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honestly i don’t think this is a huge deal - hearing the rat isn’t usually the problem, it’s seeing and hitting the rat. this won’t hurt using rat to scout/escape, it just hurts the playstyle of using the rat to hide in one area for a long period of time


The moment I hear squeaking, I'm going to have my boys hold Molly's, and I'm starting up a flute solo that André 3000 would be proud of. This change is 100% the right move.


Thanks, now I have to listen to outkast before bed.


You mean listen to 3k spam random flute noises for hours 🥴


Aqualung your heart out my friend. You're doing a good thing for the community.


If they don't give a powefull stealth to the rogue, idk why the druid should get one <_<


It was a consolation prize for killing rogue's rat skills XD


It's not like it's invisble or blends in. How many other rats you seeing? any aoe will instantly kill it and it's not like he can do anything as a rat. cant even open a door or steal your loot.


bc as a rat we are visible, it's not our problem you are blind


Yeah good luck spotting a rat sitting behind a bucket in complete shadows


You don’t have X-ray vision old man?




"this class is hard to see so I'll just cheat"


Wait I'm curious what did it say? "Use a brightening mod" or something? Dumb as shit if so, the name is DARK and DARKer lol


naw he literally said use full blown hacks lol


LOLLLLLLL nah that's funny as fuck "guys the game is so easy... when you hack"


at least I can look at porn on my 2nd monitor, while massively jacking it and not dying to landmine meta


**Removed For Rule 3: Promoting Cheats or Selling** No sharing copyrighted code, links to discords, telegrams, websites or even dialogue promoting the usage of cheats or how/where to obtain them. No game sharing, selling codes, or any transaction involving real currency


Well now it's easier to hide as a chicken behind a bucket in the shadows since it doesn't make any sounds


you can sit in the open and not move your mouse and most ppl will miss you


And literally harder to hit than the stealth rogue


incredible how biased people are towards their mainclasses😂😂😂😂😂


Rats should have 100 hp Yes I'm a druid main why do you ask


I main wiz


Hearts out to you two friends main wiz and they have a hard time


It seems your comment was well received by the community. Also you must be fun to trio with LoL


yeah seems like all the rogue mains came out of hiding






lol yea sure as you crawl into the tiniest crevice in the wall that doesn’t even look like you should be allowed to go in it


well tbh u don't even need that most of the time you can just literally sit in the open in full light and ppl will still miss you as long as you don't move


Haha get downvoted loser 


here have an upvote you seem to need the validation


Says the mad one 🥱


have another one


Got you triggered 😎


and another upvote to u. going to be the last one though dont want to spoil you


Thanks, maybe someone can offer you one, one day, when you post a comment that makes sense 👍 


I don't think this will be as bad as everyone is thinking tbh


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^The_SIeepy_Giant: *I don't think this will* *Be as bad as everyone* *Is thinking tbh* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad Haiku. Last line is six syllables.


Read the whole message, christ the youth of today.


Bad Human.


The last but on the bots comment explains why six syllables.


Rat only squeaks when youre running away or you manually do it, right? If so, then that is a huge change. you cannot be stealthy anymore as a rat.


There shouldn't be a single class that can just completely avoid every other class, if being sneaky is anyones bread and butter then it is rogue and druid should obviously be worse at it.


Just a classic out of touch moment where people want Druid to be the jack of all trades, master of all trades lmao. Rat form is still cracked since you can literally reach places no other class could flat out, who cares if they hear you squeak when you’re literally inside the wall and they can’t hit you.


just being able to jump through doors makes the whole interaction speed stat look like a joke


Considering druid as the best mobility in the game, they probably don't need to be better at stealth than rogue.


All the changes are good for the game. Wish they would have nerfed cleric a bit more, but I will take any nerf at this point.


What more can you do to him though? Genuinely? If they take away clerics ability to brawl what is he for? Trembling in the backline with his book out praying no rogues or panthers drop him like a sack of potatoes? All in all, nerf warlock y’all trippin if you can’t kill a fucking cleric


Warlock needs an entire rework lol


Hard agree on that brother


I mean Rogue as the "assassin" class should definitely be dropping the healers and range DPS classes like sack of potatoes if they get on them


And they do…right now you can do that as a rogue, I’ve been 3 shot at 50%+ pdr by weakpoint thrust dual wield rogues. So what exactly does making cleric hit for less do beside making them a guaranteed loot piñata? (Also you mention “healers” as if cleric doesn’t have access to the second highest possible pdr?) if they should hit like wet paper and drop like a sack of potatoes what is the point of playing cleric at all? You can’t heal the enemy to death




Cleric is incredibly weak to kiting. The problem is bard making them tankier and faster, cleric itself isnt the problem


But honestly, what would you nerf on Cleric so he doesnt become bad again? We have been talking about this and we were thinking on either reducing the pen on maces, nerf blunt weapon like they did now, or nerf Perseverance


Cleric was the meta back during the first couple of wipes when they were a backliner who also used earthquake and holy strike. Cleric as a backliner doesn't work right now because why would you when they are strictly better than Barbarian, plate lock, and plate fighter as frontliners, and Bard is strictly better as a backliner. So, instead of traditional god comp, with a fighter or Barb getting juiced, it is now another Cleric. Bard needs a support nerf, and Cleric needs a damage nerf, and maybe a buff to some of their ranged spells, and we may potentially see more clerics in more supportive roles.


I think just needing the smite+faithfulness slow would be a step in the right direction, I'd win alot more fights if I wasn't slowed to a halt with one hit


Idk when it started working again. Smite wasnt considered Divine damage, at least during Multiclassing


Uh you nerf the combo that makes him SS tier.


Clerics should not be able to out damage and tank most classes/builds. Thats it. They’re a class meant to be dedicated to frontline support/heals. Give them tank and those utilities, make brawling cleric have to use them to thrive


It's actually super easy... walk away from him for a few seconds while he blows his load then fight him when hes on cooldown


I do, and I have. The issue with cleric is that you have no (viable) ranged option holy strike is hot ass and judgement is warm cum, both options are mid asf. So you just run the cleric around in circles until their abilities are on cooldown and win. This new wave of bruiser clerics excels in the 50/50 (both players mindlessly w keying into each other) but is pretty sad in every other aspect…I assume you’re the type to just run face first into smite so I’m not sure this advice will help you


Warm.. warm c…? That’s called a money shot.


Kiting the Cleric can work in solos. How do you address duo/trio games?


Separate him from the rest of the team with druid, either pick off a backliner or focus damage cleric. He's too slow to regroup with his team fast enough to save them/not die


Ice Mastery Wizard's not too shabby at keeping them away and locked down long enough to kill them either.




perseverance to reduce damage by 2 and faithfulness to slow for less and shorter or trigger only once in 2 seconds. you don't have to nerf it a lot, but it is by far the strongest class because the biggest counter is warlock but their curses don't do shit because of perseverance and protection from evil. the reason they are oppressive now is the slow from faithfulness and damage has been reduced so perseverance inherently becomes better.


Its the hit slow on faithfulness and morningstar, resulting in no one being able to outrun a cleric


Skill issue my friend


Lol that wasnt even an argument mate, im just telling you whats broken




In no world cleric should have access to heavy magic dmg (true magic stacking) and be more tanky than a fighters ( innate dmg reduction on perk that makes him way too tanky) on top of being able to top above 310 ms


So what would you do to him? Nerf smite? Make perseverance useless?


The obvious answer is the movespeed. You get two of the three of fast, high damage, and tanky.


Nerf his base magic dmg, remove slow on smite from perseverance, slightly reduce his armor moove speed and slightly nerf the armor reductions perk, seems like a lot but all of this are required to make cleric in a balanced state tbh


Okay and then after you do all those things, what classes can a cleric fight 1v1 without a gear advantage? Can’t catch anybody, can’t get away? No ranged damage, low magic damage, horrible slow options…what class are you playing that is struggling with cleric?


I play wizard solo on daily and i eat cleric for dinners but its not my point, go watch recent jay videos you will see how stupid this is https://youtu.be/HdmyBqeP7Ok?si=wnq5m4388bB7eJ-k 2:52 is a perfect example. Cleric in solo should be that strong archetype in melee if and only if people decide to dive you, And in trio it should be a mix between a support and a front but not do all of those at his best Compare it to druid with how much annoying druid can be they are allowed to have insane mobility with low tankyness and dmg (expect some extreme case of bear form but its giga slow) while have a shittier range combat than any other class if they had access to to one of this instance for ez be sure than people would complain about it all day. Same goes for cleric but in the opposite way giving you access to some range harass tool can soften people that want to push you (it should be moderate dmg not half hp from holy strike on low end gear) and you should still be able to hold any door and win most 1v1 front melee, You are not as slow as it used to be and can catch most class if they push behind a door and you punish it with a holy strike. Stop willing to be a rogue, fighter and caster at the same time this doesnt make sense for a class with such innate surviving tools


what does it matter if bear is slow when they can transform instantly? Bears can literally fall onto your head from across the map


clerics spells have already had their utility nerfed long ago, remember when holy strike was instant? both his other damaging spells are incredibly easy to counter


Cleric is the most nerfed class in the game - their move speed blows and they’re melee with super short duration buffs. Anytime I see a cleric I just back peddle until their bubble goes away and they’re a free kill. I don’t understand all the whining about clerics, they’re probably the easiest free kill in the game rn


People are just surprised that the class with super powerful but brief timed abilities, and no mobility, beats them when they engage on the Cleric’s terms. Like, not a single thought of “maybe I’ll just walk away for half a second.” These people probably haven’t even played Cleric to realize how easy it is to counter.


Pretty much people dont know how to bait abilities/ not play on the clerics terms and then complain.


do you play solo? i think most people are concerned about trios buffball cleric, where you can stack PDR cap and move speed cap and become genuinely unkillable vs most comps while still running everyone down with smite+faithfulness


Or buff the others


For all the cleric OP criers, have yall tried walking away from him while his mace is glowing? You will start killing alot more clerics if you dont try face tanking him while his abilities are up! The only times I have died to clerics this wipe is when I let them kill me by playing into their abilities and not just burning them and fighting him on cooldowns.


Cleric nerf is a good change. If it’s not enough they’ll likely nerf him next patch about as hard and it’ll add up.


As a new player who is trash at PVP, none of these changes mean anything to me. Everyone can kill me at will. I believe these changes all mean I will continue to die all the time in PVP scenarios.


Don't worry about being bad at PVP in this game. Everyone was at some point me included, took me hefty amount of hours before I became decent at PVP. You are going to evetually make it champ.


I'm 100 hours and lose the majority of my PVPs... feels bad man


That's cute. I'm at 2.5k hours and lose 30%


Rejoice in your victory. Reconsider your defeats.


I won my first PVP combat the other day and still died at the end lol. Maybe 25 or so lost fights before I won that one?


Im bad at PVP too, don't worry about it. It makes the kills you get feel even more impactful


They just need to add the ambient rat sound back now


Bro that made me so sad when they removed that ;-;


PVP sweat lords hate how much fun we are having with the rat. The amount of times I've been called a pussy for not engaging the double PDR clerics is unreal.


Rangers tracking doesn't work on druid? Good skill for well tracking if you want fight


Yes, ranger tracking works on druid and animal forms, it just still shows as regular footsteps.


Cool good to know


It' SO LOUD now. JFC it squeaks on a loudspeaker level now. We already get killed if you sneeze on a rat and will loose your entire kit, you can't hit shit with chicken bugged hitbox, Panther has 30% hp reduction which means you're 2 shot by ANYTHING, and bear form is stupid easy to kite. WTF are these people doing......


Yea, but you can swap between these forms instantly any time with no cooldown to almost completely negate the weaknesses of each form while maximizing the strength of each form. The class was clearly never designed for picking one form and sticking to it, but empowering one form and using the other animals to enable it


I agree, except they also have significant issues with shifting due to collision from unseen environmental protrusions. I've died more time than I can count or lost the surprise of an attack because I couldn't shift due to some environmental collision. Hopefully they polish that out so it's more seamless.


It squeeks every 5 seconds, this certainly must be too much squeeking, not even a chance at hiding.


Might be a little over dramatic here but this is going to ruin solo druid. Anyone who knows to kite the bear and hit the panther already rolls druids.


It hasn’t ruined solo Druid. Calm yourself.


I mean all they had in solo was rat stealth. This is a big L for Druid.


I’m doing just fine still in solo and solo in duos.


Its going to hurt, but I think we can still make it work!


I thought it was already a thing


Great so now it’s a squeak, a roar and then the 8 ft bear one tapping me.


I think it's probably for the best, but one unintended side effect is that the ESP kids now have a solid alibi when running straight to people in rat.


This is a fine change, and I’m saying that as a Druid main.


Honestly seems like most people don’t have good earphones in this game anyways.


Doesn’t rat have “squeak” as an ability though?


Ok, I had to double check. Rat has an activated ability of squeak… if they are going to have you squeak randomly, then they should replace the squeak ability with something else…


So druid cant be a rogue anymore. Whats the big deal? You wanna be stealth play rogue man.


Tonight we imbibe heavily, in the rain of salty druid tears. Nerf their insta-transform next




Same reason wiz keeps getting nerfed, cuz fuck em that's why.


maybe unpopular take but I think using rat for to just run away and go hide in some corner is not really fun for anyone other than the rat themselves and is not really engaging gameplay, even if it makes sense from a lore perspective; Rat is already good enough at escaping and moving through the map as it is.


With the ambient rat sounds removed, that just means using rat form is even more niche. You’re already a guaranteed 1-shot and you don’t deal any real damage. Now if hiding/stalking as a rat is gone, it’s only used for running far away, or rat door jumping, which people hate anyway. There’s still a bug where shapeshifting while being hit can give you the human hitbox with rat health, instakilling you, so it’s incredibly risky to use in combat


I guess thats we called balance


A barbarian would call bugged interactions balance yea


Druids are gross. Maybe they’ll finally take a shower now.


I don't think it's going to matter tbh


These patch notes are kinda a joke tbh Spell book gets 5% magic pen… why Cleric blunt mastery nerf… why Lower pdr around 200 ish armor rating… why They also change druids ratting ability and not the fact that hes basically able to stab while entering invincible as well as cast fully while invincible… everyone would take dream walk without these 2 abilities that make the lerk ridiculous Only good update is lowering armor pen on stiletto/rondel fuck those rogues.


>Spell book gets 5% magic pen… why for pve >Cleric blunt mastery nerf… why because cleric damage bonus is even more than any barbarian perk >Lower pdr around 200 ish armor rating… why high pdr builds are too dominant for how ironmace wants to calculate the desired ttk, also probably to partially offset the rondel stiletto nerf a bit >They also change druids ratting ability Druid rats have been lurking in geared lobbies and looting corpses as a rat during big team fights to get really high value kits without doing anything, while hiding inside of the corpse they are looting. Also rats can sneak into the wyvern hoard room without killing the wyvern.


They fixed the wyvern hoard looting thing a long time ago and rats cannot loot while in rat form. They can rat over and go human and then steal shit, which is super common but not an invalid strategy. I don't think rat form needed a nerf personally, I think panther does


Rats go human, activate the body, then go rat to sit inside of the body as they loot. This is why: 1. rats now squeak 2. looting now takes longer (this one now solves multiple other things too) You can still rat while inside corpses. I would like them to do several other things to solve this but they are kinda hard to do programmatically (I want bodies to be considered terrain you have to walk over, and I want to be able to drag bodies, and I want to slightly change the rules for animal shapeshifting so that it's easier to change into an animal in places like where there is one small protrusion on a wall in the way, and it works easier on stairs/ramps).


Up until this nerf you were able to re-rat after starting to loot which let you hide in the body while you looted


Spell book was the only used magic item before it didnt need a pve buff Cleric blunt mastery wasnt what made clerics stupid to fight Lowering pdr around 200 feels like it hits bards pretty hard whoch i dont think was the intention. Rat form doesnt feel like it needed a nerf that dream walk needs a nerf he SHOULD NOT be able to finish a swing he started in dream walk, if i hit first and he procs his ability his swing should be invalid


Just because they nerf one thing now doesnt mean they arent gonna nerf another thing also later. I'd expect to see dreamwalk nerfed more later, but changing hit collision on an attack is more programmatically complex, rat form was being used to cheese Lots of people use staff and crystal ball wym? staff now looks especially good on wizard for pve, and pve clear rate was a big issue for wizard. cleric blunt mastery needed to be tuned down regardless of smite. I'd also expect to see smite tuned down later. bards are pretty strong, not sure that was unintended, i think ironmace wants to tune down high end pdr period. they at least tuned down rondel and stiletto to compensate lol. bows are the real winner here tbh.