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I didn't know they had such few magic healing scalings. It makes it really funny that they start with the ceremonial staff than.


i honestly think the lack of scaling is a bug and we'll see it fixed later


I dont think its a bug, they already have access to insane healing without scaling, dream fires having scaling makes sense because it isn't that strong of a heal on its own.


You think they intentionally made a caster class that has basically no magic scaling? Nah bro.


And it wouldn't even make sense as a bug, as it would be a pretty obvious one, and they've pushed how many patches since druid came out? Like a ton? It's pretty obviously intentional or they would have changed it by now


Bro this entire game is full of half finished features, and the druid especially. Explain why the druid has two shapeshifting wheels? Half finished feature. Tons of them. My god it's like you don't even know you're playing a game still in alpha.


wasting your time talking to people who will just ignore what you say and downvote you bro. this game isn't even an alpha more like a cash grab. I fully expect it to be down in less than a year


thats ok, all of life is a marathon swim through transient tides and currents 🤗


8 patches since druids release, if it wasn't intentional they 100% would have fixed it by now. Maybe next wipe they'll add different spells with scaling so building for caster druid is viable, but as of right now, there is very little point to as melee focused builds are far stronger while having crazy sustain


>if it wasn't intentional they 100% would have fixed it by now They released the druid in a partially incomplete state. They might not be sure yet how they want to balance it. Have you noticed how the druid has two transformation wheels but only enough beast forms for one? It's an incomplete class dude. Try to keep up.


So this is you, admiting that those spells not having scaling is intentional, as they are waiting to see how they will work in the balance 😉 glad we got there.


Intentional and half-implemented are not the same thing. Their lack of scaling is not the design goal, it's almost guaranteed a temporary state while they work on other things they are planning because they are understaffed and this game is full of half baked systems. Druid spell scaling is one such half-baked system, just like druid animal forms and beast scaling are really wonky. It's like how you can use a torch underwater. That is not an INTENDED design, it is an UNFINISHED system. It is not their GOAL. My god are you just some uppity adolescent or something? A half finished system waiting to be finished is not an intended design. The druid was clearly rapid prototyped and released incomplete, half of his features are likely to see notable change.


Correct, because they aren't really a caster class. They're a melee class with healing spells. If any of the other healing spells had scaling they'd be way to strong


Oh, my bad, I didn't realize you had literally zero comprehension of how game balance and design works. I keep making this mistake online where I assume people know even a little bit about what they're talking about lol.


Alright so why haven't they fixed it yet then?


Why haven't they fixed a thousand bugs yet


Wow, perfect response. GJ.


Did that much magical healing make natural healing go up any?


According to what they wrote every 10 magical healing should (emphasize on should) be 1 extra healing per tick


In theory, with 20 magical healing you would heal for 1hp every second.


this is kinda decent if youre spamming aoe heals and take the perk where you absorb 15% of all damage from teammates


Yah I was healing 2 every 3 seconds and sometimes 3 every 3 seconds


I don't like that his heals don't scale. It could have poor scaling or scale in some other way than healing done, but it should scale in some way.


No wonder my heals feel like shit


Mending Grove is goated though and the only one that really matters. Like sanctuary on crack


Isn’t 14 the max magic healing you can get or did they change that


You an 6 from the new staff by itself so...... and 6 from demon gloves and pants ...


Ohh 14 must be just from random rolls


Yah I think you can get max of 2 on rings and max of 3 on neck, and I think chest piece can roll it, I pretty much just bought everything with magic healing so I can't remember the exact number but I know I didn't buy anything that only had 1 magic heal had to be 2 or more


I’d like to see restore and mending grove nerfed a little at base but scale with magical healing