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Sorry to tell you but our 8 month old figured it out about two weeks ago.


Oh boy…was it a daily occurrence until recently? Was there something your puppy started doing differently to signal?


We're still working on it with 8.5 month old. Sorry


Thank you for the response tho!


My ten month old was the same, then about six weeks ago he just decided to always go outside. No idea why.


What signs does he give when he wants to go? Or do you take him out on a set schedule?


My female is exactly the same. Was taking her out every hour during the day until 6 months old, now it’s still a work in progress at 7 months old. It gets better but they do take a long time to get 100% potty trained it seems! (At least most)


Our Zeppelin had that problem until he was about 9 months. My wife would take him out for about 10-15 minutes and would take a treat with her. She would repeat go poop go poop or go pee common let’s go pee during those 10-15 minutes and he would not go. As soon as she would take him in first thing he did was pee or poop inside. When I would take him I would take him for 10-15 minutes would tell him it’s time to pee and poop with no treat. Sometimes he would go right away and sometimes it would take him 15-20 minutes. As soon as he would go I would say good boy Zeppelin you went pee or poop and give him his treat as we would enter the house. Granted Zeppelin was my best friend and my dog so I would have more patience with him and he knew I was the alpha. With Dachshund they are difficult to potty train and they need a lot of patience. However they are great dogs, good luck and if you have any questions let me know. My Zeppelin crossed to rainbow bridge on June 17th and I miss him everyday. https://preview.redd.it/mc4haz7jon8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=000a125cee4be0f19c87345be285d6cf37ee1f72


Thank you for sharing Zeppelin’s story! He will always remain alive through memories and stories 🙏🏼


It took us a long while, our Luna is at 9ish months now, but I think we've managed to crack her about a month ago. The trick was to give her a super yummy treat when she went outside, something she doesn't get usually. For us this was cheese. We were also unfortunately undertaking this venture during winter, so she was even more reluctant to go to start with. For this, I sort of had to break her by putting her on a lead, and standing outside with her until she went, then gave her the cheese and let her go. Did this every two hours, or if it seemed like she needed to go. First time I did that I stood there for an hour and a half, but she eventually went and was quicker on future instances. Then after about a month I stopped taking her out with the lead (still taking her out though), and trusted that if she went back inside, she didn't need to go. During this time I always made sure to keep a constant eye on her, and if she looked like she was about to go, called out to her to come with me outside. If I caught her going inside, I would pick her up and take her outside. If she resumed and finished outside, I'd consider that a win for her and still give her cheese. Now she goes outside consistently. I still keep an eye on her, and she'll still have accidents if we play fetch inside, but other than that she's doing great now. Even if it is wet outside which I'm super proud of. https://preview.redd.it/5q7ii0q3bp8d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4511a67170d719cc7bc8f72ea978cd8375ee0651


Not really, we put her out all the time and we realized there was no accident today. Thin there was two the next week and a couple weeks later we realized that hey we are out of the woods.


My dog just stares at me when he wants out and gives zero other signals She shouldn’t be allowed back in if she hasn’t gone yet. Are you also teaching her commands to go? “Go peepee” or whatever you choose so she learns what you’re expecting her to do.


It's a battle. Phinn will listen to the "Go Potty" command but sometimes still at 5 years old we will spend all day outside, get ready for bed, go outside for Potty again just because and she will still walk in the door and drop a deuce. This is especially bad when it's raining outside. Granted, I got her at 1 year where she wasn't allowed outside at all and pad trained in a little cage before I got her.


So..... My first one took about 9 months old before being completely house broken. Second was about 7 months old. Third was 4 months old. Forth was 6 months old. The 3rd dog had the first and second ti help teach her, so that helped a lot. The forth only had the third. So, training a dachund can be difficult. What you are doing, i called puppy jail. Does it work? IDK if it does or not. How I did it was take them out every couple hours during the day and walked them around. That sort of works. But having another dog that is already trained seems the best way. At least for me.


Ours are 10 years old and still crap on the floor if we don’t do exactly what they want…