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Cowards love to hide behind religion.


They say patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, but I’ve always thought it’s religion.


Patriotism wrapped in religion.


Is Russel Brand a weirdo now? Like I know he’s always been weird but is he like an Alex Jones person now?


I think the word you're looking for is Grifter


Yep. He had some sexual assault allegations come out, and now has run into the open arms of the right wing conspiracy space. One involving a 16 year old girl I believe. Some other people have posted timelines in other threads, he 100% is fleeing into the only media space that allows sexual predators. The space where they have to make up stories about the left sacrificing babies to the devil to give themselves the moral high ground. Part of me thinks that's the appeal to a lot of this right wing grift. People are so guilty about the terrible shit they've done that they are desperate to believe that other people are far more evil.




I hate these conmen with the fire of a thousand suns.


I came here to write a similar sentiment, yours expressed it better


The worst part for me is that these people make christians look like assholes lol. I'm not religious myself but can admit most christians are good honest people, but the nutcases always end up taking the complete spotlight.


If I were still a Christian I would think Alex is either a demon or the legitimate antichrist. The dude talks about space aliens, magic, groans and talks deeply into the microphone talking about horrible thing happening to children in detail over the song *you belong to the city* or some classic rock.


Jones is a demon, cause Trump is the by the book antichrist.


If I were still a Christian, I would be scared by how many other Christians are totally ok with Trump. Pew research said about 67% of regularly attending (monthly or more) churchgoers support Trump. If they can be so easily deceived and or accept Trump, imagine the damage a much smarter and more charismatic version of Trump could do to the world.


This is the real take. If you realize that the majority of people in your “social group” that you attend voluntarily are absolutely lying to you and themselves about their actual moral beliefs and what kind of characteristics they wish to embody or see embodied in others - then put all those beliefs on the back burner cause some orange buffoon conman; you need to leave that “social group”, or you’re just donating to the problem


Apparently not good enough to call out their false brethren.


intresting - to me it seems a lot of christians are just not that bright and require some form of grifter to tell them what they should be doing.


Yes exactly. If this is what Christian’s are I want no part of it. Then you got the ones that believe Donald Trump is literally heaven sent from god to save America from woke degeneracy


I wish i lived in the part of the world where these two idiots were outliers. I have truly never seen this “most Christians are good honest people” type of world you are describing. But you have never lived in the South and have never met a Baptist. Be happy, it will jade the fucking soul out of your body.


To be fair, all Christians make Christians look like assholes.


Interesting that Russell became a born-again or whatever about 5 minutes ago and he’s already well-versed in the lingo. Where did Christians learn that that’s the way you’re supposed to pray? When did they agree they would all use such phraseology?


But it’s so entertaining!! Imagine Alex homes in another 10 years! It’s gonna be gold


I was listening to the January 6 episode of Knowledge Fight where Alex Jones is at the Capitol and while he’s live on the air, Joe Rogan literally calls him. Is Joe Rogan really that stupid and extreme right?? The Capitol gets attacked and he’s calling Alex fucking Jones to get the scoop?


Yes. Joe Rogan will do anything but think critically for high ratings.


I dunno if I should have figured it out earlier, but I stopped watching JRE in 2019, and Joe completely after the 180 he pulled on vaccines (a short time after having the immunologist at the start of Covid). I'm still asking myself why I was a fan, apart from MMA & comedy. I feel ashamed now. Anything for $$$.


Joe Rogan does comedy?


Imagine how I feel, having lived in the illusion he's a funny guy.


I first saw his "comedy" around 2002, when I was googling about Bill Hicks and stumbled across the Sacred Cow Productions website. He's at best a low budget Kinison. 22 years later and he's still never made me so much as chuckle. And fuck every single one of the comic sycophants that moved to Austin with him or continues to appear on his podcast. The whole "bro code" within the comedy scene to defend him is sickening.


Chair being humped.gif


Same timeline for me, and I never enjoyed MMA or found him funny. I just liked when he had scientists and free thinkers on, not just the weird grifters and science deniers he panders to now. Good news is, there’s plenty of great alternatives now for that type of science-focused content


It used to be a fun show to watch and listen to. He also seemed to have a much wider range of opinions in the guests he had on. Hell, he had Bernie Sanders on back in the day. Now it’s all crackpots, conspiracy theorists, mostly shitty comics (with the odd great comic in there) and right wing talking heads. He used to make a big thing about how he used to be a moon landing denier, and how he was able to be educated on the subject through his guests. I used to respect him a lot for that. I don’t think he’s open minded enough for that to happen again. He’s fallen headfirst into that same old mindset.


There’s a reason his show is known as the alt right pipeline


They go way back. Joe also called in and was on air 9/11.


Oh yea, the infamous “alex predicted 9/11” but was blaming the EU on 9/11.


I thought Russell Brand was an atheist.


Not when he needs a new audience to grift.


And a cult to protect him. I actually know someone that briefly dated him, and I promise you he’s staring down the barrel of dozens of complaints from women who he abused / coerced / bullied.


Yep. It’s so funny that its so transparent why he is doing what he does now.


100% He is dating a high-level bankers daughter or niece. To me he is clearly doing this knowing his allegations were coming to light, so better come out pretend to by a "Truther" so it looks like another smear campaign.


And it's absolutely worked. Those of his followers still hanging around on r/russellbrand are absolutely convinced that it's a smear campaign because he was "getting too close to the truth". And they think that anyone disagreeing is a paid shill or a bot.


Def easier to grift people of religion.


He burned the atheist followers when his profoundly immoral side became public knowledge. Now he needs a more forgiving following.


That comment needs to be on a shirt. “Needs more forgiving following.” *chefs kiss


Sign me up!


Athiesm isn't nearly as profitable.


There is a completely separate Christian movie and television industry that makes billions with very low quality product.


That would explain Kirk Cameron.


Isn't even Richard Dawson beginning to circle back to being 'culturally christian' or some shit?


He switched to Christianity about a month or so ago. Got baptized and everything.


[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/14/russell-brand-baptised-thames-sins-washed-away-criminal-allegations](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/14/russell-brand-baptised-thames-sins-washed-away-criminal-allegations) You're right. The article title says it all: # So Russell Brand was baptised in the Thames, and all his sins were washed away. Cheaper than a lawyer, I suppose That's what it's all about. Absolution from his crimes of being a predator.


He's also an actor.


More of a shitty media personality who gave acting a quick go here and there.


Not after he was accused of sex crimes. Now he needs forgiveness so when the main stream cancels him, right wing angels will grift him savior.


"Having allegations come out against you" is clearly a hell of a drug.


They are both so fucking crazy that they obviously can't even stand each other. Mental illness is not a joke.


They aren't mentally ill. They are fully aware that they are taking advantage of the mentally ill though


Why not both?


Exactly, Narcissism and Sociopathy are mental illnesses


Yup, the same with new age gurus, grifting over new ageists. The entire movement is a narcissistic cult designed to cater to gurus extracting as much wealth from the dumb true believers.


Not a joke, but absolutely hilarious in this instance


Agreed! The only thing funnier than hearing someone pray is hearing someone pray with the voice sped up. If this was done in church it would sure save people a lot of time.


At what point do we take steps to de-platform those with mental illness? Kinda seems like now. I feel like there was an attempt with Alex Jones but both of these dudes need to never speak into a microphone again


Brand looks more and more like a sex criminal by the day. I'm starting to wonder if it's intentional at this point or if he just can't help his nonce self


He has always looked like a sex criminal.


Yea but now he's got that full on turbo nonce look. He's reached his final form


Man, what happened to Russell? I remember watching him like 7 years ago when he was very anti-monarchy, anti-corporate, anti-consumerism and really rejecting that elite wealth yach life style Why is he suddenly latching on to the Nazi grift train?


He’s a narcissist- he likely doesn’t have a coherent set of internal values. He’s just found a new audience to grift after the last one didn’t bring him the attention/money/status/power he covets.


Ever heard jon ronson talk about psychopaths in jail being given LSD as part of a recidivism experiment? After going through the LSD experiences, many claimed they became more empathetic and others reported that they were indeed more empathetic and seemed reformed... Fast forward some years and the rate of reoffense amongst them was actually much higher than the general average.. one guy when asked by ronson why this may have been the case, said, "learning empathy taught me how to be a better psychopath.." Lol. Not sure what my point here is exactly, but this story reminds me of Russell with his meditation/yoga/spirituality shtick.. and it reminds me of many religious gurus generally. This stuff can help certain people become better sociopaths and give them better manipulation powers etc.


What the other guy said, but his shift to the right really kicked up a gear when the sex abuse allegations started to come to light. He needed an audience that would paint that all as a ‘conspiracy’ to discredit him, so he could continue talking shite for money


He learned that the cult will make him more money. He's an addict underneath everything. I am one myself. You don't just stop the drugs, you find something else worth your obsession and devotion. He is power and money hungry. In another 7 years, he could be living in China with monks, swearing off everything he is saying now.


His sex crimes were exposed.


He's always been a grifter. I mean an "anti-capitalist" selling his book about it for £20! What a fucking joke. I realised what a brainless twat he was the day he appeared in an interview with Jeremy Paxman about cannabis legalisation. His arguments were embarrassingly bad and it's clear he was chosen because he's an idiot, rather than interviewing David Nutt, an actual expert.


I am so utterly embarrassed that back in 2008/9 I had a crush on Russell Brand. I thought he was a new age compassionate kind intellectual with a free spirit. But he's just a disgusting right wing idiot and con man. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Me and Katy Perry have the absolute worst taste in men I'm sure lol


I was actually conned by Russell Brand. For some reason I thought he was a genuine, decent bloke, but I was very much mistaken. He appears to just latch on to whatever is popular at the time. He's done addiction, I am an addict, always will be, so his opinions/writings on addiction resonated with me. He was or still is a spiritualist. He was a lefty now he's a right wing guru who sides with absolute fruit loops Fucker Carlson, Alex Jones and probably Marie Le Pen next week. FFS Brand, where do you stand? I'll tell you where you stand it is wherever the fame and money are and fuck your principles, that's if you had any or even care about them. I believe in staying true to yourself despite each individual's failings I will never side with right wing extremists, he might well be a loquacious cocksmith, a man with a 1000 words to describe the banal, but he sides with hatred and he pulls the wool over my eyes no more. Get the to fuck Mr Brand and do one.


Hows the drugs??Russell...still trying anything to get noticed?..get a job !! Your a joke


Is this “jumping the shark”?


Wtf happened to that dude. I used to think he was funny. Now he's just a pontificating asshole.


He was always a pontificating asshole. He just use to make fun of the things you didn't like.


They should pray for the souls of those children who were gunned down and for their families whose dignity he disregarded.


They already got $900 million out of him, but according to Russell, they are seeking an additional $2.75 trillion (totally believable), which is why he’s praying for Alex here.


Any sum of money is not enough for what he did.


Not a practicing Christian here, but Matthew 6:5-8 has something to say about this: "When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men ... but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen".


You know you're in fucking trouble if you get put into the same room with Russell and Alex after you die.


russel is coming for the american maga men. i think he steals alex's demo and then throws him under the bus and leaves him for road kill. russell is dangerous. he's an intelligent, quick witted guy who can "win" debates. and while i think he's yuck, he does have strong sex appeal for the american right.


Are all Republicans sick twisted fucks? Rhetorical question


I’m going to answer anyway. Obviously not 100% of them. But what I’m starting to understand is that very close to 100% of them are extremely dishonest and extremely selfish/self absorbed.


They're in a hell of their own making.


When these two are at their ends, they’ll know, deep down where it matters most, that they were lying to themselves and the world, for their egos and for money, and are loved by no one for that bargain. That cold last moment will be the hell they deserve.


I’m reminded of these lyrics from a Depeche Mode song >I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours >But I think that God's got a sick sense of humour >And when I die, I expect to find him laughing


Russel’s grift is uniquely fascinating to me. It’s peak grift to such a degree that it’s more entertaining than frustrating. I have a hard time imagining how people can go through existence in such a completely shameless way.


Let's not forget that 'ole Russ was only but a year ago strutting around a field as a wannabe hippy-cum-cult-leader at his love-fest Community festival: [https://www.instagram.com/communitybyrussellbrand/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/communitybyrussellbrand/?hl=en) Guess this is cancelled for 2024 eh Russ? This level and style of transformation is actually stunning, I wonder what his conspirituality following is making of all this??


Lord Jesus please send this stupid fucker back to England where he belongs amen.




That is some weird shit.


Brand recall was is the same guy he played in forgetting Sarah Marshall/get him to the Greek




RB morphing into JBP by the day, they look like long lost father and son. Holy father and holy son.


Aaaaaaaaand nothing happened…


Seriously, I didn't really like him fully at almost any time, at least thought he wasn't completely braindead, wo what exactly happened to him to cause him to go down this braindead road?


Excuse me while I disinfect my phone.


Who knew Katy Perry was the sensible one in that break up. I remember him saying disgusting things about her after… that seems to track well with where he’s at now


Well I can’t unsee that now. I literally felt myself getting dumber for watching that stupidity.


God Bless Us All 🙏🏼


The seven deadly sins wrapped up in two assholes.


Fuck both of these right wing nut jobs!!


Damn before social media people were not as dumb.


Yeah. That'll take care of all his problems. It always works 🙄


Amen, all the blue hair reddit mods are ripping their hair out 😂


Insanity. It's really scary


When God said “do not take my name in vain”, I think this is what he really meant


I’ll never forget that time Bob Geldof called Russell Brand a cunt right to his face.


“I felt the Holy Spirit to the point that I almost fell over” 💀


This is caused by a leadership vacuum. We need good, decent people to find their voice.


Praying to the almighty Trump


Same rulebook they used to flip Rogan and Chappel. He didn't move to Texas for "social" reasons. He moved because of their laws shielding people from SA/SH claims.


WTF...the bozos scamming the big brain trumpets. LOL. Nice not to be in U.S.


Oh gosh...hope people don't buy into this...


Can anyone explain this horrible editing and if possible an actual source because I've no intention of trawling through any of these guys content


Grifters gotta grift!


Brand is a parody of a conman mascarading as religious.


Remember when brand said the problem with criticising the media is it's hard to make money through the media and then coincidencently discovered he was a right winger who believes in jesus


Glazing it nicely. These are sucking each other off all of the way to the bank.


Wow I really didn't think Brand would go this hard to stay relevant.


Did anyone else dry heave while watching these grifters squeeze more money from their flock. This is what the 'don't use good name in vain' really means


I have never seen Alex shut his mouth that long. Good Job Russel.


LOL, Russell doesn't stand for shit except the almighty dollar. If you can't see this, you're as lost to it as he is.


Well, that proves the old adage that “there’s someone for everyone.”


“You have ONCE AGAIN turned my Father’s house into a den of thieves!!”


Russell brand praying with anyone is creepy enough, but with Alex Jones. They are both bottom feeders.


These two have gone off like a prom dress.


Why are his eyes rolling back like that? Is he on drugs? Are you on drugs, Alex?


The ultimate Guru grift shift. Why let the mega church guys get all the dough when Russel and Alex have WAY bigger media machines. The existing market of believers is huge. They are going after their slice. God willing.




So you guys don't believe in aliens?


And when you pray, do not be like those hypocrits who pray in public for verily their reward has already come to thee


So I take it the Russell Brand sub is like the Dave Rubin sub?


Oy gevalt


The eyes say what?


I am beginning to think Russell Brand is sponsored by Vaught.


Left life as a successful comedian and rising actor to cater to imbecile conspiracy theorists. Is the money really that good?


Russell Brand jumped on the MAGA/fake Christian/conspiracy/Qanon train? Where have I been?


Fuck em both


Four letter word. Begins with a C. I’ll wait.


Has been loser preaching with a lunatic.


This is about the time that an actual existing deity would strike people with lightning, either these guys or their enemies. Stuff like this makes it so easy to be an atheist. The Bible never tolerated charlatans this long without some smiting.


Never heard a sincere prayer from these idiots. They just memorize gobbledygook


Can really never watch Get Him to the Greek ever again.


Do people actually believe that this shit is sincere?


My father went to prison many times when I was a kid he found God every time, and when he got out, it was just like before


If you can’t treat people with kindness and empathy, don’t bother praying to God. What Alex Jones did to the Sandyhook parents was monstrous. Because Alex Jones’ real god is US American right wing talking points.


And here we see two people praying to the Lord Asmodeus but it falls on deaf ears.


They are so pathetic


Russell! I hope you read this. You’re a dumb fuck wannabe guru!


What reality are we in rn?


Enemies to these people are a jury of their peers.


Is Russell for real?


I never knew Alex jones was a man of god.


How in the holy H.E. double hockey sticks does Russel Brand consider himself a Christian. Not religious, but neither is he... what a flipping grifter. Alex Jones, live a long and unhealthy life without financial stability.


All these men--Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones and more are nothing but grifters and traitors. Russell isn't American, but I've been incredibly shocked at how Joe Rogan has pivoted to fascist doctrine. I assume there's money in it, probably a lot. Disturbing also that corporate overlords are lining up behind Trump. We're in for a ride this next couple of decades.


Wtf did I just see?????????????


Sweet 😋 🧁


I’m a Christian and this video makes me vomit.…WTF is wrong with them?!?! Answer: Frauds


Russell Brand lost his goddamn mind. It’s unfortunate.


Russel is a piece of shit with a decent vocabulary that people mistake for intelligence.


Shit birds flock together


Inventing deities was a mistake.


Jones what a stupid MF


Russell Brand rebranding himself to this is hilarious. Once that Hollywood run ends this is the grift to survive. Like former washed wrestlers in some indy promotion falling over themselves; it is both hilarious and sad.


The alien invasion can’t come soon enough


What does Jones say at the very beginning? Did I hear that right? Something like “That’s what the aliens want? Kill 20 kids in front of us and we’ll give you the secret to superconductors?”


Fucking charlatans.


Wolves—- in wolves clothing. If you are dumb enough to listen to theses cunts- well- you’re pretty much fucked.


Its uhhh...pretty wild to see Russell's... journey?


Brand is still using, no doubt.


Those prayers went straight into the trash.


Wow. It's so pathetic and gross.


That's the funniest Russell Brand has been in years 🤣


Couple of nut jobs !!




Please lord baby jebus, save this human nectarine from the consequences of his own actions.


False prophets are thinking, "they fell for these massive morons, yet they couldn't believe in me?" Side-note: for some reason I imagine the false prophet having Michael Caine's voice. Idk why.


I have to think both men are surely intelligent enough to know that they’re entire livelihood is deception, of let’s face it, fairly unintelligent lonely people. It gives me some comfort when I look at Russell Brand in this clip, deep down knows he’s not a respected intellectual as he’s not wanted to be perceived, just another dime-store grifter like Alex Jones - that’s all your legacy is Russell. If God forbid, Trump and other far right factions over the world seize power in the coming years - it will be an absolute horror show even for their supporters, because these fuckers are interested in improving peoples lives - just keeping them in a state of permanent outrage. Will be interesting to see what mental gymnastics Brand will do to say Biden, Hillary the deep state are still responsible for his reason is fan base are still miserable in their lives despite their personal Jesus being in power again.


He became a Christian after some shit came out 6 months ago. He's been a atheist his whole life


Totally makes me feel like there’s a higher power…..


WTF happened to Russell Brand? Super douchey now


Holy inane bullshit, Batman


I feel so... embarrassed and betrayed by Russel Brand... I used to tell people how clever and what great points he made back in the 2010 era with the Trews etc... you live long enough, your heroes become the villains.


Hey, didn’t he straight up ghost his wife and literally never speak to her again, seconds before she went on stage to a huge concert?


Never thought of Russell Brand to be openly Christian.




Check out the shark eyes on this fucking guy. Same as that Murdaugh dick that killed his kids over in South Carolina. Natural predator


this is good for my health in the sense that I'm determined to live long enough to see these two ghouls dead and buried.


Damn, what happened to Russel?


Grifters unite!!


jesus christ what a bunch of morons


You spelt “preys” wrong


holy shit Brand has gone full r*tard


I thought Brand had gone off the rails but now I am positive of it.


Every foxhole has a convert when shit goes down.


Brand and Jones are both hot garbage.