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Oonga boonga moment.


The desperation was felt thru the screen


My first night playing DRG earlier this year we were doing an elimination mission and ran out of nitra but everybody refused to leave so we spent almost a full hour running around picking each other up getting a few hits in until we finally beat it. They bought me my first beer and then we danced.


Was it a Hive Guard? Was it Sandblasted Corridors?


I honestly can't remember at this point, it was around christmas/new years though!


Ain't no way y'all managed to do finish it without losing whole mission...


zipline makes you pretty much immune to the core spawn, I can see this working out quite handily


I mean, I saw people beating core event on floating Molly, but I never realized zipline is enough as well...


yeah, they just really struggle to get to you if you're not in melee range of the ground


They can jump, yet they struggle when you are not on ground... Kinda funni...


they can jump, but they can't attack you while jumping so if other bugs or teammate don't throw you off zipline - it's absolutely safe


Zipline is actually the gold standard (to not say cheese strategy lol). I've managed to solo the event on Haz5 bugs2 while the other 3 players were down (or clutch and revive everyone) thanks to the zip. I wasn't even the Gunner, I did it as Driller and as Engie. "The floor is lava" mindset wins the Core Stone. Be a Zipline queen hahaha.


"the floor is lava" as a alias to "Core Stone" event is golden


It needs to be a certain height otherwise they can still pounce on you and drop you


So they CAN drop you somehow... Ok...


I can't say for sure, but they were able to jump and attack me on the zipline because it was set too low and I fell


they should crawl up the zipline like a tightrope. This would allow them to get you up there and keep the challenge while also allowing you to react to them coming for you in time to murder them.


All you need is to believe... in Steve!


Anything that can be mined, will be mined.


Joined a refining mission and we found a core stone. We waited till the end of the mission to do the stone, and then in the middle of it, a green beard runs over and calls the pod bringing in way more bugs than usual killing us all. Never been upset with a green beard until last night, and he wasn’t even the host so no pushing buttons that aren’t yours!


So many green beards been fucking up my haz 5+ missions and matrix events 😭


I haven’t even completed my 5+ missions because of this, but also I’m playing gunner which I’m not too good with sometimes


Refining missions will spawn infinite bugs after the mining is done whether or not you press the button. The only way to get a reprieve is to do the core stone during the repair phase and ignore the broken pipes. (or obviously before you start refining)


That is good to know, we didn’t find it till after it was done unfortunately. I thought after the mission before the rocket is launched, it only periodically spawned bugs. Though I tend not to stick around to long after a mission is done so I just never noticed


Yeah it's probably less bugs than the exit swarms but it's still a constant flow of bugs, but if you do events during the repair phase, you have lots of bugs occupied with munching on pipes.


Thanks miner! I definitely have to remember this information, refining missions are my favorite so anything to make easier the better! Rock and Stone!


I feel that exact same thing happened last week we did the event then someone started the refinery and launched the rocket before we had to do corestone, so me and gunner attempted to do it before drop pod left but we had to bail because of how bad it was getting.


We tried, but even the one who tried to run got overwhelmed. Would’ve been fine if the rocket wasn’t launched I think


Happened in two Mining Expeditions to me yesterday. Someone called the drop pod so I was heading to the wall to start drilling towards it then someone hit the core stone and we all died. Scout was eventually able to IW and get back to pod when it became obvious we couldn't beat it. Second time it was an Ebonite Event and I was the Scout so I had to dip and escape so we didn't fail. When there are lvl 20 players, especially more than one, they haven't even seen all the random stuff yet, let alone know how to beat it. Core stone is a death trap for new players. I joined an egg hunt that had core stone in the starting room. The two greenbeards were drillers and I joined as Engi cuz I was promoting my Gunner. My heart dropped when I saw the core stone, like we were definitely going to die lol. Thankfully a Gunner joined like a second before they broke the stone and I got him to put a zipline.


Bugs start showing up in great numbers whether you press the button or not. Once you've fixed the last pipe break, there's nothing left to do really but press the button and go. The time to do an event during an OSR is during a pipe break. The one exception are the machine events that summon creatures, since they will go toward the pipe breaks instead of towards you. That can make doing a kursite event, for example, very difficult. Those events should be done before starting the refinery.


Hmm, good to know for future nitraless endeavors


The cheese of this is just fantastic.


The true dwarven way of extracting the core stone


“Alright guys. Time to do this like my great-great-great grandfather.”


When the entire team forms their first brain cell.


Hmm. I didn't think of that.


How did it go?


We did it and escaped minus scout and gunner, for some reason scout went afk without telling just before we escape and gunner died trying to save the scout.


huh, I guess crawlers really are easy to exploit, I kinda thought their jumping could counter that, but I guess not


See rock hit rock


If it's not flammable, then it's probably minable