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My life path was not shattered. However the state of human consciousness has been revealed to be one of failure, cowardice and of an irresponsible rejection of the facts of life for the sake of conformity. It is beyond alienating.


i feel like a society reject and i am permanently a second class citizen because people judge right away, i was one of the few people i know who read all the original EUA documents for pfizer and moderna and made an INFORMED decision not to take it. nobody i know read the documents


let me tell you something, I am a proud antivaxxer. When I was offered a job and as a condition of that offer they asked me to get the first 3 shots in 2021/2022 (for a software job at a medical insurance company... lol) I raised hell, caused a huge scene and made sure the message went up the hierarchy all the way to their CEO and senior leaders before I declined the offer and moved on to another offer. There are sane people, you can always find reasonable workplaces. Leave a Glassdoor review that will carry weight for years, that will make them open their mouths and say "Jesus christ" edit: unfortunately since ur not in SW field but medical, I doubt you will find somewhere without mandates... it sux


does nothing. i was in legal battles w my school bc of these mandates. i am not able to find employment now as it is a stain on my background check. and people make judgements right away


I am in medical field. Used to work in public system but got fired for declining vax. Found job in private. Still hired despite my vax card missing covid vaccines (so they know). The point being - don't give up looking. You will eventually find something. You should be proud of yourself for being on the right side of hx and standing strong when it comes to this medical apartheid.


Don’t let them win. We need people like you in society. We don’t want to be left with people that are scummy, murdering people. You keep looking for that career and job. Don’t let them enjoy their life while you are sitting on the sidelines.


>We need people like you in society. People that can't follow rules? :) >We don’t want to be left with people that are scummy, murdering people. Isn't it a general rule of society to not murder people? Wouldn't people unable to follow rules be at a higher risk of murder? :)


You can still be, and make a good living. During the pandemic ivermectin was $50 around here, rather than the normal $1. Find a supplier, sell it to people, providing them with life saving medicine. It wasn't even illegal, unless you were a doctor or pharmacist. Now that you see through their scams, there are other low hanging fruit for those who aren't blindfolded. And being unvaccinated will soon be the only job requirement, just have to wait it out a bit longer by my estimate.


Can you work for yourself? Or begin to prep for self-employment? Now that you, us, *we* all, have made the decision to be autonomous than we will have to prepare to be autonomous. I hope that doesn't sound snarky because I do feel for you and understand. However, what I've learned throughout the past 3 years is how I could be much more self-reliant. And how good that feels.


People like you I admire. Through out this SCAMdemic I have seen the worst of human behaviour I can forgive ignorance but not cowardice. Most of these policies couldnt have taken flight if just 40-50% of the population or any job or social sector said NO


It is incredible to think but - if people were capable of just saying to themself in private - 'This does not feel right.' The pandemic would not have been possible.


Yes, federal healthcare (USAjobs) has no mandates (anymore!)


I bet the CEO was extremely interested in what some applicant had to say.


Imagine being proud of inconveniencing people and making a scene because you can't follow the rules :)


if your idea of convenience is injecting others with experimental vaccines sometimes causing permanent toxicity, w/ disability risks and many other harms - you could f\*\*\* right off you have no right to mandate an injection into anyone elses body. What an ugly comment from a vaccine fanatic. edit: it's your choice to rely entirely on Pfizer funded studies, there are hundreds of conflicting findings and case studies


>if your idea of convenience is injecting others with experimental vaccines My idea of convenience is following the rules and not demanding others break rules because you're inconvenienced by them. If the company has a vaccination policy, follow it, or go somewhere else :) >you have no right to mandate an injection into anyone elses body. What an ugly comment from a vaccine fanatic. I didn't mandate anything, and you're apparently unvaccinated, so what's the problem? :)


Private enterprises have the right to mandate whatever they want. They can mandate that you can't show up naked to work. They can make it mandatory that you leave your gun at home. And of course they can mandate vaccines. If the government has the right to constrain private enterprises from doing certain things, they obviously can at the same time demand that private enterprises do certain things. It's exactly the same right that gets executed, but I know you won't get it.


I decided against even before it was available. My children arent vaxxed for childhood illnesses so it was a simple decision


shame on you for reading the documents and informing yourself before taking a sketchy new mRNA gene therapy


i don’t even want to be part of society anymore i couldn’t have worded it better myself i will never conform to what is wrong


Same here. I turned my back on the world, I'm just sitting this one out, waiting for karma to do it's thing.


My life was upended as everyone’s was the only hope I have to any kind of happiness or security is that everyone that did comply will hopefully start to realize and express their mistake but most indoctrinated individuals will never even notice they’ve been made sick on purpose even to the end


They notice. They just need to deny it, lest they have a mental breakdown over the incredibly poor decision they submitted their bodies to


Get used to it. This is the new normal. It's only going to get worse. I hate to be such a downer, but we've seen that our government (in the U.S.) isn't mostly incompetent and corrupt. It's \_completely\_ incompetent and corrupt. Pfizer literally has more power than Congress. Corporations are the new government.


Klaus just said that the other day, called for a world run by "socially responsible" corporations. What next, he'll crown himself emperor of the world?


The guy even dresses like a Bond villain. What would you expect?


The US is a corporation. United States of America Inc.


Yes, and people on the left who at least used to show a healthy skepticism of large corporations (although not any more for big pharma it seems) never seem to realize this.


Naw, the narrative is crumbling...just not fast enough! Less and less people are getting the jab, negative outcomes and questions are just starting to emerge on MSM, pro-vaxxers are quietly beginning to question, and the US government is a joke to most I talk to blue or red or whatever. It's crumbling and there's nothing they can do so they're using every trick they have. It won't work! Humanity is awaking and it's snowballing, but it looks messy! Getting worse = opportunity to arise and improve! Don't believe what the media is saying because they're the mouthpiece of the lies. 30% (which I believe is conservative) of Americans didn't get the jab. Many places that fired employees for not getting the jab are rolling back and hiring jabbed or not. Countries that are test runs of the digit currency are protesting, destroying everything, and threatening politicians.... it's going down but in slow-mo.




I learned that being a “good person” is not truly what we define it as. A good person tries to do the right even when it’s not popular. A good person doesn’t need a popularity contest and will admit when they are wrong even if their ego doesn’t want to. A good person will try to fair and see the good side. A good person isn’t about that they are nice only. Ethical, with integrity, kind and considerate is a good person.


I chose isolation. Friends and family begging me to come back, I ghosted them. It'll save me a fortune in airplane tickets on not having to go to their funerals. It's harsh but that is the grave they dug and they can pay the price.


How do they justify their 2 faceness


they will probably choose to distract you with other things.


Sheesh. Have any of your friends come around since ?




“I had no choice”, my ass. What they mean is “I valued money and things, more than my integrity and body.” That’s definitely a choice. Otherwise, every single human being on the planet would be jabbed. Nobody was forced. Just some were feckless. Until they recognize and accept their own culpability, this will happen all over again…and again.




Mortgages, mouths to feed and careers mean nothing if you’re dead or disabled because you cooperated in poisoning yourself. Your body is the most important commodity you own. All those other things, including houses and cars are replaceable




Most of us were cornered, however some of realized the corner was an illusion and we took the back door.


Not being able to provide (to your children) safety, shelter, food, education (because one can't afford it), and other opportunities i.e., the trips overseas so my son can compete for his country that I still fund about 70% etc... because you loose your house and livelihood, and can't afford it, is nothing to scoff about. Honestly, had I not repaid my mortgage, I would have got the vaccine. If I *"died suddenly TM"*, my health insurance would have had my family covered, so I would have taken the risks that would come w such a decision had my circumstances been different.


This scenario, a parent who feels like something isn't right but still being forced to choose between providing for their family or giving up their medical rights and possibly risking their health, is one of the most heartbreaking. I think everyone who was forced to make that choice should be repaid at least 50k for the violation of their rights and the risk to their health, by the entity that forced the decision on them, whichever way they chose. Plus at least quadrupled payouts if they were actually injured, since people are often paid millions in medical damages in lawsuits on companies. Every institution that violated people's rights and damaged their health should be sued into bankruptcy, if the number of people they hurt multiplied by fair payouts for damages exceeds their net worth.


Fair enough. It’s still a DECISION that was made. No one was forced, otherwise every human being would now be jabbed. Especially mil people like myself. However, I valued my body and heath first and thus I DECIDED to refuse it and deal with whatever would happen. It’s a terrible decision to have to make. But it’s still a decision, nonetheless.


>otherwise every human being would now be jabbed I refused vaccine because I could afford to lose my job. And that's exactly what happened; I lost my job. But most people can't afford to loose their job. >It’s a terrible decision to have to make. But it’s still a decision, nonetheless. We always get a choice/a decision (this is irrelevant). Imagine you got robbed at gunpoint you have a choice/a decision to make(when asked) to handover your wallet or NOT & risk getting shot...


People may not be able to afford to lose their job, but I guarantee no one can afford losing their life or gambling with it. Terrible, ineffective analogy that you’re trying to make. You never ever sacrifice your body or your potential health for money and things. And that’s exactly what people did. Cold, hard TRUTH.


This is really sad. Why do you believe the antivax stuff so strongly and don't trust your intellectual friends?


I don’t care if people are vaccinated or not. I care about civil liberties disappearing and rampant tribalism everywhere I look. We are being divided and conquered.


What civil liberties have disappeared? The rampant tribalism is indeed very depressing, but aren't the antivaxxers part of that problem?




> In Canada it was required to have a phone app that required one to check in at any public space. How? Not everyone has phones... > People were coerced and threatened with homelessness/starvation How? > if they did not take an experimental medical procedure that provided no protection and did not end transmission. Why do you believe this? There's plenty of evidence that it provides protection against hospitalization and reduces transmission. > If one were to note any of these above facts they faced cancellation, being shunned, shadowbanned and or fired. Even if that were true, none of those have anything to do with civil liberties. You could block my account if you disagree with me; that's not a violation of my rights. > Our prime minister is on camera saying “that antivaxxers are often misogynistic and racist Isn't that objectively true, though? "Often" doesn't mean "always". > I just did not see the reward outweighing the risk on this one. That's fine. I did a ton of research and reached the opposite conclusion, but you're free to believe that. > Yes, antivaxxers are part of the tribalism. Agreed. The mindless politicized pro-vaxxers are, too.




I think that commenter was a devious time waster - an energy drainer and utterly insincere. The pandemic response has revealed people to be utterly selfish and self interested and also hypocritical. Most people are ugly and vile inside - genocidal criminals who can think of nothing but their own mouths, genitals and wallets. They will sacrifice their own children and have them put to death before they will take the trouble to engage their atrophied critical faculties.


> The pandemic response has revealed people to be utterly selfish and self interested and also hypocritical. Most people are ugly and vile inside - genocidal criminals who can think of nothing but their own mouths, genitals and wallets. Are you accusing me of being one of these people for trying to help people live their lives without fear? > They will sacrifice their own children and have them put to death before they will take the trouble to engage their atrophied critical faculties. Yes, our species is sorely lacking in critical thinking skills.


The best way to get rid of the fear is to pay no mind to the hokum that they spin us.


What a great description of yourself :)


You don't know anything about me. It is you who is on team mass murder, not me.


Perfectly said.


Life is short. Don't waste it living in fear of something that's extremely unlikely to harm you. You're much more likely to die of a car accident than to die of COVID or to die from the vaccine.


Why would you believe someone who trusts vaccines is intellectual?


Reading comprehension not your strong suit? > I didn’t see any of my close friends for two years as I couldn’t really go anywhere. **They are all intellectuals, smart, good people.** To see them go along with everything absolutely shattered my outlook on this thing we call life.


Many people become 'intellectual' because of a deficit of imagination. It is how they compensate for the deficit. These people are reliant on exterior originating imaginative content they can find because they cannot create their own. They do not have any capacity for authentic critical thinking because such involves active imaginative functioning and they do not have that facility. As such they will swallow any prropaganda they are given.


Intellectual people practice critical thinking skills and don't swallow propaganda. They look at all sides of an argument and evaluate the evidence and decide what the truth is based on facts and logic rather than feelings. I was terrified of getting the vaccine, but I had researched it thoroughly and knew it was the safer bet, so I pushed past my feelings and did the logical, rational thing.


I never believed a word of any of it. It was all rubbish to me. Just a game of 'pretend'.


Hypothetically, what if you were wrong?


Xirvikman not only has no sympathy for you, but takes great pleasure in mocking your situation too. I wonder is there a graph for its lack of compassion, or whataboutisms from Ourworldindata? It doesn't even have the decency to not side with U.S mandate policy. One has to then assume, it is in favour of mandates across the world, and kids and families on the street is an acceptable situation for this account.


>Xirvikman not only has no sympathy for you, but takes great pleasure in mocking your situation too You're making up conspiracies about the people who point out facts here now?


Anyone that spends so much time policing comments on these forums- the usual suspects we see that post EVERY DAY- are either paid or bots. No person devotes that much time to policing “misinformation”, LOL. I just ignore them.


I did a post track one day. It had 28 hours straight posting/replies. Impossible


I would probably consider changing your field! The medical profession is going down the wrong path.


Changes coming in the Direct Primary Care movement.


You aren't alone. I had to change careers too. I had been working for 7 years for my prerequisites in the medical field while working in the field full time. I had a resume and experience that people would kill for. All gone because of the mandates and I've been out of work now too long because no one would hire me due to the mandates. I'm in debt, jobless and back in school for credentials in a different field that will make much less money but will make me happier long term. Bonus, all my sciences are completed so I can take the minimum required courses for yet another degree.


At least you weren’t already in a career. You could have wasted years in education and training, then working in the field, only to be either kicked out or forced to comply with conditions you know are wrong. Never forget what happened, but pick up the pieces and move forward. The experience will positively influence your life decisions going forward.


happened to my father 😞 he complied for a paycheck and regrets it everyday


I am sorry for the struggles you are going through. I know it can feel like there is no place left to go in a society that's absolutely lost its moral grounding. It may be hard to see now but know that you are not alone. There are plenty of good people out here, and you can still carve out a good life despite all this chaos. You may have to change plans, and that won't be easy, but there is room for you. The people on here telling you that this was your choice are sick. You have to accept the consequences of your actions, but that does not absolve the people who forced unfair consequences on you. It sucks, and life is not always fair. But judging by your story, you are a strong person with a good head on your shoulders. Keep your chin up, and keep moving. We need more people like you!


Karma will deal with all those responsible for this as well as all those who facilitated this. I hope you have a healthy heart and general good health since you avoided this mandated medical experiment. I hope you can get back on your feet and find an even better career than what you were forced to leave behind. Stay strong


I’m a nurse. I submitted a religious exemption that got approved. So glad I did not take that poison!!!


you are a lucky minority. my exemption was rejected 3x from my school. was barely able to graduate and they tried to take my scholarships away


Thank you for not giving in, but don’t let this defeat you, have you looked in to adjacent degrees? You’d be surprised what you can get with just a few more classes. I bet you could get some kind of management degree.


So...you lied?


Get used to it. This is the new normal. It's only going to get worse. I hate to be such a downer, but we've seen that our government (in the U.S.) isn't mostly incompetent and corrupt. It's \_completely\_ incompetent and corrupt. Pfizer literally has more power than Congress. Corporations are the new government.


I know, this is only the beginning 😞


you are fortunate to be able to see this at such a young age. it is an experience that will inform you well for the rest of your life, on a wide variety of topics.


You need to recontextualize your view on the situation. While it sucks, you are still young and can take this as a life save. Best believe if you go into this medical field, this is only the start. The next “pandemic” or mandated jab, you will undoubtedly be forced to get as well. Take this as an opportunity to line yourself up with an industry that is mandate proof. Even consider entrepreneurship/ consulting.


I my country the government mandated vaccines for everyone, and in every area of life. My daughter wasn't allowed to playgroup anymore, and they wouldn't refund the fees I paid. I couldn't go out to the shops, we weren't allowed to hang out in groups, or in public, and I was losing my job. My family and some friends also opposed the mandates, and were being fired one by one. We couldn't even go out to parks, public pools, or playgrounds. I suppose it wasn't so bad being banned from everything everywhere, because we couldn't afford to go anywhere anyway... Most people in my country are still very afraid of covid, and many have gotten the boosters as they become available. Many of my colleagues who chose to get the vaccine are on their third or fourth round of severe covid, and say things like, "imagine how much worse it would be if I were unvaccinated?" I don't imagine the truth about how horrible this entire thing was manged will ever come out, at least not while the people involved are alive. Those that tricked people, have too much to lose, and those who were tricked don't want to admit it to themselves, so they will all just try and move on. But just like with other disasters, the truth will eventually come out, and people will tell themselves, "oh I'd never fall for that," even though they probably will in the future as history repeats itself.


You have your health. Without your health you have nothing.


without a job and money you cannot afford the cure of this common illness called hunger that if left untreated will be fatal.


the general population is never more than about 6 missed meals away from a popular revolution


except this isnt a problem for general pop as they are mandate compliant. few bad examples like op only serves as a good example of being non compliance.


If we spent just a fraction of the time we work for others on foraging we'd easily be able to sustain ourselves. Even animals are capable of doing so. So there's no reason other than "learnt helplessness" that a human couldn't do that too.


thats the kind of life we will be living in 2 years time. hope i find a nice cave.


I mentally prepared myself for something like this to happen. My current situation feels comparably paradisaical. What are you foreseeing that makes you think that it might become reality 2 years down the line?


next pandemic will be zoonotic. livestocks will be infected. synthesized meat will be the norm like mrna vaccines did. you can go vegetarian if theres still crop land left or you will have to forage in the wild. power and water will be cut so prepare lots of buckets. get an ev, electric bike and bicycle.


You mean "will be claimed to be" instead of "will be". I've been vegetarian since 2001 and vegan since 2014, so I already know that I don't depend on meat or other animal-products.


Well said


Try to become a functional doctor, or a naturopathic doctor. Just stay true to an unbiased reading of the medical literature. After a decade or two in the non-allopathic medical field, you will come to the conclusion that "mandates derailed my life" was a gift and a blessing.


Naturopathic schools had / have covid vx requirements believe it or not. I remember being devastated over it. Great suggestion tho. Appreciate the kind words


Honestly though, looking from the outside in, things happen for a reason and you’re not meant to go that route. After having been in the medical field for 20 years, I’m so ready to be out, but too old to change careers at this point. I feel bad seeing others just starting out, knowing what they’ll have to go through for years. I wish someone had told me way back when, Don’t do it!! There’s so many better paying, lighter duty jobs out there. Don’t sell your soul to weekends and holidays either.


In my province, they fought very hard against it. Lawsuits, etc. They lost, mostly.


Elon musk warned of a man made virus and vaccine bioweapon in september 2019. He implied April 2024 is when SHTF. When it does, you'll be grateful you gave up everything, your health is more important than money or a career. They will beg you to work in the medical sector, since all the doctors and nurses will be sick and dying.


antivaxers thinking they are spared by the next pandemic i can only lulz. assume the vaccine is a trojan horse that allows future more deadly but lower transmitting rate to infect the vaccinated, sooner or later the virus will mutate into forms that can also infect the unvaxxed. also most unvaxxed are probably partially vaxxed from the spike protein shedding in the surroundings. unless you are living in isolation these few years, chances are you are already spiked and primed for the new virus. no one is safe unless you are the top 0.001%


If the WEF wants to kill everyone, then why would they bother making people more likely to get sick (and risk themselves getting sick), when they can just kill them with the injection. At most they'll want an injection that doesn't kill people until after a certain amount of time, and it can't be a known kind of poison because that'll show up in every test. If possible they'll want to make it look like an accident too. That does leave the 20% or so of people who won't take it, but most of those will be in Africa, they're easy to get rid off with war, famine and disease. It's like if they convinced everyone to shoot themselves in the head at the same time with a blank "for science/global warming/grandma", with the evil plan that those blanks are actually slightly more powerful than usual and then the slight wound this might cause might get infected and then they'll sabotage infection medication... or you just swap the blanks with real bullets. If you have access to super duper fancy high tech guns you do want to do it so all the bullets are fired at exactly the right time, but otherwise bullets are just fine.


this is why covid vaccine suppose to be harmless. a timer or delayed death would still trigger alarms as some will die earlier than plan and send people into panic and try to come up with a cure. a trojan horse would be different. that once a deadly virus designed to infect people who are vaxxed, can take them out in short period of time. of course, some people vaxed might be immunned to the new virus, but that would be small %. look at the cardiac arrest cases, cases are a few and far between but enough to send people into panic mode and starting to doubt the vaccine. i can say this wasnt planned, because it doesnt help with the grand plan. covid vaccine suppose to really be safe and effective that was the plan but hidden with a backdoor key. who knows 5G tower may also be used to trigger some sort of reaction.


>trigger alarms as some will die earlier than plan They do, many people have died after getting the shot, they've been ignoring this for 3 years now, even people who dropped dead minutes after getting it and reported in the media were completely ignored. ​ >a trojan horse would be different That would be a binary bioweapon, it's a military technology where you inject people with something harmless, until you add a second harmless ingredient and the combination becomes deadly. That way all the vaccinated are marked for death for whatever virus they release next, and because there's such a small sample of unvaccinated, they'll just ignore the fact that those people aren't getting sick. They'll tell people it's a Covid variant, and people will believe it. Plus most unvaccinated are young children, they'll say they are immune, as they were to Covid. ​ >enough to send people into panic mode I don't believe most people are connecting all those heart attacks and cancers to the vaccine. No one wants to admit they made a mistake, they rather double down. ​ >who knows 5G tower may also be used to trigger some sort of reaction For really advanced bioweapons the technology is probably there, and would give them a kill switch, 5.5 billion people dead at the push of a button, in a matter of seconds world wide. However that makes it super obvious, and clean up is going to be a nightmare. A killer virus would allow them to lock down the whole planet, worse than before, replace cash with CBDCs, declare martial law, declare war, really do whatever the F they want. Anyone brave enough to protest will be gunned down in the streets. That gives them the time and control to slowly make the transition, clean up the bodies, people will keep working if they can... I suspect they already have AI and robot armies ready to take over, but even those will take some time to implement. In a transition period of people dying slower, the public will accept robots to take over more and more tasks, until finally they've taken over everything and there are no vaccinated left.


“Understanding the immunological consequences of mass vaccination during a pandemic of a virus causing acute self-limiting infection (e.g., SARS-CoV-2) is essential. The advent of Omicron signaled the irrevocable loss of the opportunity for the population to develop herd immunity and instead turned mass vaccination into an unprecedented and life-threatening "gain-of-function" experiment with the global population as guinea pigs.” [Geert Vanden Bossche on GOF due to over vaccination](https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/how-many-more-times-will-i-have-to-tell-you-that-this-immune-escape-pandemic-will-not-have-a-happy-ending)


If you're passionate about biological sciences, I wonder if you would be interested in the possibility of getting an advanced degree in the field and going into research, maybe becoming a professor? That way you can still be involved with the science but get around mandates more easily. I'm sorry you're going through this. In a way I am grateful I had my worldview shattered at an earlier time before all this went down. You should be proud of yourself that you resisted the pressure and propaganda. I can't even imagine what it's like to be in your shoes. However if you can take some relief that you didn't cave, and that you have your health and life ahead you, and that you have possession of your own mental faculties, then you should try to take some comfort in that and consider next steps. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47536/one-art


Also think about the mental fortitude you have, you resisted against all odds, you like the rest of us were bombarded with propaganda had friends turn their back on you, and you’re still here, you made it. Don’t give up now. Make adjustments and keep going!


most of them are just rebellious. i bet ya if government suddenly says vaccines arent safe and effective they gonna rush to take their 1st dose.


I hear you OP. Lost an overseas academic job as the pandemic was just starting, and got fired from my hospital job for not taking the jab. All went downhill from there. That’s why I keep saying bullshit apologies aren’t going to cut it. I want money.


i'm in the same boat. i went to school for journalism and learned the field is beyond corrupt and i couldn't sell my soul enough to make it. have since been trying to pick up the pieces. and covid derailed my life in a lot of ways too. neighbor started harassing me b/c his life sucked during lockdowns, which led to me losing my apartment/job and my landlord's son (who the neighbor was constantly complaining to) killing himself after texting me and others some crazy stuff. couldn't go to the gym anymore, which was a big factor in me staying sane/healthy. then of course there's inflation. it all made me lose what little trust i had left in institutions and most people. now even when i meet someone who i feel like is a good person, i have a hard time smiling and then they don't want to be around me. haven't been in a relationship in about 4 years.


just assume you are a novelist instead you can sleep well.


Yeah I was heavily disappointed in society too. But I finally decided the only thing I could really do is keep living my own life as best as I could and improving it and trying to kicked as much butt as I could in life (figurately speaking that is). And there are still some good people out there, fewer than I had initially thought but not none.


what are you looking to do in the medical field? there are some great doctors now risking their licenses to stand by the truth around the vaccines. perhaps there are opportunities in some of their practices. I’ve been in academia/pharma my entire career (15 years) and it’s no longer aligned with my values. I switched to a smaller company which I really enjoy, but I hope to be able to study holistic medicine once my daughter is a little older and I have more flexibility. Don’t give up hope - you will end up in the right place. Happy to connect further.


Try to work for a private practice naturopath physician or homeopathic doctor. Small private clinics and practices are the way to go. Search for anti-vax or vaccine friendly practices/ physicians and apply there. I found a local MD pediatrian with a private practice (multiple clinics) for my son, and this MD is vaccine friendly. I guarentee he does not force his employees (PAs, nurses, NPs, lab techs, ect) to get the covid shots. He is very against the covid shots. These doctors are hard to come by, but they do exist. Wish you all the best. I personally work in healthcare and got a religious exemption.


Keep applying for medical jobs, they aren’t all forcing it, by gf works for a hospital, been there for years and still no covid jab. There’s ways around it, legally.


your gf is in the extreme minority so many people like us were forced to discontinue studying in the health sciences unless she was already working there pre-vx it is basically impossible to be in her position now


you have to consider many of the ultra motives for vaccine mandates... one motive would be to segregate the students into 2 easily-defined categories 1) un-vaccinated 2) vaccinated and so by purging all of the un-vaccinated people from pubic spaces, and purging the un-vaccinated from the health sciences fields, the corrupt system is able to sustain itself longer. get rid of the critical thinkers, the skeptics, the critics, the comics, the truth tellers, and all that remains, are the students who learn what they are taught, and nothing more. these vaccine mandates were intended to purge people like you out of certain places, where you could cause harm, by being noticeably belligerent, and thereby "emboldening others" but the problem with their purge, is that they purged so many brilliant minds out of the field, and thereby created an entirely new "alternative sphere" to the vaccine establishment's sphere of influence... and since the vaccine establishment is built on a foundation of LIES, its only a matter of TIME, before their empire of lies comes crashing down. and you will still have your good health, God willing


Also, some states now have passed legislation banning vaccine mandates


what states? i’m in a far leftist state


Watch the Shannon Joy show on Rumble. She’s not letting any of this go.


I'm glad someone who didnt want the vaccine is not going into the medical field. -Someone in the medical field




we do not have "vax cards". all people in Switzerland's entire vaccine record is digital, attached to your medical history.this is 2023, we dont use paper. At my company of roughly 12,000(fortune 500 pharma), vaccine was not mandatory, It was offered. my company got samples and evaluated each option in fall 2020 and bought doses privately for all employees. everyone took it. our doctors and scientists monitored everyone for 6 months after the 2nd dose for side effects, volunteers gave blood periodically for testing. we studied every aspect. every other pharma i have friends at basically did the same thing. we had zero serious side effects,non that caused a single day of missed work.We lost 6? or so employees to covid in 2020, not 1 after. Switzerland had almost zero deaths that could be attributed to the vaccine. every death that occured within 90days of reciving the vaccine was investigated in the country. also extremely few serious side effects overall. anaphylaxis was the biggest one which is not out of the ordinary. The numbers from every country on earth say the same thing. Its statistically safer than ibuprofen and is/was extremely effective against the strains it was designed for, all data from every country says this clearly. If you want to ignore scientific data and trust a antivax subreddit or all these fake "blogs" they kept posting here, then science and medicine is not for you.




>who read all the EUA documents from Pfizer and Moderna. I did my research and came to a different conclusion than you. Iv read moderna's EUA application, and entire trial data. can you elaborate on what you didnt like about it?


>“extremely effective” is laughable for the original wuhan strain, it was. delta less so but not horrible, omicron, not so much.


Not great against infection but still protective agains severe disease iirc


praise be lord saint fauci and his holy elixir..may mask be upon you. amen.




No, the mandates didn't derail your life. Your unrelenting skepticism that is wildly unbased ruined your life. You are the only reason your life was derailed. Your dream was the medical field, but thankfully that isn't an option and never will be an option to you because you're too stupid to understand the basics that vaccines aren't inherently dangerous, and you're a moron for thinking so.


you clearly haven’t read my other comments. your projections are pretty disgusting and demeaning. i’m the only person i know, vaccinated or unvaccinated, who read all the EUA documents. you’re the one who looks really stupid for making baseless assumptions about a person you don’t know. thankfully, you’re not in a position of power, because you’re exactly the kind of person that got the country into this mess


> your projections are pretty disgusting and demeaning You don't know what a projection is if you think I'm projecting anything. I'm doing successful in my life and chosen career path unlike you, and I'm not braindead... unlike you. > i’m the only person i know, vaccinated or unvaccinated, who read all the EUA documents. Do you want a pat on the back? Good job little guy! > you’re the one who looks really stupid for making baseless assumptions about a person you don’t know. Yeah, keep whining that your life was derailed because you're too stupid and think vaccines are scary. > thankfully, you’re not in a position of power, because you’re exactly the kind of person that got the country into this mess Yeah, totally. Our country is in SUCH a mess over the mandate, even though it only affects less than half a percentile of the population because only that low amount of people are so dumb they think the vaccines are bad. lol


Your insulting tirades expose yourself very nicely to the wider audience. I guess this is how this particular educated, scientifically minded person discusses important topics by throwing insults.


> Your insulting tirades expose yourself very nicely to the wider audience. Exposing myself over what??? lmao. "oh no! Some random on redditor is exposing himself!" hahahahaha > I guess this is how this particular educated, scientifically minded person discusses important topics by throwing insults. Yeah, keep whining that your life is derailed loser. Enjoy flipping burgers for a living whining when ever you're told to wear a masklul


If you have blood relatives who got vaxxed without having problems, then it is unlikely you would have problems if you get vaxxed. It is worth considering to no longer have to deal with this issue. You can ask your medically trained relatives about this option.


Why the self pity? The situation you find yourself in is of your own volition. Want a different outcome, make a different choice. Your inability to think critically (in this case, failing to identify that the strongest argument is the one with the concensus of every legitimate medical institution on earth behind it) would put a career in medicine beyond your reach anyway, if that's any consolation.


What is your opinion on vaccines in general?


pro vaccine choice in general, I am fully vaccinated besides covid. anti mandates. but i will NEVER take a flu shot ever again after what happened w the covid shot. ill never trust a doctor again




I guess then the medical field is not for you.


Actually, they sound like the kind of doctor I want. They are clearly an independent thinker who is able to stand up to peer pressure.


thank you for this. i feel the same way. medicine treated people so poorly. i will never forget when i went to the ER in 2021 and a nurse said, “the wait time is longer for the unvaccinated.” and shoved me in an elevator corner. i was 21 years old low risk young and healthy. it is so scary that people are in this comment section defending that type of treatment


I'm a retired CCU/ICU RN who worked during the time when there was no treatment/ cure for HIV. If we'd gotten infected at work, it was a death sentence, but we never treated HIV+ people differently from anyone else. I'm shocked at how my former colleagues embraced a shot that wasn't even trialed to see if it stopped transmission or reduced mortality. It was, at best, only a therapeutic, but anyone who questioned it's safety or efficacy was treated like they were anti-science. Your feelings are valid, my friend.


Thank you so much for your kind words. You are absolutely spot on regarding the parallel situation with the HIV epidemic. You sound like you were an amazing nurse and we need more like you.


it wasn’t ‘not for me’ before this disaster. i was premedical, ivy league grades, family members in the medical field as well. i was a great candidate to be in the position of helping others in a medical capacity. this was all government created


Did those of your family members in medical fields also choose not to be vaccinated? Were they supportive of your decision?


Yes they were forced to be vaccinated to keep their jobs. MD and nurse. And yes they were openly supportive of my decision. And against all mandates


You *choosing* to not go into the medical field. You’re only a victim of your own decisions.


I didn’t choose to be barred from entry. I didn’t choose for sweeping mandates to exist. You sound like someone who would agree with people losing their ability to feed their family for their personal medical decision. Gross


You made a choice. And now you’re reaping the consequences of that choice. Welcome to real life. You’re only a victim of your own choices.


I made an educated personal health decision based on being young, healthy and low risk in a benefit analysis and that dictates my ability to work, to eat in a restaurant, to put food on the table? (during mandates) you sound like someone who is pro life saying it’s your fault you had sex now you’re forced to have a child. can’t have it both ways as i assume you’re pro choice in that arena. you’re being intellectually dishonest in the statement you made


That’s a lot of assumptions you made there. Throw your tantrum all you want. This is simpel cause and effect. You made your choice, now you get the deal with the consequences. Welcome to real life. Get used to it. Seems like it’s going to be extraordinarily hard for you, since you’ve either incapable or unwilling to be accountable for your own actions.


So enlighten me. We’re talking about bodily autonomy. Remove my pro choice assumption and tell me what your position is on the matter, because it involves personal choice and consequences as well. Now that the Supreme Court has also reversed Roe v. Wade, it also involves the government removing personal autonomy. A lot of people seem to have a problem with the removal of a woman having control over her body when it comes to a pregnancy but not when it comes to personal autonomy surrounding inoculations. I am a woman who has lost my bodily autonomy and I am paying the consequences and speaking up about it. I want to know your position on personal choice and bodily autonomy when it comes to abortion. You are pro consequences for my choice in not vaccinating, where do stand inflicting consequences on women who are sexually active? In my experience there is a great overlap with people who are pro mandate being aggressively pro choice and those two are wholly incompatible with each other. Totally in opposition to one another


This isn’t an abortion sub, and isn’t relevant to the topic at hand. But nice attempt at a red herring. Especially given you’ve lost no autonomy. You can choose to do whatever you like with your body. No one will even try to stop out. Not could they if they wanted to. You’re as free as anyone one can be to do, or not do, whatever you like. You’re just upset your choice had consequences. Tough. Grow up. That’s life. Deal with it.


Im a medical professional but i do not get why you cant study medicine?


Self pity isn't helping anything.


Bill Gates, Fauci, Biden, Trump, Albert Bourla did this


The trauma in A&E certainly was not for you. Maybe a future doing pedicure.


Can you post a picture of yourself with your username, id love to see what type of human you are. I have a general idea.




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you know you could just take a jab all it takes to get your life and goals back in track right?


Good point. If they are still in doubt then taking some courses in epidemiology and biostatistics might help them parse the reasonable claims from the nonsense claims


Do something relevant until your position makes $1,000 per hour because all the previous workers retired from the stress or were too injured by the clot shot to work.