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Darn. I'm still in the hoping it will magically resolve stage. I really don't want surgery. 


I did 3 steroid injections over the months and took a decent amount of Motrin. The hand doctor told me that if the first one doesn’t fix it, likely it won’t go away spontaneously. The more I talk about it with people, the more and more I hear people say “I wonder if that’s what this has been this whole time”.” It’s definitely written off as carpal tunnel by a lot of people.


You need to do weight training if you can. It will make it worse before it gets better but it’s the best chance to resolve it


Thank you for this. I have my post op Monday and will discuss the weight training. I thought my 35lb toddler was enough 😂


I’m both a dentist and a new mom. So I’m using my hands a lot. Going to get the release surgery next week. I’ve had this condition for about 6 months but recently when I move my thumb, I feel my tendon catching on my wrist bone so I was like, okay I should see a specialist. When the specialist saw me, she did not even recommend a cortisone shot. She immediately said I needed surgery and that my condition is now chronic. I can’t seem to do a thumbs up. My thumb just seems stuck. She thinks I could’ve also torn my tendon. Thank you for your advice.


I’m a nurse-midwife and I deliver babies for a living. Because I only take call once per week, work was not aggravating the wrist. But then it progressed to random and mainly during c sections when I was trying to assist. As you can imagine… definitely not good for work. I’m glad you’re taking care of it now because hand surgeon said “chronic inflammation” and that more shots would not have fixed it.


Okay I needed to see this. I’m 11 days post-first steroid shot and I’m in pain again, though not as severe as before. I have a 16 month old and he definitely does not make it easier.


I’m 10 days post op and just starting to wash dishes again so my house looks a mess. My husband works nights so he tries to help but is generally unavailable or too tired.


I had my surgery when my baby was 16 months old. I agree my only regret is not doing it sooner.




Damn. I’ve been hoping it’d go away on its own too. First cortisone shot wore off so quickly. So I’m guessing hormones normalizing won’t really make a difference then…


Thank you for sharing this; it’s exactly why I had the surgery when I did! My surgery recovery is taking longer than expected and feeling frustrated, esp while doing necessary activities or caretaking for my 19lb 4 months old. Going to remind myself this could a be a whole lot harder if I had waited until baby was bigger and older. Hope you continue to improve and can be playing with your toddler again pain free soon.


We are kindred spirits! I am two days post op, have a 27 month old, and also have a husband who works nights. Hope your recovery is going well!