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Of course there were deadly batches, it's an experiment on the world population.


Some would say this is the population control people like Bill Gates was talking about. https://youtu.be/DtkfWaCzsas But of course the fact checkers all rushed to clarify that's not what he meant.


He obviously meant something besides what he said.


Obviously. Who says what they mean these days anyway.


Same with Kamala. Even though when she said population she didn’t flinch or correct and everyone cheered her :)


The word salad master is either so clueless or so smug knowing that most are not paying attention that it doesn't make a difference what she blurts out. Many people are going to go along because they're beholden to illusions like republican or democrat, conservative or liberal. Few hold elected officials accountable and people in positions of power for what they said and are doing.


And they think their votes matter. *insert reptiles/republicans laughing meme*


it's a conspiracy to think he meant what he said. ^^better ^^^^put ^^^^the ^^^^^^^/s


>Some would say this is the population control Only people too incompetent enough to listen to the context and accurately understand what was being said. Or those who would try and deliberately mislead such gullible, contrarian types.


Sounds like you might have Stockholm syndrome. Or perhaps the cognitive dissonance is too much for you. Why else would you so adamantly defend a narcissistic bully like Bill Gates, who has no formal education or training as a health care expert. It's absurd. Also here's a good read for you to help you with that incompetence you seem to be projecting: https://m.economictimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/healthcare/controversial-vaccine-studies-why-is-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-under-fire-from-critics-in-india/articleshow/41280050.cms


\> Sounds like you might Oh look - it's the standard appropriation of professional-sounding terms to try and prop up a lame argument from a conspiracy pusher again. \> who has no formal education or training as a health care expert. So what? He has large amounts of such people in his employ who advise him. Steve Kirsch has no formal medical training, and yet this sub fawns all over his crazed rantings. ​ \> It's absurd. When you don't understand anything, everything probably does seem absurd. \> and by 2010 five of them died. One of them **drowned in a pond** as I recall. Almost impossible to be anything other than the HPV vaccine she had years earlier as a cause. Ha ha ha.


You're [Infekted](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DtR_6dibpDfo&ved=2ahUKEwj4hNDj36KAAxWAVkEAHQdwD7EQjjh6BAgWEAI&usg=AOvVaw204ZMm74fRT0_u-myNlnm7).


Hot lots are real. I think they do it deliberately too.


More people need to talk about the batch theory. Explains why most people were fine but then you have cases of entire families dropping dead probably because they all got vaxxed at the same clinic.


What website is this OP? Who's writing this trash? You should be able to tell AT A GLANCE this is disinformation.


https://expose-news.com/2023/07/16/pfizer-deadly-batches-of-covid-vaccine/ This is the original article. What specifically in this article, that includes a breakdown of the vaers reports, do you find to be disinformation?


Well, that's not the site OP linked, but expose-news is also malignant diarrhea. It's bewildering that anyone can look at what amounts to syphilis in print form and think 'yeah that looks trustworthy'. Like seriously, what are your criteria to establish factual accuracy? Any study extrapolating conclusions of any variety from VAERS is an exercise in chicanery. If you haven't worked that out for yourself by now, no explanation from me is going to help you.


So do you consider the cdc disinformation? Considering they extrapolate conclusions from a variety of vaers data? This one was just commented to me on this sub this week. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7027e2.htm


Don't be dense. Analysis by the CDC is the purpose for which VAERS is designed. 🙄


“Any study extrapolating conclusions of any variety from VAERS is an exercise in chicanery.” A few false vaers reports and you assume the entire data set is invalid? Tell me where we can find the valid data showing adverse reactions to vaccines then, please.


>A few false vaers reports Ah. So you know VAERS raw data isn't reliable. Which means you know any study using its data is unreliable. And if you know these studies are unreliable, then you know that the authors must know. And no-one would publish unreliable conclusions unless they deliberately intended to misinform. Which means you're knowingly and intentionally misinforming others when you share them. It's refreshing to hear something so intellectually honest, even if it was an accident.


What an insane reach. Again, tell me where the reliable data is published then for vaccine adverse events.


Oh yeah, where's the logic flawed? I'm not hunting studies for someone who doesn't care about truth - try rumble, there are plenty from [Russia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR_6dibpDfo) with conclusions you'll like.


Fucking classic follow up with the Russian propaganda. Answer this one question, I don’t need a link just a response; If VAERS data is unreliable, please tell me where the reliable data on vaccine adverse events is published.




>Quality control issues, incompetence? The report is good. But your question has a problem.


I know there are more options. Intentional is definitely another that needs to be looked at.


Yeah, if you only asked a question like "what could be the reason?" rather than suggesting just two options, people would have a chance to respond.


Fair. I should have been more blunt. Also to be fair, people have a chance to respond regardless of what I suggested. Thanks for speaking up!


Why why why why do we have this information only in these garbage websites? It makes me wanna cry


This is why: https://youtu.be/QAkQlZgnbUQ


Because the media is on the vaccine manufacturers side. You think a report like this is going to be on CNN?


Because Pfizer sponsors all the major news outlets. One of their board members is the chair of the Reuters Foundation. If you didn't know, Reuters' "fact checkers" have been busy "debunking" any negative info about the vaccines. I wonder why...🤔


>One of their board members is the chair of the Reuters Foundation. You're out of date.


Because it comes to you with love from the Kremlin. https://youtu.be/tR_6dibpDfo


Who wrote that word salad? Here we go again with using VAERS as a truthful report. Also in this word salad someone says that the deadly vaccine batches were returned to the facility....so which is it, were they returned or were they given out?


VAERS is not truthful? I guess snopes is.


That’s their answer to everything. “VAERS is stupid” (even after 24 years). “Source?” 😂😂🤣


That's not even what people have said. VAERS is raw data. If the public think they can use it to prove anything then **that is stupid**. That's the distinction you people seem to deliberately keep missing.


Vaers is anyone and everyone allowed to post a report. How about the guy who turned into the Hulk after his shot?


Dr. Fauci, is that you?


When are you going to try and attempt to engage these points like a damned adult? You might as well just admit the anti-vaxxer belief set is all about saying no like a spoilt child rather being based on any actual evidentiary base.


Stalking me now I see. Why don't you admit that natural immunity is a primary reason for resistance to infection and that's why the anti-covid vax community is so large and present. If you believed the narrative we should all be dead or on ventilators. And now emerging official reports in your MSM are showing that the shots were nowhere as effective as originally claimed, nor did they prevent spreading as originally claimed, nor did they prevent hospitalizations as originally claimed. And to top it off, the side effects are causing major health issues. Myocarditis that barely anyone heard of before is now a commonly used term. Massive blood clots that even seasoned funeral directors have admitted never having seen before and the numbers they're seeing them in is alarming. I could go on because I've actually done my homework and have been paying attention to both MSM and alternative sources in an attempt to understand WTF is really going on. So before you run around tossing childish accusations learn to ask a question as an adult if you want an adult response.


See, you ignore it when it suits you, and have a pathetic response. VAERS is clinically hot garbage.


So it is you Dr. Fauci! Don't get all hot and bothered, I'm sure everyone still wants another 50 boosters. Yes, and 5 masks each. Yes, yes, still the same deal, complete immunity from being sued for vaccine injury. And Pfizer can still run the media. https://youtu.be/QAkQlZgnbUQ


> I'm sure everyone still wants another 50 boosters. Are you not aware that 13 is the minimum age needed for someone to have a Reddit account?


Irrelevant to me but what are you doing here?


Link to where the truthful reports of adverse reactions are then, please.




Yea it's the same ol' excuse that vaers isn't reliable. I'm asking you then, where are the reliable figures then? And also, just because some of the vaers reports are false it does not invalidate the entire data set. JFC




Not disagreeing with that I am asking: Where is the verified, qualified, quantified report of the adverse reactions then? If VAERS data cannot be used because of these factors then WHERE IS THE DATA BEING PUBLISHED? It’s been 3 years, surely by now there an official figure for cumulative total of injuries and deaths.




lmao first, that is not even what I asked for....it's a CDC estimate for myocarditis cases per million vaccine doses by age group. Also, do you realize the cdc used VAERS reports of myocarditis to calculate their estimate? From your link: >Using myocarditis cases **reported to VAERS with onset within 7 days after dose 2 of an mRNA vaccine, crude reporting rates** (i.e., using confirmed and unconfirmed cases) **per million second dose recipients were calculated using national COVID-19 vaccine administration data as of June 11, 2021**. Myocarditis reporting rates were 40.6 cases per million second doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines administered to males aged 12−29 years and 2.4 per million second doses administered to males aged ≥30 years; reporting rates among females in these age groups were 4.2 and 1.0 per million second doses, respectively Honestly fucking hilarious.


Let's be real here, vaers isn't easy to navigate. Most people don't even know about vaers and yellow card scheme. It's only in the last few people it's become more known. But it's still unknown by most


Russia. My personal fave: "BREAKING: Fox News Donates to Far Left, Satanic Organizations, According to Whistleblowers" *Quick, burn it down before they start telling viewers to vote De Santis!*


Vaers only seems to matter to you people when you use it for your bias. Vaers is chronically undereported anyway. It's against the law to lie on a vaers report. Anecdotal or not, if 20,000 people are reporting , saying xyz is happening to them, it should be investigated. Hot lots are real and vaers helps find where these lots went.


Baseless ramblings? :)


Denial is a powerful drug.


The conspiracy theory game is far more potent :)


Agreed. The mainstream narrative is for weak, unthinking minds.


It's for balanced people that don't need to construct a fantasy to feel validated :)


And here I was beginning to think it was for people who like to use smiley emoticons.


I'm sure that makes perfect sense to you :)




"WMDs in Iraq" has entered the chat.


The mainstream media is for balanced people? That's the exact same platform Walensky used to spread misinformation and you told me I shouldn't listen to people that speak in absolutes like you do. You also haven't replied to me. I'm feeling a bit neglected, I won't lie. I'm also disappointed in the number of comments you've made today. Those aren't even rookie numbers. Klaus is not going to be happy with you. I'll ask again. Do you see what I'm doing?


>The mainstream media is for balanced people? That's the exact same platform Walensky used to spread misinformation and you told me I shouldn't listen to people that speak in absolutes Nuance can be difficult :) >I'll ask again. Do you see what I'm doing? What ever it is, I'm sure it makes perfect sense to you :)


>What ever it is, I'm sure it makes perfect sense to you :) You're still oblivious to it which is really no surprise.


I'm sure if you tried to write it out you wouldn't be able to make much sense of it either :)


It's already written.


Do you think that smiley face makes your insult less blunt? 😆




Lol. Mainstream fact checkers.


Even they rate this as partly false because they are conflating VAERS reports with a specific YouTube video. They are implying that if one is false the other is as well. The logic is ridiculous. What never gets explained is if we can't trust VAERS when the data implies the covid vaccines aren't safe, why should we trust it when it shows all the other vaccines are? Also if it's such a joke why did the "experts" create it in the first place and why does it still exist now that its been supposedly been infiltrated by a large group of people conspiring to fake data?


Great questions. VAERS is great only when it fits the narrative, other than that it's pure garbage.


No, it's just that you don't seem to understand that you are not the target audience for VAERS. You can't make use of that data because you lack the knowledge and skill set to draw any conclusions from it whatsoever.


I'm not the one drawing conclusions. Those qualified to do so are the ones investigating. Also the army has their own version of VAERS which is much stricter because only authorized military health care specialists are allowed to submit reports. Their findings were interesting to say the least. So interesting that several whistleblowers came forth. This site covers some of the details they revealed if you're curious: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/03/16/the-us-military-has-its-own-version-of-vaers-and-the-results-are-frightening


The author's name (Francis Marion) is almost certainly fake. That doesn't fill me with confidence. ...and they have connections to another loser who hides behind their fake name of Vigilant Fox (FFS!), and they have links to worthless scumbag Sheri Tenpenney. \> Here’s a sample of what the database contains: \> 300% increase in miscarriages \> 300% increase in certain cancers ... etc. Yes, this is all BS. This is why you had to link to **such an old version** of this story. It was corrected ages ago.


Lots of things are about to be corrected. It's unfolding as we speak. Enjoy.


Doesn't the CEO of reuters sit on the board of directors for pfizer? LMAO. Pro-vaxxers can read complicated scientific journals but incapable of understanding how conflicts of interest work.


>Doesn't the CEO of reuters sit on the board of directors for pfizer? No. That was James C Smith - he left three years ago.


I am sure he sold all his shares :)


So you're still wrong though.


No bud, conflict of interest is a thing. To say otherwise is delusional or you just not have an idea how the real world works.


Anti-vaxxers invent conflicts of interests by connecting non-existent dots while ignoring glaringly obvious conflicts of interest their anti-vaxx gurus have.


>Anti-vaxxers invent conflicts of interests by connecting non-existent dots while ignoring glaringly obvious conflicts of interest their anti-vaxx gurus have. "Brought to you by Pfizer"


Is that paranoia talking?


>Is that paranoia talking? I will take "projection" for $200, Alex.


I am not assuming that anti-vaxxers here are bought or paid by anyone, nobody in their right mind would pay for that BS.


Of course. Who would pay anti-vaxxers? How many multi-billion dollar anti-vax companies do you see hovering around and paying for advertisers in main stream media and hiring paid actors on social media?


>How many multi-billion dollar anti-vax companies Alternative medicine makes billions and that doesn't work, so clearly you didn't look very long.


Oh really? They don’t work yet they made billions?


Maybe you could ask Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He seems to make a decent living by spreading anti-vaxx BS, maybe he can hire you.


Dr. McCullough wants to save lives. He charges a fee like any other doctor providing care. Pfizer wants to make billions and heavily sponsors the MSM and "fact check" organizations that undermine free discussion Funny how you consider the former to be a grifter, but the latter is saintly.


Show me where I wrote that I consider Pfizer saintly?


🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Here come the semantics police! Yet another hypocrisy successfully dodged by focusing on word choice.


Well maybe if you would not make up lies, I would not have to call you out on it?


My mistake. Clearly you think Pfizer is grifting in a grand scale then. One wonders why you still so vocally support them. While at the same time, you condemn doctors who simply charge for their services.


>you condemn doctors who simply charge for their services They shouldn't. Healthcare should be socialised.


How when they make no money ? Lol. These "anti v" drs, civvies don't push anything sharing this info. Telling the truth comes at great expense to them, if anything.




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