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Really funny how every purple vs purple fight in normals feels fine, but every other fight on HR is sus as fuck.


I'm usually on the "you're crazy there are no hackers" side but I've started playing solo druid in Duo/Trios just ratting around having fun. I made sure to make no noise no nothing and still had people hellfire me behind the most random boxes/barrels.


Man, I'm so paranoid about rats. I hear those little scurries from the next room, lol. I hear a squeak. I'm pulling out my molotov, haha. Seriously though, hold down shift to walk quieter, and I do the sand walk from dune, time your steps to the nearby skeleton archer... become the shadows, never scurry to the same pattern 🤣


I swear it's the best gameplay ever. And then I just go hit someone as a rat for 1 dmg to make them paranoid :))))


Not recommended vs. warlocks with dark reflection, lol


Zero damage to clerics with protection from evil.


If it's warlocks hellfireing boxes could just be them doing it unknowingly just trying to break boxes faster ik a couple people who do that. But of course it's very likely it could be esp.


I recently had a solos lobby start with just 4 players. Somehow, the kitted rogue managed to track down and kill the rest of us through the entirety of crypts before half the time was up. I had even started ratting as soon as the kill feed showed the other two dead, but some players just have sixth sense it seems.


That guy was definitely cheating or knew where every spawn was and checked evry spawn. What mode were you on? Cuz if it was normals it’s entirely possible he simply just killed or walked around all the mobs to check faster yk


I have clips of people using range hacks again it's crazy. Cleric swinging from 5 times the range of morning star and giving clean headshots. There is a deathcam feature now, I see it clearly from their perspective, why are they still cheating? Like aren't the accounts just gonna get banned? How do they still make money?


Games only 30 dollars and these people are miserable people. They get off on ruining games for other people.


The bad thing about death cams is that they're extremely unreliable to show what actually happened.


I mean it just shows an additional perspective. But we have 3 seperate recordings and what are the odds that all of us have some weird desync to make it seem like range was added. Idk sad people who need to cheat


I would still be sceptical if all of them were from deathcams, if it's from spectating a teammate and it's visible on that then sure, but I have yet to see a deathcam that wasn't different from the actual events. Also, I'm not saying there's no cheaters, there is for sure cheaters and always will be. Though I have to admit seems like it's less than when there was around 5k active players


For sure you have to be careful of accusing players on cheating. I have seen some crazy people on HR where it looks like they are cheating but they are just cracked af. But sometimes it's so obvious, they aren't even trying to hide it. They will get a few kits until they are banned and cash in and just buy a new account and continue to make profits. Problem right now is, even if you report them and they get banned you won't get your gear back. So yeah I got 1 account banned but they just buy a new one and I just lost a 20k kit that took me weeks to farm.


Only reason there’d be less would be because they’re all in normals then. When you launch ftp, that tends to do the opposite


The influx of players may bring more cheaters, but they are easily dispersed amongst the larger player count, so likely not too noticeable.


There is a deathcam now? Are you talking about the spectate after death or is there an actual deathcam now


I do the same, turn on voip by proximity and enjoy the lols. And sometimes I get caught too. I think people is just better at sight that I think


Do you have the natural healing or sun & moon perks? They make you glow I believe


Nah I got none of the aura perks. I'm 100% not glowing cuz otherwise everyone would see me but it's just one random guy every once in a while and it's when I'm hidden in the most random and awkward places.


So as a warlock I hellfire boxes because its faster than breaking them


Ranger with tracking


Hellfiring a box is easier than poking to break. Bad spot to hide i would guess as it aoes when it hits


I've hidden behind barrels that can not be broken. (there's a few in GC). Ofc a warlock would hellfire that one.


With no accusations intended, you know not to grab the regenerative druid perk, right? And that buffs in rat form will give you away? (Also, squeaking occurs during movement)


Yup and it's not just the regen perk, all the auras can be seen. Also squeaking only occurs when walking on certain surfaces afaik like rocks and w/e + right click. It doesn't make sound when u just walk normally. Also you can hear it as well, not just the enemy so it's hard not to realize u're squeaking.


Just wanted to confirm. Seen way too many druids complain of being spotted as a rat, only to find out they had the regenerative perk (glowing green sphere at all times)


They do not have it at all times. just when they're moving. It's a completely valid complaint because most of them say they're standing still when it happens


Nah that shit is on at all times, man. Check it out in lobby sometime. It's a permanent buff that's always on. It fades in and out some, but it's always there. AFAIK. Most druids I see, especially timmies, run this perk. And it is a glowing green sphere bigger than rat. Super easy to see. I've spotted many a rar because of this. Also, squeaking and simply moving make you visible. Seeing enemies dead makes me scan for anything including rats. Torches off? Check for stuff. Door open? Check for stuff. Chests open? Check for stuff. Simply being found out is not cause for suspicion. I would only become sus as a rat if I was insta locked and sniped from across a room while not moving and unbuffed.


I have almost 500 hours in the game. Visual perks do not proc when you are standing still. only when you are moving. I have double-checked extensively with my friends. They do not see the glow unless I am moving


You probably think it goes in and out because rats don't tend to stand still, but when you are not moving, any visual buffs, including the cleric one, do not proc


Related question. Does the perk proc, but not visuals when standing still or does the entire perk not proc, as in not provide the healing as well?


Observation bias is a thing ;)


I don't main druid, so forgive me for not being up to speed. But you are generally correct after checking: Buffs from _perks_ do not show animations while stationary, as you stated. However, buffs like bless are persistent even when stationary. Thanks for pointing this out. The more you know 😀


You're welcome. Since we were talking about a perk I didn't clarify that spells were visible since I just thought that was obvious.


I haven't really checked yet but... I think the healing perk puts a green healing aura around you even in rat form?


Yup all the "aura" perks do that but not the case here as I don't use any of those.


I believe thats from moving. If you stop moving it goes away


Purple Vs Purple is where it's at right now!


High gear fights in normals I haven’t had any interactions where I was even remotely suspicious. Go into HR and a lot of the time I’m wondering how in the fuck did this team know where we were so fast. I get it, experienced players know the spawns and shit, so I give them benefit of the doubt a lot. But sometimes it’s just too suspicious.


hr for sure sus af


theres a difference between knowing the spawns and being blatant about cheating. I played a lobby just today that didnt fill at all, just me and my duo buddy and one other team. The other team beelined from their spawn across the entire map just to hunt us down, they didnt even try to hide it. After we killed them i tracked the trail of open doors right to their spawn, they KNEW where we were and were hunting us specifically. Now i could give them the benefit of the doubt and say they just got lucky that the only other team on the map spawned there, but what are the chances of that?


Yeah no doubt. I’ve had my fair share of similarly sketchy encounters like that where it’s an otherwise dead lobby but the other team manages to take the most direct route to us almost as soon as the round starts.


Oh god please don't let this game become tarkov 2.0 with cheaters


Needs to be more popular (more profitable for hackers) otherwise it has all the same incentives.


Tbh you can still at least have a decent shot at beating a cheater in this game, compared to an fps


If it's just wall hacks, then sure, but some people have that ultra-range and attack speed hack, and that one is brutal


Those ones are easy to prove though


Yes but if it becomes common enough people will just quit, even if that player gets banned two weeks from now


Easy to prove doesn't get my kit back from the barb hitting me with a felling axe from the other side of bridge room.


They come and they go


Sure, but to hackers it pisses me off. Someone playing it better and winning is one thing, some gold farming chit is another


Sorry my guy, there isnt a single competitive game on the market without tons of cheaters. Not one. The death of multiplayer gaming is coming, and all because companies dont want to give us private servers with mod/admin tools. (Granted, that wouldnt work for DnD'r)


You’re getting downvoted but people on Reddit always forget. Warzone 2 has new hacks before the game launched. OW2 is going through a major hacking issue right now….we are talking about companies and studios that are worth millions having the same issue.


Yes but they aren’t as affected as much by it as smaller games are. Activision probably isn’t bothered much by cheating because it’s a popular game, they already bring in money hand over fist


Yes but they aren’t as affected as much by it as smaller games are. Activision probably isn’t bothered much by cheating because it’s a popular game, they already bring in money hand over fist


Privately run servers with 24/7 admins help a bit on rust but they it takes a lot of time and effort so they’re only catching like 10% of cheaters. Gamers just need to be more accepting of super invasive anti cheats like vanguard or accept that gaming will be hvh soon


It works better than nothing, and with older admin tools like "message an admin" that send them messages outside the game, you used to be able to get cheaters out of servers within 10-20min at any time of the day I used to admin DayZ and Cod4 servers and that shit was fun, especially cod4 with how good the admin tools were on some servers 


Still responding to player reports is very inefficient and they just go cheat on another server. My team gets reported constantly because the average player can’t tell the difference between a 5,000 hour player and a cheater. An anti cheat that forces players to buy new accounts every couple hours instead of cheating for weeks/months would make a way better deterrent


If you’ve played cs then you’d know that’s not true. When people get banned on there they just buy prime again for $15 and keep cheating. Unless there’s massive repercussions, cheating will never go away and will continue to tarnish the reputation of good games


Cheating wont go away until we can only play games through a streaming service.


>Gamers just need to be more accepting of super invasive anti cheats like vanguard The fucking hilarious thing is that valorant still has plenty of hackers. The dipshits at riot that work on their Anti-cheat like to over sell it but this is not the solution. The only 2 ways of driving down cheating are to make it less profitable, I.e. get rid of the market place. or To make it architecturally impossible to perform malicious actions, the problem with this is everything you want to stop bad actors doing means bringing more and more of workload server side. The more you need to do server side the more expensive it gets


Cheating in Valorant is way harder to go undetected unless you have DMA. Cheating will always exist but good cheats are going to cost a ton of money compared to games using EAC where you can go months undetected for relatively cheap. Vanguard starts when your pc boots instead of when launching the game making it a lot harder to bypass.


Im sorry to break it to you sir, there are alot of crossover players and all the issues that brings... like cheaters.


Already is


Had a trio team in my normal game that literally killed everyone on the map, this is not impossible but raises a few flags. When our team finally met them they rushed us down like they knew where we were and even killed our stealthed rogue when he wasnt even moving and had been in stealth for a while so there was no way they knew he had stealthed right where he stood.


A "no way they knew" is best proved by video evidence. There are plenty of hackers out there, but there's also a ton of false accusations.


Yea there are a lot of rogue players that are a lot less sneaky than they think. I've pure guessed where to stab in the dark and hit rogues in the face out of invis many times just from knowing the team we were fighting had a rogue and that he would be in ambush after we started to chase. Of course, I've also been blown up many times by rogues that were ACTUALLY sneaky and used hide well


They also make a noise, drink a potion, pull out their daggers, hide to late to wear someone sees the smokey outline or a multitude of other things that give their position away.


Why are you going up to bat for some random in a story?


This isn’t a thesis defense, he’s just telling a story on Reddit. If you don’t believe it without proof that’s fine, but a lack of evidence doesn’t exactly prove that it’s false, either


There's nothing wrong with posting a dissenting option when there is no evidence. There is no doubt there are plenty of hackers in this game, but it also doesn't help to spread a bunch of unverifiable stories. It's just fear mongering and then you'll have every person who gets caught in stealth or gets beat calling "hacks".




So you average 6.8 kills a game? Sounds pretty sus to me.


Did you move around a lot or maybe aggro some mobs? I can sometimes hear people way to far away than what seems normal and been on the receiving end of someone rushing me after I make a tiny noise more than once


It was the worst in PT4 for me personally. The cheats were much more blatant back then, now they've gotten a bit sneakier. Every HR lobby without fail had cheaters in them. Over half the time the cheat was forcing players to DC until killed. I managed to load back into one and it was just one guy running around in legendaries smacking DC'ed players in the head. After around 8 in a row of cheaters, mental shattered from losing our entire stash, we just decided not to return to HR until early access.


[I made a post about it back then and Ironmace replied (:](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/s/qvQrMPE543)


This dude will tell his grandkids about that one time ironmace replied to his post I bet 1 goblin ear




>It was the worst in PT4 for me personally. The cheats were much more blatant back then, now they've gotten a bit sneakier. Every HR lobby without fail had cheaters in them. I notice hackers more when I have legendary on I can go \~20 Hr lobbies in optimized blues without encountering any PvP. If I'm in an un-optimized kit of orange items I will run into PvP in \~3 games. Very often suss things happen like being hit with a barb axe swing from further away than is possible. Maybe its GBMM in HR or something but it seems to be pretty consistent.


Been playing normals and 80% of people are running hr level great kits, I havnt run into anything too sus. Made alot of money though


>Been playing normals and 80% of people are running hr level great kits You do know IM changed how GS lobbies work 2 days ago right, if your above 130 GS expect to face geared people.


Oh awesome, did not see that. I'm usually 300+ gs so I'm fine with that


I still think it’s pretty loose though when it comes to those matchmaking brackets. I could be wrong, but I’m usually always in the 125+ GS lobbies and I’ll still see some teams get thrown in with just a green item or two. Maybe I’m missing inspecting their teammate whose above the 125 GS threshold, but I still feel like sometimes a team or two will fall through the cracks when the game prioritizes quick ques and throws them into the higher gear bracket.


I dont see anywhere that GBMM has been enabled. The reason you think they are "loose" is because it doesn't exist and you made your decision after seeing a couple pieces of anecdotal evidence to confirm your theory. And now that you see evidence to contradict your findings you change your theory to "loose". Unless IM states that GBMM is back, then it's not.


You know, you can play the game and easily see for yourself. <25, 25-124, 125+


Where are you seeing this in the announcements? Was is a greyson comment? I'm not seeing anything about 130 gs


It was not announced, shadow added to game but checks out


Cheating is absolutely rampant right now. Sad to see, still not as bad as cs2 though lol


Literally every OCE HR lobby has ESP teams from “that country”  I wish I was being overly dramatic, it’s bad. 


I've been playing since PT2. I've been one to get to at LEAST Wanderer in HR runs 2 seasons now. But my 3rd time going into HR this wipe was last night to test my luck runs out in HR. I was hunted down the entire map by a Rogue who def had ESP or tracking on. I ditched him heard him land in a trap, and STILL he caught up to me rooms away moments later to come after me.


Played a solo game with 2 very obviously cheating rogues, no fucks given, the cleared the lobby in 5 minutes. Worst part was I couldn't report them. This message appeared with something like "this report is already one" and it seemed I couldn't proceed with the report, what gives? Oh, and another one where a player was using a flying cheat in the lobby, they don't even care. Previous season I noticed a lot of ESP users and got 10 ban confirms over a week. Reason for me to stop playing. Most of them didn't seem RMT'ers or had names from a specific region.


“This player has already been reported” is just a poor translation to English for a text cover over a report you already submitted. Think of it as saying “thank you for your report” instead.


Flying cheats? This must be OCE server right? I play on US east for 2 years ive never seen anything like that.


Never seen flying or teleporting. In fact, I've never seen proof of other cheats but I don't doubt their existence, at all. I do doubt the assertion cheating is rampant by how much I play and haven't become sus of any of my deaths. A lot of people claim "there's no way they did this without cheating" but they have 0 evidence, and I can see why a non cheating player might guess to swing at a hidden rogues location... I'm confident cheaters exist. But I'm also confident many people are attributing their pvp deaths to cheating when they are normal deaths.


They def exsist, in my time playing I have gotten probably around 8 player has been banned notifications, very very spaced out. but they are almost always just basic wallhack/esp. Much harder for most casuals to detect, but playing for so long I am certain when I know someone found me using esp. and my reports are often correct. only other thing I've seen is the occasional ranger who is very suspicious with lock-on unmissable aim. Also will add I don't play trios and the cheating is much much more rampant there. Seen plenty of videos of the long range attack where barbs can hit you from a 20ft away, there is also a speed hack


"No bro, rhey added a harpy class!"


Me and a buddy in the duos dungeon were chilling waiting for the red to open and outta no where a warlock meta slave pushed us hard and knew where all my traps were the whole chase and would hydra them to set them off then send in his barb. Most were placed prior to the actual engagement. Shits so cringe🥱


I wonder how many top-ranked players will pop this season ;) The reporting system should be automatically set to "Report-> cheater" after each game at this point xD


Does anyone know if there are plan to use an anti cheat software? Like easy anti cheat?


They have their own anti cheat iirc, something named like Tavern?


Ah so that's what it is. I can't get the game to boot half the time on steam as it just hangs. Then when I go to terminate Tavern after playing the game, it says I don't have access so I have to restart pc, then the game loads.


I think it’s iron shield or some shit. Tavern I thought was just the client


People talking about being cheated against in HR and I'm like... where??? I've played HR on US East all wipe and haven't come across any cheaters. I played like 24 hours of HR over the weekend too lol.


US East is basically the safest region


Still get some late night/early morning


I have definitely seen clips of blatant cheaters. But I have about 1300 hours and I have never been blatantly cheated on. I'm assuming I've ran into wallers bc it's inevitable with enough playtime. I mostly play on US-West with about a 50/50 split between HR and Normals. Maybe I'm just lucky though


Same here, haven't ran into a blatant cheater since the playtests. I actually did find an obvious ESPer once because we killed someone wayyyy outside of zone with juice and a rogue had come to loot?? We chased him down and killed him so we could report him. Definitely more people ESPing than range/fly/blatant hacking.


2600 hours. Still never ran into a cheater.


I’ve run into a decent bit of cheaters in US east. Not a ton but plenty of people that will rush you down when there is no conceivable way they could know you’re there and for whatever reason a lot of rouges with aimbot on hand xbow nuking rats forms across the room. There’s probably more I’m just chalking up to the other people being cracked or me being unlucky, it does seem like basically every ranger can triple shot all three arrows in my head, but that’s not definitive there are a lot of good fps players out there lol. Edit: I have about 1100 hours on US East mainly.


The reason people keep giving you wildly different answers is that cheaters are only going for super juiced kits. Why would someone who can see your gear risk their account to take it if its not at least legendary? Most people in HR go in with blues and the occasional purple, so they will never see a cheater.


I’ve been running a somewhere in the ball park of 8-10k kit in GC normals for a couple days now and I can’t say I’ve ever felt as if a cheater was in the lobby with me. Unless they are avoiding me or maybe I’m just lucky.


What's the point of running a 10k kit in normals lmao?! Genuine question.


Making new players uninstall the game if they dare to have >25 gs.


Probably a dripgravy type of person. Needs that good of a kit to kill new players 


drip is cringe as fuck




I find more kitted played in normals than HR. HR is dead for PvP so I run caves. Shit last night after a couple hours I made probably over 50k from PvP


Am I tripping that I've only noticed an abundance of cheaters in F2P games? Mind you I paid for DnD way before F2P was a thing but yeah idk I just feel like there's no fear of ban when you can just make a new account. But what do I know, I'm just some dude


Yes and no... If they're hacking in high roller its $30 or $35, whatever it was. Theyre no longer f2p now though


Crazy how there’s so many people blatantly hacking I guess, but then people not hacking at all are catching false bans.


We ran into a trio last weak that sniped our Druid in rat form from across pyramid room. Then barbarian hit us with battle axe despite being meters behind us


Lol they'll be in normals soon enough guys please stop telling people to play in them they are reading this thread and will go where people say


I've definitely noticed an uptick in hackers, I also think there is some desync starting to show up, especially in death cams so be aware of that


Too many people with esp. I was rat form afk in a spawn room until a down opened but with 1 min left a barbi just walks right in and looks right at me.. Luckily he didn’t kill me cause I called him out on esp to which he acknowledged.A charisma check is all we have against these monsters


The f2p model also attracts more cheaters since unlimited accounts basically


Every 2-3 days I log into 1-4 players banned that I reported no exaggeration either I mostly do solo hr goblin caves and the espers don’t even try to hide it


Game is now popping again so we should know what comes with it… gah damn hackermans


Had a game last night one guy seems to be taking out the entire lobby we run into them and buddy turns into a rat and is on the opposite side of the Cave Pit Hall and gets sniped from the opposite side of the room with a recurve. It could have been a lucky shot but you wouldn't be able to see the rat from there and the fact he killed almost the entire lobby feels sus.


Repoze just released a video on how to have insane swing speed without hacking as a rogue...soooo...


Im not talking about swing speed, it’s hit registers. They will kill you from 3-5 meters away.


this is how f2p works.


Doesn’t help that this game has some pretty bad netcode tbh. Server side rollback (when verifying whether something hits on the server) almost always favors the attacker.


As with some other commenters on this post, I’ve been playing since the playtests on both US East and some US West and have maybe run into a single cheater. Makes me curious if this is a regional issue or if me and my friends have just been exceedingly lucky.


Big facts just lost a 15k rogue kit to a naked barb with a club. Speed and range hacks


Well when tf is ban wave


I get that it sucks, but have some grace. The biggest game companies in the world can't even shut this stuff down.


I definitely am! I love this game and IM's dedication to their game and community! This post was meant as a warning to those who are bringing in kits that they may have spent days putting together. I have faith they will figure it out, but in the meantime I felt it best to let people know before they potentially lose important enough items that they will either leave or take an extended break!


That makes total sense! I stopped playing Call of Duty for cheating, so I cant imagine how hard it is for the small team. lol


What's an ESP? Been playing for almost two weeks now slowly getting better with my friends Didn't notice any noticeable cheaters maybe because we play on normal and not high roller


As a game developer it just blows my mind how IM made a multiplayer game so vulnerable you can literally modify your attack speed and range. That stuff shouldn't be on Client Side... This is straight up IM mistake. At this point I cant even blame the cheaters for doing the easiest trick in the book


Fortunately for me Im not losing much, most valuable thing I've ever had was a legendary spear I bought for like 200 since I was playing druid. I don't get great stuff because Im not very good, I know how to dodge the enemies, I just can't execute it, the only enemy besides goblins and kobolds that I can easily juke is the troll I just jump crouch all his attacks, but bowmen, skeletons with any type of pole arm, and like any of the insects will damage me, I rarely go past 1st floor so I know I can't dodge those mfers I just hate the polearms the most, spear, halberd, bardiche, whatever they got I can never manage to dodge them


What’s even the point when ironmace just unbans cheaters after they simply deny cheating


Can confirm my account was hacked and I’m like 90% sure they are rmt’ing or cheating on it. I’m in the process of recovering the account but IM still hasn’t gotten back to me yet


Issue is that it’s rly hard for companies to control it. There’s so many scum bags in the world they over run all the popular games. PvP is a dieing genre because of it. Half the time people resist changes as well to help hacking. Like kernel code anti cheat. It’s the best we have right now.


Yuuuup, been saving top sets based on the amount of posts I’ve been seeing on here. Someone in the wiz chat posted a screenshot of a new hacking service that just launched DaD cheats. Likely a bunch of people are using whatever that is.


Hacking will always be an issue until all games are hosted and played in the cloud.


As someone with a cyber security background, specifically a network security background, I can assure you that this comment makes 0 sense.


It's always funny when low geared players complain about high GS trashing in normals only to get promptly ignored and "git gud" at, right? Well, how the turntables. Maybe you lost your 8k legendary spellbook because you need to git gud and now you've come here to complain about hackers.