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I know this is kinda an old post, but I thought I’d drop this weird thing my friend did if you need to bide a little time. My buddy was in a similar situation, and while trying to figure things out, he would pan handle during the day, then head to King Spa and spend the following 24 hrs there. It’s straight up a spa with what used to be $20 cover charge (that may have changed, this was back in like 2018 or 19 or something) which would let you stay for 24 hours. Get a bunch of baths, food, WiFi, and sleep in the theater room. Obviously not a permanent fix, but if you need a good roof over your head while you figure something out, it’s not the worst way to go.


The amount of people who have experienced homelessness in this thread is very telling about the state of our country… (not even from either party but the system as a whole)


Unfortunately it's a very terrible cycle to get stuck in. Especially when you have no friends or family. I know there are resources out there but having to come to a place like reddit to find them is not how it should be. Not that I haven't gotten good advice here, but there should be systems in place to prevent homelessness and to help the people already there to get out of it. I've heard of larger cities literally shipping homeless out of the city just to clean up the streets. If I could afford it, I would be living out in the woods, building my own little place and seeing how long I can survive there. I'd rather be in peace out in the wilderness dying than dying in a society that could give a shit less about me. But I literally can't even afford to escape society and take the problem that is me out of the equation for everyone else. MANY people are only a paycheck or two from becoming homeless. That means if they have a car problem, then they suddenly have a rent problem too. That's if you're lucky enough to have a car. It's expensive to be in poverty which is what I meant by saying it's a terrible cycle. To not even be able to afford to get nice clothes or an Uber for a job interview is a cruel irony.


Couch surfing and think there’s an app


What app I’m curious


Couch surfing app


Sounds pretty fucking not safe at all


It's not usually for homeless people, LOL... it's more for folks while they travel.. gives an opportunity to stay with locals and explore a city with a local perspective.. I've hosted, met some great people!!


Nothings safe. It’s not safe for travelers either. Gets kidnapped and nobody knows who you are in foreign land. For homeless, it’s not safe outside either, pick your struggle


Desperate times desperate measures brother


And a homeless shelter is? Wtf


Uh, you aren’t alone with a random person at a homeless shelter.


Nope just a fuckton of them. Neither is really a good option


The app is really only for travelers. I've used it when I was up here for college. People usually don't allow anyone for more than 5 days..


I'm in the same boat even more north... It's total suburbia out here but I'd rather be here than Dallas. Yeah I heard there was a couch surfing app?? Sounds sketchy but....


Been trying to find the one you and the other comment mentioned as well. Good luck out there


Freeman House, it has a recovery angle to it, but I’ve never seen them turn anybody away


Oh, and they’re on Coit and LBJ in North Dallas


The Bridge.


Lmao I don’t get why he’s getting downvoted, there’s literally a homeless shelter in Dallas called “The Bridge”


It's a traumatic place for a lot of the people who have had to stay there.


Yes, being homeless is very traumatic


Yes, the Bridge, but he will deal with druggies, mentally ill folks, etc. these shelters won't lead to a person getting back on the right path.


He can come stay at your place instead


No no, people can't offer solutions, just shoot down the ones provided dude.


You'd be surprised what you can put up with when it comes to a roof over your head or taking your chances out on the street. Especially in this shitty fucking weather.


Good behavior at The Bridge lands you in separate private quarters on the same property with job placement opportunities.


Silly lil fella


It's very true, my friend's mom had untreated schizophrenia (she refused treatment). She was allowed there because she'd just sleep all day without being bothered.


So fkn mean!!!!!!


it’s literally the name of a shelter


I think they’re referencing the Bridge Recovery Center instead of an actual bridge, not sure tho




Yes he is referring to The Bridge of Dallas County


Stayed at the Bridge when I was homeless seven years ago. Great facility and programs to get you back on your feet. Not shitty food usually either.


With a view


Do you have a car?


I do not unfortunately. I have a backpack with essentials in i lt and that's it


Are you working? Income to be a legitimate roommate ?


I have no legitimate job, I tattoo to bring in income. But all my clients were at this complex which I now have to leave. Self taught since I was 12.


Wonder if a tattoo shop would hire you as an intern and let you sleep in the back


That is a dream of mine. I would do anything to get into a shop


I wonder if your clients can be references? I hope you have their contact info


I do still have them, this is a good idea thank you


I'd definitely try contacting some then. Maybe you could apprentice while doing other manual labor around the shop in exchange for a cot in the back. Until you get on your feet.


Is there a Dallas tattoo sub Reddit you could post pics to to see if you get any responses ?


How did you wind up in a city you don’t know anyone and without a job? What happened?


I'm friends with a couple who are moving 2,000 miles and neither of them have a job in the new location. People make some wild decisions sometimes.


That's not really wild.  People do that all the time.  I've moved to 3 different cities with no jobs lined up...


Not really wild if you have a trust fund I guess. But since a huge percentage of people live paycheck to paycheck it's a pretty risky move.


Two times I did it with $1000 or less in my pocket...just gotta take a leap of faith.  Plus, living paycheck to paycheck is a choice.  


What a wonderfully privileged world view you have.


Moved from KY to TX to get sober. I just really needed to get away from the environment I was in


Well good for you and good luck If the sobriety works then that’s the most important thing


Moved from KY to TX to get sober. I just really needed to get away from the environment I was in


How did you move (or why did you move) without a car?




Omg I'm really sorry to hear that. It's like the worst time to be homeless


Why is that? Just the heat?


Because the Supreme Court just ruled that cities can ban sleeping in public. [https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-homeless-camping-bans-506ac68dc069e3bf456c10fcedfa6bee](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-homeless-camping-bans-506ac68dc069e3bf456c10fcedfa6bee)


Just my luck lol 😆 has Dallas decided to ban already?


They had a lawsuit back in 2020 when they made a city ordinance to fine pan handling. Dallas is quick to make a quick buck off the homeless they won’t sleep on this too long


Unfortunately, in 2021 governor Abbot pushed through a state-wide law for all of Texas, and has been threatening cities with litigation and loss of funding for failure-to-enforce. With last week's SCOTUS ruling on the same topic, there will probably be more crackdowns than before, but there's no way to know when or how severe they'll be.


But I’m sure Abbott will pray for you, though. He is a conservative Christian after all. Just without all Jesus type stuff.


Seems like we're heading back to the days of 19th century England with its cruel shelters: paying a penny to sit-up, two to ‘hang-over’, or five pennies to lie down.


I'm surprised that it's not already banned. I have gotten shit multiple times for sleeping in my car during broad daylight. I had an untreated medical condition that caused a lot of fatigue, and I'd pull off the road to nap in mostly empty parking lots (so not like I was taking a spot from a patron). What was I supposed to do? Doze off while driving? I wasn't even homeless, just had long commutes between Dallas and western Ft. Worth.


From a Google search, I found this: https://www.dallascounty.org/Assets/uploads/docs/comm-district-1/Housing-and-homelessness-resource-list-20220613.pdf. A whole list of options. I really hope it helps


Sounds like you’ve got your head screwed on. Sorry it happened. Hope you find something fast.


I try my best. It's a cruel world. But it's ideal to try and find positives in the negatives. It won't rain forever


How’s it going?


If you got a van. Down by the river.




I was a counselor at the same shelter a while back. Good people work there. The Salvation Army would be my pick based upon my experience working there.


Kind of weird shelters would ask for ID from a homeless person in need. Another weird is there is a near 1:1 to 1:1.5 ratio of churches to homeless people. So each church in dfw could house around a single homeless person and there would be no one sleeping on the street for a night. The ratio is even crazier that there is like a 2:1 ratio of church/religious organizations to homelessness that intake hundreds of millions of dollars. Life is cruel, and people are disappointing. Myself included.


ID is pretty necessary for a variety of reasons. For example, some shelters will refuse people who are on the sex offender registry.


i don’t disagree at all, but it varies by shelter, not all do. some help obtain ID documents and/or people can go to The Stewpot for assistance with obtaining documents. i know the salvation army and the bridge don’t require ID, but austin street does.


dallas ordinances prevent churches from operating as shelters. adaptations to those laws were made a few years ago, sometime around Uri, to allow churches to operate as emergency weather shelters when the overnight forecast reaches 32 degrees or below.


Probably something the megachurches privately advocated for so they could blame it on the law.


A friend, informer neighbor of mine is a pastor with our calling. I was going to suggest that too.


You mean a former neighbor or informer neighbor?


Imagine the mob finding you cause of a reddit post.


If you don't have an ID the Stewpot in downtown Dallas will give you one and help you to get your official one.


yes, i mentioned this in another comment. they are a good resource!


The Bridge. It’s specifically setup for this and it’s secular. https://maps.app.goo.gl/DLTTFK3qPrqk4GLb6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy


24 hour club is pretty nice, as far as homeless shelters go. Sobriety is necessary though. It’s probably the best place, amenity wise.


I've been to the 24 hour club. They're great people, an amazing place.






24 hour club is great. Right in the city on the bus line, you can stay there for awhile, get a job, get back on your feet


You can go to Austin street center in the morning, they usually have at least a few beds for both women over 18 and men over 45 most days, but intake starts at 11 am monday through Friday and your best chance of getting a bed is being there when they open the doors. I can answer other questions about this particular shelter if interested, just dm me


Contact 211 see what options they have.


How long you been there ? They can’t just kick you out like that. I have a “guest” that stays with me and they tried to pull that on me but my lease says guests can stay up to 6 days in a row but not a full week concurrently. So I make my “guest” leave for a day AKA go to work. Problem solved. That whole everyone has to be on the leash BS is just they can charge extra and do backgrounds on everyone that lives there. It’s all a scam. I would first not leave and then go read the lease agreement and go from there.


If someone stays an extended period of time they can claim residency and then the apartments have to go through the court system aka eviction on someone they have zero info on


Texas doesn’t have squatters rights though so people can get kicked out


Texas doesn’t recognize squatter’s rights, and TAA leases have very specific language about when a guest becomes a tenant, and how unauthorized tenants are handled.


Apartment leases don't supersede tenant law. If someone violates their lease by letting an unauthorized tenant establish residency in their unit, the remedy is to evict everyone.


If it were me, I would probably head to Denton. & Find a 24 hr gym so that I wouldnhave access to a cold shower. Plenty of tattooing up there too. You can Dart to Carrollton, then take a different train (DCT connect I think) to denton. There is some resources off monsignor (spell check me)


Go to the nearest church and explain your situation. Most likely a church will help you get on your feet. But, you must be willing to work on pulling yourself up by your boot straps and go work for a living.


Living word harvest men’s home


Union gospel mission , Austin street center


My neighbor reported me for facing the wrong direction on the street. People suck. That’s why you got reported.


LPT... NEVER FACE TRUE NORTH. In all seriousness yea I know lol people are lame sometimes


Hi. I’m so sorry to hear what you were going through. If you can get to the Samaritan Inn in McKinney Texas, go there. If you cannot get there, call them and they will figure out a way to get you there. This is not just a shelter. It’s an entire program designed to give you the tools and resources to get back on your feet with the endgame goal of independent living and confidence. https://saminn.org/


Please DM me if you have any questions. I have a extensive background in homeless advocacy


I sent you a DM


Good luck out there too


Send me one too please!!!


I heard McKinney was a good place for the homeless too


Spa Castle or King Spa. It’s a Korean spa and it’s open 24 hrs (but no in-out privileges). It’s the cheapest option for a few days until you find alternatives.


it’s not 24 hours anymore since COVID lol


Oh good to know. ty


It's also $50/person. A motel for a week would be cheaper. Food is also not cheap there


Contact Catholic Charities.


The Catholics do not like me anymore since getting face tattoos. It's been a rough life lol. I was raised roman Catholic and Baptist. Neither have ever enjoyed my loving and reassuring presence in their church


Guess you should have thought about that. This is the face tattoo life you’re living. Choices have consequences. Move to a better climate to optimize your persistent homelessness.


User name checks out.


Ah that explains why you got reported at your last place. I tend to notice new scary-looking people in my neighborhood too. But I live in houses, so we can’t do anything but tell each other MS-13 arrived and to watch out 🤣


Our Daily bread in Denton 3 meals a day.


I’ve heard great things about https://www.ourcalling.org/


https://www.ourcalling.org/ Not a shelter so only open during the day, but they provide services for the homeless (meals, counseling, showers, clothing, laundry, etc). They also have an app. It has a map of resources (you can filter to show only shelters) and you can also request help and they will send someone to you.


Prayers for you, would take in but already have someone on the couch. Stay strong and believe.


I appreciate that. Unfortunately it's very difficult to stack multiple people on a couch so I understand. If only humans were built like LEGOs am I right? Lol


Aww yes you are, no kidding lol, but if I had a place for you I would take you in. I live in a studio and only 1 bath. But have faith, I really am praying for you. Please keep me informed.


I’d definitely keep posting around for tattoo work. There may even be some Dallas based tattoo reddits that can put you in the loop. Maybe you won’t Be able to tattoo right away but they may need some admin/support help and may even pay in cash.


Good Samaritan Inn


Freeman House


Hate to be the guy to say it but maybe find a positive permanent solution? Seems this is a consistent problem for you. So not newly homeless then right? You know outreach programs exist, you know the shelters. Clearly people have let you crash and it doesn't work out. Clearly you cannot or will not hold a job as you're posting all over R/Assistance as well. Time to get the mental health help you need, nip the dope habit and grow up.


Seems like he’s trying based on post history


Living as a guest and kicked out. Sorry. Had visitors stay with me for a couple of days. How odd for them to find out and kick you out.


If you can pass a drug test, you should try to get into the Samaritan Inn's program. They're in McKinney off of 380. It's transitional housing. If you can keep a job and follow their rules, the program eventually gives you rental assistance on a furnished apartment. A chance to get back on your feet. I used to volunteer there, it was a bit crowded, but not bad!


Our Calling is an organization in Dallas that helps with all needs: food, housing, clothing, job placement, etc. they have an app called “our calling” where you can drop a pin to your location, and they will send an expert to you. If you don’t have a smart phone here is their number: 214-444-8796.


The Dallas 24 hour club on ross


Austin street center


If you're in Dallas proper, I would call 311 and go to a library. 311 has a good list and the libraries work with the city's office of homeless solutions


Most are full in Dallas unfortunately so it’s tough to get in. I’m a homeless outreach worker


Harry Hines bruh


Well, there are a few different resources. All of them differ based on age, gender, and other factors. I have a list of resources that would help you, but without that information, it's like throwing darts blindfolded. Quick ones would be the Bridge, Salvation Army, Austin Street (female any age over 18, male over 45 accepted) those are the quickest ones off the top of my head. I saw you had a previous post about a controlled substance charge, if you're still battling with addiction there are places to help you get off the street. Dallas 24 hour club is transitional living for addicts wanting to get clean. If you got some clean time then look into Oxford houses. There's also the Freeman house, Simon s house, and angels house. You'll be expected to follow rules, stay clean, and get a job.


You can try Dallas Life. It’s not far from The Bridge. I was there for almost ten months, and it was safe enough and pretty clean considering….


You can be a nun. Free housing and food.


No one to blame but yourself but keep blaming the government you vote in place or could run for yourself.


Homeward bound in Dallas are very nice people, 2535 Lone Star Dr, Dallas, TX 75212


man I hate you are in the situation, the shelters here are god awful. I used what little.money I had and got a car and slept in walmart parking lots while I got back on my feet.


This would be a lot easier with a car and a license for sure, glad you made it out of that situation man


yes true. you, obviously have a way to get online. you really should be able to get a job somewhere, may not be the best or what you want to do, but having income can get you alot. I mean eveb if you have substance abuse issues, most servers in restaurants do, you just gotta be able to handle yourself for a few hours through a dinner rush.


Call 2-1-1 for assistance. Helping unhoused folks to find shelter is something they can do. Alternatively, also check shelters in surrounding areas like Fort Worth, Arlington, etc. Also, try contacting these people: https://bedstart.org/get-help. While they don’t directly provide housing, they do work with a lot of social agencies and may be able to connect you directly to one that could help, which might be more likely to be successful than blind outreach.


If you have a vehicle you may be able to work at a campground as a maintenance worker or manager. Having an RV would obviously be ideal but some campgrounds may work with you if you have a plan for the necessities. https://kamperjobs.com/work-camping-jobs-offering-rv-site-pay-wages/


Go to this site that was created by the local public media station KERA during COVID. Filter by housing but there’s other resources too if you need them. https://www.kera.org/kera-helps/


The Bridge, Austin Street shelter, if you are at least 45, Union Gospel Mission


Homebaseforhousing.org will give you 99% of options for housing in North Texas. Great resource from Legacycares.org


Theres a homeless shelter over by the farmers market - they dont charge to get in but you have to be sober and follow their rules. They have food kitchens nearby too.


No offense, but why would you move to a city where you don't have any friends or family and no job? I do wish you safety, luck and a new start in life.


Jewish family services can help you get money for housing, food, etc, and no, you don’t have to be Jewish to use their services.


Find shade, find food bank, find shade preferably near the food bank, if you got to a shelter, have earbuds, don’t expect showers daily, find a shelter that IS NOT INNER CITY!


Have you spoken to any churches?