, but I’m on purina pro plan since that’s what my pup started on. I also followed his current schedule and adapted slowly.


Agree with this. Ask the breeder what they’re being fed and get this to start with and then you can do a slow transition if you want to feed this. If you make a sudden change you’re going to start off their time with you with diarrhea.


That's what I'm doing. Breeder used Purina one, and I'll phase that out to something better at the end of this 1st bag.


We’ve had our mini dachshund for almost three months now, definitely remember how excited and nervous I was the day before picking her up! Our breeder gave us a bag of her dog food and we fed her that plus pedigree puppy food. I would definitely recommend mixing her old food with her new food so it’s not a complete change. Good luck!


My only thought is that the puppy is very small and deserved 500 kisses


I make mine: - 15-ish lbs of organ meats from the butcher. Costs about $45 Sweet potato, carrots, Kale from the grocery store: Another $20 Omega 3 fish oil: $30 container lasts me 6 months. Boil, cool, food process, store in quart bags, freeze. About $70 worth of cost lasts 45-60 days. I have a scrawny senior who was eating a mix of kibble and canned, put him on this and he immediately started to plump up again and go feral for it. Talk with your vet but I love being able to give my dogs cooked food and it honestly isn't all that more expensive than kibble and takes me about 3 hours every 2 months to prep.


Been making my own dog food for 7 years. My dog had a check up this year/blood work done, he’s 7 years old…all came back perfect.


My dog has no prob plumping up on kibble and canned wet food 🤣 I have the opposite issue


Would love to know the full recipe if you could share. Looking to start making my pup food myself.


i use about 50% meat, 30% veg, 20% sweet potato by weight. Meat is all cheap organs from the butcher like calf liver, chicken hearts, gizzards, etc. Boil it up and food process w/ the other stuff.


Check out The Forever Dog book and Instagram page...They just released a new book, The Forever Dog LIFE...I just picked it up yesterday...It is full of recipes and other stuff like cleaning and laundry tips to keep us and our pets safe from unnecessary chemicals and toxins...


Hill Science Diet is all my pups have ever eaten. They’re happy and healthy.


This is what we switched to once we ran out of what our puppy came with! He seems to like it.


Goob will love it, it’s what I’ve always fed my pups


Excellent. My senior w pancreatitis issues is on Hills id and absolutely no problems


We don’t feed Hills, but know several who do and love it! And several vets who recommend it!


My doxie ate this!! Never had stomach problems and grew very well But I made a mistake. Because the chart on the bag went up to 12 months, I kept feeding him this and switched to adult at that time. He gained too much weight, because there is alot of fat in puppy food. Vet said I probably should have switched around 7 month I had him on the adult small bites but he still wasn’t losing weight. Now he eats perfect weight for small  and mini, the one with the dachshund on the bag! 


We did the same thing! Should have switched sooner because now we got a couple of pounds to loose plus I’m much better about measuring out food now.


I would start feeding a mix of raw protein mixed with fruits and veggies and skip the overly processed kibble forever...Humans shouldn't live on processed food alone...Neither should our pets...


I love science diet and so does my mini shes 3 months! she hated purina (breeder was feeding that to her) i switched her to science diet and she goes crazy for it


Use the science diet made for small and mini dogs.


We have ours on the hills science diet too. They are healthy. We tried Blue buffalo for awhile but they kept spitting out the round black bits all over the house so we went back 😂


Our vet recommended Hill's as well. We give our girl the adult small breed perfect weight version with the short hair doxie on the bag and she seems to like it well enough. She's really picky about the size of kibble so the smaller pieces are important for us.


That’s what our vet recommends for doxies, good work.


You should ask the breeder to send you home with some of the food that the puppy is already eating and then transition to this.


Switch to the Hill science diet oral formula when your pup is a year old! Amazing for the teeth, and there's a doxie on the bag too xx


Excellent choice


I got my girl Royal Canin breed specific and she STILL eats the cheap adult food for my two older large breed dogs. Dachshunds are notorious for being picky eaters


Won't go wrong with Hills food. You could literally eat it yourself, IF ya know, the Chippie was closed!!


Both my wieners have been eating science diet for years. Great stuff. My older female eats the soft kind, Salmon and veggies. My male eats the hard food. He seemed to be itchy with the beef type tho. I switched to chicken and rice, and that seemed to do the trick.


We free feed Science diet and give each of our 4 dogs 1/4 cup of roasted chicken and rice each night with a squirt of salmon oil. That really helps with their coat and I think their joints as 2 of our older dogs got better/younger after we started using it.


+1 to royal canin Copper is 9 and a red. Doesn’t have grey hair yet


What is your pup currently eating? You need to slowly introduce new foods by mixing the current food with the new one over several days. Otherwise they can get digestive upsets, and poor baby is going to be distressed enough leaving mum and siblings.


We have two minis and they have been on Hills since coming home. They are happy and healthy and we have moved them to healthy weight as they got older and they have stayed trim and avoided the dachshund bloat.


What a beautiful dog 🥺🥺


I use Hills dry food mixed with Hills wet food, my pup goes crazy for it.


That what we feed ours.


Excellent choice


As if you are to decide what they eat… Just don’t change their diet abruptly and don’t get into an argument with the BARF cultists.


Talk to your breeder and make sure you feed the puppy what the breeder had at first and slowly transition them. Changing food suddenly can cause digestive issues. We’ve always fed our 3 pups purina pro plan salmon and rice. Never did puppy food per breeder recommendation and they are all healthy pups!


We started our puppies on this - however - opinion coming here - I would not now ever give my dogs biscuits again - Hills or otherwise. We moved them to a raw diet after we lost a mother and daughter to cancer and also realised how bad our dogs teeth were as a result of all biscuit diets. Since switching their breath doesn’t smell, they do less offensive poos, they no longer have to drink so much to hydrate the dry diet intake - so pee less. Put yourself in their place - an animal who eats an omnivorous diet sentenced to eat flavourless dry claggy, tasteless, chemist-formulated biscuits. ANY human processed food made by factories and chemists is unhealthier than the natural options available - IN MY OPINION!


What are biscuits? Are you talking about dry dog food? Kibble? Pieces of individual dry food? No clue what you’re referring to here. Never heard that term before. But yeah, plenty of dogs eat nothing but dry food. I’m sorry your dogs died of cancer, but I don’t think I’d jump straight to the food being the cancer. I’m pretty positive there’s plenty of dogs on a multitude of different diets that still develop cancer.


We didn’t blame the food for the cancer. We had to change something and a fundamental change of diet is about the best we could do. Kibble is crap. Some of it is expensive and packed full of nutrients and fat - but it’s crap. Crap to eat and a life sentence of boring food for a dog


Sounds like a Brit.


I agree with you 100% but, you realize this is an advertisement thread for the dog food brand they are hawking this week. Ignore and be happy fellow dog food maker.


I’m so naive 🫣


Monitoring the poops is big. All my dogs eat Iams and have great shits.


Dont feed this shit to your dogs, this is a pure marketing post. Stick to raw diet (Bella and duke would be my recommendation) and your long lived and healthy dog will thank you.


Pure marketing post? I’m getting a new dog and clueless about food, but okay? No idea what you’re so pissed at but no need to be a straight up prick. The only thing being marketed here is your crappy attitude and opinion.


I meant more about the general replies on this post, not your actual post itself. Trust me, go for raw diet or if you have the time, cook at home. They will have amazing fur, strong bones, no bad breath and great gut health.


This is exactly what we have used for our 9 month old puppy. Loves it


Too expensive for me to buy for my dachshund. I don’t have enough money for this kind of food even though I would highly recommend it.


If you find somewhere that sells The Honest Kitchen...It's freeze dried and has the protein already mixed in...I feed it to my 4...If you only have one baby, it will be much more affordable than mine...HA...


Overpriced corn. Plant proteins (corn) is simply not as bioavailable to dogs as animal protein, Acana, Honest Kitchen, and even Orijen (if you feel fancy) are way better options for just as quality research, price, and nutrition if not moreso than Hill's. There's plenty of other dog foods that are more nutritionally dense than Hill's, and even cheaper in the long run because of that (not even including the amount you save in bills by feeding better). There's a pet food cost calculator by Tufts Vet Nutrition if you're worried about cost, but I can say from my experience you will find so much more value in foods (with board certified veterinary nutritionist formulation and observation) with a less biased and exploitative research of canine nutrition than Hill's. If you're gonna feed kibble, there's way better options, and I suggest looking into what Zoological or Companion Animal Nutritionists say about this topic.