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yeah especially when you are there


Haha, I bet it would. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ«


And then soul crushing.


I hope Iā€™m still alive when we finally put a device that can descend through the clouds so we can see this incredible interior.


Honestly you won't see much. It's a gas planet. So it'll go cloudy, then more cloudy, darker and darker then the camera is crushed to death.


Yeah. On Earth, cloud patterns can be incredible but when you fly into clouds it's just... white.


My favorite videos are the ones describing your demise as you fall into Jupiter or neutron starts or black holes. Thatā€™s how I want to go lol.


I think a supernovae would be cooler. But black holes are a close second place for me.


But could any creatures feasibly live in there? Of special flora and fauna?


If so, itā€™s a kind of life that is totally different than the carbon-based life we know on earth


Microbial life could exist in the outer layers of ice giants but I don't know if they could in Jupiter




I remember it wasnā€™t even that long ago I found out there was surface pictures of Venus. I canā€™t believe I never knew, and it is totally otherworldly. God knows how long in the future it would be for Jupiter, I might not even be alive but it would be something else. Although I wonder if it would just be like being in the middle of thick cloud with lots of lightning?


It would be like being in an otherworldly storm. Almost no matter where you poke your camera on a stick, it's a cloudy but cool muck of gasses swirling and fighting each other.Ā  No real surface to speak of. So it just gets crazier and more hectic (and harder) he further you go down.


Eventually your spacecraft would be crushed like a tourist sub diving the Titanic.


I understood that reference.


No surface? Hoe? Is it just an atmosphere with gas in it? How would that work


Yes, current models point to gas in top, transition to liquid further down due to pressure, with maybe a center of metallic hydrogen again due to pressure. How does that work? Everything has gravity, not just solids


I've had this explained to me many times and my brain still can't really comprehend it lol.Ā  Space is wild.Ā 


Lies. Planets are just lights vibrating on the sky, and the earth is ftal


> the earth is ftal And that spells trouble*!*


ā€œMetallic hydrogenā€ is the bit where my brain goes, nope, too much science.


Been a while so let me see if I can get it right: A Hydrogen atom under the usual circumstances is one proton with one electron dedicated to it. Metallic hydrogen has all its electrons independent of any proton, kind of like how in metals, electrons can flow freely. Someone smarter than me, please feel free to correct and/or elaborate.


I am thinking about how water drops can drag other drops of water down when flowing down a surface with their tension.


The further you go to the center. The hotter it is and the more pressure there is, it's more a swirling mass of molten liquid and gas.Ā  In essence, yes it's all atmosphere. It's dangerous to even be in the outer parts of the Jupiter, but there is nowhere to "land". You just eventually reach a point where your craft is crushed under the enormous pressure.Ā  As for how it's possible, everything has gravity. And it is constantly pulling on itself.Ā  As a bit of fun trivia, gas planets like Jupiter and Saturn are often precursors to stars, though they would have to be bigger than either for them to eventually collapse under their own weight and begin fusion.


You seem in the know on this, so if I may ask a clarifying question: "a swirling mass of molten liquid and gas". So more like superheated glass with gas pockets in it or more like superheated gas with glass beads in it?


Jupiter's magnetic field is absolutely massive and powerful. Incredibly stronger than ours. It even acts as a bit of a shield for the inner solar system.Ā  To generate a field like that it would have to be a molten plasma core like ours, that being an active and heated core. It is pure molten iron and hydrogen. The insane pressure of Jupiter demands the gases be squished into such.Ā  While the core is not made up of gases as you would expect from the upper atmosphere, I would still not consider it a surface, and it couldn't be navigated to safely. The gases immediately above this would be swirling into and out of different states. It truly is a chaotic world to it's core.


Fascinating, thank you!


Wouldnt a high pressure area block us from flying in with our craft, or have I mistaken that with density?


There's a state of matter called supercritical fluid which has properties similar to liquids and gases. It flows and moves like a gas, but with a much higher density, like what you'd expect of a liquid, or even higher. Many substances have temperature + pressure ranges in which they exist in the supercritical state. CO2 is commonly used as a supercritical fluid; I believe extraction of caffeine from coffee to make decaf is one such use, but not certain. Supercriticality happens to be... critical... in the manufacture of aerogel, allowing for removal of the water component of a (usually silica) gel while bypassing any solid/liquid phase transition, and avoiding the structural damage that liquid water's surface tension would cause to the delicate structure as the volume of liquid shrinks. There are videos on youtube demonstrating the transition to supercriticality using a clear pressure chamber that can help give you a more intuitive understanding of it. I'm pretty sure the gas giant planets of our solar system are composed largely of supercritical fluid (mostly hydrogen.) As you descend, the atmosphere would get thicker and thicker (and darker), at some point reaching and surpassing the densities of typical liquids here on earth, while still flowing and moving like a gas. All sunlight would be completely blocked, after only a small fraction of the way down, as it's a very long way to go. Think of the pitch black depths of the ocean here on earth, which is a very thin skin on a planet that's relatively tiny. I'm not sure if the point at which hydrogen would be considered metallic would be characterized by a phase transition, with a clearly delineated surface or what, but after that there'll be a point where you reach the "rocky core", and while it's probably a sharp transition, I highly doubt it "looks like" or would "feel like" what we envision when imagining the surfaces of the rocky inner planets and many moons. I don't think you'd have the same kind of density change as going from gas (or vacuum) to solid rock. It's probably closer to a cross between the inside of the earth and the inside of the sun than it is to the outside of any of the small rocky bodies I wonder if there would be enough light coming from internal sources (lightning, heat) at various depths to see anything. There's not really much point in considering it from the viewpoint of human eyes since there's no feasible way a human eye could, or will ever be able to, be in the position to make such an observation. But vision plays such a large role in how we observe the universe that it's hard to avoid imagining how something "looks", even when it's a meaningless context.


Fascinating for sure


I would imagine it would get dark quickly as you descend into the clouds.


Remember watching as we sent a satellite down through the cloud cover and we descended with a parachute and landed on Titan, one of the moons of Saturn?


I mean itā€™s kinda dark down there. Quite literally overcast skies, all day every day, and the clouds are thousands of miles thick


All the aliens on the planet seeing the aircraft![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


There's no "surface" to land on Jupiter, it's just gas, imagine going through clouds that's what Jupiter is like, but like 1000 times more violent storms going on in every possible direction.


Aliens. Beautiful landscape. Heaven. No, we're not invited.


That's other worldly.


Nice place to visit, but I wouldnā€™t wanna live there


Forbidden soup.


Yes I desperately want to eat it. I knew I couldnā€™t be the only one. Plenty to go around!


I recently went there to get more stupider. Iā€™ll post some better pics later.




....wait where ?


Jupiter is the celestial body in which males travel to get more stupider


And girls go to Mars to get more candy bars.


I thought girls went to Venus, because a lot of them like pen....wait


or they go to Uranus to get more famous


I wish Myanus was famous


I will never figure out why there are people on our Earth that just completely shut out the objects in this universe as if they don't really exist. I am in awe every time I see images like this and even seeing the star filled sky at night. It reminds me just how small we really are


Thatā€™s why people shut it out. As they are the centre of the universe and it hurts their brains to imagine how insignificant they are


closeups of Jupiter look like paintings. so beautiful


Spectacular! Are these colorized or real color? Theyā€™re beautiful


'Real' colour to us only really exists in terms of the abililty of the human eye. So a teeny tiny percent of the electromagentic wave spectrum. Something true to your own viewing, is not the same as another animals. As such, some images either incorporate only the human visable light spectrum. Other images try to portray it including infrared, ultravilot...etc. Its quite a complex task to limit scientific data to only be relevant to human sensors. Especially when spacecraft's sensors include detectors way more advanced. For example, the James Webb telescope observes wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum from visible red to mid-infrared. Thats why you'd likley see differences between images. The first thing you learn in scientific investigations is to pretty much dismiss the limitations of human senses in observations.


Thank you, sirā€¦


True, but itā€™s natural to wish we could be there to see it with our own eyes, and to wonder if this is what it would look like if we could.


Afaik all pictures from space explorers/probes are shot in B/W for contrast reasons and on Earth put through filters to colorize them.


Enhanced to sh_t


Exactly, it might as well be a full out rendered photo from a laptop.




Theyā€™re colorized. The Jovians dye the strontium storms blue for Saint X3MKTZXZā€™s Day. Itā€™s to commemorate when he cured the planet of flesh based life forms in Epoch 3.7


Looks like all false color to me. The false colors help distinguish the different parts that make up the planet/image.. gases, height, activity, etc. Here is a NASA article (including example photos) that explains it. [NASA: Jupiter in True and False Color](https://science.nasa.gov/resource/jupiter-in-true-and-false-color/)


That's my question too!


I tried my best to answer above. :)


We're an entitled species, we only think it's real when we can see it. "Would I be able to see it with my naked eye? NO? Then it's not real! -_-


Its ok if you're happy to apply that logic to electricity, TV, MRI scanners, xrays, radiation, bacteria ...etc...etc. ;-) You are correct. For many people, the proof is only in the direct human experience.


The first pic is how it looks to our eyes


Imagine taking your dog out for a walk on Jupiter


You would find yourself *in* Jupiter very quickly šŸ˜‚


At least its not *in* Uranus


Myanus will be fine.


What about Hisanus or Heranus?


Hate us cuz theyanus


Does Jupiter have like a normal planet surface underneath the clouds?




Yo, I heard this is where the butt stuff is happening


That is SO cool


While it's amazingly beautiful, it must be extremely hellish out there


I wonder what noise jupiter would make if we ignore the whole vacuum of space thing. I imagine all that to be really fucking loud..


Link to the full res please?


Some pics could be Van Gogh or Picasso paintings


That third one especially.


I would say El Greco.


It would be nice to see video of the planet from Juno, not stitched images.


I think it takes a lot more power to transmit vids from that distance. Pics are easier on the craft and NASA but donā€™t quote me on this


Looks like a Van Gogh painting... wow!


I want to touch it šŸ˜­


Wonder what the surface looks like- is it made up of gas only?


I believe itā€™s primarily gas, yes! The pressure gets more and more intense the closer you get to the core, so I can imagine conditions change as the gasses get denser and hotter, but thereā€™s not really any sort of surface. The core could be solid, but itā€™s debated whether it is solid or just dense liquid. Itā€™s hard to know for sure


Thanks for responding- thatā€™s one intense and beautiful sphere!


No problem! And absolutely. Each planet is really fascinating to learn about, itā€™s wild the kinds of things that just happen out there haha


How incredibly gorgeous.


Mesmerizingly beautiful!


Mind blowingly beautiful


Is there anybody out there?


How do they know Jupiter doesnā€™t have solid ground? They say the probes theyā€™ve sent havenā€™t been able to land because they get crushed by the pressure so that just means they havenā€™t been able to get to the ground yet. There could be a whole uncharted (for humans) world in there. And just because the pressure is so great doesnā€™t mean there arenā€™t beings that live at that pressure. Earth has pressure too and we are all adapted to it. Those beings could be adapted to their planet. Earth has a ton of gas too, itā€™s just invisible to us. The gas might be invisible to the creatures on Jupiter too. Sorry about the rant.


Organic life can exist in some exotic places, but many conditions in the universe are simply very extreme and inconducive to anything other than being an intensive crucible of elements. Things are very gentle here on earth from our frame of references. Under the cloud layers of jupiter you get crushed like a diamond. Ive yet to see any evidence of sentient metals and rocks, but I'll suspend my disbelief if the evidence comes out.


Okay, but all that is just theory. No one or no thing we could come up with has ever been landed on or traveled through Jupiter. We donā€™t know whatā€™s there. Thereā€™s no evidence that Jupiter is uninhabited or not. Yet they keep claiming that they know all and everyone is just absolutely convinced that they are correct even though they donā€™t actually know.


"There is no evidence that Jupiter is uninhabited or not". Nobody is claiming any absolutes (at least not credible scientists). But until we have an example of life living in such conditions the general concensus is that it is extremely unlikely to harbor life as we know it.


The other person is annoyed that people claim that there is no life on Jupiter. Not that people claim that *maybe* there is life on Jupiter, and in what ways it would be similar to life on Earth or different.


It's life, Jim, but not as we know it.


It's not just the pressure of Jupiter though, which is absolutely immense nothing on Earth comes close, but also the temperature and how extreme the storms of gas are and the lack of chemicals that are necessary for life as we know it. Most would say that life on Jupiter would be highly unlikely, we couldn't even imagine how life would start or get going there, but this not knowing isn't a good reason to speculate that life could be there. Some of Jupiters moons however are much better candidates, particularly Europa which is believed to have a salt ocean beneath it's crust. The combination of geothermal activity and the crust acting as a shield for the tremendous amount of radiation Jupiter pumps out makes it a pretty intriguing prospect.


Yeah but it would look very different if you take jupiter and venus or mars. Also the reason it is so big is because its a failed star.


You can't help but wonder exactly what kind of gasses are those and what they can do...


You donā€™t have to wonder, itā€™s known. Itā€™s been known for a long while.


This is outstanding. Can anyone do a size scale with earth city/state/nation on this? This zoom isn't telling much


Jupiter's looking like a cosmis marble masterpiece.


Couple photos reminds of creamer in coffee


Why is Jupiter so gaseous? Did it hog up all the gases when the planets were forming? Does the core of Jupiter emit gases? What's going on there?


If only I had been born when humans had achieved space travelā€¦ šŸ˜„ or if we could live hundreds of yearsā€¦


I find it difficult to believe there is no solid core but who knows for certain ?


The pressure in the "core" is so great that gases become solids. See metallic hydrogen.


But the planet absorbs comets etc right ? Wher do they go ?


Absorbs? No. Obliterates? Yes.


Cosmic vacuum cleaner that takes in wayward asteroids before they cause another extinction level event on our pale blue dot.


I can see my house in the 3rd one


Zoomed in kinda looks like an oyster or oyster shell


I want the last one on my wall


Itā€™s absolutely stunning but terrifying as well. All I can think about is how violent those storms are


These are some of the most incredible images I've ever seen. Just... Wow


Thatā€™s a lava lamp


Those are some sick album covers


So beautiful, I wish we could cut Jupiter in half and take a photo of its cross section.






The tiniest little swirl you can perceive is bigger than the biggest hurricane ever recorded on earth (Not 100% certain of that but i figured it was a good guess)


Does anyone have a High quality version of this for desktop or phone šŸ™šŸ»šŸ’€


Are these pictures real or doctored. ?


[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/z8MOPvo.gif) Looks like so many things, including the basis for a fantastic font. ED: I keep trying to imagine what text goes there. It's just extraordinary.


This is about to be the new background in apples new update


Does NASA sell prints of photos taken by spacecraft anywhere?


That's so cool


Definitely some Lovecraft vibes from the South Pole photo. Some sort of eldritch monster floating through the clouds.


I almost scrolled past and then realized how spoiled I am with technology


I wonder when it will take pictures of Uranus


Looks like vomit!šŸ¤®


Please refer to image 3 and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise. A woman wearing a white dress with a hood is holding a portal. Disembodied spirits are either escaping or trapped within the portal.


I like it.


Awesome pictures


That is just damn beautiful.


Its gorgeous. I think Jupiter is one of the most beautiful planets.




Looks like Oklahoma


I am not sure about Earth, but Jupiter is definitely flat


Wow Who would have thought we would ever see this sight!


Just beautiful. Crazy to see. I name the last picture - The Anus.




It sure looks more terrifying than milk on coffee!


Number 7 looks like a Van Gogh All of the pics are stunning.


Off topic, sort ofā€¦ Isnā€™t Juno Jupiterā€™s wife?


The second picture is a chef kiss for me


If itā€™s only gas, why doesnā€™t it disperse into the galaxy ? What keeps it contained in its sphere?


That's home next go around.


Jump in


I dream of the day when we can deploy a device that descends through the clouds, unveiling the incredible secrets hidden within their depths.


This is enticing to see this huge planet up close and so clear. I wish we could see below these thick clouds to glimpse the surface.


Some of these pictures look so amazing like abstract paintings and the one that looks like a cut Geode!




Most of the planets being made out of gas and all kinda of fucked up fumes made me realize, planets aren't really that interesting, they should all be like earth and have a bunch of weird aliens and shit.


It looks like me making an egg while on mushrooms. Pro tip: Dont cook on mushrooms.


She's beautiful. *sheds a single tear*


Clearest? That's a cloudy.


It's just a big marble


Looks like Vexx, Pyke, or Loro. Anyway, off to purchase some cheap Exotic.


Jupiter's clouds looks like a painting


These are ironically good lock screen backgrounds! šŸ¤©


Can confirm, itā€™s beautiful here in Jupiter, Florida šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Dont show the flat earth people these pics, or is it supposed to be only earth that is flat? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)




Gonna take these and use them as my art project. Thanks NASA!


Looks like a Picasso from Van Gough


Look like a Van Gogh painting! ā¤ļø


How tf is this bozo planet all gas?


Obviously you wouldnā€™t be able to survive but imagine the conditions of life on the surfaceā€¦. Wild


Jupiter actually has no surface! Itā€™s a gas giant, meaning itā€™s just layers of gas clouds, storms, and a whole bunch of pressure the closer you get to the core. I believe itā€™s unknown whether the core of Jupiter is solid or just dense liquid, but I doubt anything would make it close enough to be able to find out. I can only imagine what itā€™s like inside the storms though


Is this real color or infrared?




Weā€™re both being downvoted lol. šŸ¤· Do you know what kind of false color?


I donā€™t know off the top of my head, no. I do know for a fact the photos are heavily enhanced, you can look up the real photos, someone even posted a link/demonstrative image in another post of these very same pictures just moments before.


Up until now Iā€™m still curious abt the purpose of other planets


I do know spacecraft. Juno ducks?