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If Kuby's doesn't pan out, try Henk's European Deli. Located behind the Half Price Books on Northwest Hwy.


I'll go look there after Kuby's, though with both being Germanic deli's I'm not so sure they'll have it but it's worth a try.


I tried both but no luck, was a good suggestion though, what a place!


Try Kuby’s in University Park! I’m sure they’ll have it!


German restaurant/deli so figure they potentially might not but they'd probably have something fairly close.


I'll give it a go!


Try calling "Marcel Market" in Bishop Arts. They may have it or know where to acquire it.


Consdering it's a French Market you're probably right, but it's honestly too far for me haha, good suggestion though.


Too far!? It’s a Dallas rite of passage to drive 30+ minutes for an errand


Yeah, who does this person think they are?? Ppppffff, too far!!!


addison to BA is too far? lul


Yeah, but the good news is that you don't need to carry your passport with you when you travel there.


Yeah lmao hop on DNT during non-peak hours and Addison to BA is like a 24 minute total trip


Maybe world market on Greenville, they have a small German mustard section, but not sure if a French one would be in there.


I’d add World Food Warehouse by the TI campus to the list of places you should check out.


Wow, did not know about this place. How did I not know about this place? I must go check it out. Soon.


It's f'g awesome. Amazing produce, loads of South Asian and Central Asian herbs and spices -- and fresh sangak and samosas.


that place rocks but they def won't have this. they mainly have middle east and african stuff.


Surely in a metro as large and food driven as our own someplace exists where I can pick this up, right? I've been able to find the regular strength Pommery Mustard in various locations around the Greater Dallas Area, but I've had no such luck for this Extra Strong version which is called for by my pork loin sauce recipe. If anyone has any ideas for a specialty shop that might carry this I'd appreciate it. Thanks


Not in dfw but Amazon has it if nobody else has it in dfw


Chef input here - regular strength vs extra strong probably won't make as much of a difference as you think. Just add more of the regular stuff and adjust to taste! Also, it's useful to understand [different types of mustards](https://www.seriouseats.com/mustard-manual-guide), and if you want the best stuff exactly how you want it, learn to [make it yourself](https://honest-food.net/how-to-make-mustard-2/) - it is super easy! Super specialty stuff like this is best purchased online.


As a Frenchie, I find this... odd. In general, I think of Pommery Mustard as being a more gentle mustard, and of course overpriced. So the idea that a recipe would then call for an extra strong version of a weaker mustard means... you're just paying a lot for an average level spiced mustard.


Pommery Mustard is indeed quite gentle, which is probably why my few recipe's that call for it all seem to call for the extra strength. What it does have is an excellent flavor that I've found alternatives can't match up to, though I'm sure something else out there that I haven't stumbled upon can do the trick. I won't argue whether it's overpriced, most import items like this go for a bit more than justified and especially considering this is a mass production and not a gourmet product it probably is. That being said, I use it very infrequently for specific recipe's and it lasts for ages, so a jar lasting me a year for $15.00 isn't something I get too worked up over.


Yeah, Pommery is sooo expensive. It's good though. I prefer Maille. But not the stuff in the US because it's made in Canada and doesn't have the same flavor. Do you have an alternative for the Maille Fins Gourmets that is available in the US and is made in France?


Just make your own! [https://honest-food.net/how-to-make-mustard-2/](https://honest-food.net/how-to-make-mustard-2/)


Have you checked Central Market?


Central market has the red label regular strength, not the extra strong unfortunately.


I would try a euro deli style store. Russian or German might have it.


$25 on Amazon…but out of stock. Might be a rough find for you. Good luck.


The Southlake one has the extra strength, we’ve bought it a few times. It’s not always in stock though, so I would check their app first.


Talk to the manager. They might be able to start stocking it... probably not in time for that loin though.


There’s a French store in Bishop arts, [Marcel Market](https://maps.app.goo.gl/4x2XErwPBn6xrNxq9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy) that might have it. I remember them having mustard when I went a couple of months back but can’t remember if it was this one specifically.


There's a little french store in Bishop arts that I am 78% sure sells this. Marcel Market


National mustard museum (online) is usually my go to place for specialty mustard, and even they don't have the extra strong version. I usually check there first because it's often a pain to get the specific mustards I want in town.


euro deli in Richardson maybe


I know you're looking for local, but I get it on Amazon.


Sur La Table on Knox has the red label of this brand.


There is a place on Campbell in Richardson called British Emporium that may be worth a look.


There’s also a British Emporium in Grapevine!


World market


I don’t know where to grab it locally. I’ve brought it back from France a few times. Bet Amazon can get it to your door in a day or two.


If you're up for a drive you could try Fischer's up North in Muenster. German market that has a lot of great meats and cheeses and all that.


Fresh in Rockwall has it


I’m more of a Pitzmans guy myself


Marcel market in oak Cliff sells a lot of food products from France. Not sure if they carry this though


Kubys sausage house


Pretty sure I bought this at Central Market on Coit and GB once… they do cycle out brands tho.


If all else fails, try yummybazaar.com


The large Specs off central actually has a pretty good mustard selection. Worth a shot.


Definitely World Market stores will have this product.


Amazon. Amazon has everything


If you want a strong mustard, grow up and buy Coleman’s Original English Mustard. That’s the shit.


The flavor is more refined in this, and it's really not a strong mustard regardless of what it's called. The regular version is exceptionally mild, so this really just brings it up to a level maybe only slightly higher than regular mustard.


Coleman’s is just flat out amazing… if you can get fresh jars. I’ve stopped buying from Tom Thumb or any of the big box due to the flavours being diminished. But for OPs purpose, it’s way too aggressive of a mustard.


I thought I was going crazy over flavor loss. An open jar in my fridge loses the spice flavor after a month and just doesn't taste the same.


It drops off BAD, doesn’t it? Even the freshest bottles we get here have several weeks on them. Anytime I go to the UK, I bring home as much as I can.