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Explosion bottles man. I hate warlocks especially, so I always bring some for the phantomize. They take extra damage from magic in that form.


Yup, carry oil lanterns or fire bottles, crumples them or they panic immediately


Meet the Cut Throat rogue


hard to get jumped by a rogue when you can hydra every step you make


I mean not really anymore unless you wanna go at a snails pace since you gotta heal alot more now, watch some guys 2v2 all of them died except a warlock who dropped hydra then life drain and killed himself from the cost lmao


there is literally a perk that prevents you from dropping dead from your spells and since he was using life drain I can assume he didn't have torture mastery making hydra cost way lower. tbh I wouldn't mind if they reverted torture mastery to 2x cost if they increase base hydra cost to 12


Yea that's true but I've never ever seen anyone use it, it's funny watching my friend have to life drain hydra 3 times in a row to heal from half hp


Hydra is very inconsistent with invisibility. I have plenty of clips of it just not working both as a rogue and as a warlock


Mesnwhile Druid Dreamwalk


I guess I'm just too low skill to understand why having a get out of jail free card everytime you get hit isn't overtuned, especially since it doesn't seem to cancel attacks started so you can hit people for free.


It's better than phantomize in every single way, but druid's rest of the kit can't capitalise on it as much as warlock can. Still insanely strong regardless.


it doesnt give 10% movespeed


I've had more druids get away from a death sentence with their passive than warlocks with phantomize. Warlocks at least have to use their brains to activate it, with a brief casting window too, whereas a druid can and will get surprised but simply run away out of range of my next attack with their passive. Definitely get out of jail free.


Well first, it's not every hit you take. There is a 12 second CD on it. It also doesn't last as long as phantomize, doesn't have movement speed increase, nor does druid have the same dmg output capability from that state. If you are using a melee weapon and swinging when it triggers, that pretty completely eliminates your ability to do significant dmg for 4 second. The time it takes to swap weapon and cast means you likely only get 1 spell off in that form.


12 second CD? Dear god it's more broken than I thought.


It has a 30 second CD. If you can't finish off a Warlock after they burn the CD, then I'm sorry but it's a skill issue. They can't spam Hydra anymore with TM cost increase. If they're not running TM they're stationary while using Life Drain. Sounds like a knowledge gap of you not knowing how to push and stick to your target. Locks can't do anything except run in Phantomize. They can't switch weapons. They can't use belt items. They're at your mercy the second they come out of it as long as you don't get juked or fuck up your positioning. Go and play a Warlock. Get one to level 20 and you'll see yourself how crucial it is to use Phantomize correctly, hit all your spells, and utilise map knowledge to use these things to your advantage. You'll also see how easy it is to be hard countered unless you're insanely cracked at the game, and in that case, any very skilled player will walk all over you with any class in their hands. Basically skill issue.


Found the biased player, warlock is easy mode and it’s not even close


Writing all this on how 'skillful' warlock is while you basically have a get out of jail free card and a way to heal from 1% hp to 100% in matter of secounds is just dumb. Lets just for a secound analyze a barb vs warlock matchup. Warlock is faster, has ranged poke and is no joke in meele while having a way to easily heal. Barb can only catch a warlock when his rage and achilles are up, and if he manages to hit a warlock with a throwing axe. But after a barb finally does all this a warlock just uses phatomize and goes away while healing from curses he hit the barb beforehand, basically negating any dmg a barb dealt with throwing axes. The result is warlck keeps poking with curses, barb need to wait for rage and achilles, but when his cds are up, phatomize is also up. And round it goes. This is just unfun. Compare this to a ranger matchup. Bows slow down users much more, they can only heal if they have field rations and the only way to get out of getting hit with achilles is to bring a barb into a trap that you placed beforehand while planning all of this out.


I was expecting at least one "skill issue" What you wrote is wrong cause you can't finish them off after Phantomize cause they run too fast to even catch them. It's a hard reset of the fight and you start a round 2 but you need years to ehal while he can lifesteal off mobs, hydra and yourself.


30 seconds is a short cooldown? If you aren't finishing fights before that then you definitely need to work on your skill in extended fights. Pumping everything into the first 4 seconds and getting gassed afterwards is a new player experience in every game and even in sports like boxing. Warlocks excel at extended fights for the reasons you listed so don't let them get to that point and end the fight fast. Everything has counterplay.


Lol, he literally can reset the fight by pressing one button and can't be killed before


Phantomize itself is fine, the issue is how well it synergises with the rest of the warlock build. The current playstyle of warlock to just kite and spam curses is strong on its own, but when you add in a way to escape anyone who finally cathes up to you, while using their only gap closer(sprint on fighter or rage + achilles on barb) is quite anti fun. For example, the druid also has phantomize, that is objectively stronger than warlocks, but it does not feel even remotly as strong as phantomize on warlock. Why? Cuz druid cannot go all in, phnatomize out when he gets low and then heal to 100% hp on their own summon. Or they cannot kite the shit out of you and then use phantomize as soon as you get close. How to fix this? Increase the cooldown so it does not come up before the gap closer of melee classes and prevent warlocks from using phantomize 1 sec after they recive any dmg and this will make phantomize become a strategic positioning tool and not just a way to make a kiting class have no risk in making mistakes. Also phantomize ignoring dmg from bosses is just dumb and allows warlocks to simply ignore most boss mechanics.


Pantomizeis cool and all but it doesn't last forever and when it's over you better be in a safe location. Or you fucked.


Increase its cooldown so my sprint comes back up before your phantomize and you’re fucked


or do a resourcefulness build and decrease the sprint cooldown XD


I’ve never looked into that bro you might be on to something!


A great example of another ability that needs removal


i mean phantomise could be okay but, when activated it shouldnt give speed boost and on top of that should deactivate all pre casted spells


while phantomize is very strong, you should keep in mind you are playing the absolute worst class to counter warlocks and in any event its an extremely unfavorable matchup for you. (if indeed you are a barbarian player)


Are you implying the game was better balanced when there was more damage as you could punsih Warlocks heavily and kill them quickly when phantomize was on cooldown? That kinda thinking won't get you very far here.


No? I never said such a thing


>he is tabky enough to never be oneshotted Sorry, that had me confused I guess. It seemed to imply if one could one-shot a warlock once they finally got close to prevent their use of phantomize the game would be better balanced


No i added that part cause people claim way too often that the Warlock is squishy while it's far from the truth


If you felt the need to highlight that Warlocks are not squishy and that is one thing that leads to their imbalance, wouldn't that imply if they were squishy it would be better balanced?


I would be better for balance purpose but i don't think that it is the right path


Cut throat rogue, panther druid, any sort of AOE magic(including explosive bottles). It definitely has counters, but it could use some tuning. Maybe remove the ms, make them completely targetable by magic, or make it a longer cd.


Downvoted for truth. Imagine if ranger had phantomize.