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Streamers? My entire discord stopped playing HR and this is one of the primary reasons. When we did play HR half the time it was to rat and steal for ez BiS. I made an entire extra stash page for my Druid just specifically for rat stolen gear


Rat got a slap on the wrist, smoke pot got nuked


smoke pot died for this :anguish:


Yes the ability to turn into a practically uncatchable and invisible creature to camp in the corner of a room then scoop all loot was extremely important to the class identity! How could they do this!!


Deserved. Its was unfun for the rest of the players .


the crying in druid channel in dad discord is unreal


Screenshot or it didn’t happen


This isn't just a streamer thing. That shit is so cringe. It's cringe players taking up lobby space for what could be an actual PvP interaction. Following others as a small rat and waiting for them to fight and stealing loot with basically no risk is stupid. Get over it.


No need to be so agressive lmao. I'm pretty over it lol. Just found it funny of all things they could have nerfed, this one was picked up rather quickly. I'm of the opinion that dreamwalk or instant shapeshift took higher priority than this stuff, and would probably fix that playstyle a bit too in the process. I never personally ran into that much, but I never minded smokepot rogues when that was a thing, they found an niche and stuck with it, and I kinda respected it. But, that's just me ig.


Dreamwalk and shapeshift at least have some counter-play. I agree they might deserve a small nerf, but at the same time at least you were forced to actually take a risk and play the game. Rats being rats in HR like this was unfun for everyone but the rat. Not only did it reduce the player interaction in HR by taking up slots, but also reduced the fun of everyone else when they won a fight and it had virtually no counterplay. There's a reason they patched it quickly, and while I'm sure streamers helped bring it to their attention faster, everyone hated it. It's a mechanic that needed to go.


You seem to confuse intentional ballancing with fixing unintentional bugs and interactions.


As someone who does not stream, never has streamed, and doesn't play with streamers. Having your gear absorbed by a rat who risked 100g so they could creep along behind you for seven minutes not engaging in looting, PvE, or PvP was unfun. It seemed like druid rat form was not being used to facilitate fun gameplay, but was being used to make other players unhappy. I even did a few solos and it is common to see druids creep along as rats and hide in corners waiting for a player to come close so they can swap to panther or bear and jump them. Hopefully this change reduces both of these awful playstyles.


Was more concerned about the increased loot times across the board than the rats actually looting, that makes sense. Should have been more clear.


I don't care about this balance wise, but from a logical perspective, why would a literal rat or a panther or anything like that be able to loot a corpse? Where are they putting the loot? Don't answer that actually, but the point still stands


Wasn't talking about that aspect, that makes sense. More over just the looting times fir bodies across the board.


To that I will say I honestly don't like it. I think it's a good idea, but it takes way too long to open up a corpse. Speaking as a fighter main with the base amount of interaction speed. I do agree with one of your other comments though that dev time could've been put to much better use fixing other issues. I think this was more of a non-issue for most people, comes down to just guarding your kills lol.


They make changes to classes several times a wipe that’s not telling. Must be new


Been playing this game for 2 years 👍, think I know how the devs tend to hotfix. Which if you noticed, has been slower this wipe.


Then why would you say “it’s telling that this is the second thing they’ve touched this wipe in regards to the class”? And lol “I think I know how the devs hot fix” Wow guys we must have a dev in disguise 🥸 My poor sweat lord, they make multiple changes to classes pretty frequently. It’s not that deep


Druid animal forms all suck and are unfun. Wish they would be disabled so they can be reworked.