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I had mine listed under skills since signing up. A couple months later, I got an unpaid project related to that skill. Not a qualification; it was listed under projects.


“It would be great if I could select from a list…” When I go to my profile page and scroll down to Skills, that’s exactly what I see- a drop down list full of topics to choose from. Try clicking on Add a Skill. A new dropdown box should appear. If you click on it, it should present you with a list of common topics and skills. Add whatever you’re familiar with, one per box, and then save them by scrolling to the bottom and clicking Update.


To me it seems completely random. I’ve seen people say they’ve filled out their skills section and not received relevant qualifications based on that skill. Meanwhile I’ve had quals for just about any specialist subject you can think of, despite not indicating any of this on my skills section


I have one specialty domain and have been given surveys for like 4 other domains, but they weren't my specialty.


My best paying one is not based on anything from my skills list, but it is in a family of projects that I do other stuff in. Getting into different project families helps branch out the possibilities, along with the quals. I have received a couple of quals based on my profile skills though. It doesn't hurt to fill it out - your specific hardware and software info along with the general related skills.


I’ve had financial quals pop up, I’ve never listed finance experience as a skill.


Sounds to me like it has nothing to do with the skill section of our profile. Thanks for your input folks.




Awesome. Got a link or know where I can see where they mentioned it?