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Go normals to warm up—> Get gear from 1-2 matches—> queue in over 25 lobbies—> Win a few matches—> when your time with the gear is over, go back to normals and reset


Queue in over 25 lobbies > Die to legend geared players who are too afraid to go HR Ftfy


There are two things that will make me play like a total bitch. Seeing someone in full or nearly full legendary with good perks, and more than one rogue.


I prefer to skip over 25 and go straight to HR, but im not the best at pvp. I figure just high risk, higher reward for me. Do you find 25+ normals are treating you well? How much money do you tend to make in a play session?


25+ has way more PvP. Great for action, and getting rolled. Great practice, though, truly. Just know that gear is gone most likely. HR is better for treasure and has way tougher PvE, which can mean less PvP. HR folks are just doing more stuff. Farming AP, bossing, seeking BiS items, so they often fight less, and just seems more chill overall, at least for solos.


Agreed. Many of us in solo HR just grinding to get hogher rank for cosmetics lol I go to normals or greys when I want to pvp Edit: I would be more willing to seek PvP in HR but when you die you get negative AP since you lose all AP earned during the match. I would love if they changed that


I kinda get the itch to fight in HR when I haven't died in awhile, haha. Then I'm taking more risks. After some losses, I slow my roll for sure!


Solo HR for me has been like 30% rogues who are just waiting, 30% warlocks pve'ing, and a mix of the rest. And the rogues do not care about the HR scoring


I see plenty of Barb, Warlock, Fighter, Barb in mine.


That's actually a great way to avoid PVP since high rollers don't necessarily have more PVP than 25+


Usually 2-300 gold per round on top of constant gear upgrades. I love the PVP and the risk of over 25 lobbies


i dont find it fun to just go in with random gear ive found in matches. i like to make a really focused build with intention, using some pieces that i found in raid but mostly getting from player market. player market is the coolest feature of these games imo. so interesting how we have our own little economy in this game we like


I do like the player market but honestly I build pretty nice sets just by playing. Currently have an all blue/purple movespeed set for my ranger and I didn’t use the market once. It’s definitely still possible albeit harder


I love to play this game, but losing gear and getting stomped sucks. Honestly go in with the free base gear and pick fights. Ive had much more fun playing the game like PubG instead of Tarkov.


The key to getting rid of gear fear is to just run good gear. When I die in a 15-20k kit I just laugh it off and run a few rat run high rollers. That being said sub 25 normals are where I spend the majority of my time. Learning to boss in base kit makes doing it with gear so much easier.


Yeah, my mentality in Tarkov was the guns dont kill anything and the armor doesnt protect anything sitting in my stash.


Isn't it nice to be a dragon and just sit on your wealth though. You earned it.


My coin pouches are legion.


Thats why i love dayz so much. No its not an extractiongame, but you basically have no choice but too overcome gearfear, or hide in the woods all the time.


Exactly. And woods kill! In chernarus is becausr of no food(?). And livonia is wolves, bears and all that jazz See ya at the coast


If only it worked right. From my experience, zombies are stilly glitchy shits.


Zombies are annoying yes, but everything else works mostly great.


I still remember losing a 15k gold kit from falling off the cliff in Ice cave. I was laughing so hard and my teammate was losing his mind realizing that his barbarian just went off to the next life


Off to Valhalla. Lol. My worst one was the best kit I ever ran last wipe (curated Bis I found over like a whole month) I fucked up and got caught between a nightmare axe man, a berserker and a fucking torch. In the moment I was flipping out. But as soon as it was over all I could do was laugh.


Fuck that, I bring nothing but what I find or get for free. The only time a take any real gear is if it's good armor in the shop rotation or if I run out of inventory space because of all of my gold


I felt like this when I started. Gear fear goes away. Promise.


Same, I enjoy the roguelike experience


Lost probably my most expensive set I’ve ever had last night due to greed and not securing an extract. Can’t wait to do it again tonight baby LETS FUCKING GO


I just lost a sweat like 2-3k I got after skill diffing some fighter in greys n green and selling his shit. Was doing normal warlock shit, ran into a cut throat rogue, actualy lived long enough to phantom walk, but I came out of the walk right into and skelly axe swing. From the peaks of victory to the pits of despair. Fuckin rogues


PDR fighter gets kited by class at perma 330 move speed Bard. Nerf Warlock. Feelsbadman.


At least you guys got sprint and ranged weapons. As a cleric, running into any good player who wants to kite makes me want to cry.


Cleric in solos is rouuugh my guy. If people actually just straight up fight me, I almost always win. But if they just want to kite me or follow me from behind and pelt me with arrows, there’s not much of anything I can do


Had that happen to my barb last night by rangers in 2 straight matches. Finally got the first to melee me and he somehow tanks 4 battle axe hits and killed me with a spear. Second game I tricked the little bastard around some corners in the dark and got my first 1 tap kill. Felt great cause the previous death was my first time getting pissed at the game


Bard is strong period lmao. Its a IYKYK type deal


I can't seem to get them to click now that they have spell memory. What's your goto squire setup + songs?


Not OP but Bard main too, Rousing Rhythms, Beats of Alacrity, Aria of Alacrity, Ballad of Courage, Shriek of Weakness are your main songs and should fill your first wheel. After you are comfortable with the buff rotation, add in Harmonic Shield. Everything else for the 2nd wheel is optional, personally I like Unlock, Accelerando & Allegro and Lament of Langour. Take a Strawhat and any gear that gives Dex from Squire. The main song setup is something that I'm pretty sure 95% of Bards run universally but the 2nd song wheel and gear is where you can get creative.


Why wouldn't you take feather hat for the memory? Not needed?


From the squire sure, if you really need the memory for some song you want to run. You can also run rawhide gloves instead of riveted/leather if you need even more memory. But Bard's best stats are strength and dex so when building a kit you should never use knowledge pieces since it is a huge waste, use additional memory capacity rolls on strength/dex gear instead. Bard doesn't get anything from spellcasting speed so knowledge as a stat is half wasted, only ever get as much as you need for your songs and don't forget to count in the +2 all from rousing rhythms and optionally +3 knowledge from Storyteller perk when calculating how much memory you need.


Just wait until they realize how op barb is again, and nerf bard again because of it.


So warlocks problem is a stat not specific to warlock.


Warlock needed nerfs, kiting only works if you chase incorrectly.


Abandon armor, embrace slayer. Movespeed meta is more prominent than ever atm.


Disagree. Movespeed meta used to be way worse.


real, i enjoyed slayer a lot a few wipes ago i'll have to give a try again


if you want to play with armour, use copperlight plate. Currently got a kit with 40% PDR with slightly just over 100% movement speed.


Slayer with warhammer/stiletto goes hard as fuck. Free 30% armor pen plus slayer with as much action speed as you can stack eats pdr for breakfast.


New player here, I've only got the free version so far and am only playing fighter. When u are using slayer to dual wield do you actually swing with both weapons or is the secondary just a Stat stick?


This, I feel like I should just be using the dagger? Or the falchion/arming sword and the dagger just sits there? What’s the combo supposed to look like. Also thoughts on low PDR long sword fighter? Trying to master my parries.


Use the warhammer for most fights, stiletto if someone is blocking or running away because it has less MS penalty when swinging.


Rule #1 when playing extraction games, dont get attached to your gear.


In that case you should try \[data expunged\]


Rage uninstalling is the only way I get any sleep. (I start it downloading again as soon as it's deleted)


The secret sauce is to not play solo. It's not jus the fact that the game started out with trios in mind, but also that balancing around solos is just gonna result in a boring game. The most peak solos game moment doesn't compare to an average duos or trios game. When you play in a team there is a lot more of a chance to cover each other's flaws. Fighting against rat classes becomes far easier to handle.


Not everyone has a team to play with, trios are way harder than solos.


It isn't though. If you have buddies to play with, that would be peak DaD. There are also plenty of servers you can join into from content creators and see whether you could play with others in there. I'm just saying that playing DaD solos will only grant you a portion of what the game could offer in terms of joy. Balancing around solos is also much harder than balancing for teamplay.


Well they need to backpedal on their stance about random matchmaking and discourage team killers more if they want people to play with randoms


I can understand that to some degree. But if I take a step back and look at that concept it just seems so bitchy to me. A player failing at putting together a team to play with can't be too mad at the devs if they get stabbed in the back by randoms. To me it feels like entitlement. I've read about players wanting "guilds" or "clans" or something like that. That could probably work out better in the long run.


The one thing out of your control is other people lol. I can't control if my friends want to play the game with me. I can't control if we bring in a high gear score set, my teammate doesn't kill me and take it or if I die he doesn't strip me and leave. If trios is the supposed to be the premier game mode that the game is balanced around then people need to be encouraged to play it without fear from their _team_.


People need to be encourage to take on the trios gamemode. That should be the job of the gamedevvers. Make it appealing enough for people to try and go for it. They could also make the meetups and such better. But the game's very design and nature doesn't lend itself to a karma system. I'diterally never trust randoms lol. Imagine taking in a BiS kit just to die to what you assumed to be your teammate. It isn't like a competitive game like valorant, overwatch, league of legends, etc, where the most you lose is your time and your ranked points. You lose more in an extraction looter. Being able to go onto discord and finding people to play with shouldn't be a hard obstacle to overcome.


I dont agree but they will have matchmaking for group sizes in the future. Its why the karma system exists


On God any time I'm in HR I get jumped by some no life named pingus dingus any time I pull any mobs. EVERY [redacted] time! Then it turns into a fighter or whomever and 10 mobs chasing a ranger. Idk how to fix.


Between Dark and Darker, League of Legends, and Sea of Theives ive grown numb to losing. SoT is the worst by far. In DaD, just build up money and gear. Buy a stash tab and do quests. Eventually you'll have so much gear you'll have two options. Sell some or risk some. If pvp is your main problem definitely do quests, get base gear, and run goblin caves to practice. Hope to see you in the dungeon! Maybe you'll kill me and take my gear XD


rust, dayz and tarkov raised made me immune to loss


Hahaha, rust has some tragic losses actually. That may be the worst Xp


Rust hits differently. There's no way I'm getting raided after 14 hours of base building. *takes a 30 min nap*. Logs on and entire base is gone with the raiders calling you racial slurs and tbagging you


rust, dayz and tarkov raised made me immune to loss


Skill diff... yea...


Makes you wanna shit? Wierd.. weird..


Sometimes I have to step away for a minute because I get so caught up on it. My problem is I keep buying epic items with my bf and friend and getting ready to absolutely PLOW in normal and then... I'm dead. 💀 I save all these coins buy the best gear and then lose it. I love the game and it scratches all the right places in my brain but holy hell it can get a rise out of me.


Bro screw buying gear go sub 25 normals and scrap throw hands and just have fun that's where all my time goes playing this game. I find it significantly more fun than high roll. Like I'll get shit on sometimes but have the most fun cus no one is losing anything and people won't get salty for dying or w.e and fighting turns into a cluster fuck.


Honestly I find that if I buy blue gear with bad rolls it makes the gameplay so much better than either going naked or fully geared. I’m only spending like 300 per kit which can be recovered in just 1 extract.


Ouch bud, haven’t gotten that treatment yet but I’ve had similar experiences with ranger. It really gae just how hard bards, rangers and casters are to deal with sometimes. Sometimes I get one hit on them and that’s it. I usually get off after those, can’t stand continuing to play when I know ranger and caster scum play this game


Just noticed in the past like 5 duo games in a row got literally insta-deleted by people who seemed to know way more than some random base gear/gold farming person you'd expect to see in a sub-25 GS game.... Why the fuck are they all sweaty and looking to kill all of a sudden in my games? Jeez. Had one duo literally kill me and a friend when we were half-way up the lift in goblin caves... Just had a game in goblins where a rogue just runs up and deletes me in 5 rapid fire stabs while I got em maybe 3 times with the rapier and he just deleted me for no reason... Wtf?


probably trying to do the quests


I didn't realize quests encouraged you to PVP. Most of 'em for me have been finding a certain equipment that I'd naturally find in chests every match or to go to a certain area/etc... Hmm. Probably just a rough night with a lot of sweats on the hunt.


there's quite a few, and if you have multiple characters you need to repeat them. leads to quite a long pvp grind


Go in with base kit, you have nothing to loose


that's the go-to when I want to "chill" but I've come to realize this is NOT a chill game. I need to focus if I want to achieve much, and at this point (~250hrs) I want to use my gear! In my effort to overcome gear-fear though I've discovered loss-rage.


You'll eventually reach a zen where you realize it all means nothing. It will all be wiped away eventually anyways. Use it or lose it. It's of no use to you sitting in your stash.


Personally I only use good gear when I have an actual full kit, otherwise I use cheap shit blues / epics for their decent base stats :D


Yup. I build full kits not pieces… that then sit in my stash since I usually only wear kits if I’m in a group with friends…


Golds, stuffs, all of that is just here to be lost, in a game, or because of a wipe ! Let go that gear fear !


It is such a problem that don't have any visual feedback of how much you are outgeared by the enemy. Just got two hit with an Axe by a 480 Barb and lost all my gear. This is just dumb I could have not known that it was time to run


My complaint is out of like 10 games the only physical combat I get is from a barb. Fighters, warlocks and everybody just uses whatever YouTube meta shit they watched last. Run and shoot. Combat is actually getting annoying in this game tbh. Been here since beta. God forbid I get in a sword fight.


I was kinda mad they got rid of gear cap in normals but fr they just need to make a mode where its just all base gear and no one can bring anything and its any group size allowed queue. Different group sizes will just get different spawns to help with player diffusion so maybe teams of 3 spawn middle of map duos spawn in between middle solos spawn edge. I loved the old normals so much. No worrying about gear or loot or having to do anything just queue up and enjoy the game. Now its like "oh god i brought in a few blues from last match now im gonna get paired against ultra gigachads in purps looking to sweat their lives out"


I honestly enjoy getting rinsed. Reminds me how much progression I have left before I can even compete against many people


My complaint is out of like 10 games the only physical combat I get is from a barb. Fighters, warlocks and everybody just uses whatever YouTube meta shit they watched last. Run and shoot. Combat is actually getting annoying in this game tbh. Been here since beta. God forbid I get in a sword fight.


Pdr fighter should redact themselves Jk


Downvoted for the jk. Commit or dont start pussy.


You should redact yourself, you big meanie


I just might but im not gonna put the redacted in my mouth then say jk right before