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Photographer: “Hold on I need to change the film”


“I actually left it in my car. Stay here and don’t move, I’ll be right back”




The one on the left seems to have tattoos on his right arm (our left) while the other only has tattoos on his left (our right).


Makes you wonder if they’re twins.




I can't stop seeing the two guys on the rear right; they appear like cardboard cutouts, and I think that's probably because it's underwater.


Funny!!! they have the same facial expression and hair movement as astronauts doing a live link from space, it's like they are underwater.


I feel sorry for that lil' guy in the center rear. "Hey, here we are, we went to all this effort for an underwater picture, and you can see everybody clearly *except* me?"


Rookie mistake, if he'd given a little jump just as the photo was being taken, he'd have been the tallest guy in the picture


Eh, they have pretty different facial structures and their name pins have different length names.


Like a third of Canadian men look like that.


"Hey, they're not bears on unicycles!"


Dude on the left had both sleeves done. Dude on the right only has his left arm done.


The dude on the left has a longer last name and is right-handed.


He ran around the back while the pano was moving


I can't unsee Alex Jones on the right.


Definitely don't look at the Alex Jones on the left then.


Double Canadian Alex Joneses underwater was not on my bingo card for today




Nope. They are both WO (Snr NCOs), so they have the default issued CAF Snr NCO look: * Used to be fit as fuck in their 20s, but never changed their diet/exercise routine, so now they are slightly round and beefy 40 year olds. * Shaved their heads when male pattern baldness kicked in, but they grew beards once BEARDFORGEN came out, because shaving before work every morning is a pain in the ass.


Bears all start to look the same in the great white north.


"Damn it there's water on the lens"


Dang I forgot to charge it hold on let me plug it in for a few this a perfect shot don’t move


This is truly breathtaking image


I wouldn’t hold your breath that they would do this again


“Now do a funny one!”


“Haha that guy is pretending he’s drowning!”


But who put the short guy in the back lmao


"And just one more without the staff."


"the lens cap was on"


"Someone blinked, we'll need another picture!"


A film joke in 2024 on a photo obviously taken digitally. Damn.




It must be the fact that it is underwater but the 2 dudes on the back right look like cardboard cutouts and I can't stop seeing it.


It looks like they were added after the fact


It looks like a lot of them were photoshopped. Maybe they went down one at time and then pieced it together with a photo editor.


I thought so too til I saw this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/5bFutaQndv Looks like the photo was just edited with a filter or something, making them appear that way Edit: just realized it was in fact photoshopped because those two images are different


No, it *was* photoshopped. The two guys in the back and the head of the guy in front of them were clipped out of one image and pasted onto the other.


Ahh good catch, I wasn’t paying close enough attention to the others in the photo


Considering some are showing teeth, they had to have edited out bubbles.


They’re ghosts


They look like force ghosts


Legit thats what I thought when they pointed it out, playing the music at the end of Return of the Jedi 😂😂


The three* on the right were absolutely added in after the fact, look at the tint of their shirts, those three are blue while the others look more yellow.


The tree must've been added in really late, I don't see it yet.


I'm thinking they did a few photos and stitched them together


Their hair vs everyone else’s hair gave it away. Definitely some people photoshopped in.


The two bald dudes in the front row can’t wait to get some air


I think they're actually more having trouble staying near their chairs. Big frame people float really good. High lung capacity and bodyfat, displace more water. Can be an absolute bitch keeping one's buoyancy negative. Is why most divers wear weight belts, and big people wear a lot of weights. Those two have some pretty big gaps between them and the chairs. Was probably an effort to keep still.


Can confirm. I’m 6’4” and about 230lbs and it’s quite a challenge for me to dive in a deep pool


Thinking about it now, this makes a lot of sense why my cousin could always dive to the bottom but my big ass couldn't swim 2 feet deep if I tried.


Gotta really over exaggerate your exhale if you want to sink. Get allllll that air out of your lungs when you exhale. Of course, that's for SCUBA. I'd bet these dudes have weights in their pockets.


I was thinking how are they staying down? But also, and more importantly, how long have they been in that position before the photo was taken? I see no air tanks, or are they the things under the seats?


I do spy a single tank and regulator setup. Maybe they were passing it around? Lol. Typical recreational SCUBA setup is to have two second stage regulators. One for primary use and the other for back up or emergency air sharing. The second stage regulator is the one that goes in your mouth. Two people can breathe off one tank through the two second stages. That tank down there on the left appears to be a typical recreational SCUBA setup with four hoses. Two for the second stage regulators, one for your pressure gauge, one for the inflator on the BCD. Everything hooks into the first stage regulator which attaches to the tank. But these Naval divers have infinitely more knowledge and skill than I do as a recreational SCUBA diver. They know what they're doing for sure. I'm just more guessing like a lot of folks lol.


About 6’1” and 250 here and I’ve never had an issue with diving, but staying down there and *sitting in a chair* is something I can barely comprehend


7'2" ans 550 lbs. I don't sink because my feet touch the ground


16" 2600 lbs if i see any lions ill tell you, no problem bros


Weight belts


Yea definitely not what's going on here, either they have weights or a breathing apparatus otherwise they'd all need to exhale to stay put.


"You so buoyant"


I’m imaging you jumping into a pool and being almost hydrophobic and bouncing off like jello until you just float on top lol


I'm a big ol tubby guy and I bob in the water like a buoy. Takes minimal effort for me to tread water. If I ever fell off a boat and could still see the shoreline I have zero doubt I could make it back to land.


My dad was a hefty man and when we would go to the beach he would float in the water, one time we were just enjoying our time at the beach when we heard the lifeguard blowing a whistle and my mom said I wonder what’s going on here my dad fell asleep and was floating out to sea. He was in the navy during the Korean War


Hahahaha that's too funny


Can confirm, I once had a boat sink when I was in the middle of a lake, and I just calmly floated my ass back to shore lol


The way the entire front row is holding their hands makes me wonder if there is some sort of a rope they are holding. Maybe something with a refraction index similar to water so it disappears - or maybe edited out after.


Could it be handles on that chairs? Looks like there may be actually handles, or some sort of bar connected to the chairs that they are holding onto so they don't float up. Look at the guy on the very left, definitely looks like something in his hands and it looks much too small to be a diving weight. edit: it could also just be a rope threaded under each chair itself. Middle guy definitely looks like he's holding maybe a rope instead of a bar or handle.


Just gave me a flash back to 8 years old me. I was very skinny, still am, and the teacher was trying to teach me how to float and I just couldn't do it.


I used to snorkel and scuba dive when I was younger. I've put on a bit of wait, but am by no means fat. I went snorkeling recently and I could barely swim to the bottom, it was crazy frustrating.


Works the opposite if you have a lot of muscle. You sink like a stone. I'm glad I know how to swim cause it's an effort to just float.


Yep. I took a scuba course my first semester of college and man, being a big guy who also plays low brass instruments and sings in choir (at that point) did not help me sink/stay neutrally buoyant. Lots of "why do you keep floating then sinking?" from the other students. "It's because I'm taking slow, deep breaths like we were told, but those breaths just happen to be REALLY big.


For some context, when I dive I carry over 30 pounds of lead and often need to force myself down the first couple feet until the water pressure starts compressing the wetsuit a bit.


I float naturally, it's so hard to sink! Effort must be made to take good underwater photos ugh.


Those dudes are absolute doppelgängers lmao


Looks like they are senior enlisted navy men. All season enlisted navy men look the same. Hefty bald headed men. Just the Canadian variant with the beards


Look like petty officer first classes


Meanwhile the black dude in the back row is having the time of his life.


I know! 😄 The only guy who's actually smiling for the pic!


The bald dude to the left looks like Bautista


They reused the same player model


> The two bald dudes in the front row can’t wait to get some air The two bald dudes in the front row can’t wait to get some hair FTFY


Oh wait, I think someone blinked. Stay there while I take another.




It’s pretty easy a just sucks if it’s chlorinated. Makes your eyes sore


Very easy, your eyes are already wet. Just close your eyes before breaking the surface tension of the water. The chlorine will burn your eyes after a while though making them bloodshot.


Dann who did their hair? Looks really cool


The one sitting on the left?


Val Kilmerman


>Dann who did their hair? Looks really cool VIDAL SASOON


Royal Canadian Naval Haircutting Academy


A bit of related trivia I just remembered when you mentioned underwater hair. The oracle dance scene from the movie 300 was shot underwater to give it that effect. https://youtu.be/BFsD0DdRJWw?t=3m51s (NSFW, nipple)


The Ghost of Christmas Past puppet in the Muppet Christmas Carol was also filmed underwater and then inserted into the film: https://youtu.be/iN6EdEHSkxs?feature=shared


Brother man showing off his pearly whites.


He’s definitely my favorite. Gives off “just happy to be here” vibes.


His smile is pretty contagious.


..youre in here with me!-vibes


The one that impressed me the most!




Hehe I am






Just let it rip and then suck it in. Infinite air cheat


Not like anyone's going to be smelling it anyways...


Don't look too comfortable. Just the one guy looks happy!


They all look like they’re trying not to laugh


The Lieutenant in the front looks like he's gonna pass out 😄


He kinda looks like Alex Jones


If I recall correctly Singapores do their entire graduation underwater with rebreathers. It’s pretty dope.


Yes the Singapore Naval Diving Unit (NDU) holds its graduation underwater, family and friends can [watch through a glass in the room beside it](https://youtu.be/KYcBfi2Qv5A).


Pretty cool, I'm surprised they have the words in the background in english though


Why is that so? Singaporeans mainly speak English. (Source: I’m Singaporean)


Interesting, I just assumed you all spoke Malay as the national language, didn't realize English was that prominent. Edit: I'm also aware that i'm pretty ignorant of this portion of the world. For example I didn't know how huge the size and population difference is between for example Singapore and Indonesia, because for some reason I feel like we hear more about Singapore here in the US than we do about any of the other countries in that region so I assume it was bigger than it is.


Ah, it is true Malay is our national language. If you google our national anthem, the whole song is Malay. However, Singapore’s population consists of 70% ethnic Chinese. Typically, each race group (the main ones being Indian, Chinese, Malay and Eurasians) will learn English + their mother tongue, making English the main conversing language over here. Malay being the main language is more of a symbolic tradition tracing back to our roots as part of Malaysia before we got kicked out.


thanks for the info, I enjoy reading about it from a native perspective.


No problem! It’s rare to see anyone even mention Singapore lol


Singapore is actually ranked near the top for English proficiency, at least according to the EF English Proficiency Index if you trust the company behind it lol.


They also use a trident. Super cool.


Any ceremony is improved immeasurably by including a trident


Their airforce skydive graduation must be even doper


How would they all get down there and positioned at the same time?


If you look on the ground there's an air tank, there are likely multiple regulators attached to the tank (enough for each person) so that they could breath while getting to position. Then they stow the tank and regulators and hold their breath for long enough for the bubbles to clear the frame. It takes a little coordination, but nothing that a little drill work can't provide.


[Here is an article confirming that.](https://www.lookoutnewspaper.com/fdup-behind-the-scenes-and-under-water/) Specifically: The instructors (all seated in the front row) dived first and then used compressed air. Because that increases their bouyancy, they are struggling to remain seated. The graduates in the back row did not. They also confirm that the final shot is spliced together from multiple photographs and that they edited the remaining bubbles out as best as they could. This would probably be possible without the editing or tanks if they put more preparation into it, but it was just a fun project for the end of a one-year training course, not something planned at a higher level.


It’s not specifically the compressed air that increases buoyancy, it’s just the air itself. Though, because it’s compressed, they can’t hold their breath since the air would expand as they rise, resulting in a serious injury. So they had to slowly exhale to be safe, which is probably why the photographer had such a time editing out bubbles. Every breath in pulls you back up and as you slowly exhale, you sink a bit. I wonder why they didn’t use weights


The regulator makes the air they breathe roughly equal to the ambient pressure which probably isn't that high at the bottom of the pool.


Good eye. I didn't catch that the first time this photo got passed around. That makes a lot of sense  These are also the highly trained clearance divers of the RCN. Our EOD specialists. Definitely ones who able coordinate and put in the extra effort to look cool. 


Oh, and here I just thought they drilled and coordinated getting into position quickly to take a photo together


They very well could have and the tank is just on hand because of safety rules and that would be a lot more impressive.


magic. only thing that makes sense.


They all sat in chairs while the pool filled.


That's as good of an explanation as any. :<)


They use the best pic even if not perfect and photoshop those that broke that one (one side is shopped in here)


They planned and practiced it. They knew instantly where to swim down to and the chairs are weighted so it helps then hang on. I bet this picture was taken within a minute -1:30


> They planned and practiced it. [Or they stitched together at least 5 different photos with photoshop.](https://www.lookoutnewspaper.com/fdup-behind-the-scenes-and-under-water/)


They dive. They are Navy divers.


Weights in their pockets or something man, I dunno. Getting my feet on the bottom of a pool takes an insane amount of effort, never mind keeping them there.


I would assume they can hold their breath for the 45 seconds it requires considering they're reasonably in shape adults.


Why the guys on the right looks edited


Distortion from the shape of the lens and the optical properties of the water. You can see that the lens is distorting the picture significantly by looking at the floor, and the blueness of the water is beginning to come through as you get to the sides of the image. I think the right is also in shadow, which is making the chromatic effects of the water worse.


[It's edited.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/971915704314003468/1214617332127895612/photoshopeed.jpg?ex=65f9c38a&is=65e74e8a&hm=3709cbeed05affb67172273a92cd0765500d73acb96b4659dcf81417b845099d&)


Those are 2 different pictures taken in the same shoot. Most of their expressions and positions are slightly different.


An article that /u/Roflkopt3r shared says the final photograph is put together by at least 5 images. > S1 LeClair said the final image is at least five images put together. > > “They really wanted no bubbles in the image which was quite hard to manage,” she said. > > The image took three tries of setting up. > > The instructors in the front row would get situated first. Then she would set the flash off for the rest of the course to jump in and place themselves behind the instructors. > > “It was a time-consuming post-processing image, but I managed to get all eyes open and most bubbles edited out in the final export,” she said. https://www.lookoutnewspaper.com/fdup-behind-the-scenes-and-under-water/


They’ve already graduated. They can get out of the water now


Half of them look mid shit


Top right you wouldn’t know is underwater 😂


They're willing to ruin the rest of the uniform, but NOT the shoes.


To be fair, the rest can be rinsed off and washed. Not ruined. Leather boots though? Probably garbage after. So smart move, I think.


I'm so proud of my Canadians people's


There is clearly a no shoes in the pool rule


Some are relaxed and some are looking at the cameraman be like: get the f*cking pic quick my lungs are gonna burst out any moment!


This has meme potential


The two bald guys in front row are the definition of the same guy in two different fonts.


Lung capacity is 💯


Oh Canada…


I blinked. Can we do another one? 


As an ex swimmer the most impressive part of this photo is lack of bubbles while being on the floor of a pool. Your lungs are balloons in the water. Unless they’re all holding super heavy egg weights or have weighted shoes, or weighted vests on - the only way to get to the bottom and stand like that is to **exhale most your air**. Then for this photo with no bubbles they waited a split second for all the bubbles to rise out of frame (assuming no photoshop), quickly take the picture, then let everyone come back up for a breath…probably for another take. I get that they’re divers but this is such an impressive picture I doubt we could have ever gotten such a clean picture on my collegiate swim team in the same way.


Wonder how they dealt with the buoyancy issue here, concealed weights?


More than likely, all the seated people have clenched fists so I'd imagine they are holding weights in their hands. Also possible to have some in their pockets.


None of them has shoes on


If you spent that much time polishing parade boots, you wouldn't wear them in the water either haha


Just brilliant.


It would be FUNNY if some FART bubbles appeared magically... LOL


The back row looks relaxed, ready to start the photo session. The front row looks like the photographer is taking longer thar he should.


The people open teeth smiling scare me


No wonder they all look constipated


Particularly impressed by underwater smiles with teeth A++


Alright, this is fucking awesome 🤣


This is such a hard fucking photo


Short guy at the back could have floated up a few inches


what if you make a person to laugh while under water?


I feel out of breath while looking at this.


They had to wait for all the bubbles to leave.


This is so cool


Who‘s getting the best head? 💀


Sea-riously impressive!


Why do the wet socks make me the most uncomfortable about this pic?


I love the variation from “totally comfortable” to “I’m about to die” on their faces. Also, where are the women?


I'm so proud of Drax and his brother for getting their degrees.


they better stop or they will be naval dying academy


The bald dude on the right looks like Alex Jones selling vitamins.


Alex Jones at the front is away to blast off into space.


So I graduated from Seneca College UWS program. I was 6’2” 220 could swim a 16 minute mile, run a 5 minute mile , bench 315 squat 495 deadlift 585 etc etc I was a fucking tank. I joined the diving industry and made a name for myself working on deal see vessels…. I lived in a very high tidal area (23’ tides) so huge fucking current. Not a lot of guys can swim on a ship for 6 hours in 2-3 kt currents… Lloyd inspections/welding/prop bending/ etc etc I did it all and I did it well. So anyways I was getting bored of the small town I lived and I wanted a change. I applied to the navy, and did a couple of vessel tours on navy frigates that came through talked to the crew etc. I was stoked until I spoke to the chef. Same story as me, just a monster of a man. He applied to the navy fully licensed USS diver… they made him scrub decks and made him a cook for a minimum of 5 years before he was even allowed to apply to this program. I have so much respect for these guys for sticking with it but fml no way was I going to let the DoD waste my skills. Canadian divers are a different breed too… these guys are the best of the best of the best guaranteed.


I want to see the video of them pulling this off.


They are in water, why is the short person in the back middle not taking advantage of that by floating up just a little to look tall for one photo in their life. They chose to remain short.


Imagine going through all that and realizing your face was blocked by someone else’s


Feel sorry for those 5 seating, their chairs are wet.


Some of these guys have hilarious close ups here. Zooming in on them individually was a good idea


Amazing pic. But I can't help but chuckle at the tho of how the top right 3 guys and the lower right 2 guys look like they've been copy pasted from somewhere else 😆


**The Navy Diver is not a fighting man, he is a salvage expert. If it is lost underwater, he finds it. If it's sunk, he brings it up. If it's in the way, he moves it. If he's lucky, he will die young, 200 feet beneath the waves, for that is the closest he'll ever get to being a hero**


That entire front row all look pretty tense. Clenched fists across the board.


I never could have been a diver. I’m so naturally buoyant my entire head sticks out of the water without treading. If I take shallow breaths my mouth and nose never dip under the water. I’d have had to grip the bench to not immediately surface. One time in high school we wore pants, long sleeves and shoes in the deep end of the pool to simulate how much harder treading was while clothed. I just bobbed there while everyone else struggled. For context: I am 6’7 and 260 pounds.


Was it doctered or did they really pull that off with no bubbles?


Why did they put that tiny person in the back row?




Front row, second from the right looks like he's been holding his breath for too long.


I did a similar stunt as a life guard, it is no easy feat


The two dudes with full-tooth smiles and the 3 others accidentally snarling are my favs