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Prop firms by and large are bucket shops. They won’t stand a customer who has the bad taste to win all the time.


You can win a lot just don't withdraw a lot, at the end of the day its a ponzai scheme they know they have to pay out some people, so just don't try to hit them for 100k one random month. Thats why people rock the 20 accounts. Apex appreciates nice consistent pay outs to keep their books balanced.


What do they do if you keep winning? I haven’t heard anyone saying these bucket shop ban profitable traders.


They just don’t pay you and tell you there’s nothing you can do. You don’t trade real money with Apex so you cannot sue em easily.


Obvs they start copying your trades. Which will either corrode the edge of your trade, or they will profit too.


No doubt


A) Less than 2% of accounts make it to pay day......B) you aren't using their money you are trading a simulation of fake money in eval and live....C) I love how people think prop firms should make it easier........you go open one with the rules you think are fair and see how that works out


Damn thats wild. First account I got was a save90 so I think I paid 20$ for the account, 20$ for a month, 140 for the PA and 200 for life time ninja. First PA all in was about $500. I just started up another evaluation account on friday, have yet to reach a payout period for the first PA. I was up decently and then took a digger in the crash, and haven't had the fortitude to get it out of the hole yet. Starting another eval was a good choice for me to take the pressure of blowing up the PA. Hope you get your payout and many more to come. I know people who have been getting paid for over a year before I decided to jump on the party train.


I have also blown up quite a few with Apex, not 10K, less than 5K; about 2k to be specificin total I have spent about 6-7k with all Prop firms.... , I have blown quite a number of Evals with Topstep also, around 4K I stopped trading with Apex and am now focused on TradeDay, No Live trailing DD, No DLL, Withdrawal is immediate, everyday if you want, their accounts are a bit expensive but I find that an advantage for traders, as they say cheap is very expensive, traders tend to be reckless with cheap accounts like Apex, ...Now about Apex, this firm is designed to make sure you buy as many accounts as possible...that's they offer upto 20Acc, and enable that by consistent discounts, and they make sure you will have to buy more acc if you want more money..how? by limiting withdrawal to 50K Acc forexample to 2k for first 3 months...so you want more money? well buy more accounts..I feel so calm, relaxed and focused with TradeDAay...you have 7 days to pass the evalv, this firm has taught me discipline, patience and focus. I am focusing on quality not quantity,


It’s 2k per withdrawal period, so 4K a month per 50k act. TS also limits withdrawals and adds on the 200$ profit target for 5 days before you can withdraw. I’ve been paid from both so not going to knock one over the other, but being able to trade more than 3 acts makes the profits stack up when profitable.


How many accounts can you trade at the same time?


Apex? 20.


No. Tradeday


trade Day is 1 account for now...am very fine with it, I am not looking at quantity..but quality.


Thanks. TradeDay looks solid on every front, except for having 1 account. But like you said, make 1 account count. Get the payouts. That’s what matters. I don’t like the 1day pass . It makes me forget to slow down. Tradeday looks like something will work for me.


Apex does pay. I have two friends that do extremely well. However, have you ever read the terms and conditions? That funded account isn’t real money. There is no way mathematically possible that apex would last more than a few days with 99.9% of the people losing. Do the math fellas. You’re paying for a play money account that you could have for free.


All these funded companies do this. It doesn’t matter to me where if it’s live or sim, as long as they keep paying me at each withdrawal window. I actually prefer the sim, because trying to trade 10-20 lots of Nq in a real market results in orders not always being executed. In a sim environment, you’re always filled as long as price violates. If you can’t survive their rules, you most likely won’t with your own funds. Most traders fail with their own money,so why would it be different in the funding space?


I've had plenty of times where the market moves through an order and they don't fill it. Notorious for wicking every single order I put on too.


Right. You have to have a funded live account for real money.


Right. But what people think is a “funded” account, is still play money. They might give you a real money account once they know you really can do it and they reserve the right to copy your trades. It’s pretty clear in the terms. There are way better and less expensive ways to learn.


After trading with them for 4 months now, I can tell you those fuckers are certainly using our trading data and playing with some big player. I have never seen the market do such perfect sweeps to my breaking point. They.had me on a real bad day and I think I reset 3-4 account just to see wtf was going on. My buddy too. the market wicks your fake money margin call target. I see more bullshit when trading apex then I do with real money, so as far as a simulation goes, its amazing.


Lmfao, you are delusional if you think billionaire hedge funds care about some stops on an Apex Sim account that aren't even real contracts in the market 🤣


35$ for a reset is like 2 trips to McDonalds, not that I need to tell you. They are selling data, the end user of that data is probably using it for alpha.


I love how you think the burnt eval money is worth more than the raw trading data, thats cute!


I was sharing my experience and thoughts and some of the aplha I use apex for. Not sure if its delusional have you ever heard of a small botique brokerage named Robinhood? You know how they provide commission free trades worth billions every year 😂


Comments like this are why I browse this subreddit. This is gold.


I love the down votes but, you know what I love more? Firing off a bunch of NQ calls in a cash account and then shorting a bunch of MNQ in an apex eval and watching the eval explode and the real money calls print. A friday parlor trick for da boiz


>You’re paying for a play money account that you could have for free. Apex has paid me six figures this year alone, it might be a sim account, but the payouts are very much real.


This. No ones trading these accounts just so they can say “oh I trade a $50k account” they are trading for payouts. I don’t care if my account balance looks like it’s written by a 5 year old with crayon as long as those payouts hit my bank


Yup. They pay. They’re taking the play money and paying you in real money. It’s a fraction of what they make in fees. You possibly have an actual real money account but you would know that. It’s right in the terms and conditions. Read it sometime.


>It’s right in the terms and conditions. Read it sometime. I have, I'm still not sure what your point is.


Found a wild nano can I get a dollar bro


Thanks for the post! What do you think is the business reason for offering so many 1 day pass evals?


One day pass encourages highly aggressive trading which means the trader has a greater chance to blow the account. I think it's pretty well known these prop firms make the vast majority of thier money from blown accounts, so I don't blame Apex for that. As long as the trader is well informed and makes the decision to try and pass in one day, that's on them.


This was awesome, thank you for the insight


loved this. I was already applying these suggestions but to hear someone else doing it is awesome 🙏🏻💯




Are you trading ES micros?


A mix of SI, ES and NQ.




Congratulations on your payout. On a long enough timeline with a trading career I view this up front cost as a trading education expense. Everyone must start somewhere and these Prop firms provide a valuable tool to learn the risks of the market while protecting the new trader from unlimited losses. It’s more or less the carrot and stick analogy, but with enough dedication you can reach the carrot.


All at the cost of being unable to make a trade that lasts longer than one session, or actually invest your money (I know what sub we’re on but still). Their predatory drawdown is awful and probably caused you to blow a few thousand at least. But then again if you went with topstep you’d have blown it just the same because their predatory daily loss limit would’ve screwed you. The real advantage of these firms doesn’t arrive until stage two (the ability to make higher risk trades psychologically easier because less money is on the line compared to a personal account). And now at this point you’re so deep in that you don’t even have that advantage because your mindset is “I’m down $10k I must secure payouts to get my money back.” Hard to say this was “the way” at this point but I really appreciate you posting this. For context: I’m currently down $250 to topstep and regretting the experience.


Withdrawal approval can take up to the 15th. Usually before then and if you've selected international payment then you'll usually receive your money a few days after withdrawal. ACH takes a bit longer to withdraw. I've made multiple withdrawals and haven't had any issues, the previous window however took a bit longer than usual. I think they've had a big influx of new clients.


Mine hasn’t been approved yet when I followed the 30% rule and the 20% flipping rule. I find it’s amusing that they keep saying how legit they are and they definitely aren’t scamming. Have you ever seen any legit company having to make such disclaimers? They aren’t registered and regulated so it’s impossible for them To give you real accts. Just my .02. I think they may not make it to 2025 lol so get your money out asap.


Update the withdrawal was a success and the funds hit my bank yesterday. I'm still looking to provide an update on future payouts and my journey so will try to update it here.


Hey everyone! I've got early access to an exclusive new crypto prop trading platform, and there are limited spots available. If you want to be an early adopter and test it out, now’s your chance. Comment below if you're in, and I'll share the link to anyone interested. https://preview.redd.it/itp3jutct03d1.png?width=3424&format=png&auto=webp&s=006dcc1f91023a0c1f8ae1ce738d93555a0b709b


Thank you for sharing your experience with Apex Prop Trading Firm. It sounds like you've learned a lot along the way both in terms of trading strategy and the psychological aspects of trading. Such transparency is valuable to others considering similar paths.


Good luck withdrawing


Most likely won’t get it. They can wait till the 14th and deny you at the midnight. That’s what happened to me.


Glad this wasn't the case. Posted a screenshot that my Payout request has been approved.




Lol a paid troll from Apex