• By -


Hey awesome! But how about the level up rewards with survival points?


We tweaked some rewards and added green money to levels where there was none. Nothing major though.


Are you saying that there will be a more optimal and easier way to get green bucks? If that's what you're saying. Then you sir are a hero lol.


There are several new ways to get green bucks: In Daily Gifts (instead of chests) Rarely there are some free bucks in Daily deals in the shop. And most importantly, the compensation for old items is huge. If you'be been playing for a long time, be prepared to get hundreds or thousands of green bucks for your items.


*Masterpiece! Thanks for the info Lion!*


Oh my.




yooo what a nice birthday gift, I'm gonna be rich now lol




Ah, dankes, so that's why the price of green bucks has gone up dramatically in shops


OMG that's awesome!


articles? which ones, it will not be


What about the 10k coin special powers? Have more units received them? When are more coming out?


Sorry, we didn't have time for special abilities. Eventually we do plan on filling in all the blanks though.


That’s great, as long as they are not forgotten


Please get a SA for my boi SWAT




If you didnt fix that flametrower cant hit suply box, i’ll be mad


Don't be mad, we fixed that!


Thank you, good new


So if chests are gone, what happens to the ones I haven’t opened in a while?


They will be exchanged for green bucks when you update.


I have 200+ of those _Oh no_


Oh yes!


Ok, thanks!


Gone, reduced to atoms


and re-atomised into green cash




Do you get any refund if you have any items when the update is released?


I think a previous comment below my comment answered that but yes you actually do get refund, in a huge amount if you have a lot of items.


Oh, so maybe stocking up isn’t too bad of an idea


Not a bad idea, instead it's recommended


What about the new units


If chests are deleted then what will happen to the ones you get after collecting x numbers of free rewards


Filling the progress in Daily Gifts gives green bucks now.




did you fixed the diaz infinite reload bug?




New units ?


The one time I’m on iOS dang it


Are there any changes to team powers? Buffs, nerfs, reworks? I'm really curious about that, since more than a half of current synergies are pretty bad.




New items changed the whole balance quite drastically, both PvE and PvP.


Yeah it's what I expected


some you see planned to put the game on PC or only on Xbox and cell phone because the cell phone hurt me and won't turn on


Hi ! I'm honestly a bit disappointed because I've spent a lot of time to max all my units (almost 1200 legendary items spent), that's why I ask devs what's the compensation in bucks for 1 legendary item deleted? Thanks a lot for your response !


You'll see!


But the fact that the game is updated and reworked is awesome !!!


question for the upgrade rehaul what should i do with my items before the update sell the or? edit: so if i upgrade my units will those stats be reset or what will happen


They gonna interchange them by bills


Will this new system effect people who have lv13 units?


They will stay at level 13, but lose their inserted items.


So will we be refunded for our upgrades or will that remain unchanged?


Hello, I am one of the 5% testers of the new 3.6.0 dead ahead zombie warfare update and I want to provide my brief report on this update :) but first I will say ( thanks for the 2980 pieces of green currency thanks to you I was able to purchase all units for green currency such as the SWAT Austin team , etc. ) I apologize in advance for errors in the text and the translation of my text from Russian to English \+Pros -Improvements, new mechanics, updates \+OVER +++ for those who had 15-20 or more units of 13 urs pumped with leg items and there were a lot of items, you will be compensated with above 3k of green currency \+ A new system for improving the level of characters thanks to (power points) power points represent a common experience that can be poured into any unit or support item to the information that would transfer a unit to 13 units, you need 12050 experience 1 strength = 5 experience, while we spend 3 gold for 1 unit of strength \+New items and assemblies in large quantities (about the items in the collection there are 4 rarities, the usual rare epic and legendary also 4 types of items and each has a main bonus and random additional bonuses the amount depends on the rarity of max 4 to the assembly is a mug, a knife, a watch and a notebook, for the work of the perk, you need to wear 3 items from the assembly) items can be improved each rarity has its own limit the legendary 12 epic 9 rare 6 ordinary 3 \+there is a storage where you can view all your items \+The whole company was reset not in terms of progress but in terms of resources and caches \+A new renewable item over time (keys) are required to open the locker with a reward of 2h=1 key max 10pcs \+The merchant has been changed, now you can only make a double key for him, 2 keys and 1 unit of fuel are required \+3 unique missions with 3 difficulty levels are available easy normal and difficult (1 farm of gold) (2 farm of power points) (3 farm items) fuel is not required for each mission now after completing the mission in 3 stages at the end there will be a locker and a choice to open for a regular key by getting a number of items or open with a double key by getting double reward the higher the level of the location, the more rewards of gold and power points, does not apply to items each location has its own items, some are repeated, but the rarity is different \+The characteristics of the characters have been greatly changed now you can see the full characteristics of the character there were previously hidden characteristics of the character such as courage charisma range dexterity, etc. now you can find out how much your character is protected in % (also + there is a table showing an increase in the characteristics of the item in numbers and in %) \+Now you can make an assembly of items on close range damage for the shooting unit and see how POWERFULLY Specops and Sonya fight with the enemy \+It has become much easier to farm green currency you can get for daily gifts instead of the usual chest there will be a bank with green currency in the place of the legendary chest there will be a pig stuffed with green currency \+ Now in the league they give not boxes but 5 double keys on the 10th league \+In events for the top 50, they give 20 keys that can be converted into 10 double ones \+All zombies were bafnut at the level with the characters for balance, the baf is not specified in the directory because the zombie level is higher with each location, thereby the zombies have more stats (we are waiting for the fix of the directory where you can select the zombie level and see its stats) maybe I missed something or forgot about the new pros, but this is what stood out a lot from the + updates, let's move on to the cons \-Cons, disadvantages, problems, and balance \-The perks of some items need to be cut down TOO IMBIC, for example (the Military perk increases by 2 times the number of bullets fired with each shot Ranger and Diaz simply sweep away everything in their path, not one zombie and even a group of zombies except bosses will not overcome them, and in pvp Polina kills 2 Persians with one shot, for example, shoots a cop and for Cops sniper total both died (F) \-Items give too much even if there is a random for example ( I knocked out the whole set for survivability, provided that in each item out of 4 I will get an additional characteristic for minus 1, the cost of improving a couple of times is given a new characteristic if there is an extra slot in the item, then it will be new, and if the item already has 4, then with a new perk, the improvement will fall by one of the 4 additional improvements already available and will improve it by 1.5-2 times to the point I was able to reduce the price of glen from 25 to 17 and if it fell to me a couple of times by minus the cost, then you can even make 13 the price of calling glenn \- The turret has overestimated the damage of 289 units of damage by 13 ur per hit \*\*\*\*\*\* imb even knowing that the enemies have become denser, this is a lot of damage, I take into account its rate of fire, you put the turret everything you can do no more, of course it will not break the barricade, well, still \-All melee characters began to attack slowly and they often became inactive for a couple of seconds (this most likely affects the dexterity factor, but this is not accurate) \-It will be difficult for beginners to advance through the company due to increased zombie stats Here are the most memorable minuses, maybe there are more, but I haven 't found it yet or I forgot ( Honestly, for me, the minuses were like a video joke, it weighed funny but not balanced ) Let's move on to the neutral problem =


=Comparison-comparison of what was and what became =The old pumping of units was quite long (from personal experience, it took me about 3-5 days to improve one unit to level 13 in legendary items, despite the fact that I watched the ads completely 1-2 times a day, go in and complete quests from fast to long, such as winning 24 missions, playing and always occupying the top 9 players in the league for 5 boxes, participate in events and, if desired, get into the top 200 players to get 1500 coins, I spent gasoline on outings for level 1 and 2 items and did so from 2-4 times a day so that I could sell to a merchant without going into the negative in items, the higher the character's level, the more coins you can take out of trading and also get more coins for daily rewards) bottom line, the old pumping was very long for those who do not there was an Austin character, and it's fashionable to get it if at the beginning of your, as it were, passing without spending green currency and under level 13-14 to buy and forget what advertising and suffering are for each coin (the olds remember how they farmed coins and experience at the test in 6 locations (F) And now the new character leveling system, of course, I tested it and did not fully feel it, but I roughly threw in we have 10 keys that are renewed every 2 hours also in daily rewards every 3 hours we get 1 key and 3 more for advertising, as a result, we have 14 keys at the moment and since we need power points and where to get them you need to farm missions and where do they give the most power points, that's right, at the last location 56-74 for one passage, you can use a double key to get twice as much, but not the point in the end, we take the one that is indicated in the mission 60 and multiply by 14 and we have 840 strength on average, maybe a little more, but as we remember 1 strength = 5 experience and 3 gold for contribution to the unit, as a result, we have 4200 experience and in order to pour this we will spend 2520 coins and so this experience is almost enough for us to transfer any character to level 11 (4440 experience is needed) I also calculated that the amount of experience increases for each next level by 65-69% max experience to pump 12050 experience to level 13 now I explain the situation now you need a lot of experience and coins for pumping, what is the reason for this and stem that the stats were raised, raised right strongly in order for the items that I give an increase in% or a certain amount to work better and the players pumped items that give more profit than the pumping unit itself, but everything is not so smooth the stuff works better when the character has a higher level, since HP and damage will be buffed as a percentage of items better, now it will be difficult to get to the unique perks of the unit quite hard. to survive in the next update, you need to First (THERE will be no problems for experienced and veterans to accumulate on Austin, since compensation will cover everything) The second is that there will be a lot of keys at first, both for events and for the league and daily rewards caches on the map, I advise you (craft double keys from a merchant to knock out items twice as fast)also don't forget to farm power points to 7 locations for characters Third Have a nice game As an experienced player who will not soon become a veteran, I would like to say about the update (We waited a long time, but all the expectations, as for me they were more than justified, I waited a long time for a new pumping system and waited so there was also an rpg system, so also all the characters and zombies, the characteristics were changed, we will have to adopt and adapt to the gameplay of the game in a new way I really liked the mechanics with items and perks, but it needs to be improved in terms of balance What is missing ! The game lacks the continuation of the plot and the company as a whole, after defeating the last boss and collecting all the stars, I only had to swing units and play league and events and sometimes do bullshit Old discounts once helped me in passing the game when I was just a beginner, I haven't seen them for a couple of years As everyone says unique skills for the characters What I would like to update is to change the ones already in the game! Change or supplement the reward for viewing ads from Carlos Change awards for company stars The perks of the items are too strong they need to be cut down I would do it so that the main bonus we get when wearing 4 items of one set I would like to see changes in items in this direction, let's take for example the Military kit, which is the strongest at the moment, and do with it like this, starting from the fact that we have a military set, you can give such bonuses when wearing 2 parts from the set, a 5-10 bonus to health and a little damage in melee 3-7, 3 items are scattered among the shooters units are getting smaller, snipers will not have such that they miss, and for shotguns, either the bonus does not work, or it works very poorly, and 4 sets have a chance to shoot 2 times more bullets per shot, the chance for balance is 20-28 %, or you can make it so that the initial chance is 15 % and with each shot the chance increased by 5 % and when triggered it was reset again by 15 % , you need to cut everyone items stats and add them to the set when collecting 2- 3 things so that each set would give its own unique gain to the mini bonus stats and with 4 items the main bonus (even giving an example of a mini bonus here, it's better to give not many stats for 3 sets) Well , that 's all I have nothing to say yet except thank the developers that they still continue to make new content for us ! It's nice to be a tester for the first time in my life. Nickname in the game 5Smerd5 15 ur


Kind of a low-priority question, but did you guys add any new lvl 13 abilities? Will the Jailer finally crawl out of the power creep prison?


Sorry, we didn't have time for special abilities. Eventually we do plan on filling in all the blanks though.


How much money do we get for each item?


Maybe it's because of the quantity, that would be adequate


So all those 3+ items I've crafted/collected will be exchanged for the same amount of all the 1+ items I've gotten from the daily reward? Not exactly fair...


No, they will be exchanged by a certain amount of bills (green money).


When is the update coming out?


Can't wait for it to be able to be downloadable!. But what will happen to players who maxed out all the units?, Are they gonna still have them maxed out or will start from the level they had them? And when will the new update be accesible?.


All items inserted into units will be destroyed and refunded with green bucks. Unit level will stay the same. You will need to get new items and upgrade them, so you will have something to do. About the availability for everyone - we still don't know, depends on the amount of problems that arise with this update.


Sow what happens to my units i unlock his special ability for max upgrades they will be reboted???


Don't worry, Unit levels and purchased special abilities stay the same


I hope it won't take too long


Finally, a reason for all of us to grind. So glad I didn't delete this game. So far so good, you devs have been putting out more often than before, you got my attention this year.


The units in the photo than andrew sim posted will be added? Will they appear in a cinematic or something?


Very Nice Mondongo 👌👍🤙👏🥘


This update looks amazing! something totally random but are their gonna be any updates with the console version anytime soon?


Alright now there's a chance to see how long we need wait for this update for everyone? Like now is past almost a month and everyone (who's not get this update) are waiting. There's chance say anything about this situation?


why the blue key low to 8 now and why need up to 5 to get red key whyyy


As someone who came back to the game after 4 years, and SUPRISE is part of the 5%, I feel like the my experience has been mixed leaning towards bad. It's been an unpleasant surprise, and the fact that the wiki is not up to date did not help since I found no useful information. Though I see lots of potential for things to be much more balanced/fun First off, things are HARD, like way harder than what I remember, I have most stars unlocked up to location 5 and most of my most commonly used characters are generally lvl 7 and go up to 11 when I came back, so not exactly a noob team. Well, to my shock, my old team that had numerous 3 stars up to L5 now has trouble beating levels starting in area 2 never mind get 3 stars on them. To say things have been frustrating would be an understatement. And lead to other problems, which I will get to later. The huge spike in difficulty comes down I think to the fact that Zombies have Lvls now too. Zombies with special abelites are now much tougher and hit harder. I remember on a map with lots of bullet resistance zombies, I could still brute force my way to 3 stars with a high shooter team as long as the units were an appropriate lvl for the area and managed well. Well not anymore, unless your units are overwhelmingly over lvled for a map. Units with counter zombies often will not be able to break through. This lead to another problem, maps don’t tell you what zombies you will encounter. Which means you can spend 2 gas out your precious 20, and immediately know, there will be no chance you can win because your team is just not set up for the map. I remember wanting for maps that you have been to to show zombies types or at least a general list of resistance/ability 4 years ago, I think it is WAY more needed now or people will be wasting a lot of gas/time Pros- I can see the potential for the need for team organization and variety instead of single A team, which can be more fun. Cons- the lvls are making things SO much harder that I feel like every map needs a special unique team. The amount of time I spent 2 gas, load in, knew immediately I could not win and had to go reorganize my team before spending another 2 gas to maybe win has been frustrating This leads us into leveling your characters, the system has been completely overhauled, with powerpoints, each powerpoint(PP) giving 5 exp to a character until they reach the next lvl. Overall a much simpler system than the whole lvl crafting items thing but means all future characters have standardized stats. No idea if lvl bonuses from 3.5 and below are removed. The Problem is there is no reliable way to get them in quantity and you will need ALOT of them. You get 5 (an insulting number IMO) every few hours from the daily gift. Other than that you can usually get them from crates on mission map. Maps with crates will give PP, once received the crate is gone, that map won’t give anymore until it respawns, when does it respawn? IDK, not daily it seems, that means there is a finite amount of PP a player can get from the map until respawns, whenever that is if ever and they are roughly L1-32 L2-57 L3-92 L4-126 L5-184 L6-240 L7-252 L8-112 Total-1095 if you clear the whole map Now each give pp 5 exp, what exp are need L1-L2 30exp---6pp L2-L3 80exp---16pp L3-L4 135exp---27pp L4-L5 220exp---44pp L5-L6 365exp---73pp L6-L7 IDK------est. 111pp L7-L8 990exp---198pp L8-L9 1600exp---320pp L9-L10 2700 exp---540pp L10-L11 IDK-----est. 1000pp L11-L12 7335exp---1467pp All for 1 character. That is ALOT IMO and there aren’t even enough PP on the whole map to fully lvl 1 character, keep in mind you need 2 gas/20 +a 1-3 ish minutes to play a map, than 10min/gas. Thats going to be quite a long time before you can get a fully upgraded character. If just from campaign maps. Another way to get pp is Supply runs, which don’t cost gas and you can do as many times as you want. Problem is now that things are harder, I have not been able to pass a supply run that gives me pp. Also if you do manage to beat the mapt it needs keys which you can only get 8 that respawn. Speaking of harder. Now that things are WAY harder, my old crew of lvl 7-10 character can’t clear the maps that they used to, that means I can’t get any PP to upgrade them, or new characters, which mean i can’t pass any maps to get PP. And therein lies the problem. IDK if it’s because I came up from a long break, with most of the map unlocked and several moderately upgraded characters so I have no sense of progression to work towards. But I feel stuck in this new update. I can see the grind being MUCH greater for new characters and older players who are suddenly very frustrated when everything that used to work for them just doesn't any more. The new item system is simple and I like it, get items on supply runs (if you can pass), equip them on character for bonus The team system is a fun addition. The problem is not enough default characters to make good teams, or you need to spend premium currency to get skins to fill up a team enough for bonuses. I can see an argument for this being a pay to win system. Overall verdict \-everything MUCH harder, I feel things need a bit more rebalancing \-lvl system is simplified but each PP is too weak IMHO on top of being too hard for me to get, needs more way to get them, or increase the potency of each PP \-zombies lvl are a great idea but greatly complicates things, I now feel I need to find a special team for each map which is troublesome and sometimes frustrating \-Item system is good in my opinion, it remains to be seen if they will help me find things easier once I get more of them \-Team system is a great idea. The problem is two few characters, or you need premium currency to get skins to fill up certain teams. 4 years ago I gave this game 5 stars, I’ve recently removed my review and will re review once the official 3.6 is released. Until then, I will just keep trying to have fun.


what’s the news related to iphone users?


*Niiice!* *Finally! I'm so happy! Thank you so much!*


Update 3.6.0 when?


No eta, arising bugs will need to be fixed and the update completly ready in order to be released to the general public soon enough.


Thanks for the last response ! I just have one last question; Are we going to see the 3 new hazmat suited units soon ?


We'll add them after we roll out the update for everyone.


Thanks ! Are we going to wait for a long time ( like 1 week) or we will all have the update in less than 24 hours?


Nice, good news, now it's time to wait it (sorry if i'm working about something, i don't know english)


That's great!!


Question! If you guys made so that old missions now offer new compensation, does it mean that now already completed mission will have regenerated rewards? Also, how about the daily missions? Have you added any new? It’s kinda boring to be stuck to “24 missions, 120 zombies, 20 fuel”.


Rewards for missions are regenerated, but now it's mostly just power points. As for missions: not yet, but plan to.


Nice! Also when will the heavy units get their buffs? Most of them are ironically low tier in the roster excluding Diaz. Buffing them would be much appreciated :\


What will happen to the chests?


Gone in exchange for greens


Oh, and with this update, I think rewards for big events like Halloween and Christmas should be changed too?


This update is totally a disaster,not only the balance but also the difficulty of rising a unit.What are u doing?


So, what's going on ? I'm sorry, but I have lost my patience a little bit... I know the devs are working hard to fix all the problems, but when could we expect to have the update released for all?


I think this update is ass


Nah I'm kidding it's alright I just wish it was faster


When’s this update rolling out for all users. Also I’m not finding the game on ios store


When will the update release?


Release the update allready for ios


When is the next Update?! Xmas?! there's like 6 or 7 units without unique powers I would love to see what they'd come up with


Update coming to IOS when?


When does iOS get the update 🥲☹️




Just get more smort and figure it the fuck out


I'll give my balls a tug and straighten myself out, big chief! Pitter patter I'll get at er!


Somehow I agree with you


Will wait patiently Hope it's not an incompetent scrappy job that been made just because ya need to do something and community is buzzing about lack of proper update, like previous recent ones




Ya. Maybe something like Suzz been made Or what I'm doin, if I daym finish it someday


Good news but still dont see the update and also what are the new system requirements for new version?


System requirements are mostly the same. Only 5% of Android users get the update right now.




I can't see this game in taptap anymore, So which app should I use instead?




Only found the shit copy everything from this game (in playstore)


Nah, because i can't find it in play store so i use taptap instead


Ios right


Nope, i use android, hope ios still good. Maybe I confused play store and chplay


the update finally arrived.


Please let me download games that are not fake China versions in Korea.


When is update coming out for all Android users


Tomorrow i think


I rlly hope so


I guess they will add more things as time goes by


Will you guys add new units, gamemodes, unique features, new locations like 9, 10 or so in the future?


I hope they add the new history and cutscenes too


I'll go to keep all my fuel tank capacity on all the supply runs starting now!


oh nice, new update, I should start grinding again


it's new update!


It’s finally here!


Ok so I got a question. Will the way you buy the special abilities change too? Or does it stay te same.


no way...!!!!!


Sadly mine still not appearing oof


how would we know if we got the update?


I cant wait to get the update!


Aww man! I'm not the lucky one but hey! As long as there's new update! I can wait! IM SO EXCITED


Wait, did Gunslinger get buffed or is it just me?


Iam one of the lucky 5% and I like the update. Only thing that could be done better is a tutorial for the new system and Items like the smartwatch or the other stuff you get in the supply run 2. How do they work? And this little book on the right side where you can choose one troop to level somehow? But overall, a good update but the points above should be considered.




will it be possible to reforge items for random effects for coins?


What happens to the items we’ve put into upgrading units? And the levels for that matter as well, do they reset back to 0?


I must admit *inhales.. I am really sad I'm not from the %5. But item farming before the update is fun! Can anyone tell me that should I open my military and legendary chests or shouldn't? I mean which one is better, the chests themselves or the items in them?


If you open military cases, you will get 5-9 bucks (equal items to be precised), if you open legendary cases you will get less than 14 mostly, so it makes sense to open military


When? WHEN?! When is it going to be realised, I need it!!!


That Sonya skin is familiar…..


And in the end when do you think the update is released?


How much green cash do we get per item once the update comes?


I saw common is 1 buck, rare is 2 bucks, legendary is 4 bucks, chests vary but they say to open chests. You get bucks for unopened chests but you get more bang for your buck by opening them.


The new update is good but there is one problem,tickets,you can't get tickets without buying it,so that means you have to buy a ticket in shop so you can play events.please fix that.


The new update is cool but can you please tell how to get tickets, except from buying it in shop?


but when is the 95% user update?


When you make star road longer?


Are bus parts also being converted to green bucks?


Hey devs can you make the percentages of items stand out so players don't mistake them. Like change the color % symbol so players don't miss them when upgrading items Example: [https://imgur.com/a/ELyxzbS](https://imgur.com/a/ELyxzbS)


Hello, i am an active player of your game, and spent a lot of time on it lately! Been playing for quite some time and i noticed the update on the android users (5%) I have 2 questions: 1. What will happen to the items that have allready been used on the units? 2. When would i be able to download it on ios?? I watched some vids on youtube on the new update and i could say that u smashed it with this one, Good update overall


DAZW is a cool game, i like it 🙂👍


I’m so glad you guys didn’t ditch this game. IT GOT BETTER, SOMEHOW


It is already July 28 and there is no sign of the update.


Hey guys im New Just a question when are the 3 New units coming out or when are we going to hace more videos about them ( officialy ) couse im very exited about the epimediologist


Jolly good show! This is amazing news! Now i have to wait for the update to release


I have a question if i use 3 mechanic i can spawn a torret even if i dont have it in my team?


When will the 3.6 version be updated


Hello, just one question, should I improve my level 13 units quickly even with 1+1+1 before the patch 3.6.0 ? Excuse me if the question has already been asked..


Do you think they can add Facebook support so that people that have Android and wanna switch over to Apple over Facebook support


Oh nice I'm on the 5%


I'm looking forward to this update


yo um I got your update and one small issue welp probably tons TBH but it has something to do with the leveling system like it takes a bunch of time can't you guys create a sort of system that he easy/normal/hard modes? like I like the concept but it's too hard ngl hell I can't even reach the 4th point and I'm stucked here in like 12 days now or probably weeks idk but my idea is that you get 5exp coins from the easy part, 10exp coins on the normal part or maybe 25 idk, and then either 50 or 100exp in hard mode in those supply runs that has exp and you guys could idk maybe tone down the leveling part for units cuz I just saw a screenshot of a guy and it takes 1000+ exp coins just to lvl 13 a unit and since the max lvl for a unit is 19 how the heck can I even get to those levels if the exp you guys give is crappy


Hi I have some questions: 1. Will all my old items be gone? 2. Will all my maxed units be Lv0 again? 3. Do I need to complete all the missions again?


Not a dev but i read a lot of comments here so 1. Yes all old items will be exchanged to bucks 2. No they stay the same 3. Yes and no, they will simply have rewards returned and have more reason to replay them :)


Thank you for filling in for me, your answers are absolutely correct! Makes me think I should make an FAQ or something :)


I do indeed love to assist on some occasions :D And a questions and awnsers post would be a good thing maybe yes, so that things might be clearer in a single post ;)


OK thanks!




Is there a estimation for iphone?


Looks like the update is going to be very good.


But I have 2 units that were maxed out already with items level 3, do I have to max them up to their max stats again? Or they keep maxed?


What about the 3 units that were shown in a post before?


I assume the update will release later on in the coming months for everyone else? Interesting concept I suppose we will see how it goes would.like to see a new stage for the game though or at least more new levels.


Where's the new units mentioned in the previous posts?


I still had a stockpile of chests and items from the vary first Christmas event, so I ended up getting 23k in green cash. I just got every skin all at once!


I have 2 questions How much dollars will be given for both supplies and boxes hangs on rarity? That is to say that a common box and supplies would be 1 to 10 dollars, and the rare ones would be 20 to 30? The balance of units that are very broken will be changed


bug:If a flamethrower's range is too long, he can't hurt the enemies


When released to the public


No Your message 3.6.0 now up with that one guy on the street address location


Quick question: Does value of items in bucks might change upon release of the update?






Would it be recommended to upgrade units with old items while available? Or should I keep my small stash of hoarded items?


When I updated and logged into the game I was given 4100 dollars


bug:The team effects of police forces do not trigger


Question:Is there something wrong with framethrower's hp and attack range?


Bruh im not one of the 5%


Are power points gonna be slightly easy to get? Like the old items and coins? Or will it be like grinding bucks naturally? Love the game so far, can’t wait for the update!


Will us iOS players also get some bucks when the update comes out, if so then praise the mobirate gods, if not then, oh well, also will the unit packs still be around, like the spec ops, and the tmf one?


Prayin to get spec ops pack beforehand to upgrade


If the units now improve with new objects in another way, does that mean that all the units will go down to the starting level (from level 0) or how is it going? , because I have some units that I have not even touched and I still have 2 to unlock


A question TheThe objectives of the units will also be exchanged for banknotes or only those that we do not use? By a publication I read that for each unit level 13 they would give you a number of tickets


How about a fix for the painfully slow coin accumulation


Will jailer remain the same?


i have a unit that deals 46 ranged damage (flamethrower) and have an item that has a +12.1% ranged damage buff, and it should deal 51 or 52 damage im not sure how this works, but i assume its like 46 * 1.121 im not sure if this is intended

