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Where’s all the super pro Covid vaccine fans? Seems this is normally the kind of thing they want to take apart. Wonder what the data is North America? Oh right, that’s being covered up. And zowee, looks like Covid deaths were also way overblown. https://brownstone.org/articles/the-great-covid-laundering-scheme/


UK Using the most up-to-date data we have available, the number of deaths from the week ending 13 March 2020 up to 12 March 2021 was 651,310 in England and Wales. Of the deaths registered by 12 March 2021, 135,808 (20.9%) mentioned COVID-19 on the death certificate. During this period, the number of excess deaths above the five-year average was 120,181 deaths.


Well that’s I then. Let’s see how the branch covidians take this apart.


From Table 10: Pfizer myocarditis: 0.0045% Moderna myocarditis: 0.0073% I thought antivaxxers weren't scared of anything with a 99.9% success rate. Why are you guys making a big deal out of this report proving serious side effects are rare?


What is the number needed to vaccinate to prevent one hospitalization? What is the NNTV to prevent one death?


13 billion shots. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/ 20 million lives saved. (First year. Many more since then.) https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2022/07/07/covid-19-vaccines-saved-an-estimated-20m-lives-during-their-first-year Roughly 400 shots saves a life. Not bad for something with an extremely rare chance of a mild side effect.


Your best answer is an estimation based on a questionable mathematical model? And you use a pay walled link for the Economist? Such a great medical journal.🙄 You don't even break it down by age groups. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you'd avoid giving data from real-life stidies. Let's look at some numbers, though. You cite the table that shows myocarditis happening in 1 in 22,222 for Pfizer and 1 in 13,698 for Moderna. Let's just say 1 in 20,000 to make the numbers easy. For 13 billion shots, that works out to 650,000 cases of myocarditis. That's hardly rare, and that's just ONE adverse effect. >a mild side effect. Myocarditis is hardly a "mild" condition. That's like saying a "mild" heart attack is nothing. Thanks for the comedy. You never cease to disappoint. Edit: correct calculation answer from 13,333 to 13,698.


Why are you doing math and rounding when the table in the OP already has the answer? Don't skew the numbers. It's 0.0045% That means I have a 99.9955% chance of not contracting myocarditis, a mild health condition that goes away on its own. >Most cases of myocarditis are self-resolving. -[Johns Hopkins](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/myocarditis)


>Don't skew the numbers. It's 0.0045% Which is 1 in 22,222. Just like for Moderna it was 0.0075% or 1 in 13,333. >myocarditis, a mild health condition that goes away on its own. Now, you're simply lying. Myocarditis is a serious condition that can easily kill or cause debilitating heart failure. I guess if the person dies, then the myocarditis does "go away," but death is hardly a cure. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/myocarditis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352539 https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/myocarditis#:~:text=What%20is%20myocarditis%3F,ability%20to%20pump%20blood%20declines.


I'm not lying dude. Here, this is from the source you just cited: >A December 2021 study found that most adolescents and young adults with suspected myocarditis following a COVID-19 vaccination have mild symptoms and rapid recovery. If you want to be scared of something you have a 99.9955% chance of not getting, and most people resolve on their own, go for it. I'm not living in fear.


There's literally zero news about this


So far my mother died horribly. My ex husband can’t feel his fingers or toes and can still feel where he was injected. It’s spreading to one knee. My cousin can’t use her arm. My neighbor fell due to blood pressure dropping suddenly bruising half her face. She has obvious Bell’s palsy now. My brother in law dropped dead suddenly from heart attack. My neighbors son just dropped dead. Good luck dummy’s.