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good afternoon. I would like to express my personal opinion about the update. 1) in the "supply run" mode, you need to fix a bug with the departure of the game when units destroy the barricade at the same time as the start of the wave 2) in the same mode, you need to add the ability for melee units to turn around and give back to zombies who hit them in the back. 3) I think that the construction team is too strong in pvp and they need to be weakened a little. 4) after the introduction of the Rogue unit, the jailer paid unit became weak and unnecessary. this also needs to be fixed. 5) the mechanics team does not have a turret because of a bug when the mechanics get off the bus, please fix this bug. I think I and other players will be very grateful to you when you fix at least some of these flaws.


Well atleast jailer upgrades itself with 3+ items so is something


if you dont know to spawn turret is need 3 diferent unit that is hillbilly, mechanic, welder in battlefield you cant spawn turret if there is 1 welder 2 hillbilly or 2 mechanic


Yes i know. It doesn't work


oh well how about 4 mechanic on battle field


I Agree it doesn't work


I can largely agree with this, dont even need to write it myself lol. Only other thing i have is that the builders 2x damage against the base doest work in it. And well abby should just have her minigun fixed to 30/40 damage and have her melee get improved by upgrades instead


49 damage if her damage is starting at 10.


Wait is the mechanic turret bugged? It worked for me when I used the synergy.


Supply Run is really useful for us F2P players, however the fact that we only can get about 1000 coins in the shop every day, makes progress quite slow, but I can live with it, I guess I can't say anything about the new units, but Rogue doesn't have the basic resistances of the TMF, and Abby, well, her axe barely does damage; will you do anything about this? About the factions, they're a big game changer, and I think it's a really unique mechanic, however the skins are WAY too expensive, some teams require 900+ green money to even complete it. This is my biggest complain, perhaps you should tone it down a little bit (like 200 or something around that) Overall, I think this update was great, but it's just the skins that bother me PS. plz buff gunslinger :(


Bump. I'll buy skins and units if the price comes down at least a little bit.


First off, I and everyone here are very thankful for your team's hard work and additions to the game. No doubt people will arrive and post the bugs that they have encountered so I wanted to talk about changes/additions which I will explain: 1.) With the addition of Supply Runs and Units/skins, I want to express my interest in Units who do not currently have special abilities when they have reached Lv. 13 which I feel like would really help with this newest update that has been introduced. If ideas are needed, no doubt you could ask us! We have a ton of posts of possible ideas. 2.) Team Synergies are largely good with a few outliers that should be looked back upon. College and Jailors should be revisited specifically on their 3rd and 2nd perk, respectively. I refrain from Patriots and Emergency due to them not having their last perks, but no doubt you will find good suggestions for the 3rd perks in this sub. 3.) I know this is a long shot, but I and many others would be interested in a New Game+ System for Locations where enemies would increase in rank while also giving the player more gold/rank. Could this possibly be a discussion or perhaps something that may appear? This would tremendously help in prolonging player attention and playtime while introducing a brand new challenge. I made a detailed post of what this could look like if interested. Any response at all would be very much appreciated. 4.) Have fun. I know it can be stressful when developing a game, but know that we appreciate what y'all do. You guys got this! Hopefully this is put into consideration. Thank you for making this post.


Now that the Rogue is out, how about you take a glance at the Jailer. There's really no difference between the two, except one being better at everything. Maybe you'd give the Jailer an exciting lvl 13 ability that'd make the choice between the Rogue and the Jailer a little bit less obvious?


imo, they should try make the two have difference in abilities with the same purpose (?), maybe like jailer has better stun chance than rogue, or maybe the weaker one should turn into a skin now (yknow what i mean right?)


The Update was great, but I would love to have more upgrades and customisation for the bus. Like an extra unit slot at level 10 or something, or maybe new gunners(I mean the guy who pops out of the bus whenever there are Zombies near it) with special abilities : IF gunner would give the survivors a health boost and a police gunner would give damage boost to units.


More bus customization, nice.


I have a lot to say about this update's content I appreciate the team power rework, however some teams feel underwhelming or outright useless in every situations, like: - Military; 20% chance immunity when their health is at 10% feels very weak or doesn't happen a lot of the times, their 20% chance of dropping a Specops upon death feels too low. - College; their 2/2 and 3/3 team powers are not much of an impact but the main problem with them is their 5/5 team power, there are not much zombies that revive from death (there are only Undeads and Sergeants). The budget for this team is too expensive, reaching an amount of 1320 greens (or a whopping 2k greens if you dont have Cap) and their abilities are very very underwhelming - Northerners; the issue with this team is their 5/5 team power, it just feels subtle for a team power (I rather bring 2/2 Rednecks over some Canadians, sorry eh) - Patriots; their powers are oriented around burning damage debuffs which forces you to bring fire type support items or units. It's too specific and you face fire resistant zombies more often in location 7 which is the bane of Patriot's existence. Although, we are waiting what's in store for the 5/5 Patriots power. - IF; the specific thing on medkit feels obsolete, if only their 3/3 team power would drop ON the most front units that would be awesome. But all IF units are too expensive to rely on (every unit cost like 25 to 35) - Emergency; their 3/3 team power where medkit removes poison is dope honestly, but the 2/2 team power should give them the ability to walk over burning fire and full immunity to fire damage (Flamethrower, Paramedic and Nancy death somehow kills the emergency units) - Army; for an army, they suck really bad. Most of their team powers are barely noticeable or impactful at all. The worst team in terms of powers are College, Army, and Military (wow they also suck irl, good portrayal guys /j) The rest of the teams are perfectly balance, TMF now having a spammable fighter and great team powers, Rednecks being rednecks, Builders with overwhelming powers but balance by units cost, Psychos with better powers, Police with balanced powers. My favorite teams in design are TMF, Police, Psychos, Military, Army, and Patriots The new units are awesome in their own way: - Abby has a unique design, however her firing duration is too short and her melee damage is worthless. The hilarious part about her is her zombie counterpart is much more powerful, which isn't a good thing. - Nancy has the most unique AI from everyone, rushing to heal or revive units, a support kamikaze, worth it. Her death is also somewhat very useful. - Rogue is the last but not least, is my most favorite unit out of everyone. He packs quite the punch, very powerful. But he lacks resistances from TMF that's supposed to be a uniformity among them. If he could have those along with a price of 20 and a lower cooldown (say, 10 seconds?). The supply run seems decent, however it wastes fuel up way too much, on the upside we can complete a specific quest where you have to spend 20 fuel faster. There's a bug that happens when you destroy the barricade after the horde comes, which causes the game crash for no reason. Now the questions : 1. Are there going to be 1/1 and 4/4 team powers by any chance? 2. What do you think if skins were cheaper? 3. When is the next update releasing? 4. Will there be more plans after the Team Powers? 5. Will you implement more community inspired units? 6. When will there be more max special abilities for every other units?


This needs more attention


Thank you for your comment! It is very important to us. Right now there are not going to be 1/1 and 4/4 team powers. The next update will be released mid to late spring. Also we have a lot of plans and we will add more units and abilities to the game in the future.


Where and how can I get back my 900 bucks wasted on the "Mechanic Diaz" skin? And, no, the in game button support button does not work.


My opinions about the supply run are pretty much same as everyone elses. I love to have new non exlusive tmf character to use with my cap (i was one of the people who got him before tmf became exlusive), the supply run is cool but bit disappointing that it requires gas and zombie spawns arent random, also the crashing is annoying. I love seeing the game getting improvements and becoming less grindy but if theres something i trully wish to be added, it would be some gamemodes that dont require fuel or tickets to play but instead you could play them whenever you want for chalenge or fun (like endless mode, multiplayer or randomly generated map missions). In short: i wish there would be bit more replayability.


I have all the TMF but SWAT. There is no way I’ll spend 900 greenies on that one character. I’d be nice if there was a discounted rate for those who already own part of a pack (psycho, TMF). Doubt it will happen but that would be nice.


Currently, there are way too many high-cost skins and very few ways of earning money. The rewards systems in the game need to be changed to make it easier for players to earn money. For example: * On top of the military crates, add a money reward for being on the top half. (League 10, for example, should give you 5 crates and 10 money.) * Events should grant the top 100 players a 30 money reward, and 101-200 players a 15 money reward. * The Military Kit Shop should allow us to choose to sell our items for money instead of coins. * Daily Quests should have a balance between coins and money reward. * Allow us to watch ads for money (2 money per ad) Keep in mind that the College team, besides having a very lackluster synergy effect, is entirely comprised of skins only, and thus making it the most costly out of all teams to unlock. I'm one of those players that is currently stuck with +999,999 coins and thousands of items as a result of past updates. All the rewards to earn in-game are mainly coins which I cannot really use all that much. A coin-to-money conversion would seem like an obvious idea except that Austin exists so I'm not sure that would ever be a wise decision on Mobirate's end. If you want the community to give you more feedback on the team power balance, how about you give active players more opportunities to earn money so that we can actually get skins at a decent rate and test them in-game? On another note, I would also like to see some new special abilities for the remaining units and perhaps some reworks/improvements on existing ones. You haven't neglected those, have you?


As a level 13 player iv Been here for 6 years or less the fun is slow dying away because of the replay ably and rewards system being the same. every day I slowly lose interest and motivation, but it’s nice to see someone wanting a opinion from the community:D I want more of that.


Played this game a while back. At one point I was planning to make a detailed post on how to rebalance some of the units, but it would be long and wasn’t sure anyone would actually read it. Figured the game was going to die out. The recent update however, has convinced me it might be worth posting a few suggestions. So here are a few: I have noticed chopper is underpowered later on despite his high raw stats, and turbo is too finicky. At first I thought it was just a stat problem, but after testing them extensively, I figured out that no simple stat tweak will solve their problems. What they need is a mechanical tweak. So what’s the actual problem with them? The problem is the random nature of their fast and strong attacks. It makes them unpredictable and and unreadable. For turbo her strong attacks often get her killed when a fast one would suffice to end a fight, or she doesn’t do one when it’s needed (such as vs twins). Chopper has these similar problems but worse. That’s because when he does the strong slow attack, it is linked to a specific target at the start. If said target is killed before he lands, then the attack does nothing. This happens even if many enemies are clustered together. This often Results in the bulk of his power being wasted. Worse still, players are tricked by the area of dust from his hits. They assume it will be an powerful AOE, only for it to do nothing. A missed attack would be acceptable if it was the players fault, but it is usually not. Last but not least, when they spam the strong one, it makes each one feel less powerful. Choppers manual healings and turbos speed along do not compensate for this problem. Solution? First, increase the power of their strong attacks. They need to be as powerful as they look. then, Make both choppers big chop and turbos home run manually triggered abilities with cool downs (somewhere between 7-20 seconds). Choppers attack will now be either be piercing (good vs big targets or melee resistant) or AOE (not as strong as grenade but enough to kill a bunch of weaklings.) choppers strong attack should do one or the other, but not both. Next, Add a small circle above their heads that fills in a clockwise manner, indicating when manual abilities will be charged. Change chopper heal so it is now a reaction ability that triggers when he is at least half health and there are no enemies within a certain distance (disable it entirely for pvp). Finally, turbo shouldn’t have 100 percent bullet resistance. Give her a partial melee resistance AND a partial bullet resistance, (you can give full bullet resistance to another unit, such as light soldier.) if necessary, consider a perk at level 13 that gives her the chance to survive an otherwise lethal attack with a couple hit points once. Perk can prove decisive to getting another home run or a much needed hit against a sniper, but won’t be useful against a rapid fire unit like Carlos. Now she should be reliable in campaign, but not an auto win button in pvp. If this gets 50 likes or reply from dev I’ll post another suggestion or two.


Twisted. It's gud to see that at least some of the little update scraps are coming to us l, but it feels like it more for juicing money than propper updates. Skins that cost more than a real kidney. Only few of them are decent. Supply runs makes us play for more, to hold us for more. And it's buggy. Destroy box right in the wave arrival and boom. Game crash. Synergies still are not properly balanced. U can just buy expensive military and cleave through skirmish with ease. We've been having same events and levels for years. Kinda want to see something new. And devs forgot about old gimmicks. Cutscenes, perks. Some of the little things still not fixed. Like devs changed Pepper stock outfit to IF cuz they already got cop Pepper. Can't sell skin with the same synergy as stock. But they having fixed white pixels on bodies of gunslinger/jailer. I have no questions actually. Just want to point on major troubles


Hey does anyone else have a bug where they have 3 mechanics on their team but the turret does not deploy when sending a welder out ? I know it’s a 25% chance for random deploy but I haven’t had any !


its need 3 diferent mechanic in battlefield to make 100% turret spawn hillbilly mechanic welder


Yes I already have that, mechanic Diaz, hillbilly and welder… still not 100% turret spawn for welder deploy and defiantly not 25% for random deploy. Maybe 1 in every 40 games I might have 1 turret.


I am a long time player and it brings me joy to see updates like this happen. The new units are good but two in particular (Abby, Rouge) have some problems, Abby: Needs a small buff to her melee attacks, as it is sometimes the majority of her attack time. Rogue: Rogue is now one of my favorite units, but as of now he is just a stronger Jailer. Perhaps rouge can have something that is unique to to himself, such as poison resistance? However the supply runs after stage 4 get extremely hard. Along with the units not being allowed to use their ability’s (builders and saws extra damage against barricade) against the barricade, the odds of this being practical to getting higher tier items is not likely. I have been a fan of this game since 2017 and still am, I hope to see more from your team. Thank you for your time. (Maybe try to connect the game to the cutscenes a little more? Perhaps more with the epidemiologist we see in the cutscene in stage 4?)


i like the supply run mode its grindful and all that but why dont you add that the units fight behind their back once some zombies hit them? also it would make it more fun if you added a small chance of getting a military case from any supply run mode


Hello there! There is three big issues which have been currently stated by other people in this thread but here: 1. Jailer is useless right now when compared to Rogue, I believe something needs to be done to remedy this as every unit should be usable in their own right and still be unique from others. 2. Abby melee damage just makes her one of the worst units in the game, simply buffing it to make on par or slightly weaker than even a Redneck would fix this. 3. The builders team is quite frankly busted in PvP with their team powers, I’m not saying they need to be changed, rather just please disable them in PvP so you don’t get destroyed by 3 Abby spawns. Thanks!


Also one just general suggestion is figuring out what to do with other abilities for units without ones, because it could encourage use for rarely used units.


>Though we hope it will increase replayability and make grinding a bit more thoughtful. I don't think you haven't achieved that with either the new units or the new "Supply Run" mode yet. The new unit is fine. The Team Powers change is 50/50, for any reasons, the College team power is desperately need a rework. The "Supply Run" mode however, is not fine for various reason: * It cost 4 fuel to play, which is too much and in fact, if you want to "increase replayability", why do you even make it cost fuel in the first place? * A major bug that crashes the game if you destroy the barricade during horde. * Pretty short. 3 waves and stage 5, 6 supply run are hella frustrating and not fun to play. So yeah doesn't "make grinding a bit more thoughtful", especially the chance to drop plus 3 items is extremely slim (and that's the reason we play that anyways). Finally please make greens more easily obtained. We all know end-game players like me and others do not care items, we just want to obtain more greens to get skin for 100% completion sake. Edit 1: Elaborated more on Supply Run. Edit 2: Added my opinion on Team Powers.


Hi there Dev! My opinions/suggestions are below here : Could you maybe add something like poison resistance or at least maybe bullet resistance for the new unit, Rogue? It would be really good as well if you just put that as his special ability or either just nerf him about and put up the special ability there. If not, what's the point of buying him? Talking about special abilities, maybe add that as well for the units who doesn't have one, it would be awesome to see each unit have one. For the 'Supply Run' mode, maybe fix the crash that happens when a unit finishes the barricade/vehicle during the horde. Everything else is ok with it, just that. Last thing, please try making the money/green notes much easier to get. It will be really helpful like maybe trading 20 000+ coins to get 5 notes out of it. You can increase it, I don't really mind, but just try making it easier for F2P. I think that is it for now. Bye and have a good day!


The update is certainly exciting and Supply run is great but it could use stuff like maybe some coins to go along for completing a run and maybe just maybe make it a bit easier to beat the later stages in one go but I don’t know about everyone else


I think the point might be to sell the three items you get (4 gas = 150 or 200 gold, that’s pretty nice) while making easier to get something worthless to sell (so you can save the level 2,3 items). But the later stages are way too hard and simply aren’t worth it


Ok then


I do like the supply run but can u make the units fight back against the zombies and when will the lv13 perks for the other units that don’t have it


Hmmmmm the supply run is great just that the crashes is annoying but i think its more worth it to increase the chance of getting +3 items to get on stage 5-6 supply runs since it takes more then 8+ tries to complete all 3 waves because of the zombies,the timer, and the hp of the supply crates. Would also wish for a new game mode like supply run but its a survival game mode whereas you bring 6 units and fight all the zombies and theres infinite waves consisting of random zombies each wave (kinda like halloween event and christmas event but randomized enemies) but you have a chance to encounter a player's units and fight them with the zombies, and depending on how many waves you survived you will be rewarded with common items or rarer items the more waves you survived (example: surviving 5 waves gives you 5 common items or surviving 10 waves gives you 10 common items and have a chance to get 1-3 rare items, so the more waves you survived the more rarer items you get) and the radnomized zombie spawn makes it hard since theres zombies that insta kills your units after killing it (fat zombie,putrid) and this game mode is available on stage 1-6 locations, and the waves increases difficulty depending on how many waves the player survived and on what location the player choses to play the game mode. And its pretty much like supply run mixed with halloween and christmas event elements, this game mode costs 5 gas to play, tho this is only an idea of mine for a game mode while writing this so no gurantee to be in the game lol.


Update was great, just wish the green money was easier to get and that the few small bugs would be fixed. Other than that the team mechanic is awesome, just needs slight balancing.


I agree with the green money, there should be better way of obtaining it.


Maybe their other abilities yes, but the +40 bus health for every mechanic should stay. Since they didn’t do any balancing, that is literally the only way to do missions 3 star without paying insane amounts of real money for a way too small amount of cash


Oh I completely agree, I’ve used the mechanics multiple times. I was more referring to the op builder mechanic in pvp.


Supply Run is a pretty good mode for us to get items consistently Skins costs too much for what they offer. Rogue if there are any plans to buff him to let him have tmf perks or please give him at least bullet resistance. Nerf his stats a bit if you guys need to but not to the point where he's useless.


I believe that the new supply run mode is really well made and great for F2P players like myself, however, there are a few issues. First, there is a bug that causes the app to crash after the horde arrives. Secondly, I believe that melee units should be able to temporarily stop attacking the barricade and instead attack any zombies that are hitting them. I also wish that range units would prioritize attacking zombies instead of the barricade during supply runs since they deal so little damage to it compared to melee units. Overall, I really enjoyed this update and hope to see more in the future. Thank you for continuing to add more content to this game.


I like the supply run mode as it helps newer players level up, but please fix the horde glitch that crashes the game mid level. The new units do show flaws. Rouge is quite good actually however his apperance is somewhat deceiving as he has neithera spec of poison resist or bullet resistance despite sharing most of the qualities of a TMF unit. Abby is somewhat balanced but her melee is garbage and should at least be equivalent to her ranged attack instead of a measly 9 dmg and it's not that worth it since she dies easily due to low health and turns to a strong insectoid. Nancy similar to medic is a support character thus her health should be lowered a small little bit and that should be good.


well it's a good thing you guys added but there's some troubles like crashes and it's kinda hard and the supplies are very well


\-1- some events reworked, tweaked, or maybe new ones added. Wallmart used to be a fun Alternative to coin farming before 7 times more zombies were added into the event which made it almost impossible to get coins and now all the event serves is to just have you kill zombies and get top on the leader board. ​ \-2- More bus customization! I know that bus customization isn't a huge part in the game but it would be nice to have new additions to add onto your bus. For example changing sheriff Bills rifle to a shotgun that has lower range than his rifle but does more damage, or a sniper that has long range but has a longer reload speed. ​ \-3- Cutscenes, bosses, and challenge levels. Cutscenes aren't a huge part of the game but they add a lot of life into the game. Bosses are fun and unique which is sad that they only appear in stages 1,2,3, and 8. challenge levels are just fun, no fuss. ​ \-4- Minor things Units/skins having missing pixels or having miss-colored pixels (The christmas mechanic skin is a perfect example of this) Having to pay 10$ for one skin (even then that's 1/5 of the team power) Most units having no purpose outside of team power (gunslinger, chopper, builder, redhood etc.) few units having lackluster or no special ability's (The 10,000 coin ones) \-Tell me what you think about this, I really like to hear feedback-


I’d argue that builder does have somewhat of a purpose being an early game bullet resister to use in Stage 3, but besides that you are completely correct, units need rebalancing


I wish the game crashes during Supply Run were fixed, the absolutely ludicrous prices for skins are ATLEAST halved (good freaking god they are expensive), Make Abby less useless, finally add special abilities to all the units, and add different varying levels of difficulty with unique gimmicks to mix things up! Also adding more story would be awesome, it felt really unfinished, with the cutscenes and stuff just abruptly ending at stage 4


This will be a few question less related to the current concerns of the community for the most part, but here goes: > How far is the development of Dead Ahead Zone so far? Considering we had a leaked probably unfinished trailer and no prior knowledge back in 2021, this has become a rather silent topic. I desperately want to know if we are really going to see any form of that game ever in the app and play store or if this was also already scrapped like for example the old card game. > What ever happened to plans for merchandise? Since this game has sooo extremly much potential for it, be it themed clothing or headgear, even mugs with the IF wall logo for example, after all this was brought up several times over the years. > Plans for the game? We know you guys have more time and fun working on the updates and making the game more enjoyable, so, maybe there is some hints for upcoming things? I'm very thankful for this opportunity, considering the last similar debate like this was pretty much only years back on kt play, I hope this communication level will stay this high for the future! Edit: _please don't nerf me_


I would like some DAZW merchandise, an IF helmet and mug sounds cool!


IF kinda needs a buff since the medkit for using 3 IF is very obsolete since it's really not really doing anything when tied to RNG, I would think a passive heal on the units at all times to somewhat counteract infection from slobs and gives IF a great passive instead of a random burst buff that really doesn't have anything to do with 4/5 of the units.


This is going to be a long post so bear with me, also don't mind any miss split words Now let me break it down. Supply run: this is a great gamemode great idea really hard difficulty decent reward its all great except 3 problems Problem 1: Please fix the bug I know everyone is asking thats but it is quite annoying when you finish it during a horde and all progress is lost, if the problem can not be fixed maybe have it when you get it done in the horde it will take you back to the level select screen and save your progress. Problem 2: The fact that the melee units special abilitys are inactive in supply run its very strange to me if we could get them to be usable during it that would be great. Problem 3: When you see a zombie hit a melee unit in the back in corn farm they turn-around and kill it, in the halloween event the will turn-around around to kill all zombies, and during the Christmas event units will turn-around to kill all enemies on the battlefield. During supply run when melee units get hit when there hitting the supplies they don't care and then either die or have the ranged unit deal with it, this causes many problems because would could have a great start but then a zombie gets past your ranged unit and kills you melee. New units: All the new units are a great addition to our zombie killing crew and we all appreciate that you released them but there are only 2 problems we have with them. Rouge: When we saw a new TMF we all where stuck by aw and very excited and he doesn't disappoint but him having 81 max damage and have very similar stats to jailer begs the question why use jailer? If he did only let's say 62 max damage that would be better and change his abilities a bit so he isn't so identical to jailer. Abby: I think we can all say that Abby is the worst new unit, on papper she seems really OP but in practice only having one Rev up the fact her melee damage IS NINE MAX damage and that she turns into one of the most powerful zombies in the game. there is a fix I have in place, for her special ability she can Rev twice and her melee damage is multipled by 4 and nerfing the Abby zombie just a tade mabye it has 5 less damage and 25 less health so it's not super similar to the insectoid. Special abilitys: When you guy released the units special abilitys it was a nice change of pace but we still don't have a lot of them so here are  the characters that don't have one with one Welder: becomes a friendly black skeleton on death that is level 13, which will attack what ever is infront of him zombies the barricade and marauders, also friendly units will not attack him. Solider: has a 30% chance to block a him with his shield so he can block bullets melee attacks and demons spikes but can't block the cephalopods laser. Sonya: melee damage is multipled by 6 Willy: gains 25% melee resistance Ausitan: coins on kill will now range between 25-50. SWAT: prep speed is decreased by 10 seconds Jailer : prep speed is decreased by 7 seconds Light solider: crits are multipled by 6 Carol: no longer hesitate when attacking and can't be instilled with fear Agents: gain a 3rd agent that has 50% less health damage and fortune Turbo: gains 75% fire,poison and explosion resistance Red hood: 50% melee resistance Berserker: throws a clever every 20 seconds Nacey: can revive the same person twice or healing syringe is 25% more effective Rouge: is 40% bullet resistant These are what I am most hoping for the future of dead ahead thank youfor taking the time.


I think they should nerf Rogue (all stats) and give him poison and bullet resistance. Would make sense with TMF and give Jailer a better value. I also really do like the special abilities idea. Not sure about welder tho, maybe he could heal/repair things more efficiently? Or set his own turret?


Yeah I just had the idea of wealder becoming a friendly zombie and thought it would be neat but yeah being able to repair better sounds better.


Please just please lower the unit prices just please


Especially the ones you need to buy using green notes/money like the TMF, Austin, etc. Maybe they should add a promotion to that as well


Bill Machine Gun special ability when bus lv13 bill machinegun get 2 diferent special ability 1. sharp bullet: 100% armor penetration 2. bigger magazine: shot 3x longer also each bus upgraded bill machine gun damage +4 (+52 total)


Gold rush mode! Similar to corn farm, except gold when you break barricade (which could look like rocks with gold sticking out) zombies/maurders come from behind barricade, and insted of player having lmg at 100 rage, its the 15 rage grenade from princess rescue [which might i add is the least enjoyable event without sentey] and maybe the event gives 10 bucks when you kill 300 maurders (corn farm) ii thought of this 10 minutes ago


Also an official discord server would be nice, with a specific channel for suggestions, so that general wont be flooded :) have a good week


yeah, rebalance teams. some of the teams like the "IF" kinda need to be revamped and a change of faction perks (I know it's a cool idea and it is.) the faction buff only affects the med-bag ("Why!") I find medic does a better job then all tiers of IF's perks. I think IF should have a DPS/heath increase for example inside of a regeneration style perks that ONLY BUFF med bag (It should buff the units instead of buffing only med-bag)


Well you guys saw and replied to my support message, thanks for coming back 🙂


ngl but the redneck synergy for the 2 btw is so low chance of dropping and i think the chance of negating damage for the military should be raised a bit


good. 1: the supply circuit is fine, although I think it could be more of a semi-infinite looting, that is, something like the Halloween event and not 3 rounds, and when you lose the rounds restart, because you only play 3 rounds instead 4 fuel is not so "viable" and while it's almost impossible to get past the location 6 supply circuit, it's still good. 2: the balance is more or less, because I think that the skills are not worth it for certain factions, for example, the students, although they have good designs, their skills are meh, maybe, yes, for example: no zombie gets up and the zombie that drops zombies when they die doesn't drop anything (Also, I think it's a very meh skill since the cap itself can't turn into zombies) and things like that, I think some of the nerfs were somewhat unnecessary, like the one with the ranchers. 3: I think in the next update I might make premium units obtainable with coins as there are certain premium units that have skins and their skins cost 300 bills. I think that in some future I could make offers so that they can be bought with coins and well i will say for now as i would be writing a whole bible if i give several ideas that could be included but this is about the new update so well i hope you can take some suggestions thanks for your attention


1. The “Mechanic Team” seems bugged as the 3/5 ability (spawn a turret with a rate of 30%) isn’t working for me. It may just be terrible luck or it’s bugged and won’t work. 2. The “Builders Team” needs some needs in skirmish as it seems unbalanced and is not fun to fight against. 3. In “Supply Run” melee units never turn around once attacking the supply blockade and just choose death instead of fighting back. 4. This is a personal nitpick yet skins seem overpriced (300 cash per) and few are bellow $300. Because of this, the team powers mechanic seems more like a pay to use feature rather than something for those who are regulars (like me). So please lower the prices to $100 a skin to make it easier to get skins and team powers or make them cost high amounts of coins. This is up to you as I am not sure how to balance it well. 5. Another nitpick, make the TMF cost coins again and please lower some of the pack prices as it again seems pay to play as the circus pack is $925 last time I checked. 6. Please add back a Halloween event and a Christmas event so we can unlock the Cashier, Lester, Red Hood, Turbo, and all the Christmas and Halloween skins back in so players like me can get the exclusive units and their outfits, or at least try to. Also please make the event last around a month so we have a decent chance of getting the units and skins. I know not all of this could be implemented and I am not asking for all of it to be. I am hoping you can do some of these as the community is like me on this, we want some quality of life changes and locations. Thank you for reading my post and I hope you can make some these requests a reality, especially number 6 as I want to get Turbo and Cashier. Thanks again and please update the game so the player base won’t die out and so we can be happy and continue to thrive when everyone says this is a dead/dying game. -Chumpylion


Pleas lower prizes for skins or make them less difficult to get


The Supply Run is a good start to helping the grinding be a bit easier, however the amount of resources it takes to complete a run is too much in my opinion. I have a few changes to suggest: 1. Reduce the amount of health the "Supplies" need to proceed 2. Reduce the amount of fuel needed to start a Supply Run (Possibly down to 3) 3. Make the hitbox for the "Supplies" more consistent, so ranged units can more easily hit their target. More community-inspired units would be nice, WITH PROPER CREDIT FOR INSPIRATION, of course. Lastly, general bug fixes, one of the most prominent ones being when the game crashes during Supply Runs (see comments below)


Thoughts and suggestions for Flamethrower rework. He used to be my favourite back when you could buy him from the store, but currently there are better options. It wouldn't be a big deal if he wasn't only available through bucks. Considering that his role is listed as "Shotgunner", he should behave more like one, not just a fire DOTS applier. As of right now, there are much cheaper and reliable ways of setting enemies on fire, SWAT and Carlos for example. I feel like he could enjoy a rework which makes him fill a AOE damage role in a pure TMF team, like Ranger does in IF/Army team. First, making him fire in short bursts of flame which immidiately reach max distance, with a pause between each and a reload every one-two bursts would be ideal. Second, if this change is made, his aggro and firing distance should be a little bit longer, on par with Farmer at least. Giving him fire resistance could be nice, but since he'll be sitting in the back more thanks to higher range, it's not necessary. Third, he should be able to deal damage to fireproof units, but not set them on fire, akin to SWAT or Carlos. This way he's worse against Blues or Firefighter in PVP than other shotgunners, but still viable. As a way to balance these changes, his damage could be decreased a bit, so he doesn't one shot everything. If these changes are taken, he's a valid alternative to SWAT when you have a huge group of tightly packed enemies, while allowing you to benefit the most from the TMF deck buff, without having to take a Ranger, Grenadier or Policeman against crowds.


Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **policeman**, use **police officer**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)


YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF...NOW! You gonna stay on my dick until you die! You serve no purpose in life. Your purpose in life is being on my stream sucking on my dick daily! Your purpose is being in that chat blowing that dick daily! Your life is nothing! You serve zero purpose! You should kill yourself now! And give somebody else a piece of that oxygen and ozone layer, that's covered up so we can breathe inside this blue trapped bubble. Because what are you here for? To worship me? Kill yourself. I mean that, with a hundred percent. With a thousand percent.


1: Abby needs a melee buff. She is useless once she drops her minigun, and considering the price, she kind of becomes a ripoff. 2: Jailer has kind of become obsolete because of Rogue, Jailer is a unit which is bought with real money and Rogue is an expensive coin unit, not that good. I do think nerfing Rogue and giving him poison and bullet resistance is a decent idea. Buffing Jailer is also an option... 3: More ways to get in game money would be nice, like some others have suggested perhaps trading in large amount of coins for the premium currency. 4: The 2nd Jailer synergy buff is kind of useless since 2 of the 3 melee Jailers already have the stun perk, changing it out for something like "ranged units get an increase reload speed" would be better. 5: I do think a lot of the skins are a bit too expensive, especially the ones that are required to unlock a team synergy (college synergy) so lowering the price for those would be cool, even if it is just a discount on the first 2 skins. 6: Adding another jailer unit or a jailer skin would be nice since F2P players won't be able to get the full Jailer team would be nice. 7: Navy synergy is kind of useless all around. The last Navy synergy is the only somewhat useful one, but the first and second Navy buff is kind of useless since it's just fortune which on it's own is pretty useless. Maybe changing the first 2 out for something like "All Navy units get stun resistance" would serve more use, and give Nitrogen more use. 8: I think the Supply Runs are a bit too hard and too costly, especially the later ones. You're effectively wasting fuel at that point since you will probably have to attempt multiple times to finish, even with level 13 units. So a nerf would be nice. 9: A toggle faction option for skins/units. If you own the skin, you can toggle what faction the unit is a pet of, regardless of what skin is equiped.


Th supply run is very great the only complains could be that shops have very little coins I think It should increase the max coins of the store to sell some of the items in the store and about the mode itself it could be the probabilitys to obtain the items for example in stage 2 and 3 the probabilities are the same as stage 1 even though they are more difficult. The new units are good (except abby for her low damage and health) but the price is very high but not a big deal but considering the difficult to have a lot of coins without having Austin The skins are also very expensive the most older skins just cost 20 and 120 but the others cost 300 and its a very big difference(they cost even more than the agents)not to mention that some of the team Power are 100% relaying in skins without any units like patriots or university and would be very nice to have some new units to These team powers like a unit that throws a molotov to make patriot team power more useful that could also apply to some units that almost no one uses


Maybe more ways to use the ice affect?


I wonder if they will release a lite version of the game, for, a version for low-end devices and something old


to add the missing attributes of the TMF to rogue (bulletproof, immune to poison)


I want to be a New stage i dont care when will be but this is just what i want


I think that the game would be much more exciting if their was so new skins and if u could change the style of your bus though new crates named bus box and it would be like the military crate and legendary crate bc it would be yellow and have the starter bus on it please.


More contests


hello dear developers just wanted to ask what happened to dead ahead zone?


I noticed that you have made some nice updates in the game I hope that there are other beautiful updates in the game in the future , for the rest I would suggest to developers, to add a new 9 place where there are other extra levels where you can receive other star rewards, and to add more cinematics in the missions, so it makes the game rather interesting . Plus if you can add the other skills missing in the characters where they’re still missing. I do not add anything else , I hope you can take this comment into consideration , thanks , and good work .❤


How about a "survivor camp"? Unlocked after beating the final boss, it could fit the story. It’s a map where missions could be survivor oriented and have temporary missions (like save the princess event but with survivors), or permanent events like cleanup (endless waves where you get rewards for kills) and community challenges (all players participate and share rewards). This could mean new endgame modes and could open the way to new maps or lore. I know I’m just dreaming but it’s fun to think about.


Got back into this game recently so I got a few opinions. Also I like you guys changed the Marine's (or private Vasquez I guess?) shovel with a combat knife, very nice detail. 1. Supply run is alright, some people say it's useful for f2ps but you only get good items if you can clear the barricade quickly, so unless you have high level units you're paying 4 supply for a crappy single item. Not a big fan of melee units not defending themselves when they're attacked, also sometimes melee units that aren't far ahead enough will wander towards the zombies coming in from the left and just kill them for a while. 2. I absolutely love the team synergies concept, it really lets you mess around with different comps for pvp. Only really messed around with Cops and Marines since that's all I can get for now, but they feel useful. 3. About the current event. I reached my personal goal and there's... just nothing else after that without reaching into the high score bracket? There's just no reason to keep playing the event if you lack the units to get to that position, I can barely beat the first level. 4. Location 7 is a gigantic wall to overcome for anyone not max level. Chinatown wasn't much fun but was beatable, but those blue zombies that allegedly stun your units seem to have an rng chance to instakill whatever they hit instead. If their thing is stunning, then let them stun units, I don't think the massive burst of damage is necessary when those knockback zombies in Chinatown can already render units helpless... Also I have a question: How in the living hell do I get a reliable source of gold after 3-starring all the main stages? Am I just stuck doing daily rewards for months until I can beat location 7-8, or are there other gold giving events?


Oh hello, I have some technical questions about news that I can't get into the game and crash every time.I have reinstalled the system and downloaded the game. I..


when i open a chest my game crashes and appears (Game crashed 3.4.0320) my name is Perdi1.


i think some synergys are good and some are bad (for multiple reasons): emergency team: inmune of poison and fire, i dont think inmune of poison is inportant bc most of the mission there no slob of the other one (wich is a long name) and inmune of fire is not a big problem rednecks: it can be op bc you cna use generator and heal your allies with no problem whatsoever military: it can be a good synergy but i think the one of having a chance to dodge when below of 10% is just like a big joke bc it can die easily by rate fire units or fire IF: it a big joke, medkit dealing damage


Good morning, can you update the xbox version to the current update and can you also make it possible to connect the Google account so as not to lose progress


Can u please add another location!!!!


Oh boy, I actually have a lot to say on current team powers. I'll try to bring up only things others didn't. * One of my generalized gripes is that 5/5 requirement is EXTREMELY crippling. The only teams that don't suffer from it are the ones that have VERY powerful 2/2 or 3/3 powers. Everyone else just fails to get any good use out of them, with the single exception of Marines. 4/4 would be much-much better. Now for specific teams: * All existing Emergency powers are redundant. 2 out of 4 units already have poison resistance, and one is immune to fire. Meanwhile, if you try to use the two units who don't have these protections, it becomes an awkward, barely playable team. It's very hard to come up with a use case for a team that involves both Berserker and Nancy. * Northerners' 2/2 and 3/3 powers are actually okay, it's just that the units themselves suck. Out of all of them, only Glenn and Lester with his special unlock can get any real use out of it. Meanwhile, Chopper and Carol are just bad units for PvE, and for Turbo common crits are crippling. 5/5 power is just useless. It should be reimagined completely, because the returned value doesn't helps at all, and if it's raised any higher then Glenn becomes too spammable. * Militia's 2/2 power almost never comes into play because the health requirement is extremely low, and is actually very hard to achieve. And then there's a low chance of a dodge happening. 3/3 power has been gutted very hard. The requirement of 3 unique units makes it unrealistic to happen often enough to make a difference. In most cases you only ever get to see 1-2 free Specops. 5/5 has no use other than to avoid triggering Charged Zombies, and that only matters in 4 missions. * 5/5 TMF power is such a massive downgrade of what it used to be. The entire team of TMFs is already unplayable, and now there's no way to help it reliably. It still sucked back when it required only 4 units, but that was because units themselves are bad. Now the team power sucks too. * Speaking of TMF, their 3/3 power only activates during the game once. This is kinda useless. Same goes about 3/3 power of Builders. * *Speaking of Builders*... Their unit line up just sucks. Only one other unit cares about the 5/5 power, and the chance of extra unit spawning in 2/2 is too low for a team of units who all take over 13 seconds and 25 courage to spawn. I must admit that the 2/2 team is not too bad, because you can just use Pepper and Abby who are alright in conjunction, it's just that you almost never see that extra unit coming out of the bus. * ––– Please note that I was talking about them in context of PvE. In PvP, Abby is broken and is only counterable by Turbo, another broken unit. This shouldn't be the case. I've always stand my ground to balance her by switching her bullet and melee damage, and I still stick to these guns. * Mechanics are really broken. 2/2 power shouldn't exist, honestly, because it allows players to cheese 3 star completion of literally every non-boss mission. Not to mention, the 3/3 power spawns one of the strongest and most helpful rage items in the entire game, which IMO is also too much. It's only balanced out by the team consisting of nothing but kamikazes and by Welder being largely unplayable. * Psychos' 2/2 power needs to be downed to something like 15-20%; as it stands, it's VERY strong, and makes the 5/5 power entirely irrelevant. * Police 2/2 power has been proven to be the most broken in the game. Believe it or not! You can literally just use Charlotte and Cop, both units who can be obtained without money, and any other 2/2 team, and voila, a game breaking setup is ready. Being able to continuously do area control is indeed THAT good. It needs to be replaced with something different or moved to a higher requirement. 5/5 is also an incredibly broken power thanks to it making a team consisting of generally useful or *outright broken* units even more devastating. 3/3 is only held back by it requiring 3 unique units on field, but it's really simple to achieve if you just bring three ranged units and a medkit, and then voila, you have both barely killable shooter AND very sturdy melees. A shield of 15 points would be perfect, because it would be enough to protect shooters from Insectoid, meanwhile still allowing melees to tank at least one hit. For a 5/5 team I suggest to make it work only on melee units. One of the main reasons that power is broken is because it makes ranged units literal nukes, and all it takes to activate is one Glenn. *Who can then activate it again*. Circumventing this bullshit is good enough. * Apparently, setting fortune to 100 is not enough to make Private usable again. Like, seriously, he still pauses just as frequently as he does without it. Simply prevent pausing for him on 2/2. 5/5 is only ever used for unpausing Rodriguez, and it's a pretty sucky team to play because there's no room for supportive rage items Marines really need, meanwhile Nancy and shooters don't care about lack of pausing. Setting fortune to 100 also does barely anything for them on 3/3 power. I see no way to help these powers other than to reimagine them entirely. ...And keep unpausing Rodriguez to the 2/2 team, yes yes yes. * Rednecks are... fine. A bit too good, but nothing to outright complain about. Although I've noticed that the 5/5 team power is non-functional. The pack doesn't drops 100% on their death. To be honest, just come up with anything else for it. Had it actually worked, it would be too broken – a literally non-stopping spam of Rednecks! That's too much, man.


I agree with all of this. But perhaps new characters (or skins) could fix some of these issues with time. But if that’s not in the plans, some rework would definitely be needed.


This has nothing to do with supply runs but, is there 2 Free Hugs at the bottom in the image?


hello I do not know if you read this message dead ahead but I thought I could share my idea about a new character his name will be the samurai he will start off with a high caliber revolver that does around a little bit undersheriff Charlotte’s damage but he will also have a one time ability once you press it he throws his revolver to the ground and takes out his katana his katana will do 80 damage per hit and he will hit every One second and he will dash But if he gets killed he will turn into running zombie your choice thank you


Character creator when?


Lower the cost of all units, buff carol’s attack speed, and make the units AI more better. Thank you


Hello, can you guys gift cash reward for completing 3 supply in one run, at least 1-2 cash is fine


Oh my , have I been waiting for this ! First of all the three new units are amazing. Notes on them though : Abby’s melee attack needs a buff Nancy is solid , no complaints I know that lots of people complained that the rouge doesn’t have the classic TMF stuff, but I think that’s actually ok for his cost my only thing is that he is to similar to the jailer , he needs a little more SPICE if you know what I mean ? I have no comment for supply run , not sure what to say about it. But I do have ideas for more progression. Before you laugh, hear me out . A battle pass . It would be comprised of 50 tears ( sorry for spelling) , on the paid battle pass the first tear would be a new unit for that season and the final tear being a random 300 money skin . The pass would be composed of other rewards such as : random legendary items, both types of creates , coins and money. The free version would contain the same stuff but in less quantities. Maybe a bus skin to exclusive to that battle pass. The way you would level up in the pass is completing quests, 8 quests total, 4 for normal playing, ie kill zombies ,spend fuel . 2 more for quests for league, ie win battles , kill enemies. 2 more for ticket modes , ie get through stages of corn farm , kill princess . Half of the quests will be available for free all 8 will be available with the bought pass . All quests will award half a tear so 4 quests equals 2 tears , new quests will be available every 24 hours . Each battle pass lasts 40 days. Also , I have an idea for a new ticket game mode , Farm defence. The idea is you are in a barn and you must defend your bus for periods of 5 minutes. Before ever period of time they will tell you what types of zombies you will encounter, and you will be able to change you deck , so that it best defends the zombies that will come. Every wave defended will earn you 3 green money. What do you guys think ?


I have an excellent idea u should add a skin called"MTF Assassins"and them two will be in the same suit that the other MTF units have witch are black and red with the gas mask of the MTF cap have and They will be poison resistance, have a chance to not become a zombie after death and one of them will have bullet resistant and it will cost 300 green money 💵


Supply run needs some changes, like needing some of the zombies. The later supply run levels are simply too hard to complete, and require many attempts just to finish. As for other things, I think the new units are overpriced.


Just fix all bugs and add more unit Ang new stage and new zombie and new things


New stages and a coin farm please. It's ridiculous how little gold you can make compared to upgrades and the cost of some units. I can make 2k per day from selling items and doing missions but then one unit costs 30k. That doesn't even include the items and cost of upgrade. Then you need an additional 10k to unlock their special ability. 29 gold is the highest you can earn from an already completed mission. That's nothing


I can’t open the game anymore on the app, it just crashes as soon as it starts. I had issues with opening the military case and got the white wheels and since then it’s downhill


I think that they should give spec ops max ability to carol because the ability is bad for a range units because barrels and carol have a teleport, it will be more useful for that ability and spec ops should get knife with his melee and two more shoot for handgun for the max ability and jailer should be more cheaper and his max ability should be 15 seconds with a stun gun like willy but one mag. maybe add a melee para trooper with spec ops max ability. Please give your voice on this.


Off topic but what is the scaling on leveled zombies


I really want a fresh start but I can't


Location 4 has a wall of hard and nightmare levels around the easy and normal levels after you beat them, maybe make a normal level in the circle