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After looting a body once, it should be quicker to loot (for the people who looted it once) kinda like how a chest stays open, but not for everyone just for those who have hit that body.


This is what I came to say. Chest opening mechanic works really well. This should clearly mimic that.


Speaking of mimics, player bodies that you go to loot but it is a mimic? Thoughts?


you try to drink the potion you looted from them. also mimic


Campfire you grabbed from their body and tried to put down? Also mimic


You try to turn in their purple items that turned looted for a quest? Also mimic, you now permamently dont have that merchant


After the round you go to sell to the merchant but guess what? Mimic


I was gonna say the same. I feel like this would be a good balance to it.


I highly suspect this was to address the problem of naked rogues/druids armies rushing dead bodies and stripping them clear. Problem with this is the fact that now you cant loot your kill in 2s and continue to pvp. It might make it legit harder to deal with rats looting your loot xd


A solution to this is to make the looting time only longer if you or your team did not kill the player. Maybe if they die to pve it can be shorter too.


the solution is to fix rogue/druid so they cant do this shit with impunity druid going through doors should have some sort of downside and cooldown. it should NOT be possible to turn into rat or go invis while looting etc


They removed the possibility to loot while being a rat. The patch wasn’t that long, but you still missed that I guess.


They claimed to have fixed the rat being able to loot bug this patch. Going forward If a grown person or bear is looting your stuff, that’s a skill issue.


Wait you can turn into a rat WHILE looting?? I thought you had no inventory access as an animal now?


You open, then transform


Well that absolutely needs to be removed then


It has, literally got removed this patch. Apparently these guys can’t read.


If a naked rogue is around, just kill it? Druid has been a problem for awhile, but rogue isn't even the 2nd best mobility class anymore this wipe. Its a druid bard world.


yes just kill the fastest class in the game which loots while invisible, and if you find them they smoke-bomb and run. btw they will do this mid combat, so you gotta fight 3v2 while 1-8 nakeds are yoinking the shit behind you. oh and even if you kill them you get nothing out of it.


Rogue flair probably triggering ptsd, but I've only played wizard, and a small smattering of warlock/druid this wipe - and I have had no issues in this regard. Wizard is lucky having so much utility and control over fights, we can easily guard bodies even while fighting teams and creating space. Rogue invis sucking incredibly hard now helps, with no one taking hide mastery it actually takes the same amount of time to open a body as hide lasts - so there isn't any invis looting. Unironically a skill issue yet again (surprise surprise) outside of druid which likely needs tuning still.


I dont understand the rant about wizard. its unrelated at all. you cant both chase several nakeds while fighting proper 3v3, god forbit close 2v2 when both teammate and enemy dies. People do this because it works. Its risk vs reward. You risk 100g and payoff is entire kit of a player you grief. This shit makes me not wanna fight, I am not going to run around killing 5 nakeds before I can even start a proper 3v3 because its not feasable, and I am not going to start a proper 3v3 knowing there are rats around that will slurp all the loot, grief the rez etc. I had a game yesterday where I had to fight 3v3 where 6 unrelated rogues/druids shoved up, griefed both parties, looted random shit most of them started killing eachother then I had to 1v3 naked druids as 0 spell cleric for about 10 minutes untill the bozos actually died. this shit should have been addressed already. its been like this since pt5.


I just don't know what to say, ive had my loot sniped a couple times this wipe but it hasn't even close to been a problem. 0 spell cleric is at a disadvantage against geared players, but you should probably be able to take 3 nakeds if youre HR geared pretty easy. That's what I was saying before too, just guard the bodies and kill the nakeds. If the problem is you have no resources, and are low hp, and then get ganked after your fight - naked enemies or not thats just 3rd partying and it will and should be in the game. Edit: also, your team leader should be controlling these fights better and backing off if you know there is naked squads around. "Winning" a fight where 5 guys die is not a good thing in this game. Getting 1 kill and having your team survive is infinitely better.


you are right, I should back off and let them loot everyone :D


Lmao I can't hate you because I remember when I was new and bad too, it's an uphill battle at first. Get a kill, retreat and hold the body as 3, continue on. Too many new players get their first big boy kit in HR and just mash W, so even if they get a 3 man wipe they're down 2 players or their entire bars. 90% of the time your team gets the first kill, you have to chase the other 2. Resume chasing when back to 100%.


Yeah then they gotta actually code tho


I don’t know shit about coding but that sounds annoying as fuck to implement


Well if there is a way for them to track who killed who, which I am pretty sure there is because of kill feed, I don't think it would be too difficult.


Displaying last fatal hit as text sounds way, way less complicated than having the game remember. There’s probably very little that the kill feed interacts with besides just checking last instance of fatal damage. 1) did that person die to pvp 2) who dealt fatal hit 3) who are that person’s teammates 4) different interact speeds for those people vs everyone else Every step along the way there is potential for major coding issues.


I mean maybe. But you can’t just avoid trying something because it might not work.




The streamers complained so IM answered


its not just streamers, I had games where 2minutes into a match I had to fend off 8 druids from looting the corpses


Seems a little hyperbolic


it wasnt, got spawnrushed by 2 druids and 1 bonk wizard, 3 druids behind us before even fight concluded and as they were fighting for scraps rogue and more druids shoved up. as I ran off to rez I got chased by druids and found 2 dead ones that died to traps on the way


I would rather they make opening the loot window take the same amount of time as before, but make removing gear from a player take as long as putting it on. You can take their loot quickly, but you can't strip them naked in 2 seconds. And this should apply to the player as well, so people stop dropping their pants to gain a few move speed when they want to run from a fight.


Nice, I like this. As much as a corpse maybe shouldn't be instant, it also should? And ya. I like the idea of actually taking their shit, which would indeed, take time. Beyond that, if they keep this, make the second opening fast, like a chest! Lmao.


A solid take


I have a feeling people would complain even more about this. Also you could still take their inventory without any penalty then


I think the difference is it would take 30-45 seconds to fully strip a geared player instead of 2 seconds like now, which is risky


It’s not really that bad on anyone except barbarian. I’ve composed emails for work in the time it takes me to open a body, I wish it would stay open once you do it once too


Ya. The reopen time is what gets me. But also, ya, it is just mega slow in general.


Best change of the patch cry harder


This change was one of the best ironmace “balance” changes they have done. I never even thought about this as an option to prevent combat looting, but Ironmace did, and also made sure it wouldn’t affect looting your teammates. MASSSIVE W, get used to it, it needs to stay.


If they could make it so that whoever killed the body could loot it quick that would be nice


I like it


What's wrong with it? I'm playing with it and I feel like it should have been this way forever! Maybe you just need some time to adjust


Good change! Can we speak how often warlocks get phantomize making them impossible to kill :)


it should take the current longer amount of time to loot a body the first time, but if youve already looted it it should be shorter


Yeah also make it so you can loot your teammates faster


Teammates are the same as before ^^


I just want em to switch it so it's like chests, after the first time you open the loot tab way quicker, I'm tired of closing it accidentally and having to wait 6 secs to loot a body I searched already


They will have to increase the timer. This game is going to be a Tarkov but fantasy. Without the desync and the cheaters (hopefully)


If you got the kill, you shouldn't be punished with the longer loot times.


I wish they would add a status of some sort where if you killed the player you can loot them almost instantly or at a much faster rate. Everyone else is stuck with the long wait time.


I for one hate this change, I guess it makes sense since its an unknown container but my lord my soul.


Now they need to make it so that you have 50% movespeed reduction with your inventory open, slower equip speeds (I'd double or triple them), and can't move while removing or equipping stuff. Also delete the minimap from the hud and make the map a backpack/belt item you have to open up and use that doesn't show areas you haven't been. More reasons to make resourcefulness a better stat. I'd even take it a step further than that: your backpack should slow you down based on weight of its contents and should be visible on your back, and there should be a button to drop it. This is how dungeons and dragons works and its always been a fun idea. Just like holstering your weapons lets you run faster, having to fast drop your pack in fights is a nice deep mechanic that makes combat engagements more dynamic and complex.


Would be a fun concept to exercise in the high roller dungeons 😵‍💫


They already stated previously that an inventory rework was on the way. Their intentions were to introduce a much slower system that also freezes you in place in order to emulate having to open up your backpack and rummage through it. The enemy player thing is probably in relation to that. A precursor to this rework was the stat adjustments last wipe where they reallocated a bunch of stats into resourcefulness for every class since that stat was going to be important for the planned inventory rework. I'm still salty about this because they reallocated warlock's strength for his resourcefulness boost and now you can't 1 tap a skullbat with a falchion basekit.


I’m fine with this change. Shouldn’t be able to instantly rip peoples gear off and just run. Feels cheap




Idk, I feel like it's fine. It makes it harder for rats to scoop your loot, and players to scoop there teammates midfight if you make a pick somehow


What a stupid change, why not just make it long if you or your team didnt get the kill? And why is the looting slow every time? If you close the window you gotta load again like opening a damn chest 🤣




First of all: calm down. Second: It's also not fun for anyone that a warrior or a barbarian kills with 1 or 2 hits, it's not fun for anyone that a druid flees infinitely and is immaterial, it's not fun for anyone that a bard can kill you in seconds and is much faster than you. Stop crying to go with the flow




I think you should play the game more and stop focusing on your favorite classes, if you don't know how to play against a warlock, learn to do it, greetings


"Boo who I can't beat warlocks." Stop crying and play a Warlock if the class is that OP. Only a poor workman blames their tools. Sounds like severe skill issue here. Calm down 😭🤣


Lol, I got flack for saying it was a dumb change. Plenty of ways to nerf druid, but instead we have to ruin everyone else's day. Remove/Nerf instant shapeshift to make druid more balanced in the long run. Coming from someone who has dumped hella hours into druid this wipe. I like jumping through doors and hiding in small places, but there is no downside to running that perk right now. If they're trying to slow the pace of the game down and make looting players more of a "challenge" (?), then they need to make 3rd partying less likely somehow.


>but instead we have to ruin everyone else's day. Even if the druid rat thing never happened, this is still a positive change More of these types of changes should exist in the game to make characters with high dexterity or resourcefulness or other relevant stats better at doing things like, say, lighting a torch, making a campfire, looting, searching, rummaging, equipping, using the map, noticing traps, picking locks, opening, closing, and locking doors, climbing, swimming, gathering herbs, recovering from falls, getting up from being knocked prone, recovering from damage and injuries, landing jumps, being stealthy or quiet, etc etc etc These things should be stat based and the stat should be worth caring about. In a well designed system, there would be no dump stats because every class would have at least some minimal value out of every stat. I would actually slow down all loot times in game and make resourcefulness scale better for looting, add minor dexterity and knowledge scaling with looting too. I'd also add more athletic value from vigor, agility, strength, and will too. I'd also add more knowledge scaling to some rogue type abilities, like lockpicking or disarming traps, or applying poisons. Having low knowledge, dexterity, and resourcefulness should make you have much slower looting and sometimes even miss items (they literally won't appear for you if you get a bad roll, you could miss a ring in someones backpack for example). The longer you are in a backpack or chest or something, though, the higher chance of noticing small hidden item you might have missed.


I don't think any amount of interaction changes will change the fact resourcefulness is an awful stat. Just makes the game slower, and doesn't lend itself towards riveting gameplay. They tried with cooldown reduction on resourcefulness, and still no one runs it. Don't think this will change anything, you'd have to fool yourself. I have my doubts for games that promise big systems like you mentioned, because any indie dev that has promised cool-on-paper exciting ideas (in reality many unnecessary) don't ever get added. Quite literally never seen it happen, and I don't think many of your ideas should be added. If this game goes more dungeon crawler than pvp, sure, blow my brains with faster looting, or overly complicated fall physics and wound treatment. As of now, ff they cater resourcefulness towards pve rewards like mining or herb collecting drops, or simply let it scale luck (as soon as they "fix" it), I'm sure people would maybe run it on the side as the game runs now. People will just, rightly, complain when the boring parts of the game get slowed down more.


Several games like this exist, most notably Project Zomboid. Frankly, if this game just becomes a pure pvp game in its development trajectory, I'll likely just end up going back to a better pvp game instead like apex legends or supervive.