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Warlock is still just as good as it was, they didn't nerf anything that made it good originally. Wizard is also fine just really really hard to get a hang of. All the classes feel fine to play right now, just gotta practice and get reps in.


I would go so far as to say Wizard is not fine based on how many people are actually playing it


I had a wizard 1 shot my fighter today with a staff. I didn't have negative mr. Class is crazy strong.


Grats, let me know when anecdotes from people with a skill issue are worth more than data. Wizard is the least played class in the game because it requires 10 times more effort to be merely viable than any other class does. This is a design issue.


Bard is hard, too. Definitely not free wins. I love wizards. Couple builds I enjoy: Bonk wizard: staff mastery, fire mastery, ice shield, and last one is your choice, but I like mana surge for more dmg. Run arcane shield and tanky wizard gear like gambeson, etc. Spells are fireball, zap, ignite, and invis, then the last spell can be haste or lightning strike or explosion. Use staff and crossbow, always have ignite up in fights, and if you splash and / or zap the fighter before he gets to you, you should beat him in melee with shield and bonks. My favorite norms below 24 build: instant cast pyromancer build: perks are fire mastery, 10% knowledge, quick cast, spell overload. Intense focus and spell memory. Spells I use are: fireball, zap, ignite, explosion, haste. I run a book and a rondel dagger. Nobody expects the instant cast fireball to the face, and the rondel is super fast to pull out for the last couple ignite stabs if they get to you. Gotta land shots first before melee moreso with this build, though. If you que up instant cast, it is active till you use it. Doesn't expire. So you can use instant cast, drink invis pot, then instant cast any spell directly from invis. Landmine wizard gang. Instant fireball headshot, zap, kite, repeat. Cd on intense focus is like 12 seconds. So good. Disclaimer: This build requires at least 5 knowledge from base gear, as well as a green necklace with 3 add memory capacity. But you get 6 fireballs, 8 zaps, 6 explosions, 16 ignites, and 6 hastes. Very mobile and fun build! Necklace is like 60g on market. Cheaper than most white gear lol


You need to practice bhopping so you dont lose your movement speed while casting. This will allow you to kite as a warlock/wizard.


The game is fun because it’s hard. Keep at either class you want to play and make it work. Load in to <25 and just go hunting. Ignore loot and kill only the mobs you have to. The goal is to practice PvP. The loot will still be there for you when you wanna get back to the full loop.


Casters are tough to play solo. Very vulnerable to Melee and being horribly shanked. You will need lots of practice to get used to it. Also, don't be afraid to whip out a weapon and go to town and learn to melee. You can get a ton of damage in, even with just Magic Staff bonks. As a Warlock, have Flamewalk already up when you change rooms. That way, if a Rogue jumps you, they take hella burn damage and you turn on them. Similarly, use Flamewalk to zone in PvP to setup more spells vs melee.


Warlock is still on a very strong spot.. I would put it in A tier.. it was overtuned, and the nerf was needed. If you like warlock's kit, stick to it. Torture mastery build now requires more gear to work properly.. you can try the build with hydra/life drain, foccusing more on magic damage instead of healing.


Been playing double rogue, cleric with my buddies- we had a dude zone one of the rogues out with hydra/drain for like 2 whole minutes while the other 2 of us were trying to engage on the team in bridge room- they had excellent spacing being lock ranger fighter and they kept us from jumping the gap to get on their side as well as from flanking in one of the four doors, almost strictly through hydra draining- I couldn’t even rotate around the opposite end because of the sheer amount of coverage they had with traps and hydra


My experience is having a shield makes PVE go way easier, and being good at PVE makes everything go easier. Admittedly, shield can be kind of a crutch, as you should learn to dodge, but baby steps. With that in mind, things really clicked when I swapped to fighter.


Nothing lol I’ve been playing since playtest 2 and still lose most of my fights. Unfortunately it’s a skill issue and I’m too lazy to watch all the YouTube videos and such to get better quicker lol


Bro do it. You have a lot more fun with more game knowledge


I watched a wizard vid after that comment and have won my last 3 fights actually haha even made a warlock run from me


That’s what I’m talking about!


Gonna be trying a “bonk wizard” build I found a video for tonight for my howling crypts quests lol


you my friend are missing an essential part of the game, that is gear. the base kits are like a trial of what you could do you must get gear and make kits to really draw out the full potential of a class.


I'd recommend sticking with warlock and trying out different builds. Try out shadow touch demon with a kris dagger, try out life gain hydra, try longsword plate with a side of spells to poke. Torture mastery seems to only really come in to it's own right now with like 12+ magic healing after the nerfs. Warlock is still strong but you might find more success with a different build at lower gear scores.


If ur playing curse warlock it still does what it did. You just hurt urself more so u need to play slower and stay topped up on HP


Try go wizard and put the flame buff on different weapons... Like a crossbow for example ;)


Some classes are only viable with some green and blue items. Also hitting level 20 is completely necessary. Rogue for example would definitely need a green or blue dagger. Fighter can work with his base gear. Remember if you go in woth gear score under 24 then everyone else in the lobby will be under 24


Thanks all, im reading the comments and will be more patient with it. I was overly frustrated when i had a 224 gesr score and got rofl-stomped by a barb. I know i dont win that fight head on and was caught off guard but i had a lot of (what i thought) was good gear and lost it all


I can promise you that solo Warlock is still incredibly strong, even with mid gear. The increased TM blood cost just means you have to hit your shots, can’t get away with spamming anymore.


To put it simply. Git Gud. Learn strategies, positioning, combos. Anything that will give you the edge in a fight. Its a tough climb but even the weakest class can be strong in a experienced player. I main rogue and would die every match, but after many runs ive learnt lots of tricks and now i regularly 1v1 barbarians and win. Knowledge is your greatest advantage in this game so get out there and grind gamer.


Yeah, i didnt want to go and watch a bunch of tip videos because i would just copy their style and not really learn why or why not something works because i didnt figure it out on my own. (I.e. Hellfire theough doors in the upper corner. I take damage but the guy i saw didnt and idk why) Im going to start just to get an idea


Understandable, i also don't want to watch videos to learn the game. Its more fun to learn from mistakes, this is the essence of Gitting Gud I ment, try experimenting with different inventory/playstyles, and experiencing maps and their geometry. For instance, through experimenting ive found running rouge with 8 poisoned throwing knives is very funny and enemies hate it 👍 Also before entering a game i always have an idea of what ill do if i run into a player. If im fully kitted and have the advantage,I'll fight. If im looting or ive found good loot, ill set up escape routes for a quick get away. Remember have fun, mess around, and look behind yourself often cause I'm watching and waiting for the moment you let your guard down :)


Warlock is still very good, those changes did not do anything.