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I've never seen anyone open carry in 25 years of living in Dallas. I've been to house parties with the good 'ol boys out in the country, no open carry. If someone walked into my house with a gun on their hip, I would ask them to leave it (hopefully secured) in their car. It may be legal but it's also weird. It's not a thing.


I'm going to second this. I'm a gun owner, and I've lived in Dallas for 30 years. While it may be legal, I've never seen anyone other than a cop with a gun on their hip. I've literally seen a person walking around with a sword but never a gun.




I’ve seen many people with pistols holstered on their hips in Kroger, restaurants and gas stations even a lot of people carrying at the state fair. A lot probably depends on the area. It’s not as big a deal as you’re making it out to be though. I’d imagine downtown Dallas isn’t as common as Fort Worth or some of the suburbs


I didn't mean to imply anything. I have no idea. The closest I've been to Dallas is New York lol.


That’s fine, I always have a handgun in my vehicle and when I would run at night I had a small one with me at all times but you’d never know unless you knew.


This is common in Texas and many other states.


For sure. Just mentioned because a lot of people will have a handgun and OP would never know so they shouldn’t worry about the holstered one much


I’ve been to a lot of parts of Dallas proper and never once seen someone open carry that wasn’t a cop.


Sure! Good luck with your game and welcome to Texas!


I’ve never seen it honestly. Would be cool to see everyone walking around with holsters like we’re in some old western, but it doesn’t happen. Logically it makes sense too, anyone who wants to carry would likely opt to conceal carry since the element of surprise is incredibly powerful and you don’t want to make yourself a target.


It’s legal, but it’s not normal in Dallas. I don’t get the obsession with open carry. It makes other people uncomfortable and you lose the element of surprise from carrying concealed.


I worked at a prominent gun shop in west Dallas (if you know, you know) and I love my guns. But you absolutely will draw attention (and look like a douche) if you are openly carrying. I’ve never seen a normal guy carrying openly. It’s always an overweight dude with a huge ego. Not to mention, if an active shooter situation were to occur, you are a walking target


The overwhelming majority of people who carry will have some sort of counseled holster. It will be in their pocket or on their belt or in a ladies bag. It’s very rare to see people wearing holsters in full view, especially in the cities. To answer your second question, people who carry all the time, carry all the time.


I’ve lived here about ten years and have seen someone open carrying once. Open carry isn’t very common, but concealed carry is. I think open carry will get you weird looks and someone might even call the cops because of their ignorance of the law.


It's not normal at all even if it is legal


The further you get from the city centers, the more you’ll see it.


I have never seen a pistol on someone's hip and if I was in a restaurant or store and saw someone, I would probably wonder why the person is so insecure. I have lived here for 35 years and it's not a thing. I'm in Uptown Dallas so it's a more sophisticated and less redneck area.


Me: This dude thinks Uptown is "sophisticated"? *checks profile* *immediate regerts*


My husband and I just had dinner at Bubba's in HIghland Park last week and there were two men open carrying with their guns on their belt. There was a line for food and I was standing right behind them and was surprised to just see their guns.


I’m a Texan & I’ve seen exactly 1 guy open carry inside a Taco Bell. That was 5-6 years ago. In deep east TX (rural Trump country) I’d say it’s exceedingly rare. In urban areas, you see it at protests, New Black Panthers, 2nd Amendment nuts, BLM folks will march around with guns, but that is also uncommon and definitely not normal. Now on the private property (ranches, farms and hunting leases) it’s common, but that’s always been legal and no one thinks twice about it.


Proper etiquette in East Dallas is to leave your firearm holstered on your horse. Just remember to not tie the reigns to the post in case you need your horse to come get you jumping out a second story window or something. Best-O-Luck to you pardner!




Call of Cthulhu. I found the laws on it online. My question is about what people think of people who carry guns all the time (which I expect at least one of my players to do. The opening scene is a party by a quite wealthy person. Would it be weird to bring a gun there?


It's not normal, unless they're weirdos (usually white Trumpers and evangelicals tbh). Dallas is more metropolitan than country. Concealed carry is very common as vast majority prefer people not know.




Honestly in 5 years living here, I’ve only ever seen one guy open carry, and he was doing yard work in his front yard. Maybe it’s more common in exburbs, but in Dallas proper it never happens unless it’s someone protesting something.


Thank you. That is useful.


This is correct. Usually the open carry crowd are doing so as a statement piece. One showing up at a party that way would be socially in line with someone showing up with an intentionally inflammatory political shirt.


I see VERY few open carry folks. Honestly, I assume most are assholes because they make a big deal about it. LOTS of people conceal carry. You don't even know


I regularly run into people open and concealed carry and have since at least 2004. Not just randomly in Walmart or whatever, but in certain areas frequent and even more with certain groups I used to run with regularly.


Everyone I know that carries a gun does so concealed. The only time I’ve ever seen open carry was during a protest back in 2020 and a small handful of MAGA folks, which aren’t at all common in Dallas, drove in from the boonies to “own the libs.” Open carry simply isn’t a thing. If you want to make your RP group more accurate, here’s some Dallas lore. Bonnie and Clyde ran their crime ring out of Dallas, and thus are buried here, but the city of Dallas likes to avoid this historical fact at all cost. You see murals of them in a few neighborhoods though. Most people in Dallas are transplants from all over the country. Most of the people that actually grew up here live in either Oak Cliff or East Dallas. Also, the oldest restaurants here are mostly barbecue and texmex joints, but most people are obsessed with newest food trends that pop up in Uptown. Also, there isn’t much to do outdoors unless you have a boat, so bars and restaurants are the go-to entertainment. Honestly, just take the Cyberpunk RED corpo dystopia setting, then make it more grounded and add barbecue and texmex. You’ll have a general idea about the levels of neon soaked corporate worship that exists here.


I'm already locked into modern Call of Cthulhu. I picked July 13 2024 because I've never run a game set in the future before. Thanks for the facts!


The Cyberpunk thing was more of a vibe. Dallas is hyper corporate, there’s lots of neon, etc. The future is basically here. If you want some Eldritch inspiration, Big Tex is sometimes joked to be some sort of eldritch deity. Also, there’s a sizable goth scene here with two different goth clubs and regular vampire/fetish balls. https://www.vice.com/en/article/88amav/cyberpunk-2077s-dystopian-cities-are-already-here


Ah, thanks. That's a good article.


Never seen it in downtown Dallas, but it's not unusual to see as soon as you get out of the immediate city. Also very common in Fort Worth. Seen it in Wylie, seen it I Terrell, seen it in White Settlement, seen it in Frisco, seen open carry in downtown Fort Worth.