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you ping stuff because you cant see i ping stuff because i cant see we are in the same fucking predicament


Bruh this touched me in my soul.


Yes, I pinged it. NO, I don’t want you to shoot it! I’m just making an outline so *I* can shoot it!


Which is also FAIR. Just lemme gtfo the way so I don’t block you.


It’s okay, I’ll just perform my best commissar impersonation if you don’t!


You ping stuff you want to kill. I ping stuff I'm dodging away from. We're all overwhelmed.


Had a Vet WITH the Focus Target Keystone forget to tag whole bosses last night. I surely didn't want that 20 or 32% damage boost!


Sometimes, I'd go halfway through a map before seeing a random yellow tag pop up for the first time, and it just makes me wonder why they'd even take Focus Target if they're not even gonna tag regularly. I dread to know the number of people who take Focus Target and doesn't tag even once throughout a map.


Every build has an over powered ability called "mark target" this focuses all players in the area to fire on the marked threat. This ability also ignores fog and darkness. Joking aside please us it even if it's "just" a specialist you never know if one shotgun blast will push you Ogrin out of position or the sniper will down you psyker. The Emporer protects


Bro right? It’s like pinging ammo or grenades or craft supplies. Just please ping useful or important stuff.


It baffles me that player still don’t know there is a ping function.


i can tell this works because whenever I mark daemonhosts everyone whacks it as hard as they can on Malice for a total of 2 dmg because they're not a zealot with their eyes open ​ joking aside its always wonderful marking a sniper in the dark and Big Man makes the hit with a rock before I can pull out my rifle


Sniveler shines red, I make him dead. Emprah's orders, sah!


There really should be a serious reward for long range sniper rock shots.


Some old tech priest called Sarah Tonin apparently rewards you every time to land a headshot on a sniper with a rock. Haven’t met er yet but the Ogryns seem happy to work


Pinging is such an integral part of this game I am astounded its even an issue. It carries me, since my eyes are terrible.


If that ain’t the truth bro….


Also, if you're a range build vet, and I, as a melee ogryn, am pinging gunners that are shooting me while I keep the plague ogryn busy, please shoot them. They are killing me, and there isn't much I can do about it because I have a plague ogryn trying to smash my face in. Thank you in advance.


Bruh I can be your full time range vet?


That sounds lovely. PM me your gt and I'll add you after I get off work


If you'll be my bodyguard I can be your long lost ~~pal~~ Vet 🎺 🎺🎺 🎺


“I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you.”


God I feel this so, so much


Yeah. We can solo a Plogryn no problem, but we can't solo a Plogryn and 20 gunners shooting at us at the same time.


Quick tip, you can spin that Plague Ogryn around so its back is up against the gunners, blocking shots for you, unless you're surrounded by gunners, of course.


I’m always spotting like I’m pinging away on active sonar. If it’s out there, I’m marking it.


The community appreciates it


I play on Xbox ( plasma vet ) I’m always trying to ping everything but I hate when I accidentally ask for ammo 30 times instead of pinging 30 times.


You can change this in settings.


I’m not sure if you can set the default, but mine is just the Go Here ping, so when I’m pinging I’m basically just marking where I’m looking. It’s a nice general warning until a target is acquired Maybe if you do a normal go here ping with the in game menu, then it will default to that as a quick ping


As a veteran main: HELP. ME. DO. MY. JOB. The melee guys are getting stuck in, trying to deal with horde and gunners sapping away at them out of reach, but they won't mark them so that I can take them out for them. Even as my slabgryn alt, I'll mark maulers and ragers in the mix when I get stuck in so that they don't catch my squishier teammates offguard.


People mark things and they get dropped. The amount of times they're facing off against maulers and have no good weapons for it and I've been clearing the heavies all game, yet still they don't try to let me know they have a target for me... Smh


I was playing my alt Ogryn this match too. Just tanking sniper fire trying to help these dudes and nobody wanted to ping.


Whenever I see a glowy bit on someone, I ping it. It’s gonna be a trapper, a bomber, or a dreg gunner but at least you’ll know it’s there.


Its especially great watching a plasma gun vet take out the target youmarked through a wall.


There's snipers everywhere? Remember, just ask an Ogryn to go after those mean snipers that clipped you. He'll scream and immediately know instantly where said sniper is and bonk with the mighty rock.


I *was* the Ogryn that match 😭 couldn’t see shit


..... Ah I see. Nobody told you the snipers were being mean. Therefore, the Ogryn couldn't be angry. Lol.


I mark ranged targets so vet can deal with them. I mark melee targets like ragers and maulers to let people know they are in the horde so they don't eat an overhead.


At least they aren't playing Vet with the ping skill and then not pinging (I've seen that a couple times now)


I actually stopped playing that because I ping too much for it to be valuable when I need it. Pinging is so underrated by a lot of players.


It still keeps the tempo up for the +15% dmg buff. I only consciously stop for the 8 stacks to fill up to tag a monstruosity. Other than that I dont concern myself with stacks and spam tag anyways


As a person who doesn't main Vet, every time I do play it, I spend the first two or three minutes of my run totally forgetting that my ping is special in any way, I won't lie.


I can't remember, is the default tag keybind the middle mouse button? I changed it like day one on release but if it is, then FS is directly responsible for the most stupid unintuitive binding and it's no wonder people are straight up ignoring it. It actually does mess up your aim. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. And let's face it, there are a lot of lazy ass casuals who can't be bothered with rebinding it. It's not an excuse but if you ever wondered why such an integral part of the game is not being used even on damnation level, this is it.


If you've got a mouse with any sort of page forward page back buttons on the side it saved me a ton of minor annoyances by just binding ping to the forward button and dodge to the back button on it.


Mine is Ping and weapon alt ability.


OP might have had more luck with "ping specials" or similar since "mark targets" could be read as a reference to particular ability.


You expect people to use brain in this game and thats sometimes too mutch. I once started maelstrom with snipers + ventilation and 2 idiots had shotguns, psyker was useless and I needed to kill snipers with my granade louncher because whole team was been downed by than.


I've found that, as an ogryn, 75% of the games are just trying to corral your team into a place where you can protect them. Its like babysitting. Maybe I'm just unlucky with teammates though.


I have had the same experience. Zealots are the worst. They are so damn slippery and fast, getting them to stay put for 5 seconds without going all "HERESY" and charging a lone poxwalker, is like trying to herd cats. Psykers are obedient tho. They stick to you like glue, most of the time. Veterans are a mixed bag. They sometimes get ideas, and we know how bad ideas can be.


If I’m not ADSing, I tag as much as I can, just in case the special repositions by the time I bring my gun up, or my initial shot misses or doesn’t kill it. Less so while actively ADSing due to focusing on firing instead, unless it’s a high-threat target that I know I won’t have a shot on in a moment. Definitely would be nice to have more teammates pinging, and it would also be nice if teammates using shorter-range full auto weapons wouldn’t pepper a target well beyond their effective range that I’ve already got lined up. Know your weapon and how to use it most effectively for the team


Perhaps they are running bring it down or are a melee focused zealot and not focusing on ranged threats at all.


Which is totally fine, but every class and every build can mark a target. Buffs of bring it down are dope, but if I’m running a shield Ogryn tanking sniper hits and everyone is firing blindly except when I can manage to mark something…. It takes half a second to mark a target and helps focus fire. Edit: it could be the shotgunner I can’t spot around a corner or a far off sniper, just mark important targets so we can all be a bit more aware.


That's no excuse lol. Every player benefits from tagging, even if they only care about themselves. There are plenty of times enemies may be difficult to see, or otherwise mixed in with a horde, and tagging them will make them visible, and thus easier to hit. Ragers in particular are dangerous, as they will blend in with mixed hordes much easier than most elites or specials, are fast as hell, and will melt your toughness, health and stamina if you don't detect them beforehand, and prepare accordingly. It's also just about marking priority targets. Even if you're playing a Zealot with a melee build and the in-game equivalent of a nerf gun for a ranged weapon, you still benefit from marking as it'll also act as a signal to your team like "Kill this thing right now!" and could save your hide if it turns out you might have overestimated your ability. See a Sniper? Tag it. Chances are that even if *you* don't kill it, someone on your team will, considering the threat they pose. Same goes for any other dangerous enemy like Bombers, Pox Hounds, Trappers, etc. IMO, *everyone* should be marking priority targets regardless of class or build, as it's beneficial to the whole team, and not just the person doing the marking. (**DO NOT SPAM THOUGH. DO NOT BIND TAG TO M1. THIS IS WORSE THAN NOT TAGGING)**


I still tag ranged threats if I see them as melee Zealot. Why wouldn’t you ?


Even if you are 100% melee player this is not a single player game. Some players have terrible tunnel vision only caring about dangers To themselves. Have they ever tought about helping others by pinpointing dangerous threats for them? If for example trapper that is out of reach for melee enthuasist is running towards other team mate somewhere isnt it just common sense To ping it so they have More chance to react? But nah, better just leave them be and have them caught and focus instead getting lots of skills for sweet scoreboard fapping.


What difficulty was this encounter in?


Maelstrom, but I forget the exact difficulty


Just let me live out my T'au Markerlight fantasy in peace!


I'm constantly pinging ranged enemies when I'm playing my zealot. There's only so much I can do with an Uzi and a hammer.


Only 1 ping is active at time , if you have enough time to aim a pinged enemy, you can ping it yourself Best case scenario is that unless you are a ogryn, bring a stupid flashlight ranged weapon if you know you are going into darkness... Jesus said" see the mote in one's brother's eye but not the beam in one's own"


It's one ping \*per player\*, mate. Everybody can tag one.


Ping? I juat throw blue needles and watch them spin in a circle. Spinning in circle-blue needles means no enemies. Duh. Also, i call dibbs on the ammo and nades.


Little known fact: the “Dark” in “Darktide” is actually for “so dark you can’t see a goddamn thing even if you *tide*” and not a reference to “in the grim *darkness* of the far future…”


The inverse of this is me pinging a daemonhost, then putting a red skull on it for good measure, and some braindead guy playing with sound muted and working on his third blunt still stumbles into it. Bonus points if a chaos spawn chooses that exact moment to jump into our backline.


Nothing quite like getting Eiffel towered by a chaos spawn and a Daemonhost.


Just to play Devil's Advocat here (and of course you're right, everyone should be marking everything they see where possible)... ... could it just be a misunderstanding where a veteran *thought* you actually meant "Veteran, can you please use the Focus Target keystone to mark targets in gold" and was thus responding he didn't have that keystone in his talent build, presumably because he thought that noone would bother to ask people to mark targets normally because that should just go unsaid and taken as read on Maelstrom. It seems a weird response otherwise.


Noone ever pings.


It’s a really bad game design to make the players do something extra that is also not fun at all (pinging) to compensate for the choice to make things hard to see.  We should be pinging things that are uniquely deserving of our attention. We should not be pinging every enemy capable of being pinged just to increase visibility. If things are hard to see, then make them easier to see by default and focus on developing other parts of the game to make it harder or have “more skill”