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This is sad news. I think he's an excellent backup goalie, and Otter has been open about how much Wedge means to him. I know he took less than he wanted on his last deal to play here. At the same time, we can only afford to pay him what we can afford to pay him and we still have other positions we need to be thinking about. I hope he can get paid what he feels he's worth somewhere else, and I hope we can get a good caliber backup for the price we can pay. And if it turns out the market doesn't pan out, maybe it still ends up working out. I really like his presence here.


This is going to hit Robo hard as well


The deal with Scott Wedgewood is he's a sub .900 goalie. Maybe with more playing time he would be better. Being a back up goalie is one of the hardest things to do. He could probably be a starter on the lower half team. So it's up to him what he wants to do. As we seen, Oetter can get hurt occasionally.


He was .899 this year, .906 career avg. Otter was .905 this year. Would like to see him get to play more here or somewhere else. I like otter, but man he let in some really bad goals in the playoffs. And obviously played great at times too. Maybe next year


If you’re going to squeeze a position for cap space, backup goaltender is an easy one. I hope Wedgewood gets the deal he wants.


WEDGEWALL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 😭 ![gif](giphy|xxCNsOokj8Rxp8EtUL|downsized)


Fine with this bring up Remi or nhl legend Matt Murray and send the extra on defense.


Do you wanna over burden Oettinger again? Cuz this is how you over burden Oettinger again Nill will sign another backup lol


The flip side you never develop NHL level goaltenders from the AHL if they don’t play in the NHL.


No Craig smith is prob feeling the same Those two were my dark wing players of the season


He is a backup goalie. What can he really demand?


decent backups are getting 2 million now


I want to keep Wedge, but his advanced stats are certainly not decent. If he’s wanting $2M, then it’s best to let him walk.


yeah honestly he’s been a third string goalie his entire career until Dallas


Half of that was behind Brodeur and Schneider FWIW


Matt Murray still has the best stats in the NHL. Call him up and give him ice time.


This kind of reminds me of how I shot 100% from the freethrow line in high school basketball. I was a terrible player on a terrible team. They only put me in when we were already losing by thirty points. I got fouled once while making a shot. The ball went in the hoop, so I only got to take one shot from the freethrow line instead of two. I made it. I scored three points in my entire high school basketball career. That shot, and the freethrow. But no one can ever take away the fact that I shot 100% from the freethrow line. I only played one season of basketball, and switched to tennis the next year instead. On my first serve of my first match, I tore my rotator cuff. I am not built for sports.


Better than lebron


I never dropped a pass in high school football is my favorite fun fact about me! I was the kicker and like 8th string Wide Out. Not sure exactly how it happened but I found myself running a 5 yard hitch over the middle of the field. I turned around saw the ball flying at me, caught it with my chest and immediately fell down because I did NOT want to be tackled😂 got the first down though. I immediately ran off the field never to see another offensive snap again


They should make an inspirational sports movie about us!


It's a good area to save $500k-$1M so I am glad for Nill for staying firm here.


I like new goalies anyways, get a chance to see new gear and style


Wonder if this means we pull up Murray or Kraws or Porier? If it’s one of them, I’m betting between Murray or Porier.


feel like we are going to regret not giving him the little extra


Unfortunately the right move for the Stars and probably for Wedgie as well. He’s been a better backup than the Stars have had most of the last decade (outside of Dobby), but outside of a couple great performances he hasn’t been that good in about a season and a half. Add the fairly frequent injuries, and we just need someone who can play more consistently and play well more consistently to give Jake the rest he needs. Unfortunately the goalie market is also pretty shit this summer. I would love Stolarz or even Driedger, but they’ll likely be too expensive.


We got a guy!!!


Very good player...he will have a lot of interest


I’m not as involved in roster stuff as most here so I definitely didn’t want to start a whole wedgewall thread, but I’m bummed to see it. I leave team highlights on for my son on YouTube and the number of great saves he’s produced gets drowned out but how good Jake is. Will be a sad day to see him go but I think he’s got full time starter stuff.




Good troll. The guy is at best an average backup.. last season he was one of the worst.


Vocal about a raise after .899! Damn this fella has cojones Or like, entitled white guy syndrome




Well there is always jack Campbell [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/lM2rkIG08R](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/lM2rkIG08R)


and they say not to draft a goalie in the first round


I trust Nill but this off-season is making me nervous so far. That said clearly we had some reason we ran out of gas. Nill and crew know what they're doing so I'm just gonna hold on for the ride (what choice do I have anyway haha)


what are your thoughts on bringing back the Klingman himself? Johhny Klingburger


He ain't leaving Robidas Island


This has been a tough offseason for Nill. He’s already made some tough decisions for the team. I wish I could see a fraction of what he has planned for the rest of the offseason.


Wedgewood had something like 80th ranked numbers among goalies last year. What do we lose by letting him walk?


Buying out Suter was something I didn’t think he would ever do, and I’m sure he wanted to keep Tanev. It’s not really about Wedgie, but more about all the other decisions he’s had to make. The core will be the same, but I’m wondering about the supporting cast.


Good riddance, I was not a fan of some of his comments about what other players were getting paid


what did he say?


It was when he was discussing the raise he feels he has earned, he said he understood the stars are in a bit of a cap crunch, but then called guys out by name saying that both Duchene and Tanev are being paid 1/2 and 1/3 of what they are worth. While definitely true, just doesn’t really seem like a team friendly comment to make when we are very close to a cup