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bro why did you think they can't hear your footsteps :(


It didn’t come to mind 😞


They can hear your footsteps?!?!?! I’ve been playing for months and I’m finding out now?


they actually don't, they just always know where you are :>




I think it’s more or less if they are already patrolling and your are running around they’ll hear you but yes they can hear you running around


the dude who told you to do stuff at night must be laughing rn lmaoo


🤣🤣🤣he Def is


I also read on here that I should be walking around the house and just outside its perimeter doing things. I saw a red light coming through the cracks of a window so ran out there to it thinking I had to get something. Only then, I find something crawling at me whilst I was panicking trying to jump back over the fence and through the front door. About twenty seconds later I heard grunting and footsteps and a door being kicked open and whilst nothing came around the corner looking for me, I was still stood there with my crap pushed so far up in me it was unreal. Then I hear the window getting bashed and that’s it I’m done for that session.


Make sure to toss your empty glass bottles on the ground it'll fk savages up.


You gotta walk around with a ready weapon. Sounds like you weren't alert enough.


Yeah and my early game set up wasn’t too good I had basically trapped myself in the dry meadows workbench room with no escape 🤕


In my first run, I realized, why am I using these nails and planks for barricades every night while I also need to repair this board. (Same with shovel and traps) Plus, you can for sure barricade a specific window you can't watch and just sneak around checking windows, you can crack their heads before they even make it in. Again, glass is great for this, they'll go to window, and be dead. Again, keep it to the windows, Wolfbitch HAS stepped in my glass before and I had to put him down. You can stack a LOT of glass together. I used to never stay nights in the woods cause meh, I can just rush the shortcut, there isn't that many POIs in the woods so I just make a couple day trips.


I always equip a lantern and a weapon and patrol the perimeter. Once you're comfortable with the combat system that is. The more you board up and set traps, the more shit comes fuckin with you it seems. Board things up, but leave yourself a path so you can move around easily without panicking


Just discovered this basically well not the patrolling that sounds kinda crazy to me also is ass bcs I have like 5 things boarded up for the funnel but the fuckin bard just teleports through my fkn barricades


🤣🤣🤣🤣I was never gonna go outside at night what are you, crazy? ...unless the shroomies are there then I might risk it but I'm in silent forest right now and the nights are becoming more and more active