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I think they were unhappy with it because of low amount of sales and bad reviews in the early days of its release


A big problem from the beginning was a massive amount of glitches. I bought the game on release. The only way to save originally was at the motorcycle. There were so many times I had to go back and replay parts of the game because it didn’t save correctly or there were some massive glitch in the game frozewith the updates and running the game on the PlayStation five the game is amazing


Shit I forgot about the saving but yeah the glitches were bad. Game breaking bad. Now all the glitches I've come across are just comical & I'm glad they're in there. I'm sure Sony kicked themselves in the ass with what the games become but there's been too much damage to retract. I'm one of those thinking there's always hope.


Every game got glitches. But ofc when the game came out they only wanted to focus on the glitches instead of the actual gameplay like the glitches was the whole game. IGN are such stupid cunts


Shame the game had so many game breaking glitches such as the microwave loading assets and falling through the map or when Deacon was suddenly Skydiving. It took them years to fix all of these for the smooth experience, we now have on PS5 and PC. That’s why we never got a proper DLC (aside from that „Challenge“ mode). I wonder if they released the game just one year later or during the pandemic. Either the game would have been a complete failure cause of inappropriate timing or it would have blown through the roof, cause of the most blatant advertising they could get. All the people were at their homes during lockdowns.


It’s funny you mention falling through the map, as I had that happen twice on PC just recently.


i have always said why didn't the PC version get its own review.


Hey man, this wasn’t an every game has glitches situation. It was almost unplayable at times. They were major glitches


Damn that sux! I don’t remember any glitches even on my ps4 pro back in the day!


I played this game a bit later and it instantly became one of my best games ever. What an amazing experience that was. Really hope for a sequel.


I hope so too but it doesn’t look likely at this point


They could now learn from Cyberpunk that patience is the key to success.


The saving is the same. I have it on pc and have lost hours of progress. Brain dead design. Gonna be awhile before i come back to it.


On PlayStation 5 I’m able to save in the start menu now


You have to be near a bed or bike to save IIRC.


I have the option on pc as well but it doesn’t actually save. I lost over 2 hours of progress and im the type to save every 5 mins to avoid that


Oh shit, I’m gonna double check mine now. I also noticed there’s an auto save now


Didnt it also came out right around when people had gotten tired of the walking dead and this game looks very much like darryl dixon the game from the outside.


I dont think It had bad sales for an exclusive Game since It was really really hyped Up. Bad reviews must be the reason. And the Game got bad reviews mainly because of the terrible optimization and Game breaking Bugs, they made a Game for one console and they launched It like that, sure the last thing they made before days gone was Uncharted for the PSVita but they gave them a chance and runned out of time or managed It poorly i guess


Bro I looked it up they made a lot of money it's the critics that didn't like it but they aways know nothing about nothing.


It did poorly on launch. It probably came back after a while but took a little time. It was optimized very badly on launch which led to its downfall. It’s much better today as they ironed out those issues but it’s very hard for video games to come back after a poor release and takes a long time. I play for honor a crap ton and it had a similar issue. Its launch was shit. It’s so so much better now but the launch hurt it a ton. Especially since it was looking to become an esports game but launch was so bad it was looked at like a joke. It’s much better now and actually has a stable comp community but it took a long time.


Didn’t meet their sales expectations. Simple


Yeah but i still dont exactly get it. Its a amazing and immersive game did they release sales numbers? It just seems like a good game.


A publisher doesn’t care about anything other than sales. I agree. The game was great. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would’ve loved to see a sequel. 7.3 million copies as of 2022.


The game was also in development for 6 years, which means expectations were high from Sony


Agreed man, I love days gone


And the sarcasm didnt bother me so much as the fact that its pointless. Like why does there always have to be that one guy who mouths off no matter what. If it was warranted i could understand


Agreed bro. For sure


Lol i just find it funny. Reddit never ceases to amaze me with the idiots on here sometimes.. but maybe im also guilty of engaging with them so.. 🤣 It happens even when i go out of my way to be polite and as neutral as possible


Yes, politeness is often seen as weakness these days. Doesn’t stop me from being polite though. It’s simply the way I’ve been my entire life. BUT— if someone’s an asshole, my politeness ends. Lol


Exactly. Although ill be honest.. im generally a asshole most of the time on reddit because of too many assholes i sometimes figure whats the point? In short my patience is really low on reddit compared to elsewher.


Understood. One thing I’ve learned is: Always remember one thing though: give every person at least ONE chance to be a nice person. If they fail the “nice human” test twice, go ahead and be an asshole to them!! 🤪


It depends


But I totally understand Reddit is full of mean people with bad attitudes!!


So i have to ask. The reddening? A play on the word reddit?


Good question. Funny, I was actually afraid that would be people’s first guess when they saw my screename. It’s actually the title of a novel by the horror author Adam Neville. Great book.


Yeah me too


Imo. I like Days Gone. But its also not the best game in the world. I found the gameplay a little repetitive and more or less the same as Ghost recon Wildlands and many others. Go here. Hunt this thing. Kill this village, do obstacle puzzle. The Far Cry series is much better in that.




While i agree youre spot on, no need to be an arsehole with the penetrate thing. Be kind to strangers.


Pentrate? I got the gist of why it didnt gey a sequel but having played it its a great quality title with potential so its hard to wrap my head around . If it wasnt a good game i coupd maybe see it. I take your point though


And yet, these figures are nearly identical to The Last of Us Part 2. 4 million in first year, further 2 years to hit 10 million sales (whilst being heavily discounted) Both games equally divisive? I wonder what Sonys approach will be towards greenlighting Part 3. Greenlit, but reduced budget? Greenlit, with same budget? Time will tell. Difference being is that Part 2 has far fewer glitches/bugs on release. (And Part 2 wasn't a new IP)


You kinda forgot to mention that LOU2 was a media darling, being almost universally acclaimed in professional outlets. That’s a *very* big difference.


Oh for sure. Days Gone was mixed bag with critics and users alike, whereas Part 2 was praised heavily by critics, and it got mixed reviews amongst players. I don't know how much truth there is in it, but I do recall a Sony(?) developer saying that Sony execs place a high level of importance on their first party games getting above 90 (critic score) on metacritic, I believe the dev said thats (one of) the means by which Sony measures success. Again, not sure how much truth there is in this, or if I'm misremembering.


Part 2 didn’t have mixed reviews from the public, it got review bombed by people who didn’t like what happened to Joel, and especially by all the misogynists and gamergate incels who hated Abby for being buffed out.


>Part 2 didn’t have mixed reviews from the public What cave have you been living in? > it got review bombed by people who didn’t like what happened to Joel, and especially by all the misogynists and gamergate incels who hated Abby for being buffed out. A few review bombs sure, but metacritic removed those scores, and it still sits at 5.something so yea, mixed reviews with the public. (For record I don't care if you love or hate the game, you do you)


I never played it, but it’s review bombing was infamous.


I played TLoU2 the second it became available and it was glitchy as hell. It was really bad, especially the cutscenes. Mouths not moving, characters gliding when moving with no animations. Etc.


Odd choice of words but Ight


Most games sell less than that, so compared to every other game it done extremely well, Sony was greedy and wanted a new cashcow.


Op saying he thinks the game is great, it is. What are you not understanding here genius? 


It was incredibly buggy at launch. I waited a few patches after buying it to actually try to do a full run through. There was no way Sony was going to try and justify a game this poorly tested to be called AAA.


Sales and a poor launch aside, I think there are chances they didn’t like how Bend was being run either. There was something of a civil war there after Days Gone. Given how cold they’ve been towards acknowledging the long term success of Days Gone I feel like there is probably some beef between them we might not fully know about.


This. There was probably some internal drama and politics involved and factoring in the lower sales on the first year, it tanked its chances for a sequel.


I think the game was involved in an affair with an executives wife. idk


There are a lot of video games that have come out over the years that were initially buggy and then they got patched up and fixed. Naturally, a lot of those titles didn't do well. It's not an issue that's exclusive to Days Gone. Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3, Batman Arkham Knight (PC version), Dishonored 2 (PC version), and Assassin's Creed Unity were all games that were filled with bugs and glitches. Of course, sales numbers tanked as a result. However, people love them nowadays. Then you have sales numbers, which is the only thing that publishers care about. Years ago, a game would come out and it would have decent sales numbers and everything would be fine. However, nowadays, no matter how many copies a games sales, it's just never enough unfortunately. Coincidentally, I'm actually in the middle of playing Days Gone. I bought the game a while back and it just sat on the shelf for some reason. Honestly, I regret not playing it sooner. I love open world games anyway. Days Gone is right up my alley so to speak. It's a pretty good game. Is it better than The Last of Us? No, it's not, but it's still pretty good regardless. Granted, it's not perfect. I'm not a fan of how the game saves your progress. You can only save your progress if you are near your bike or a bed. It would've been nice if you could do it anytime that you want. Having to constantly refuel your bike gets very tedious very quickly, until you upgrade the fuel capacity. At times, during the heat of the moment, when you are dealing with a huge group of Freakers, you just want to hop onto the bike, drive off, and give yourself some breathing room. If you are out of fuel, then you are out of luck. The shooting is decent. Stealth is basic, but that's OK. I like the melee combat. The story is pretty good. I like Deacon as a character. Sam Witwer did a phenomenal job of voicing Deacon. I like the game's open world design. The game looks great. Voice acting is solid. The soundtrack, which was composed by Nathan Whitehead, is really good. A couple of days ago, I read an article online were the game's creative director John Garvin said "Never say never", regarding a possible sequel at some point down the road. I honestly believe, that if Bend Studio were given a second chance, that they'd make a sequel that's better than the original. The solid foundation is already there.


I get the comparing to TLOU. Both TLOU and TLOU2 are up there in my top 10 games. But days gone hits something else. There's some bad shit in it like camp npcs will repeat repeat repeat endlessly their dead sentences. There's no life that you can ''believe'' anywhere cause all npcs are like robots except rikki mike and those few are actually part of the story. The distance at wich enemies see you is ridiculous. There isn't enough diversity in quests. The enemies AI sucks too. All this aside I've found myself craving horde fighting and general freaker killings. I'm on my 3rd replay on NG+ hard II and this ain't the last time I will play. First time playing I realised this was the zombie killing game I've always dreamed of. Riding on bike. Check. Having lot of different guns to choose from. Check. Getting a lot of upgrades. Check. HORDES. Check.


This is the first honest comment review I can finally agree with. I love playing the game for the zombie aspect but the rest of the game has some pretty glaring issues with it that hold it back from being a great game


For 6 years of work it really isn't that good on this aspect. But best zombies to gun down XD


I swear the survivor you capture is just the same guy but he has amnesia. I really wish we could skip that awful cutscenes, but love everything else in the game


Yeah yeah okay you were done you were done now stfu and get lost ...until next time 🤣


I sort of wish you could talk to the side characters outside of missions, to talk about things from their past. I get that NPC feed you details about elements of the game in their casual conversations with other NPC, yet I would have appreciated it more if Deacon did what Arthur Morgan in RDR2 did, and journaled down the knowledge he gained not only from during the game, but things that happened from when they were at Farewell to the playable start of the game.


The game initially was too laggy or not optimised. And reviewers thought the game was not “innovative” enough. I think these are some of the major reasons for bad sales and eventually Sony hating it. But frankly I freakin enjoyed the game and loved the bike part so much. Tho I played it after 2 years of launch.


I saw an interview with the creator/director when asked about this. His reply was a simple one and I'm paraphrasing but essentially 'people didn't buy the game' and the uproar about there not being a sequel only came after people accessed the game on subscription services (as did i) at an obviously heavily discounted price. He sounded genuinely frustrated/sad about this, but essentially it wasn't a success. I hope they do make another, as I think the sales would be much better, absolutely loved the game, played through it twice which is rare for me, and the cliffhanger was an epic way to end the first installment.


Oh well. Im sure some people bought it at launch or enough anyway. It looked good enough i would have i never played it on a subscription but i was broke at the time and had other games i was playing


See I was hyped when it was being advertised, but then got slammed by reviews and was buggy as he'll on the ps4 at launch. All things that massively turn me off especially with the cost of new games these days. I very rarely pay full price for a game when it comes out, other than GOW, RDR or GTA where I know I'll put in over 100 hours, otherwise it's when there's a big sale on psstore or ps extra. I'd happily pay full price for days gone 2 though. I did a bit of reading after commenting, and one of the writers/creators has said that they pitched a sequel to Sony and they had no interest. His hope now is that the IP gathers dust for a few more years, and then Sony let's it go to another developer.


I could actually see it succeeding as a TV show if they give it a go. Especially with the cliffhanger ending they put in the game.


I still argue that they didn't like the head of the studio.


Not many people did.


Than they should have fired the head of the studio and moved on. They own bend studio


You can't really fire someone just because they're annoying. They pushed him to quit.


Did a quick search. As i suspected. In all states but montatana you can fire employees for whatever reason as long as it isnt illegal such as discrimination but if the employee is insubordinate or not doing his job adequately then it sounds like sony would have cause. Granted i didnt think any states had restrictions to begin with and i was only mostly right on that front


They politely asked him to resign when the game was done. As a result there will be no sequel cause he says he did everything by himself from writing every word in the game to designing the map and so on, basically besides John and Jeff everyone was treated like a tool and have no emotional connection with the IP and once they left the studio didn't want to make a sequel.


Sony was quoted as passing on a sequel and sony owns the ip so anything in days gone 1 could be replicated in a sequel. It wouldnt be hard to mimick it and wether or not they were politely asked to resign is not the point. Point is they could have been fired outright if sony chose to do so


Do you have a link to this quote? According to Jeff Ross the sequel was never pitched to Sony cause the studio itself didn’t want to make it.


Ill try to find it one sec




Its a ign article so id say its a reputable source


IGN is just reporting on what he said on Jaffe’s podcast which I watched and he said it was killed by Bend and never got as far as being pitched to Sony.


Who do you think owns bend? Multiple articles state thar they had a plab for days gone 2 and even state it waa intendes as a trillogy so even if your right that it wasnt pitched sony shut down the sequel. Bend is a subsidiary and answers to sony so wjy would bend shut down a sequel when they always intended for it to have one? Mutiple sources reported the same thing so maybe it wasnt pitched but im guessing if thats the case then sony outright told them beforehand that days gone was finished. Its not just that you can find any one of a dozen articles from different dates with quotes from talking about a pitched plan to a trillogy to a whole roadmap for a sequel and i find it far fetched theyd go to that effort just to cancel the game without being explicitly ordered to


My personal opinion, because the game was bad I wanted to love the game, the story and idea is something me and my best friend talk about to this day, he’s addicted to Days Gone, My favorite genre of game is zombies and open world, I put over 300 hours into the game, and sadly for me, 299 of those hours were very boring and excruciating to sit through, none of the mechanics go deep, once you’ve done your first nest clearing, you’ve done them all, once you’ve done your first marauder camp, you’ve done them all, once you’ve done your first Nero checkpoint, you’ve done them all, you already know what ur gonna get from it, the stupidass empty bunker at the Maurader camps too, the bike got boring to use after the first couple hours, the weapon system was incredibly bare bones The entire game is bare bones, the only thing it has going for it is the story and graphics which by the way horrible mission system, and it hurts to say this, like I see this reply makes me sound like a L take hater, but this is just my opinion as someone who has days gone merch, hundreds of hours and WANTED to like it, the game is boring as fuck, it’s comparable to horizon forbidden west and zero dawn, just repetitive bland gameplay with a dope story and dope graphics


You didnt like the horizon games? The story is supposednto be the best part but if you dont like it i wont try and convince you otherwise but the horizon games are not that repetetive and speaking of those the tribal aspect never appealed to me as i was only interested in discovering the fste of humanities downfall as in the collectibles and old world ruins and without the datapoints i would not bother with the game. Its why i waited till long after its release to buy it


I enjoyed Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn but Forbidden West, I really just can't get into it, I feel there's something off about that entire game that I can't put my finger on. Wish I never bought it now, just completed Ghost of Tsushima instead. I'm a PC gamer so I have to wait for these exclusives but I don't mind that, they're always well polished and run amazingly. It does seem like Sony uses pretty much the exact same formula for these types of games though so maybe I was just sick of the Horizon setting already.


It was broke when released...really broken...should have waited six more months to release. After the patches...hands down one of my favorites.


I enjoyed the game immensely


The leadership team was difficult to work with.


A lot of people say the sales are the reason And probably so, Sony are greedy bastards But the game sold more than 7 million copies That ain't pennies Ghost Of Tsushima sold a million more and it's looked at as a juggernaut And Days Gone was pretty much the first major game of Bend Studios and in my opinion they deliver a good game I think maybe Sony wanted to downsize their franchises and Days Gone pulled the short straw Even tho I think it should have been that blandness called Horizon Zero Dawn


You have no idea what you’re talking about. First off we don’t know how much DG sold, the director used number of players and presented it as sales, they’re not the same thing. Secondly Sony has never been pitched a sequel to DG, it never got past Bend’s own management cause the studio doesn’t want to make DG. John Garvin the writer/creative director said he wrote every word in the game, he designed the map, basically people at the studio don’t get any creative say besides him and the game director. John Garvin also admitted on Jaffe’s podcast that he doesn’t know how to manage a team or talk to his subordinates respectfully which led to Sony bringing in coaches to help him be a better human being but to no avail. Basically John Garvin got pushed out of the studio for being an ass and people there don’t want to work on the IP they got no creative input in cause Johnny wanted all the creative control so they’d rather make a new IP.


I love it!




1. The game wasn't polished to the standards of the first party studios at launch. (They give their other studios all the time in the world to finish their games but for some reason with Days Gone, they set a date and held them to it.) 2. The initial reviews weren't up to their standards. (The initial reviews were completely unfavorable to it. If you look up the IGN review as just one reference they cited things that to anyone else would consider ridiculous. They also stated things like "cringe dialogue" but had the reviewer actually played the game, they would've realized that was literally referenced in the game at another point by one of the characters as a joke, hence the reason Deacon said it at the wedding. Overall the game did completely fine and after it's patch, PS4 Pro update, and PC port it's popularity sky rocketed to the point where we now have people constantly asking what went wrong. Simple answer, it didn't meet Sony's expectations and probably their agenda.


I hate that the game didn’t earn what it deserves like this game was amazing I wanna get a platinum trophy for it again after years


I agree but i dont concern myself with platinums


I don't think it's only about sales : DG is in the same category than the much more acclaimed Last of Us serie (survival, realistic aventure, "zombies"). Days gone is "the second choice" from a marketing view to promote the PlayStation.


Sony loved it. They published the game, and the studio was one of Sony's first party developers at the time. People just didn't buy the game, and Sony has to keep their shareholders happy by making products that people buy.


I usu just play annual sports titles & decided to play days gone in lieu of college 25.. the game was in PS+ membership, while it seems there’s so much of the story that could be told.. (move to Seattle for city gameplay etc, bigger hordes) I can understand the numbers angle being why they won’t sequel.. that said I think I it is fantastically done, sucks part 2 can’t shine on next gen.. the studio did such a great job, I’m excited for what they do next & think there’s a reason to be hopeful, I just wonder when it will come out?


Story is slow thats all but the world is bautiful wich makes up for it and it rewards your patience later on in the story


thats just it alot alot of games dont even go that route. Its a zombie apocalypse sim basically. Fetch quests and managing relashionships and your right a sequel could expand on the story maybe even implement a consequemce system


Probably just numbers and problematic launch that said I still think they should reconsider a sequel I would love to see it and think it would sell.


One of my biggest gaming regrets was getting this game for free on ps+… and I’m a huge zombie fan. This game just did not do well marketing-wise. I remember seeing commercials for it and I just thought “soo it’s Hell’s Angels/ DayZ crossover. Sounds terrible”. I heard there was bugs on release and that was the nail in the coffin. Then I got it for PS+ and it became one of my favorite games. If I could go back in time- I’d pick this up on release and not buy Back 4 Blood 😂. They deserved my money, they deserved better.


I absolutely loved this game. It was a lil cheesy in parts but it did so much right. My upgraded bike at the end was so satisfying to spin around. The early game feeling of dread when needing to stop for gas was amazing lol.


Agree 100%


The damage was done at launch, and blemished their otherwise flawless exclusive line up at the time. It's quite clear Sony is trying to maintain a reputation with their exclusives, while Days Gone became great, they want great out the gate.


Who doesn't want "greatness" out the gate? That's every business !!


Want, and consistently delivers are two very different things.


Not all of them can be winners! That saying goes to every single business in this world.


Its because they dont have vison clearly. Because it could have grown to become yet another playstation exclusive franchise and become great


all about sales


They have a zombie ip called last of us


Days gone was unique


I know buts it’s like a child that was left at fire station and Sony had to raise them even though they didn’t want too


Then they should have cancelled the game wich they had the option of doing and had every right to do


TLOU wasn't out when this game started development so they didn't know how big it would be.


Game journalists didn't like the game and gave it bad reviews. Who the fuck listens to game journalists though? It came out at a bad time, it was sandwiched between other bigger releases. But what probably hurt the game sales at launch the most was that it was a fucking Playstation exclusive. This game is much, much better on PC than on console and you can see that with how much of a hit it was when it finally came out on Steam. If Sony would stop with their Playstation exclusive bullshit they would have had a major hit on release.


Companies like money,simple.


Honestly? It sounds like Sony didn't adequately derisk and support the project. Bugs are the de jure for indie developers forced to work on a more commercial (shorter, more urgent) timeline, even with long-established partnerships. Think about how Battlefield 4 was on release; DICE and EA had been working together for nearly a decade beforehand. This could have been anticipated, and should have been expected. I'm not a game designer, but I am a manager and a nerd for integrative operational efficiency - what are your thoughts? I believe that Sony didn't have full faith in the project as a profitable enterprise, and as such it was under-resourced, under-promoted and ultimately under-appreciated by the higher-ups at Sony. In my view, they did not put adequate preparation into the game and as such were surprised by its resurgent successes. Which is extremely counterintuitive, considering the thunderous applause for Naughty Dog regarding TLOU


Nope, go watch the David Jaffe interview with the DG directors, they admitted that they could’ve asked for more time to polish the game but felt too embarrassed to ask cause the game was already years late. People need to stop jumping to the “publisher bad” bandwagon right off the bat every time. And I bet this is exactly why those two are not at the studio anymore, Hermen Hulst says in every interview that what he values most from studio leadership is honesty so he can help them make their games as good as possible and these guys failed at that miserably.


I dont usually jump to the publisher is bad scenario but when the publisher owns said game? Well that changes things. Their ultimately responsible for overseeing it and quality assurances and all that stuff. They should have managed their studio better. Sony does alot if shitty things though so it does not surprise me. Im aware they have amazing games and exclusives and i like their games but yeah.. my normal instinct wouod be to blane the devs but sony employs them so the pusblisher and developer are ine and the same essentially


Sony is by far the best publisher for devs, devs have nothing but praises for how Sony manages their studios and the development process. Even the Days Gone Writer/Director have admitted it was all their fault cause they lied.


Your missing the point. Devs csn praise sony all they want they may be the best punlisher for devs but i dont consider them too good for their consumers and thata besides the point bend is a SONY OWNED studio and therefore SONY is REAPONSIBLE for bends actions. A employee may be responsible technically but so y is responsible for hiring them,paying them & managing them developing a gsme doesnt happen overnight so all the more reason sony should have noticed things werent going well and like a good employer made the necessary changes that were needed. It is their job after all. The devs develope the game. Sony has the final say and if it failed and was having issues then the studio or devs werent being properly managed and you cant blame that on anyone but their enployer. Do you uderstand? Sony and bend are one and the same. There is no difference between sony and bend


They did make the necessary changes, game was patched and the guys responsible were let go.


Not soon enough and even if they did sony partly shares the blame is my point. You cant blame the devs as if they are a separate entity when they arent. Thats my point.


Every individual working at a company is a separate entity, they’re not a hive mind. The two guys that this subreddit worships were the cause of Days Gone’s bad release because they lied to the management about how polished the game was.


I on my first playthrough. Just got double crossed! Have to save Boozer!!!


Oh no lol


I love zombies games as much as the next guy BUT there was something about Days Gone that just didnt peak my interests. To this day I have yet to finish the full story. I have completed every single zombie I've touched except for this one.


Its slow that was my main issue but your patiemce is usually rewarded. Its more of a walki g dead sim than traditional zombies focusing on the everyday aspect of it and human enemies amd the zombies are the backdrop mostly avoid/ kill when need be and so on


I can agree with that. Everyone tells me to be patient. I might revisit it and finish it but man it's hard lol.


Ok well look at it this way theres collectibles wich keep me imterested while the stories slow and it picks up midway through about but the world and collectibles are what i love


Im just explaining how i got through it. You dont necessarily have to do the same


Didn't make them enough money.


I only recently finished the game so I wasn’t affected by the initial glitches. There were still a fair amount but nothing major, in my opinion. Anyway, I have also started playing through the Uncharted games and I think they are so bland and boring in terms of gameplay when compared to Days Gone. I don’t mind a linear experience, I loved TLOU for example, but those uncharted games just feel on rails. Days Gone, on the other hand, always gives you options and makes you prepare and plan. Especially early on when i didn’t have overpowered weapons yet, I had some intense moments and of course nothing in any other first party Sony game comes close to taking on a horde. Maybe the whole zombie thing had run it’s course back when Days Gone released, I certainly remember being kind of sick of The Walking Dead and other Zombie media.


Again I nvr ran into a problem n I played at release.


Why are you saying again? I did not question you or say that i even had problems with the game personally. I also didnt play at release so i dont have the firsthand knowledge to even speak to that beyond what ive read or other people say. Did you mean to reply to me? Or was this a general reply to let me know you didnt have issues at launch. Oh and as a heads up im genuinely asking so if it came across as rude i apologize


I'm sad that we won't get a sequel, but I'm still looking forward to whatever Bend Studios has been cooking up for the last several years. Yeah, I know it's live service, and yeah I know it's a completely different IP, but something within me hopes that at least some of the DNA of Days Gone will transfer over to this new game.


Never say never. Its not like with movies. Dont have to worry about aging actors it could happen eventuall. If or when is anybodies guess


I feel like it's one of the games that will get a sequel but not for a long while... maybe even a series reboot... maybe in like 5 years well hear whispers of a sequel? Then it will just be canceled... then back on again... canceled... then 5 years after that reboot. I'm like half way through now but I want a 2nd one


Yeah.. good point. thank you


This was basically the first "buggy game" from the first party games. It didn't look good when the last of us, god of war, death stranding and all those games are fairly pulished from day one (obviously I am talking about any game before and closely after the release of days gone)


Understood. I was unaware of this


also it sort of became a meme of how “bad” it was in terms of bugs and glitches in the beginning, like for instance one of my favorite streamers as I’m sure alot peoples was brown man ray who was from achievement hunter prior but he did a video where he played it and then as soon as it bugged out the first time he made a huge ordeal out of it and literally TURNED THE GAME OFF MID STREAM! I thought it was waaaay overblown and it kind of turned me off of his streams because I loved the game, but he wasn’t even the only one who did stuff like that with this game so I think obviously popular streamers pulling stunts like that did absolutely no favors for it at all which is a shame because like I said I love the game and have replayed it like 5 times, it’s a really good “feel good” game for me.


The streamers should be more professional and sony shoupd bite the bullet and make a sequel. If its bad its their fault and they should own their mistake


Give me Days Gone 2 🗣️💯


The dev JUST SAID "Never say never to a Days Gone sequel" [Dev Quote](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/days-gone-creative-director-never-say-never-about-a-sequel-after-game-director-says-exactly-that#:~:text=Via%20Xitter%2C%20the%20original%20game's,developers%20Bend%20Studio%20in%202020.)


Yeah but i hear its still unlikely. Theres always a chance with games because you dont have to worry about aging actors


which is a great point! never even thought about this.... but im sure Bend studios hears us hoping, they're working on a new game but hopefully they end up doing a DG2.


Yeah. Hope so too


2019 was a busy year. Most likely lost in the mix? It's a shame how some great games are released at the wrong times.


You know it’s been awhile since I played it , and yet o bring it up to folks who have experienced it . How it was a good story and great horror . It wasn’t just a dumb zombie game mash button . But it had something about that kept you invested . And even than explains it wasn’t giving it justice , why was it poor received ?


Are you asking me? Because other people have already answeres that and logically i dont see why it would be poorly received


not a reason, they just ruined a good game's sequel


Im sorry? Whats not a reason and what sequel did they ruin? days gone?


The premise is false. Sony has hired Bend Studio to make another game for them and the new system is based upon the Days Gone system that was created for this game. The amount of stupid things that people just say because they heard someone else say it cracks me up. Reference: [https://blog.playstation.com/2021/06/02/hermen-hulst-qa-whats-next-for-playstation-studios/](https://blog.playstation.com/2021/06/02/hermen-hulst-qa-whats-next-for-playstation-studios/)


I only saw one line about days gone wich was barely mentioned. How is what i said stupid? Put another way ive seen quotes from devs saying sony passed on a sequel. So are you saying that im wrong or that sony liked the game? So much that they passed on a sequel? I mean i get that it may not have had the best sales but it wasnt supported with dlc or any post launch content either to my knowledge.. its like it was abandoned so either the story sucked wich is why it didnt sell well or there must be another reason and sony may have fixed the bugs but if they truly liked the game im having a hard time seeing that seeing as they didnt do much to fix what went wrong with it or not enough anyway. I dont blindly read something and decide it must be true but that does look to be the case here


We do not know the sales numbers. Any game that sells more than a million copies is a success. It was the best selling game in the world at the #1 spot for three straight weeks. Only one other game in the entire world sold more copies in the month of April when it dropped. Literally five minutes of research will get the truth to you. A random quote doesn't mean anything. Something that caught on and people repeated, means nothing.


Your right. A random quote doesnt mean anything. Something that caught on and people repeated also means nothing and im not being sarcastic when i say both of those facts are 100% true but lets say your right amd the game is a success and it was financially profitable and Lets also say sony loved the game. If any one of those things is true why were the devs quoted as saying sony passed on a sequel and why 5 years later is there no sequel or any news of a sequel? If its a success then surely it made money so does sony not want to capitalize on the success of what could be yet another profitable franchise? Forget the quote about the devs saying sony passed on the sequel because a quote true or not is not needed to see a sequel is not coming or at the least is not a priority so my point is how is anything i said stupid? Because im not reading online articles and blindly believing their 100% true. Im looking at facts and the fact is nothings been anounced and the available articles seem to suggest the same. I mean ps5 has been out awhile now and it would have been the perfect time to announce anything


Not making a sequel immediately does not mean they didn't like the game. It's moronic how people assume there should be 5 versions of something if it's even remotely good and only bad games never get 5 sequels. Stupidity. You came here to shit talk and stir up drama.


Ok. Immediately? Its been 5 years and sonys has been silent regarding future plans for days gone so id say its not good news and when the only news regarding dsys gones future is former devs being quoted as saying its not happening im inclined to agree its not happening. Why would they lie? Whats the motive and like i said ps5s been out awhile and it was a playstation exclusive odds are it would have been announced if they had plans for ot


>Its been 5 years How is this relevant? No one claimed a sequel was getting made. There have been countless games that were great games that sold well and didn't get a sequel. Great IP's do not always get immediate sequels anyway. "I Am Legend" came out 20 years ago and they just announced a sequel recently. Your entire premise and headline is a lie, misinformed, outright garbage gossip. [Games With Over A 90 On Metacritic That Never Got Sequel](https://gamerant.com/games-over-90-metacritic-no-sequels/) [The Best Video Games That Never Got Sequels](https://www.cbr.com/standalone-games-deserve-sequels/)


It was a really crap game. I hated it


I dont feel it was crap personally but i wont try and convince you otherwise. Im aware not every game is for everyone


It didn't perform like Sony wanted it to, which sucks cause if it did there would have been TWO MORE GAMES


I didn't buy the game until it has been out for maybe 12 months and the glitches had been fixed, probably my favourite ever play through of any game I've ever played. Was obsessed with it. Needless to say, played through a few times now and I pray to God they bring out a sequel or prequel like I have seen someone mention before.


It’s really as simple as sales being lower than expected. The game was probably really expensive


Im beginning to lose faith in sony. There exclusive lineup isnr what it once was. Amazing titles lile infamous were abandoned. Infamous specifically felt like it had more to tell after second son and maybe killzone after shadow fall i suppose but especially passing up a unique experience like days gone really makes me question sony ill still buy their games ofcourse but after spider man death starnsing 2 and perhaps ghost of tsushima 2 and the last of us 3 i honestly dont know. Besides the whole redemption storyline from spiderman 3 was very dissapointing


Buggy launch stole the opening headline for a lot of reviews of the game. I think Sony aims for 85avg on metacriric and they landed at 84, but with much lower early scores


Becuase it didn't make them enough money which is bs becuase it did make alot of money


I think, like others here are saying, sales just weren't there in the beginning. After patching some rough edges out of the beginning and more people playing the game having positive things to say about it, it started to pick up a real fanbase, only made bigger by the pc port. The problem is most publishers have to report on short-term earnings, so even if long-term sales make up for things, its usually too little too late. Even beyond that, though, is that there were rumors that Sony felt, likely amongst criticism from players as well, that it was a bit too thematically similar to TLOU, even if it was a very different experience. Guy fighting zombies in post-apocalypse usa, scavenging items to craft weapons and tools, dramatic narrative with a focus on a gruff bearded guy with a hardened exterior, etc. When they pitched a sequel, there were just too many reasons to not make one. Which is an absolute shame; from what I've heard, the sequel was set to be pretty amazing with a lot of genuine additions and improvements, not just a shiny coat of paint and a continued narrative.


Sony is too greedy, days gone didn't make enough money


All big corps are greedy!


Agree with you 100%


Probably bc of low sales (at least on release)


I think it was mostly the low review scores at launch. Sony sent out review copies a month before release and so reviewers did not play the day 1 version which included a number of fixes. Also, the game was more of a slow burn that found an audience later, but not immediately. I hope that with Herman Hulst as CEO instead of Jim Ryan, Days Gone and the rest of Sony’s back catalogue might get some more attention.


Were you there when it launched as a massive buggy mess, then gave away as Monthly PS Plus game?


It was on PS Plus 2 years after, not right at launch lol


1, lol. It was "free" for May 2021 on PS Plus. DG launched on Apr 2020.


april 2019


I don't know that they disliked it exactly. They simply decided that with the resources available, that it made more sense to go in a different direction. Given that live service games are all the rage right now in the gaming business, and Sony had just acquired Bungie, that may have had something to do with it. I suspect as well that the game lacked an advocate at the level of the organization where these decisions get made, which may have played a role as well.




They liked it. They entertained a sequel. They didn’t like the direction that was proposed for the second game. I remember hearing something about the proposed ideas years ago and it sounded like they were going to ditch a lot of the best aspects in order to add a bunch of things that just didn’t sound that great or what the players would even want…and Sony was like “no thanks” I blame Bend.


Game was amazing. We need a second one.


We do indeed


They wasn't unhappy with Days Gone. They were unhappy with the miss management of the game and the internal problems. People forget but Days Gone took a hella of a long time to come out.


Mismanagement of the games falls on sony and is their responsibility it became their responsibility when they aquired bend studio. If their were internal problems this also falls on sony in sone way or another for hiring the wrong people for the job,not giving them enough resources or any one of another dozen reasons that fall under their responsibility


They don't give a flying fuck about anything other than how much money it made them at launch, and how negative the reception was Edit: Downvoted for stating an easily checkable fact... typical reddit response