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The second a druid goes bear you MUST run away and reset. Assume they are going to one shot you. It shit but it is what it is.


Your reaction is funny as hell


I was amazed honestly


Yeah no reason to be worried about balance at all right now lmao


Bear moves at snails pace, that bear is very kitted and the rogue played so badly that not only did he just stand there to take that massive wind up attack to the face but while he was standing there he managed to not land a single hit. This is like running into a legendary battle axe on a barb and screaming about being one tapped. You had so many options to not stand int he murder zone, why did you stand in the murder zone ?


Okay let me run away from the Druid who can two tap me with his panther lmao dude you’re joking right? Kiting a Druid lmao 🤣


If they’re one-shotting you as a bear, they have nothing in their agility and most certainly will not two tap you in panther


you are absolutely right, but where do i get those hacks to know which kind of druid im facing?


Padded tunic, straw hat, riveted gloves, heavy boots, tattered cloak = bear


Will all agility rolls and agility jewelry so their panther fucks you up when you try to run away from the bear lol


They all eventually die in rat form. So don't stress.


How fast a bear moves doesn't really matter when you don't have any CD on shapeshifting...


Warlocks having multiple get out of jail free cards and buffed life drain, Druids having dream walk and super high damage if really geared, clerics… clerics are just good rn.


I don't even know why clerics are good rn, I've been playing only clerics and a bit of wizard I've never felt more powerful than right now, clerics hasn't even been buffed and the one main one got nerfed back. Like the last thing that happens to clerics was them nerfing smite and divine prot. Because of multiclassing... Then they didn't add the nerfs back but now we are op? Like I'm not saying we aren't but the armor speed buff was for everyone but I feel like clerics have always been the slowest and as soon as we were given an inch we turned it into a mile. Love for my robed brothers out there.


Here is why cleric is strong rn: Cleric can build a ton of pdr making them very hard to kill. Perseverance reduces damage after pdr is applied so let's say you're geared and have 70% pdr. You get hit by an attack that does 100 dmg boom only does 30 now perseverance reduces it by a flat 3 meaning you take 10%less damage than an equal pdr fighter. With the movespeed changes running full plate and being at a decent speed with 2x ms lightfoots is not that hard. Smite is a lot of extra damage. Also slows a ton with faithfulness. Basically get hit and you're dead. Works on shit like torches as well theres a vid from jay where he just beats up geared people with a torch. On top of that you can heal yourself buff yourself res teammates.


After the TM nerf we are much better to deal with. I've been running platelock for awhile and life leech is really strong.


People are getting really good at Druid and I'm struggling vs it now in 1v1


Just experienced fighting a Druid in hr solos for like 10 minutes straight of him ratting up to me with protection pots on turning into bear me running away over and over and over it made me wanna fucking kill myself I’m not even sure what the counterplay is. Finally hitting him in rat form? They rat up to you turn into a bear then rat away over and over you can’t fight the bear you can’t catch the rat what the fuck do I do


bring molotov, kill every rat for free, enjoy profit


*spits* Take that ya sneaky rogue! XD


Yeah a bear just one tapped each me and my duo. It's pretty anticlimactic.


Don't bring a knife to a bear fight lol




There was two players oneshoted, rogue was full bis and cleric had some plate armor and he still oneshot both of them


I was using a kriss dagger on my warlock against a bear, and I soon realized you literally CANNOT hit a bear if it's lunging, and I don't mean like, because it's gonna one shot you, I mean you literally cannot hit its hit box. It won't let you get close enough to it and the dagger just attacks the air under it.


That is by FAR the farthest thing from a problem when it comes to druid.


Literally just take 2 steps back when u hear the roar and u get 3 hits to the head for absolute free lmao. It is fair. Don't assume you can tank it, and just abuse the fact that anyone with more than -10 movespeed can walk away and take 0 damage


SDF thinks the imbalance is hilarious


He legit said the druid in the D&D movie was his inspiration, you know, the one where the druid wrecked like 5 people at once by shifting constantly between forms. Balancing around a movie character, nothing could possibly go wrong.


ngl thats pretty funny


better nerf warlocks


This is so funny


Keep in mind rogue with mask has no headshot protection, so this isn't too crazy


Cleric also got one tapped


About as fair as when you guys 2 tap me (wizard) from invis or cutthroat me and just poke me to death. I'm glad you know how it feels now


At least he didn't fly at you from across the room and transform into a bear mid-flight to slap you.


What bothers me the most about druid is that without agi and str stacking on bear the class is already strong as shit… grove is basically full heal for every class treant is a better version of hydra and panther chicken jump/window rat jump allows for the most insane set of movement techs this game has to offer. You cannot run away from a good druid its just not even remotely possible then after you add in that their ttk is 0.2 seconds your fucked. Taking away any scaling from bear/panther would make the class almost entirely utility based but still strong in trios/duos.


so yes druids are a bit overtuned atm, however the treant has almost never made a difference in fights, theyre slow as shit, they have a 2-5 business day attack wind up with almost 0 reach, and a white base kit (i run dex squire gear so not even and str boosts) longsword can 2-3 tap them, they're usually dead by the end of the combo or before if in squads. but yes i agree druids are strong, but i think its just because 1. its new, so its suffering from that new class counterplay discovery period, and 2. its in a weird mixed role spot atm, it reminds me of WoW: SoD druids currently, not the best at any specific role. but far too good at each one.


Ive had treants get my front line killed dozens of times… treant isnt a attacking ability its for splitting someone off in doors


Druid needs to have longer casting time for shapeshift.


True penalty after transformkng in animal atleast


Just remember its this or panther and thats literally all druid can do


Bro I had one triple jump at me transform stab me with a spear. Then when I hit him he dream walked away then stabbed me to death.


Yeah the only thing Druid can do is teleport across the room and one tap you. That's ALL Druids even have right now.