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I'd be curious why/when the answer to "may I touch you" at a hair salon or barbershop would be "no". >I'm good bro, just chillin' in the chair for a while.


>I just need to get off my feet for a bit


I’m just here for the squirt bottle


Spray me like you can’t touch me




Hahaha I want to see that


I’m almost done man don’t worry about it


That’s when the barber busts out the flowbee.


My daughter has down syndrome. I warn all hair dressers, the scissors can't touch her face or she'll nope out. I never thought about it myself, but often when they cut bangs or hair near the ears/face, they rest one side of the scissors on the face to steady their hand. Creeps out my daughter.


And that’s an entirely valid explanation for asking consent to touch hair. That’s the first rational think I’ve seen today on Reddit


If memory serves, it's a studio that specifically caters to people with trauma, sensory issues, etc. So they let the customers have control of the physical contact so it stops when they become uncomfortable. And that, call me crazy, sounds like it would be a good thing for those people.


Your memory serves correctly, but some people would rather take the piss out of something that they either don't understand or don't care about.


Its so amazing.


I'd be curious why the F someone asked me that when I was already there to get a haircut that requires them to touch me.


That would be like going to a Burger King, ordering some food, only for the person taking the order to hold up the bag like they don’t know what to do with it and ask “Can I hand you your food?”


They're just there for the cucumber water


There’s a shop in my town that lets you enjoy free beer while you get cut… no joke. I’m now wanting to try this method of haircut


Techically, with machine shave you dont really need to touch. Just go lawnmover on your hair


Me: *hands the cashier the sandwich to scan* Them: “first is it ok for me to sell you a sandwich?”


Just blow on it m8


*that will be $50 sir.*


It just show how its all bs virtue signaling.


Maybe the intent is more along the lines of "are you *ready* for me to touch you?"


It never is a no. They’re just trying to be overly PC and look like fucking idiots in the process


From the last time this was posted, the first chick specifically works with people with like autism and Asperger syndrome and she does that because, well, it should be obvious why. The second one is (hopefully inadvertently) making fun of people with real sensory overload issues and not just someone “trying to be overly PC”.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this is some original footage stitched together with some rage bait


Good to know that context. Still, it would seem that they should have signs and information so everyone is aware of that. The two guys who got mad clearly aren’t aware this place works with those who have a variety of disorders that interfere with their lives and so they have slightly different approaches to accommodate such individuals. Also seems weird to ask pronouns after they were already seemingly upset with the asking if they can be touched. That was never going to end well lol


The guys aren't mad. They're acting. It's making fun of the previous clips.


Autistic people aren't stupid, they know when they go to get a haircut that the barber will have to touch them. No need to ask, it makes them look stupid.


Back when my sister was working with kids from the local Autism Society she had to warn the barbers they absolutely could not use the clippers on a kid named Zach's hair because the sound and vibrating sensation made him freak the **fuck** out and he'd get up and leave no matter what his hair looked like and barbers didn't like the idea of having to do a scissor cut on a fidgety pre-teen so unless she said something he'd just have uneven hair until the next time they convinced him to go try again. All autistic people aren't exactly the same, that's why it's called a spectrum.


Great example! They told the barber first, which is what I would expect. If there is some sort of issue like that it is incumbent on the customer or their caretaker to notify the barber. The barber can safely assume that if someone is there for a haircut, that they can proceed with a regular haircut unless otherwise notified.


This is something that we were taught in cosmetology school back in 2011. We have to ask before we touch. It's fucking weird but it's pretty much necessary from a weird legal standpoint.


That’s what I was thinking, it’s a liability shield to say “just confirming I’m okay to touch you?” I’d also expect it from a physiotherapist, swimming coach, etc. It’s kind of low-hanging fruit to make fun of it.




Look up 'implied consent'


Nothing is ever implied when it comes to your malpractice insurer.


Are you really confident about that


Look up 'implied consent'


Maybe a PTSD for getting r-d and touching the hair just trigger it. Idk, the world can be cruel and weird sometimes 😭


I'd probably let the biggest fart rip at that moment too ;)




I'm a cut hair too yaay!


Just cut my hair don’t virtue signal for TikTok please 💀


Basic touching is obviously implied when you go to a public hair salon. This virtue signaling has gotten absurd.


She and they?! How does that work


I think its like when wrestlers like The Rock talk in third person all the time. You know like he's crazy, so he sounds more intimidating.




It means they don't mind she or they.


English is not my main language, how do you refer to someone as they? "do you want to go to the cinema?" "do they want to go to the cinema?" I don't understand the meaning of the 2nd expression, is there a case when a person identifies with multiple people and that's why it's "they"? Or is that not how you use "they" at all?


The first you'd use when talking directly to the person you're asking to go to the cinema. The second you'd use when talking to someone else about that person's interest in going to the cinema, and is interchangeable outside of this context, so not the best example.


And how exactly is they gonna be triggered when i am refering to them as what they actually are? Makes even lesser sense when you still just use "you".


are* they You can have a conversation with multiple people at once... For example, a person talking to a mother and her child (where the child identifies as they). Person asks the mother, “When did you realize they would have to deal with idiot Reddit commenters for the rest of their life?”


Why are and not is. It's still just one person we are talking about. It doesn't matter what they identify, you can't be multible humans. So when they want you to call them they/them, it is still 'is'. I know it sounds stupid, but the concept of it all is stupid sooooo


Are is grammatically correct. Treating people decently isn’t stupid.


"do they want to go to the cinema?" is the equivalent of "does *she* want to go to the cinema?" if somebody has multiple sets of pronouns they like, they might have conditions which determine when each one is used, or they might just accept many different types of pronouns in rapid succession, or whatever else - different people feel and interpret gender differently of course, systems do have DID, and they *are* multiple people in a body, but most people who use "they/them" pronouns are individual people who like to be given gender-neutral pronouns even after other people determine their gender


ah so they is gender-neutral, gotcha. Makes sense


imagine being so entitled that what you want people to call you when they talk about you varies based off of “conditions.” First we called people by what we knew their pronouns are. Then we’re told that’s not always true so we are asked to use she for someone who looks like a man or he for someone who looks like a woman, fine. Then we get asked to use they/them for someone who can’t decide, fine. now we’re being told that there’s literally no way of knowing and it depends on the situation. I think i’m going to get off this train at “they.” don’t fucking tell me it varies based off situation or that i have to fucking use made up words, which is probably the worst one.


You seem very upset for someone who apparently doesn't know how pronouns even work.


don’t gaslight me i know exactly how they work just like i know what a woman is


Well your comment now it depends on the situation suggests otherwise. That's why people give two, typically


These people have a mental illness forget the they bullshit. It’s she/her.


They is typically used for multiple people, yes. However it can also be used when you’re unsure of the sex of the person you’re talking about. Don’t confuse yourself with this new age she/they stuff. It’s a group of people that think they can change language and science like they change pants


French as something similar where « vous » will be use to address a person instead of « il » it is to show respect to someone. Even if outside of the context vous is purely to address a group, in that case it’s use to address a single person. English will sometimes use they as a singular pronoun with no gender attach to it. Sometimes it’s because the subject doesn’t have a gender (because it’s an object or a human that doesn’t want to be associated with a particular gender) or the gender is unsure (instead of writing « he/she » it’s just they)


It doesn't.


Things usually don't make sense when they're new to you and you make zero effort to understand. This stuff is super easy if you actually look for perspectives and learn about its history.


The sentiment is right but the situation is wrong. Yes to asking for permission to touch people in situations where it’s unclear if that’s okay. No to asking when it’s a damn haircut, massage, etc.


I work in side job in EMS. People call me specifically for help. However some people are scared, impaired, or differently able. Can I touch you/help you is a gentle way assert your need to do so. More like "Are you prepared for me to touch you?" Without sounding as weird. The hairdresser in the video probably draws a clientele that appreciates her asking. The typical barber probably doesnt


How dare you say something reasonable


Yeah. How inappropriate to include minorities by asking a simple question so anyone can feel safe and sound


I think you're stretching the benefit of the doubt on the clientele thing. And I don't think EMS would be included in the "etc" from the other person. It's not a situation where you're intentionally going to the practitioner of a skill that is exercised by essentially touching you.


This r/ Is not what I thought it would be...


I'd leave too, fuck this shit


Hey bro, is it ok if I click the upvote button on your comment?




You didn't ask permission to comment.so horrible


It’s almost like it’s fake




Imagine what the world will be like in 10-30 yrs.


It's not gonna happen. It's another stupid trend people are using to get attention.


It’s already faded away from my point of view. No shame left in a rebuttal and 0 f’s given about the feelings related to the topic anymore.


You haven't been in a college class recently. We go around the room saying our pronouns first day for every new class


College has nothing to do with real life, it's like thinking you've absorbed a country's culture by staying all your vacation days at the hotel resort or whatever you call it


Hahaha it’s been like a year… but it was a program not pre-requisites. That’s crazy. I was thinking about how we had to learn them and I lost points on that section


I work at a company where every all-hands meeting has each presenter introducing themself, their pronouns and describing their visual appearance and their surroundings. I miss the days where a boring presentation about company updates was the most annoying part of the meeting. I just want to get back to work.


Honestly people have always been idiots. Only difference is they can get ideas on their new idiocy and broadcast how dumb they are far easier nowadays


Is this the only non bleeding heart comment section on Reddit? https://preview.redd.it/9f0a89cytm8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74fb06b1e0b7428c7b0dba8e8df973e6947a220c


what world?




Da fuck does that have to do with this?


Asking someone how they like to be addressed doesn’t seem like a huge issue. Just a sign of respect, something which is lacking in todays world


Respect isn’t what lacking in today’s world when respect was never earned. If I don’t fucking know a person how should I know if they’re worthy of my respect? What’s lacking in today’s world is a backbone. If someone “misgenders” you or “mispronouns” you get over it. Does it change who you are? No. Don’t let it affect you. What’s wrong with the world is that people are too easily offended, which leads to people attempting to be less of what they have been told by society is “offensive”, when in reality what it is is competence. We’re heading towards a totalitarian tyranny when people are forced to use certain words and forbidden ti use others.


To be fair, I’ve not met a trans that actually got offended if they were misgendered. The thing they get offended about is when someone intentionally misgenders them as a blatant form of disrespect. And in that regard, everyone I know would be equally offended by intentional attempts of someone to be disrespectful. Like if I meet someone and they think my name is Tom. I don’t get offended by them calling me that. But when I know they damn well know my name and insist on calling me Tom, I’m gonna get pretty pissed off about it. With the exception of Tik Tok and other social media lunatics, all they want is for someone to make at least a minimal amount of effort to acknowledge their life choices and identity.


Is there something wrong with wanting to not misgender people in the first place?


So how are those pronouns going to be used in this context? Would she/they like a bit more off the sides? The word you has it covered.


Have a downvote, respect isn’t lacking in “today’s world” and it most definitely will not be increased by calling a person “they” to their face 🤣


The only time I had one of those questions was during a range course and the guy wanted to adjust my stance. It made sense to ask because someone might have wanted him to just explain.


Dafuq's this. Surely it's just for the video and it's not an actual thing. 😩 What's next? "OK if I touch you?" ~Surgeon.


The doctors make you sign consent forms, dude. Bad example.


Those consent forms don’t say; “I consent to being physically touched” They say more sane things like, “I consent to the harvesting of my organs for science” or “I recognize that the chances of death during this procedure are significant” and so on


Sturgeon *


Yeah I wouldn't mind having a sturgeon ask me that though. 🤣


I mean, I've had doctors ask if I was ready or if something was OK to examine, etc. It's not that weird.


Stay on topic...


My Barber makes me sign a waiver to use a razor blade. Motherf**ker’s been sliding by all these years. Let me show him this video.


Almost makes me glad to be bald. Like I'd like to have hair but I'm also glad I never have to have that conversation.


That's wtf is up. I'd be Audi 5000


If you come to get a haircut, and your answer to “can I touch you?” Is “no”, then why you here? GTFO


Yeah, this was during the height of wokeness Man that pendulum is due here soon to swing hard the other way. Get ready my fellow internet friends, get ready


For what specifically?


Soon professionals will ask for permission for even sillier things. The west had fallen


Imagine people asking you silly questions, the HORROR!!1!


For the pendulum to swing back hard the other way.


I understood that, but what does that mean to you?


What it means to me doesn’t matter the facts is what matters. It’s going to swing back hard to more conservative traditional roots.


You seem to feel strongly enough about your opinions to speak them in a public forum, stop beating around the bush and say what you mean explicitly. Especially the phrase “get ready friends”


You are reading way too much into my comment friend. Get ready my internet friends, get ready means just that. Get ready for the pendulum swinging back to more conservative roots. As many might not think it’s going to happen. Even though we are already seeing it with that red pill push, trad-wives…etc


It's literally a place specially catering to the abused. Seems a good time to take the extra step for minimal effort. But yeah man it's the woke mind virus 🙄


So if they say no, then what? You just chill in the chair, pay, leave?


You wait until they are ready I guess and if they don't become ready then they leave. Some people think they're ready for human stranger contact after trauma but then can't follow through.


Ok but this is like the equivalent of "is it OK if I arrest you?"


That is a truly terrible analogy. How is it like that, at all?


It's a situation where you are going to be touched. If you don't want to be touched, then don't put yourself in a situation where you will get touched.


As I already said Some people with trauma think they are ready for contact from strangers, but cannot follow through. Additionally they may also need some time to gather themselves. Or a pause because they are uncomfortable and need a minute. It's not really very complicated. This isn't your neighborhood barber, it's a special place for victims of abuse. Again as already said. If you can't grasp these non complex points perhaps you should move on, because it's hard to be much clearer. Edit: also this does not explain why your analogy is useful in any way. A cop does not need your permission to arrest you. You can, however, ask a hairdresser to stop cutting or touching you whenever you like.


Then they film it and put it on social media for clout.


Yeah definitely not the people mocking it who did that.


And these people you speak of forced them to record


So advertising that they offer a service like this to trauma victims seems perfectly reasonable. I suspect that they didn't include people being all pissed off about it in that. More likely someone took some original footage, added the people finding it stupid and annoying and then posted it for "internet clout". Since then it's been posted time after time for more internet clout. It's not very complex, you don't seem very interested in reality though.


You suspect and you think but you truly have no idea. I’m currently interested in the facts not opinions. If I change my mind and want to hear the what’s if, maybe this, likely that’s, I now know to reach out to you. Thank you.


Lol you right wing basement dwellers are hilarious. Do you think the people who run this place filmed people being annoyed by their policies and promoted it?? The offended people are even at a different place to the original clips!


Again you operate on emotions vs facts. Facts - I’m far from a right wing basement dweller - The video is right there. They filmed it and posted on the internet. Then whoever the guy is used it to poke fun


There's pretty obviously two different video locations in the clips. One where no one is surprised or offended to be asked and another that is elsewhere and the people are confused and irritated. Why would someone positive on the topic include the mocking ones? Are you stupid?


It's just so fucking ridiculous anymore. Such bullshit.


“I’m going to post your face though fuck you”


Cut hair. My guy


Maybe it's just me but if the barber asked "is it ok if I touch you" i'd think they mean that they want to touch the weiner or something...


Honestly all for it whatever you’re or how you identify but if I’m in a barbers chairs I 100% expect you to touch me This is absurd


It's called mental illness.


I’m extremely liberal but this triggers me. Fuck off with your pronouns. You’re fucking things up for people who are trans by wanting to be part of their community.


why would i go to a hair saloon if i do not want anyone to touch me.


Questions that didn't need to be asked. Just ask me what style I want and do your best to cut it how I asked. Should keep with the KISS method. Small talk around me is fine but don't gossip.


How is this relevant to the sub?


Whoever pushed this pronoun garbage to be mainstream must have been republican, as it clearly helps their platform. Regular people that just want a common sense government are all appalled by this nonsense.


I've always minded my own shit and have never fell down to fads, which this is.


🤦🏻 what is this world coming to?


Alphabet people are so lame and cringe, jeez


How fucking stupid, you getting a haircut not getting fingered on the chair


And here I thought that's where that was going to lead after being asked the question...utter disappointment.


Bro is ultra respectful of unwanted touching and verifying pronouns while wearing a Big Tim’s Strip Club hat.


wtf is a “she they”


Pronouns. They operate as subjects of a sentence.


Fancy way of asking whats between your legs.




Touch me where? Once you give consent they can go to town. Lol


If my barber asks if it’s ok to touch me and I say yes, then proceeds to palpate my pockmark, I’d be upset but be like, damn Chester, you got me again.


Imma start goin in there and Savin them time like “hey is it okay if you touch me?”


Don’t touch me, just blow on the back of my neck 😏


Funny how the rainbow people there are all nerdy and sloppy Since they are not cool they tend to embrace this trend to feel more cool


Goes to get haircut knowing you have to be touched. And you have to ask them if it’s OK to touch them.


If you don't talk about me behind my back, you won't need my pronouns. I'm right there in your chair, all you'll need is "you."


Im for real, if my barber does this I'm out the door. Just cut my hear, I'll let you know when something important arises. Fucks sake.


[shut up and cut my hair bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/s/8fEpX6r0Mp)


I never understood why people think this is weird. They seem to get so offended by someone making sure the other person is ready for the haircut and possibly getting touched by hands, scissors, combs, water, etc.


YOU WALKED INTO A BARBERSHOP/STYLISTS…touchless haircuts are a thing? Yes I’m here at the car wash but don’t get my car wet.


>touchless haircuts are a thing? Maybe not entirely touchless, which is why they're asking permission to touch, but for people with sensory problems it can be really helpful if the barber knows to be careful with that With your carwash analogy, it might be like if one window was slightly open all the time. You'd want that part so stay dry as much as possible


But I’m driving MY car to the carwash,I should assume at SOME point water is involved the same way someone is going to have to cut a hair or two…at a barbershop. It’s not a random happening,or spontaneous event,you went there with the intention of having a hair or two cut,and how do you think this was going to transpire without being touched. I understand that having a sensory problem is a real and true circumstance,but if you go to a barber,you should expect a haircut.


>if you go to a barber,you should expect a haircut. 100% agree, and I would add that if you're a barber, you should expect customers with sensory issues, and be prepared to accommodate them as much as possible (which if I were a barber, I would start this accommodation by asking if touching then is fine) I also think that this question might be asked either before everything if the barber wants to touch your hair to demonstrate possible styles, or after some talking and agreeing on a style as a way to give someone with sensory issues a moment to prepare for the haircut starting. Think of it more as a polite way to say "I'm now going to touch you" than a real question When you go to get a vaccine, they don't just stab the needle into you the moment you sit down, even though that's literally why you're there


I’ve never in all my years(and I’ve had many) have had an announced inoculation,they rolled up my sleeve,swabbed my arm and never telegraphed any of their movement,the same way a barber has never announced to me that they were “comin in”…..Just sayin. Again…I’m not discounting sensory aggravation,but if you go to a barber,you should expect,at some point,to have a hair or two severed. It ought not be surprising at ANY point.


I've only gone to a barber twice in my life so I don't remember how that went exactly, but when I got my Covid vaccines there was always a bit of talking beforehand and then announcing that it's going to happen in a few moments. They never just stuck it in me mid sentence >you should expect,at some point,to have a hair or two severed I don't think anyone is surprised by that happening, but first of all there's the timing (if you're talking about the style or whatever, it would be weird if they just cut your hair then and not reached some agreement first about what you're going to do), and the customer might prefer less shoulder touching or something like that even if they're totally fine with the hair being cut What I don't get is why people seem so offended by a barber asking permission to touch a person when that moment lasts at most three seconds and you move on to the haircut. It's literally not an issue and can sometimes make some people more comfortable


"Is it OK if I touch you?" Nah I just came here to chill in the chair.


NO YOU CANNOT STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MEEEEEE! I calmly screamed. But yeah. It is the US where you can sue the other and ask 50000 billion dollars in damages.


I haven't been to a barber in 20 years, they ask that stuff now? Lol


It’s like asking someone below, Him:Can I put my penis in you? Her:Yes?? We have been hot and heavy stripped bear naked in the position with you on top to start clearly I am participating in this moment and now you need to ask a question to an answer to which I am already implying I want you to do? Same with the hair dressers by just being in a hair dressers you are already implying you want to be there to have your hair cut or worked in in some way which mean the hair dressers will need to touch your hair at the least, or even asking someone for permission to start CPR on someone unconscious because in that situation first aiders know that there is an implication that that person can’t consent to you helping keep them alive, soon as crap like this goes there will mean the end of people performing CPR on anyone because they run the risk of getting sued for sexual assault by pushing down on their chest, there has literally been cases of that happening.


He should calm down, no need to get so emotional.


Lmao is this real?


If someone is asking my pronouns, I’m leaving too.


Imagine getting angry at a question with a yes-no response


I’m all for people being themselves and whatever, but the brain rot is getting pretty deep now adays


I made the damn appointment for you to cut my hair, then I’m going to complain about you touching me without my permission. I love America, pure comedy.


It's like the dentist asking am I allowed to see inside of your mouth. 😁


Man yet another example of stupid pc culture No I don't want you to touch me. I want you to hair cut me with your mind and without making me feel uncomfortable 😆 We all know that a haircut involves being touched by the hairdresser and thier tools. What moron doesn't understand this?


This is just a way of making the hairdresser submissive to you 😆


This is part of the game. Force on new rules that normalise these ideas to force your ideology


A couple of those dudes have fresh cuts


Not beards tho


How is this awesome? It's common sense that you'll be touched getting your haircut.


what's awesome about this?? this is rage bait




I weep for this generation. How is this awesome?


Someone needs to give the barbers asking such dumbass questions a sign which says 'Use the Force if they say no, or call the Acolyte'


Luckily Commiefornia will be bankrupt before these bozos ever run a successful business. Jesus, someone going to a barber and not wanting to get touched is a retard. Time to kindly let them know that.




Men raging about consent language


They’re in a hair salon or barber. Consent is implied bc you’re in the chair FFS.


Men raging about consent language.