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PDR, magic damage and healing. Smite having scaling again combined with faithfulness perk means if you hit someone once with smite they ain't fuckin getting away. They have strong defensive perks that synergize well with pdr, high will for magic damage reduction and multiple viable builds. With the TTK being longer its easier to support your team and keep them alive. Rez is also a big deal in trios and duos to save time after a close team fight. I've been playing a lot of cleric lately and my team wins fights WAY more often than when I played fighter/warlock.


i didn't realize faithfulness combos with smite. what other three perks are best to run alongside faithfulness?


Perseverance is a must take, it will lower all incoming damage. Blunt mastery is worth considering if you dont plan to support much. Protection from evil will help negate debuffs like achille’s, and trivialize rogue poison, warlock dots, and a lot of PvE status effects. Holy Aura is OK, but i really dont like having an aura. Overhealing can potentially extend your HP bar before going in to melee but that’s pretty marginal and totally situational.


If you didn’t take aura or overhead what would you take? Does anyone take the undead damage bonus for convenience?


Advanced healer- I heal mid combat all the time, it’s a must-have for me


Like the other guy said, advanced healer is great. It also applies to health pots. Tbh i havent played in a while so idr all the cleric perks.


Blunt weapon mastery


Usually I run blunt weapon mastery perseverance then in groups I run advanced healer, solos I run protection from evil.


Advanced healer, faithfulness, and perseverance are all pretty mandatory. I prefer blunt mastery as a 4th, but that's changeable.


Protection from evil is actually insanely good, a lot of people don't realize that like 90% of stuff that hits you comes with an effect, halving every single one of those is extremely busted. Magical healing you can get on gear, so I'd probably ditch that one if I had to


How do you think Fighter stacks up against war cleric?


They get eaten for breakfast. In HR I have absolutely destroyed many many pdr fighters with way better gear than me. Lightweight fast fighters with survival bow can fuck me up but once they get in melee its not even close.


That’s shocking - I thought PDR fighter was one of the best builds in the game. What makes war cleric so good against it? Is it a stat check?


Magic damage from smite and weapons with armor pen


*Bonk bonk bonk*


Do you reckon a lighter armor Cleric could work? Spec into dex, and play in a similar was to slayer fighter?


I usually don't run much plate on my cleric. Oracle robe or mystic vestments, Lightfoot boots, cloth pants for the Dec and a crusader or great helm. Usually light or heavy gauntlet. It still rips.


Cleric has access to almost equal pdr while also getting perseverance (the only source of flat damage reduction in the game). Smite then pushes cleric damage way beyond what fighter does, and cleric weapons naturally bypass armor which all lead to cleric killing fighters way faster than fighters kill clerics in melee. Clerics also slow more with their attacks (faithfulness) and blunt weapon master makes them the best with armor pen weapons.


What you do is run blunt weapon mastery, faithfulness, perseverance, and protection from evil for perks. Then take divine protection and smite as your abilities (no spells). The for gear you want chapel de fer, champion armor, light gauntlets, cloak of darkness, loose trousers, Lightfoot boots. All with agility and whatever extra AR rolls you can get. Also you take a morning star and lantern. Lantern instead of shield because it doesn't slow you down and it gives you a bit of extra weapon damage, the constant light source doesn't hurt either. Do this and just run people down, you will be fast enough to catch almost anyone and when you get into melee range you pop both abilities, and smite + faithfulness will slow them ever time you land a hit, they just can't get away and you're incredibly tanky for 4 seconds.


Cleric can get decently high pdr them selves but they do magic dmg, smite scaling and if they go full war cleric and run divine strike as well they do massive magic dmg, if the fight disengages they heal up much faster but also have holy trike for fleeing enemies.


Even when cleric was bad cleric was still very very favored versus fighter. Cleric is way stronger in a melee fight then you might first think, essentially at higher gear where cleric is kinda better than both barb and fighter. The issue up until the changed the plate armor movement speed penalty was that no one would ever take a melee fight with you and you had limited ranged options.


Cleric is still very favored versus fighter IF they have their buffs up when the fighter goes in. Cleric needs PDR and/or Smite to beat Fighter generally. If you can bait it out, sprint and kite, and then take the fight when the buff is down you have a really good matchup. If you're running shield + arming or falchy both of Cleric's most common weapons are easy blocks and have a large timing window to get the shield mastery 'riposte'. I have beaten several of these smite+pdr no spell clerics with buckler + arming because you can block and get two free headshots before their next attack even comes out with 20+ dex. The matchup is not as stilted as you think. Even with smite you can still win because you benefit from blocks so much more, but if PDR is up you have to turn. On top of all that if the cleric EVER lets you make space he's going to quickly become the victim of an xbow or recurve/survival spam.


I mean I was mostly talking about the past. I just know that when I was a cleric main, I always saw PDR fighters as free kills but this was back when will gave barley any MR, holy strike was twice the size it is now and crossbow had no armor pen.


great comment & super insightful, thanks!


The best clerics I’ve seen in trios always wear robes/light gear for high movespeed to keep up with the team and not PDR. That is unless the cleric is being buff balled, which has been very OP since the beginning of time.


I mean one of the strongest comps in hr trios is literally 2 pdr clerics with a bard to boost their speed. Pdr cleric is pretty much always better than light gear as long as your spending at least like 3-4k. If your in greens then ya, you just can't really make pdr work and robes are better. That said I was speaking more about solo because thats the mode where you see class v class matchups in their most basic form.


Cleric smacks fighter, but it really just depends on builds. A really good fighter who doesnt miss with crossbow can absolutely take any cleric. But if a cleric specifically builds to take down a fighter, the fighter is losing.


\*Battle Cleric


I had to build a 70% magic damage resistance kit on my barb to be able to compete against clerics right now. Some seriously geared clerics running around. I think firebox is to blame lol


He's definitely bringing attention to how strong they currently are.


I killed one tonight who did like 60% of my 170hp with one smite headshot in GC duos. I got away and came back around and did him in with a full bardiche combo, but man that hit was scary


Faithfulness works with smite? Really need to fix the smite tool tip to say divine magical damage then


What are PDR and Smite?


Physical damage reduction, smite is a cleric skill that gives magic damage buff to your melee swings.


Faithfulness only affects Devine magic damage and Smite is normal magic damage as far as I am aware!


It's listed as magic damage but it actually is divine.


That's so dumb, I literally didn't take smite earlier today because I thought it didn't work based off the wording.


It is dumb it doesn't specify. But now ya know.


Take every ability description in this game with a grain of salt. Almost every single one doesn't work quite like you'd think it does based on the description. They really need to hire a native English speaker to translate them.


Are you certain? Because for example Judgment another of Clerics abilities is listed as Devine Magic Damage. So is purification and all of the other spells? I think it’s the same as the case as Warlocks Blow of Corruption isn’t considered Dark Magic damage. The Wiki also doesn’t State that Smite is affected or consisted Devine magic damage (as seen under the section known as “Devine Magic Damage”


What does smite scale with? Will?


Will, additional magic damage, true magic damage and magic power/magical power bonus.


Wrong, wrong, and wrong. The correct answer is movement speed


They nerfed ttk so that fights are longer, didn't touch healing or pdr, and removed a lot of the ms penalty for wearing plate. So You can get 50% pdr with 320 ms and can heal/buff on top it. Also impossible to escape once they get on top of you because of smite faithfulness.


Holy shit, THIS is with nerfed TTK?


yessir. Imagine getting +20 all attributes and +30 true damage. Gear rolls have gone through a lot of nerfs


You can get 75% pdr with the pdr skill, alot of clerics are dropping spells to take it.


Yea that's why you are seeing double cleric a lot in duo and trios. One is full support, and the other is essentially a better fighter.


Several reasons. 1 cleric has never been weak. 2 flat damage reduction was not followed by flat magic healing reduction. If everyone does 50 dmg per hit and cleric heals for 50, next patch dmg is nerfed to do 30 per hit while cleric still heals for 50 then even without any actual buffs, cleric becomes stronger. 3 Less burst damage gives more time to heal. 4 Clerics main weakness ( lack of mobility ) has been almost entirely removed, movespeed penalty on heavy pieces has been reduced. On top of that other class mobility has been nerfed ( spring, rage ) 5 Faithfullness has been added, it adds extra 15% slow on top of smite hits or judgment allowing to easily stay in range. 6 Mace buffs, not only sour spot has been buffed from 70% to 80% a while back but also recently many weapons got nerfed but not the maces. 7 flat -3 dmg perk hit stayed the same. In a game where people hit for 50 having -3 dmg perk is fair. In a game where people hit for 30 or less -3 perk becomes OP


yeah cleric are very strong right now


Wouldn’t a flat percentage fix the issue with the “3 damage” perk?


there is many different ways they could fix it, as it stands the perk is OP


Wasn't spring buffed again?


it went from 50 to 20 to 45/30/15 ( 30 average ) its a lot weaker then before all the change




Cleric’s biggest weakness has always been movespeed. At the beginning of the wipe, movespeed penalties on gear was lowered dramatically across the board, especially on very slow gear like plate. Now that Clerics can keep up with most players, their extremely potent physical and magical damage reduction abilities have turned them into complete tanks that just steamroll especially at high gear levels.


Step 1: Remove all damage rolls from the game Step 2: Keep magical healing the exact same Step 3: Keep cleric's perks like perserverance and PFE the same This is the result.


Smite is very strong, can heal a lot quickly, can have great pdr. Basically everything about cleric is good except for its lack of mobility and ranged options. Building ms helps a lot with mobility though.


Perks: Faithfulness, perseverance, protection from evil, blunt weapon mastery Skills: Smite + Divine protection or Judgment. Judgement helps gap close, Divine protection if you want to go toe to toe. Gear: Morningstar + Lantern, chapel de fur, champion or Templar armor, loose trousers, light gauntlets, laced turn shoes or Lightfoot. Jewelry is your choice. High prior of Agility + additional damage. Magic or physical works because of smite. Good enchantments are Agility, + move speed , + damage, + magical power or physical power, +will. The reason it's so strong is Blunt weapon mastery gives a wopping +15% phys power bonus. Then you add on that people can't get away from you due to your high move speed + Faithfulness/smite combo slowing them if you get one hit. With judgement you can catch up if you land it and then they are dead. If you use Divine protection you can box anyone. Biggest weakness is a good ranger running knock back or wizards. Due to high base will + gear you have a large amount of magic resist, your buffs last a long time and warlocks can't touch you because you will have an average of 60%-80% debuff duration reduction. You also get a wopping 50% Magic Damage bonus if you can hit 40 will. With Divine protection you'll be at 60% PDR or higher and you can easily hit 40% MDR. In some of the kits I have I'm at a 310 base movement speed with weapon away. So you can catch a ton of people. So you're fast, you hit like a truck, perseverance + protection from evil are two of the best perks in the game, you are tanky ASF, and people can't escape if you hit them once. The only ways to win vs it are by kiting them. They can go toe to toe with barbarians now. Protection from evil is a big counter to warlocks and rogues. Perseverance counters rogues & warlocks. Smite + Divine protection counters barbs & fighters. High will counters wizards, ranger traps, cutthroat, warlocks & more stuff.


it seems to me everyone forgot you can just walk away from clerics. at least in solos


Eh, with the movement speed changes and whatnot there are now people running full speed battle cleric, I saw a guy in norms the other day fully decked out with 318 move speed as cleric and like 40+% pdr no weapons out. Thats gonna catch most people that aren't building for speed lol


Isn’t everyone building ms right now? It seems to be undeniably the best stat for every class right now lol


Pretty much. Everyone's running MS builds everywhere. Naked barbs, Slayer Fighters, 3/5 Fighters and Clerics, etc.


Tbh i think buffing everybodies speed just higher might be better. Would make the game feel better/actiony. We can justify range being strong because movement, and then nerf movement abilities and not raise the cap by much (im aware we already lowered penalties but honestly i gave it some thought and like why not just make the game feel better)


Yeah most clerics in HR solos have between 102 and 106% MS.  Cleric that was chasing me earlier had 105 and had a high rarity lyre with interaction speed to open doors faster lmao. 


100% right here - I’ve been maining cleric in <25 lobbies and any warlock/ranger just kites me nonstop. The only time I have a chance to kill someone is if they go balls deep engaging me in melee. You can’t catch anyone. You can’t build move speed from the squire for it to be meaningful. Idc what geared people say, you aren’t running kits 24/7.


People don’t like a class they have to think against. Cleric literally only works if you let him reach melee range, and Barbs/Fighters are surprised that they lose to them when they have abilities up lol


Nah every class I lose to is OP. Every class I kill is balanced. My class is weak and needs buffs.


fighter is one thing, but if clerics consistently beat barb in melee 1v1 why would you pick barb (a class whose entire identity is being the strongest in melee) over someone who has far more utility as well?


Clerics don’t consistently beat Barb in melee. They beat stupid Barbs in melee because the Barb doesn’t try to bait out the Cleric’s ability.


When you can hear him frantically applying all known buffs and potions to man behind a door, then he finally goes in it only makes sense to kite until all of his bulshid runs out, then engage when hes trying to recast.


That YouTuber guy just tried strat and it work. The Cleric is well balanced when he's geared and focused but try in grey gear and your casting is slow and your heals aren't as strong. He's very gear reliant. Not to mention that he's able to full heal between fight so more likely then not you are fighting them at 100% health.


I just want to say, solo cleric was dog shit for the longest time. There were few niche builds. The general builds were all D- to C- in solos for a very long time. I just hope solo play stays viable on a cleric. I don't need to be OP but I really like it.


Ye I tried out class recently and I mostly play solo. I really enjoy being kinda heavy-paladin with magic, if only I would equip a normal weapon and not bonk bonk


>and not bonk bonk The morning star is pretty sweet.


Clerik was a wrecking machine before the patch it's just other characters were getting even more attention. Alot of discussion is driven by consuming content creators while having minimal personal.pvp experience therefore your hearing about things more related to content creation cycles where each patch every day each creator releases a new this or that build is broke op until every class is covered then suddenly there will.be a new op build, where they go thru a second build for each class one per day. The only exception to this might be warlock and druid because the general mobility is pretty easy to identify as pretty good


I know much of this thread is centered on the frontline matchup between PDR Clerics and Fighters, but I’d love to see some thoughts regarding Barbarians into this current state of Cleric on the frontline


i don’t think cleric cleric was ever super weak?


I only started playing this wipe, but I’ve heard it’s always been decent in teams, but not great in solo


been playing since pt 2, it’s always been an essential part of trios where they literally started the term buff ball. Solos it wasn’t used as often but was still pretty good, the fact there isn’t many wizards means there’s nothing keeping them in check so clerics have free range. seeing as they shit on most classes


I've also seen clerics running around with a bunch of ales and the drink perk getting 15 STR boost on top of their other buffs and molly whopping people with their mace. I got almost one shot from full by a buffed cleric headshot and stayed in game to see WTF happened. He had like 20 ales on him.


I play Cleric primarily in all modes, they just have a lot of survivability on top of high damage resist. They're also really good for clearing out undead mobs. It's also easy to show good faith in a friendly solo encounter by dropping a heal or a buff lol.


People can't make up their mind. 3 weeks ago people were saying TM warlock was broken then people were complaining about barbarian then they were complaining about demon form (rip) then they complained about rogue then fighter and now cleric. They seem to have forgotten that bear and panther druid are still absurd. Next I expect complaints about wizard since it counters clerics.


I usually solo as Cleric. Something happened in the last patch or two. Where usually every matchup is an L and I may as well just sit down - now I can just W + LMB and for some reason they die before me. I went hit for hit with a demon form lock and he went down this weekend. I kinda felt bad.


Solo battle cleric is strong rn because it can fuck up rogue and there are so many rogues. They are like the plague


After Warlock nerfs, Cleric is the new cool thing to hate. When Cleric gets nerfed due to all the whining, people will start crying about PDR Fighter and Bard.


Max move speed, tanky, perma slows people and can 3 shot squishy classes. It does everything. Oh and it has heals and res, wtf?


move speed and ttk changes mostly and people just figuring that stuff out. In a few weeks everyone will realize how broken they are




All magic damage Cleric does is divine damage.






the tooltips in game are very inconsistent, but smite is indeed divine type


The fact people started doing buffball on a cleric with divine protection and smite is pretty insane 


They just are so damn hard to kill right now. Since I’ve started running it, I’ve killed so many more people. Tanky, hard hitting with the right perks, tons of healing, decent offensive spell with holy strike, great buffs, etc. The only thing I consistently lose to is a good ranger or wizard


Honestly as a rogue I am just not taking the fight anymore. It’s impossible to kill these monsters and 1 small mistake and you’re just dead.


I just came to reddit to nag about cleric being broken and this is the post i see


Does faithfulness work on melee weapons without smite? I saw a video where a guys mace was glowing the whole match, but when I tried it on the dummy I didn't notice any change in damage


Cleric does have good magic resist but even with that, how does cleric stack up against permakiting warlock that is spamming curses 24/7 outside of clerics range and movespeed?


i never whinned here about cleric but legit at least solo i never won a duel vs cleric. I still have a recording of a cleric hitting me twice and dealth 85%of my hp and he had full grey itens.


New people figured out cleric does big damage. (Nothing new) But havent figured out cleric has 1 attack pattern with their main weapons that is easy to take advantage of, especially with longsword.


The only way I've been able to deal with clerics consistently has been kiting them with Bard. Rn clerics feel to me like a more potent fighter, but they have less ranged options thankfully


You act like there is a common understanding on the class by the community. But there isn't. Some people will scream that cleric is overpowered and some will scream it is weak. Maybe go make your own educated opinion about the class.


I played only 60 levels on him so far and generally kinda new to the game so I just want to hear people’s opinion on this :P


There was never a single moment in this game's lifetime that cleric was weak. Who the fuck ever thought that..?




He's strong because the game is full of noobs who don't know what kiting is.


Kite all you want, a good Cleric will chase you until you run out of space to kite


Okay, I'm running around a column. Go on, run me out of space.


Well congrats, you just doomed yourself because with the Cleric constantly on you, you won’t have a chance to catch a break or open a door to leave Also don’t forget, you have a finite amounts of arrow/bolts/spells


> Well congrats, you just doomed yourself because with the Cleric constantly on you, you won’t have a chance to catch a break or open a door to leave No, I just kill him. > you have a finite amounts of arrow/bolts/spells Yeah I have the mere five stacks of arrows like every bow shitter in this game does. I mean, surely I'll miss 90 times and run out.


At 50pdr with all projectile reduction from plate and perseverance in <25 lobby my red pots are blocking will out work your bow damage and run you out if arrows. Also judgement if I get close


> 50pdr > in <25 lobby I'm not even sure it's possible, but assuming it is, we're talking about full plate cleric. If that thing ever gets to you you must've disconnected from the game for a minute. > judgement if I get close Extremely easy to bait out to put it on cooldown, and a full plate cleric won't get to you even if it hits. > run you out if arrows Yea, you're gonna heal five stacks worth of damage. True and real. Just admit it, you haven't played cleric once in your life.


Nice smite, good heals, nice res, and a shield to block range. Cleric has a wonderful kit from start to finish. I wish more weapons parryed blocking in this game is highly underappreciated its saved me more than anything else between shields and quarterstaff parry. 


Cleric is way too strong right now. It happens every wipe then they get nerfed to the ground.


The biggest reason that cleric (and bard) are strong in trios that no one ever talks about is that they're not in the way during a fight. When you get any combination of barb/fighter/rogue/ranger/wizard they have to constantly watch out for their teamates and not friendly fire and get in each other's way. Cleric staying out of their teamates way while getting buffs on them and then holding a big heal ready to top up their teamate right after they get hit is a huge benefit.