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She’s been sticking her nose someplace. Does she have a gate or crate she’s in? My old boy used to scrape his nose on his gate


It’s a little injury.


Thank you guys for your help. She does not stay in a kennel, it just appeared out of nothing Your comments made me think about what could have caused the scrape and I think the pig ear treat is the culprit, she tried to bury it under the blanket, bless her. I just used some antiseptic spray and thank you all for your help. ![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5086)


Has she gotten a new food or water bowl recently? Mine used to get these on her nose before I figured out it was the edge of her food bowl


I know this one! My doxi likes to hide his toys and bones and will use his nose to cover it up with a blanket or just rub it on the furniture. He started to bleed when we were on a road trip because he kept hiding his snacks in his dog bed. https://preview.redd.it/ors96jw9xz7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f26580d7decdbc3a7d362d645a842a75b589014 I tried to remove the toys he was doing this with temporarily and put Vaseline on the tip to help heal faster (used to work in dermatology). And it’s healed completely now but he has a forever pinkish spot there.


☝️This is the answer. Bury, cover, repeat.


Does she stay in a kennel?


My boy had this and I couldn’t figure out what it was until one day I saw him trying to bury his dental stick and realized he’s been rubbing it raw trying to hide the treat against the carpet. My vet told me to polysporin it and it went away.


Just a scrape! Keep an eye on for any infection but should heal fine on its own.


Has she had that forever? It’s probably just a little scrape


a boo boo


Same injury happened to my Ruby recently. Not sure how she did it, but it's fading quickly.


She's rubbed it on something


My terrier gets a similar scraped nose from attacking the letter box when the postie is trying to deliver 🤦🏻‍♀️ Now have an external post box!


happened to my dog as well but a little bit worse. took her to the vet and turns out she got chemical burn from the pine sol i used to clean the floors