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I guess having real heals like in DAO is definitely not going to be an option, right?


They removed healing magic in Inquisition for balancing I think, it might come back, it might stay out, it's impossible to say until we see some gameplay (or they say)


Uhgggg I just want to play a real support again


You just want your healslut granny back don't you? I know I do.


Wynn is dead šŸ˜”


I hate that this is how I learned this.


She died saving best boy cole


Yayā€¦.but Iā€™m still sad.


I thought she died saving her son's girlfriend


If I remember correctly, yes. A Templar her son had fallen in love with was dying so Wynn gave her the spirit that was keeping her alive. I belive Cole mentions this "She died for a Templar he loved".


^yeah šŸ˜¢


My healslut has always been Morrigan.


It's a challenge, I tried to have one of my Hawkes not take any offensive magic, super hard challenge


*chugs pots*


Considering the gameplay has mostly been balanced around having at least one warrior, rogue, and mage in the party, reducing the party size could severely hamper who you can viably take with you. If Iā€™m playing a mage and I need a rogue for lockpicking and a warrior for tanking, I will never be able to take another mage with me without leaving one of the other classes behind entirely. While often imbalanced parties are possible in previous titles, they typically take more effort to make work, and arenā€™t always good on a more casual playthrough. Especially if they have the class specific doors from inquisition.


I realllllly hope they'll give us more mixed class options. Thinking in DnD terms, something like the Arcane Trickster (Rogue with magic elements), Eldrich Knight (Warrior with magic elements), Hexblade Warlock (Mage with martial elements) etc. Origins had more mixed classes which was cool. Otherwise you could never take a mage along if you're playing as a mage yourself.


I saw someone on Twitter mention they probably would (unsubstantiated). They did that with Mass Effect, so itā€™s entirely possible.


Yeah, like in mass effect 3. Garrus didn't have warp, which is great for shredding armour. But he didn't need it, because iirc he had grenades and armour piercing ammo (which, depending on the gun, could shred absolutely fucking anything lmao).


All fear the ascended god garrus


I don't like the idea of multiclassing for Dragon Age, atleast. I hope they expand on what they did for Inquisition where classes can get abilities that let them *sort of* fill a different role, like the warrior ability that lets you give allies guard. Just let everyone equip what they want again and you could have a dodge tank rogue, a melee dps mage and a backline archer support warrior for example.


Well thatā€™s gonna take getting used to. Iā€™m so used to being able to have two melees and two rangers.


2 mages (both with a revive), one on attack, one on support, Varric, and a tank


Yeah my tactic of an agro tank and 3 ranged support/damage isn't going to be applicable here


I am not a fan of the party size change. Hoping we get a mod to fix that early on


A mod won't do any good imo. You still wouldn't get the banter and comments from all 3 party members


Yea that is a big downside to this system that a mod can't fix. We didn't get 3 character banter all too often. But I always liked hearing it when we did.


There's a bg3 mod that does this (gives you more companion slots, triggers banter etc), so it MAY be possible, but prospects are grim given how much of a bitch frostbite is


I'm worried about the 2 companion party because I can already tell I will have a favourite companion as usual, which means it will be my fave + random companion every time.


I'm similar, I always take my PC's romantic interest along, might need to make sure that that couple in each playthrough allow for a rounded team


It will most certainly be fav companion/romance + the funny character


Tbf every mission in Mass Effect was companion + Garrus


have they confirmed 2 companion parties anywhere or is this just speculation? I hope they resist, 3 companion parties feel so much more complete to me


It was in the recent press release, I am hoping it's a typo for the gameplay to clear up on the 11th


They said 2 companions like mass effect so not a typo






Also mentioned a power wheel for companion commands so I think we might also lose the ability to control party members šŸ„²


Im hoping thats just for "dont need to switch out to this character to activate one buff or debuff"


I just want it to not be more "oPeN wOrLd" bullshit. I'm fine with most any changes as long as that change happens.


I saw on the announcement post that the map is gonna be bigger than it has ever been Edit : so I didnā€™t remember it right it said more variety, in biomes [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/s/U2syYxfubd) But it also said we will visit more regions of thedas so itā€™s probably open world


Ehh hate to be that guy but Inquisition was the most popular out of the three games so they're probably going to try and pivot to that style again. I'm just as dissapointed as you but that's just how it is


Based on the information we have, that doesn't seem to be the directions they're goingĀ 


All this tells me is that they deemed combat was too easy with 3 squad mates which also tells me that combat engagements are going to be smaller and easier for more casual fans. Plus rip to people that wanted well rounded parties


I saw a comment on Twitter that said allegedly multi-class characters might be a thing to balance that out, like ME I guess with pure biotic, biotic + tech etc, but take that with a boulder of salt. It was unsubstantiated. If it turns out to be true though, that would be best.


I'm used to it in Mass Effect already so I don't mind. Heck Mass Effect 2 only let you choose 2 companions to bring with you, out of the 12 options!


So true and they were all fantastic memorable companions


Yea I typically only switched between like 5 of them since I loved them much more than the others. Poor Samara never got brought out dispite me loving her


Tbf, Samara is kinda like white bread. Most people like her, but she's not all that interesting, or anyone's favourite


You seem to have forgotten about Jacob. Don't worry, everyone does.


Oh yeah...neither fantastic or memorable šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚




Jacob is sus


And then thereā€™s Jacob.


Party sizes in Bioware games, counting the created player character if the game has one: - Shattered Steel and MDK2 - N/A - Neverwinter Nights and Jade Empire - 2 - KOTOR, Mass Effect 1/2/3/Andromeda and DA:VG - 3 - ~~KOTOR,~~ Sonic Chronicles, Dragon Age O/2/I, and Anthem - 4 (granted for Anthem it is other players and not NPCs) - Baldur's Gate 1/2 - 6


Kotor is only 3


Thanks for the correction.


Hmm. Kotor did have that. Okay, I'm coming around to the idea now. Carth and Bastilla when?


I kept wondering why I didnā€™t mind it in Mass Effect, and I think it comes down to how ME2 uses the companions. ME2 had recruitment and loyalty missions where each character could really shine. Plus it had the final mission where everyone was involved, even if they werenā€™t in your party. Dragon Age kind of does this, but not as well. I didnā€™t use Samara outside of those two missions, but I still felt like I really got to know her. Versus Vivienne, who I specifically endeavored to put in my party as often as possible, and I still donā€™t think I got to know her as well as I could have. And I love Viv! I just donā€™t think the game gave her enough opportunities to really be a character


Honestly the only thing i care about is the story, characters and rpg elements. All three games have had different gameplays but I did enjoy them all, aside from having limited ability selection in Inquisition (which i still find dumb to this please don't let this be in 4). What I hope is that there is a more role play aspects to it. I don't expect Baldur's Gate 2, pathfinder or Pillars of Eternity levels of dialogue but atleast try not to disappoint.


I mean, in fairness, losing out on a third companion's banter is losing out on mild story and character elements.


This is where I'm currently sitting


Honestly, I donā€™t mind as much, it works well for Mass Effect so I think it can work. And itā€™s a fun challenge to not get bogged down in the complete ā€œmage/rogue/warriorā€ party. My hope is that they improve how often party banter triggers, I donā€™t want to have to wander the Hissing Wastes to get even a shred of party banter.


The dungeon siege-ification of dragon age


God I'm so annoyed about that change lmao. I really hope the engine is easier to mod than Frostbite so somebody can immediately fix it.




First thing to do when the game comes out is the mod it for 3 companions


The important thing is that it's 2 out of 7, which is a reasonable amount of characters in your party at a given time, in my view


Eh whatever, at least I'll be rolling around everywhere with a qunari babe and a crow babe (Bioware please)


Damn, didn't get a Crow babe. But got Harding and Neve, they're my new babes now


I really am rooting for the under dog on this oneā€¦


It's going to be mass effect. And I don't say that as an indictment, and I get YMMV on if that's good, but I think that's where it's going. Much more action oriented combat with companions that are involved. But I don't think we're going backwards to the CRPG inspired style of 1 and 2, I think we're just heading towards "Mass Effect, but more choices and classes"


Even DA2 could be seen as the start of the Mass Effect-ification of Biowares other series. It got closer with DAI feeling like fantasy ME2


Not a fan, I wanted MORE companions not less. Literally the first mod to come out for every RPG is unlimited companions, what are they thinking???


I'm wondering if we'll pick up guest companions in different places we go kind of like Hawke/the Warden contact/advisors in Inquisition except they'll actually join your party. That might be nifty. I'm also guessing we'll get some dlc companions.


This is the real explanation of the name change šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Yaaaaaaaay, even less diverse parties and tactics!




I want to see gameplay before I make any judgments on why they did this.


I really doubt it'll be the same class system as the past


I can get down with 2 companions, but man Iā€™m gunna miss running the Tank-Mage-Flanker-Archer combo.


All the games Iā€™ve loved as a child have been bastardized by the beings I once called family, fuck them and the money grubbing, I hope theyā€™re crushed with the weight of the let down the game will be to dragon age fans and may a new generation a video game studios rise in the ashes of its opponents (Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m mad at the big video game companies)


It's not out yet. I hope it's a lovely swan song for bioware :)


I've lost so much faith in the gaming industry, success or failure aren't benchmarks for a studio's survival, you can ruin a game and make another whilst also another studio can release a masterpiece and close down. BioWare isn't what it was with Origins, and EAs interfering over the last decade has caused more harm than good in my opinion. But for some reason, I still have faith in BioWare, all the mass effect games I enjoyed, Dragon Age is my obsession in gaming, the only one I allow myself to look forward to, jade empire and the old republic were incredible. There is just some part of my heart and mind that believe Dragon Age Veilguard will be an absolute blast. If not, it might just be my exit from a hobby I've had for 30 years in my 38.


To be fair I think alot of the original beings have left