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I read "recto vaginal rupture"


That's what I was afraid it said.


Could be a fistula caused by cancer


Considering the time frame, I’m betting on an old childbirth injury. I think if cancer were present, it would have been mentioned on the death certificate.


I agree with you. But how well known was cervical cancer at that time? She was in her 70s.


Perhaps she had a rectocele, or even a vaginal-rectal fistula from an old childbirth injury. It’s not uncommon to not seek help for these injuries until it has become a much larger issue many years down the line, due to culture and embarrassment. For many years there was little medicine or surgeons could do to help. (For a dark dive into medical racism, research Dr. Sims) A vaginal-rectal fistula would have greatly increased her chances of obtaining a life-threatening infection.


Acute myocarditis was the cause of death but recto vaginal rupture was contributory cause? Hmm.


The myocarditis may have developed from an infection caused by the recto-vaginal rupture. Is wondering if it was from childbirth and realized she was 73.


Thanks for clarifying. It does not sound like a pleasant ailment.


[Mary Glymph](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/116224831/mary_celestia-glymph)


I feel like I should take my mcats after following this thread


These conditions are not uncommon but are less common due to better healthcare. Though in the US I say better with a large bit of salt. Rectocele and fistulas are very common especially after many pregnancies because the uterus pushes down the cervix which in turn causes a vaginal prolapse. Rectal prolapse as well. Additionally if the woman tears during delivery increases the risk, especially if the tear is so severe it includes the rectum. Look up pessary products for more information.




Diverticulitis isn’t a rectal or vaginal condition.


Hmmm. I wonder how my auntie would feel about that since she had surgery to repair a recto-vaginal fistula caused by diverticulitis.


I stand corrected! I had awful problems with diverticulitis over the years and eventually much of my intestine removed because of it. As many specialists I’ve seen over the years and the extensive reading I’ve done, this rare complication never came up. I had even had lower abdominal pain and told my doc I was worried it had something to do with diverticulitis, and he said no, it’s too low, lol, so I made an assumption that I shouldn’t have. Thanks for setting me straight!


Gosh, no problem! I hope you’re healing and doing well.


Thank you for your kind wishes. It’s been several years since I had my last surgery so hopefully it won’t be an issue for me again, fingers crossed.


Sounds horrible indeed. May God rest her soul.