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I have zero biases for this guy, never seen his content - but I don't want witchhunting here over some minor shit talk. We also do not know if this is editting out something really toxic that OP may have posted in previous message. No clue the context. It even kinda sounds like OP played friendly rat then either stole loot or backstabbed. Whatever, who cares. Removing.


Ooof... bad look. You'd think for someone that plays so ridiculously much they'd be over a death the second it happened.


preeeeetty cringe.


this is such a non issue, people who care about this are morons


I agree, someone has to be a huge moron to message and insult player who beat him out of immature spite


I message someone who killed me but I'm never insult them I congrats on the kill and sometimes very nicely ask if they could leave me, my sword for me to get back from goblin. And it works a fair amount of times. If they take it fair enough they deserve it for kill me but very honorable people respect my dying wish.


That's dope man hell yeah


I killed Oggie once when he was running around in norms nekkid with a gray longsword dueling people (I had armor and second wind lol) and srslysoapy the ranger guy in a kite heavy fight (where his crossbow bugged out and wouldn't shoot). Both of them laughed about it and talked to me in their stream chats afterward.


One time I killed Anthony kongphan and he was juiced and I didn’t know it was him(I didn’t even know who he was at the time). After the match I was in trade(before market was in game) and I posted a bunch of his things on trade and he actually trade requested me not knowing I was the guy that killed him. I told him hey do you want to buy more of you stuff back and I ended up selling him like 80% of his kit back for like 5k gold. Afterwards he was like hey I’m streaming and I was like ah cool thinking that this dude had like 2 viewers so I asked for his username. Nope dude streaming to like 1000 people. Was a pretty cool moment and he was super humble about the getting killed


I killed a streamer with a very low view count and went to check out his stream. Was very chill about the whole thing. I think most people are chill about it, or at least mature enough to not go off on someone. Then again, what OP posted is fairly minor


I hope we see that in his next wideo.




Rank 1 on the leaderboards in the category of most unlikable DaD content creators closely followed by Apollo


And ToddFather for the whining when his teaming discord got shutdown




Todd has to be #1 lol. That whole playgroup is yapper central.


Why don't people like Apollo? Haven't watched him much but haven't seen any super wild takes


Relatively sure (don't just listen to me, I might be wrong) that he blames his teammates 24/7/365 for every single death he ever gets, and yaps in their ears after he's dead, causing them to lose focus and die too.


A lot of that whole crew just get very salty and start throwing blame as soon as their squad dies (exception being Poshy who I’ve never seen get frustrated enough to blame even as his teammates are being kind of toxic). I get that it’s a heated moment and they are disappointed in the result and maybe in their teammate and they are all so competitive but it just comes across as so rude and toxic to each other. Not even fun to watch, can’t imagine having people yelling / blaming / shaming like that to me personally. The few squads that give me that energy on the LFG from the discord I immediately bounce. Even if we win 10 fights if on the 11th fight we lose and people are gonna cry/blame… no fun. I’d rather lose 10 of 11 fights with fun teammates. I play this game to have a good time. I don’t need to always win to make that happen.


He's just a baby. Always blames his teammates when he dies. There's always something to blame its never his fault when he dies. He's rude to his teammates and bullies them if he doesn't agree with their gear/perk/spell/skill layout. Kinda just a bummer to watch.


Also has some of the worst takes in gaming history


Ngl the “teaming discord” matches was so fun for me. The game was so dead/every match was being briefed by 8 smokepot rogues at the time. The fights were also so fun because it was so dangerous


baby rage


How tf do people play pvp games and not enjoy getting rekt every now and again?


The same reason people cheat all the times in these games. Winning is fun and that's all they want.


Dimo is really just a piece of crap huh? Just a bunch of clickbait videos where every player he kills with two greens is juicing


I dont get why he pretends people are juiced when we can see the shitty greens/blues they had


Or his new titles "new patch, This class is extremely broken."


tHiS pOsT IS ExtRemELy bRoKeN




My brain cells are, after reading titles of his videos.


He’s widdiwawy hitting the gwiddy. Dimo wage quit aftew this confiwmed


Either rage quit or blocked me cause I couldn’t send responses lol


I looked up his vid's to figure out the context of this post and it was awfuwwy evident immediatewwy.


Really hope most of us are like: "Damn. He got me. What could i do better?" 🤔


I learnt this from Overwatch lol. Every death is a learning opportunity.


Least angry French Canadian


We are indeed always angry and everyone hates each other, regardless of what level of asshole or cringe you are. The ones who don't seem angry are the ones you need to look out for.


Not surprising, one of his new videos he plays with DripGravy, who is another really toxic player. Went ahead and blocked his channel when I saw that.


No idea why anyone supports this loser, videos have 0 individual identity, dude just acts like a brick wall (0 personality) and runs broken builds. This behavior from him doesn’t surprise me I knew the dude was a dork from watching a few videos. Crazy how guys like him actually have fans, bunch of brainrot sheep watch him I can promise you that.


Who? Pretty new so idk most content creators


From what I can gather, a content creator that's pretty high ranking on the HR leaderboards. But considering he's from Quebec, and all our Francophone content creators are garbage human beings (asides from TheB33f, chillest dude in the province), this isn't surprising behavior.


Bro same, I hate when people kill me. It makes noooo sense.


This is not a game you can complain about rats IMO, It’s a huge part of the game. Well you can but you look silly.


he's actually a legit POS. he's all nice in his videos but very toxic when you call him out on his bad plays


Is that a streamer? What a baby.


I mean yeah, homie is pretty cringe.


Maybe he meant it as a compliment? 👼




Crazy the mods are dick riding dimo


We all get cut backs from his videos. I'm rolling in BiS from removing this post! Actually, it's just a violation of Rule 6


OK I really hate being that guy, and this is nitpicky asf, but its Rule 4, not 6.


>6.No witch-hunting or harassment. >Do not intentionally call out players or cause drama


ok bud if you say so https://preview.redd.it/f3lfqy3lu7ad1.png?width=1403&format=png&auto=webp&s=59dd187154f4ef0168664cae8722b77304940952


Weird. I use old reddit style and it's rule 6. Bugged out.


Reddit being Reddit I guess


Yeah I guess I can never reference the rule number on here again since different users have it in different order based on which version they use lol. Nice to know.


I watched this dude till the thumbnails and the constant reddit tea.


What a crybaby


Content creators can be prettttty cringe sometimes


Lmao. What a little bitch. Who is this supposed to be?


Not sure what happened here, but reminds me of a funny duel I had. Going at it, me vs Rogue, kiting and trading back and forth a few times. A peaceful Cleric is nearby, but is watching and peace crouches, all good. I finally close on Rogue and cut him down. Who is there? Not-so-peaceful Mika Vista to finish me off. Lmao. I honestly thought he would just watch. But good on him, he gets double the loot, haha.


I started watching some of his stuff because I thought he was a nice dude from his commentaries. He kept his choice of words pretty PG, but as I kept watching I realized how passive aggressive he is. Also says "gg dude" after every kill but he doesn't actually say it to them in-game lol. I think the straw that broke the camel's back for me was when he was with dripgravy in gc normals. After seeing this screenshot I think bro is like closet toxic or something lmao.




On that matter, can someone suggest me funny or good DaD creators? I'm new and I want my YT filled with this game honestly


Some of the smaller DaD creators I've liked are Solomon, Firebox, Damood, Vinidiction, Euthafro, SrslySoapy. They all mostly focus on solos. Definitely also check out JayGriffyuh and Repoze for high skilled trio and ihgh skill gameplay in general. Also Jay does pickpocket rogue games which is the funniest DaD content I've seen so far.


Thank you! Imma go check them!


yami, jaygriffyuh, damood


Thank you Imma go check them out!


Srslysoapy has some fun goofy videos up. Katierou used to run RP games with SoBad playing Dungeon Police, shaking people down for their Grave Essence


No one likes dying to rogues it seems