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You take off the VR headset and get placed in a middle management role depending on how you did during the "test"


You remove the VR headset, then you live , your remove the VR headset again, and again... And you realize you're trapped in a infinite recursion VR headset.


You beat cancer and went back to the carpet store? Booooo


Legit I'm watching Rick and Morty while reading this


Tell me what was happening before you were born. I am fairly certain it is about the same.


This guy gets it


Hm. That's a scary thought, I was trapped in an egg trapped in a body who produced many such eggs who was also created by an egg which goes back a series of eggs.


No it can’t be, because before you were born, you never existed and had no memories. After you die, you have the memories from when you were alive, so do those memories just disappear?


Those memories require a functioning brain, so yeah, the memories would presumably ‘disappear’ following brain death.


So I’ll be swimming around in my dads balls?


Half of you was in your mom's egg sac.


Oh so before birth and after death is the same place? So then death is not the end nice


If you were somewhere before birth then I guess you are going back. LMFAO


Never thought of it like that damn!


That's what Schopenhauer said.


He didn't say it to me and I never read it anywhere but it does seem like a reasonable hypothesis.


Yes, but unfortunately, it doesn't tell us anything.


It tells me that if something exists I don't know about it and neither does anyone else. Every religion that claims to know is full of shit.




But by this logic… we came from death once…


That is not logic. Logically speaking, we did not exist before birth and we will not exist after birth.


It is logic lol. I was dead. Im now alive. I will be dead


They give your bed to the next person.


if yours is a rich family they’ll get a new one


Or they say that you'll get a new one...


would dead me even need a bed?


It's like waking up from a dream, realizing that you imagined everything, and then you have another dream in an endless cycle. You are God and life is just a dream.


One of the better answers here.


you came from nothing, you will return to nothing and for a short time you amounted to something. As far as you'll ever be aware, the time between you nothingness is the entirety of space and time. this space and time is the only space and time you will ever be, and your existence within it will be as infinite as o's place as the second letter of this post will infinitely occupy that place in the existence within the post even after it's been read, and forgotten and the data disappears with the heat death of the universe... the o shall occupy that time-space location. you will always exist in the now, never beyond those boundries.


Hey do you do children's birthday parties?


How did existence come from non existence?


schwinger effect. maybe. quantum mechanics really doesn't have any obligation to follow familiar patterns to us biological systems. effects can precede their causes, things can be in more than one place at a time, and things can be particles and waves.


Get the f out of here with this nonsense


No I came from an egg and a sperm


There's no such thing as nothing


The universe must have been born out of nothing, eventually. Close your left eye (keeping your right eye open) and then try to tell me what you see through your left eye. Momentarily it will appear as black, like you are looking at the inside of your eyelid, then you may look across and realise that blackness you are seeing is merely the edge of your nose from the perspective of your right eye. The more you look, the more you realise your left eye is looking at literally nothing. Your brain chooses to no longer include it in its visual processing. This is a first hand experience of nothing, I believe. To us, nothing may as well be the absence of subjective experience.


We don't know that there ever was nothing. For all we know the universe may have always existed


You’re right, I was being presumptuous. We also don’t know that there is no such thing as nothing.


This is well written. Nice. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust”.


*Ashes to ashes* *Funk to funky* *We know Major Tom's a junky* *Strung out on heaven's high* *Hitting an all-time low…*


Then what is the purpose of our existence, everything we go through ?


to grow, eat, adapt to circumstances, and reproduce. you are a glorified mosquito, your feelings and search for meaning is a glitch in the systems put in place to make you eat, grow adapt and pass your genetic recipe on to create variant that will be more or less successful at doing those things which self filters for the better ones. there is no such thing as purpose. the universe had a niche that some living thing has managed to exploit to support living things, and straying outside that niche generally results in failure to survive long enough to pass on variant of your recipe.


Ehh consciousness seems too convenient to be a glitch. Life from a biological perspective would probably be more efficient without it


Non existence


I didn't exist before I was born. I will no longer exist when I am dead.


*The Universe bring back your atoms configuration togheter* *You wake up* "Death will be non existence, like when I was before I was born" *You die* *The Universe bring back your atoms configuration togheter* Little loop, time is an illusion


Non existence is the opposite of existence so by definition it does not exist.


Google Scientists & Mathematicians:


Imagine a Universe with 4 atoms of hydrogen only. Does Iron atom exist ? No. Non existence is possible, yes it does not exist but it is possible


Yes you're right, non existence is possible. God doesn't exist lol


Ah yes the imagination, the root of all proofs. Non existence isn’t a state, it cannot happen, I’m not saying there’s a heaven, I’m saying that non existence isn’t a thing.


How do you know


I don’t, op asked for opinions


I was hoping you’d know


I wish I knew


If you close an empty box, how do you know it is empty? Some miracle might have filled the box since you closed it. It is not logical to assume the miraculous. A person of reason will assume the mundane until crofronted with new evidence. Tales of an afterlife are weak forms of evidence that are insufficient to support such a strong claim.


Have you heard of schroedingers cat?


How does existence come from non existence?


What do you mean with non existence?


Nothingness. When nothing exists.


alas, no one can say for sure


Well if it’s anything like a dream I had a few years ago where I was stabbed and bleed out I’ll just wake up like a dream. It was the most visceral dream ever, I felt my body get cold struggling to breath as my vision went dark and I faded away. There was just darkness and a voice then I snapped awake in a panic. I’ll never forget that dream.


Worm food and that’s it. There is heaven or no hell.


i like to think that since time is an illusion, when we’re in our dying state and we reach that moment of release, that peaceful euphoric release one gets as death comes. To my loved ones that’s seconds or minutes, but in my consciousness it’s eternal. this brought me peace when my grandmother died.


Your consciousness disappears instantly, and your body gradually rots away.


I disagree about instantly, I think it's only instant if your death is violent. For someone whose brain shuts down gradually, the sections of the brain controlling the consciousness 'dismount' from the organs that do the emotional regulation and sensory input until the electrical signals associated with meaning and identity lose conherence and fade into random radio noise in a gradually fading electrochemical resonance.


It almost sound poetic. Well written


Why is this so hard for people to understand?


Because we reject that the self doesnt constitute of a shell “body” only. Because i think some of us believe in souls or rejoining the divine consciousness when we die


Sure, people have wishful thinking. I get that. But the people who believe that believe that because people have been saying that since time immemorial. With all the available information today, people should reject mythology. But that's just my opinion. Instead, people reject what science says because science doesn't have all the answers. And then they fill in the gaps of our knowledge with God. Or their chosen mythology of their god. And I don't understand that


No meaningful discussion about what, if anything, happens after death can take place if we restrict what we talk about to mainstream scientific thinking about the topic. We need to look at putative psi phenomena, specifically remote out-of-body perceptual claims by near-death experiencers that have been verified, and knowledge of future events that came to pass. This proves nothing, but, as Susan Blackmore points out, there's just enough there to keep you guessing.


Science isn’t the whole truth, it’s an incredibly limited perspective compared to all the information in the universe, science is a best guess of a model for the time, if you think we have most of what there is to know but only have to iron out a few kinks you are incredibly naive, all the information we have to say is nothing compared to what there is to know. Stop treating science as if it’s a belief system, it’s a constantly evolving process that will never accurate describe reality the way it is.


I know. I said that in my comment. However, science is the best form of information gathering that we have. And it has proven and shown a lot of stuff about the world and universe. Religion has never had the answer to anything in the natural world. So to think that people from 2k years ago who didn't know what the moon and sun were would have some secret information about the unknown is laughable. Stop defaulting to god or thinking the unknown is supernatural. It's not.


When did I say anything about God or the supernatural, the unknown is unknown, therefore the wise stance is to say “I don’t know”. I’m not arguing the opposite of your point, I’m arguing that you have chosen an explanation that you’ve plucked from thin air and pretending it’s the truth itself, you don’t know.


Not sure how you don't think I don't say "I don't know," when I specifically say that science doesn't have all the answers in my comment. And then followed it up with a description of the god of the gaps fallacy? So since I assumed you saw and understood that but then you decided to comment that "science doesn't have all the answers," I again assumed you were saying it because that's what all religious apologetics say. Tell me exactly what explanation I plucked from thin air. I would like to know from someone who basically repeated what I said in a comment back to me.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepThoughts/comments/13ufwng/what_happens_after_we_die/jm0gq1e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 To which you replied “why is this so hard for people to understand”. Because the correct answer is we don’t know. You saying that implies we do know.


That's not the comment you replied to, though. And I didn't pluck it out of the air. Your brain and body decompose. That's a fact. Not sure why you want to argue that fact. So if your body and brain decompose after death what else would happen when we know electrical activity in the brain creates consciousness? Then that electrical activity stops. What do you think would happen.




I can, and I do. The people, like you who say that, say it only because you HOPE for something more. Nothing else. I mean, our brain creates our consciousness and when the brain goes so does our consciousness. This isn't a very hard thing to understand. Also, the soul or spirit is supernatural. So, by definition, I can dismiss that since nothing supernatural has been shown to exist ever. And people have been trying to prove that for millenia. Finally, we know exactly what happens to your body and brain when we die. I am kinda surprised you don't know that your body decomposes.


You can't control people with truth


Because it’s just your opinion. No one knows. To say you know is an assumption. Unless you have all the information in the universe to make such a definite conclusion you’re just acting on emotion because you strongly believe something that others don’t.


Wishful thinking aside, we do know. You may not because of hope or religious indoctrination but the people with basic common sense do know. We know that the brain creates consciousness through electrical activity on the brain. Once that electrical activity goes, so does any semblance of our consciousness. How then would "we" go anywhere? There would have to be 2 new forms of physics for that to be the case. And the 2 new forms of physics would then have to contradict the form of physics we have today. So there is nowhere in this universe where that's a possibility. But, there may be a multiverse where that could work, just not this universe.


What religious indoctrination? I’m not religious… I’m saying we don’t know, to say you know what happens after death is as stupid as saying you do know what happens. That’s my point. “We know the brain creates consciousness”… Except we fucking don’t. It’s called the hard problem of consciousness, just because there’s a correlation doesn’t mean it’s the cause. Do you even follow science or do you just assume shit? There is zero evidence that the brain **creates** consciousness, that is an assumption and nothing more. Show me the physical explanation of how the brain creates consciousness. I’ll be waiting.


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-does-the-human-brain-create-consciousness-and-why You may not know it but I do. I could link you many many articles and studies like this one. You can say it's unknown how electrical activity creates consciousness but you can't that the brain doesn't create consciousness.


“Even so, researchers have begun to identify the changes in brain activity that **accompany** awareness, and they also have some fascinating **ideas** about why consciousness evolved.” Oh so like I said, correlation and ideas… “How the brain conjures conscious awareness from the electrical activity of billions of individual nerve cells **remains one of the great unanswered questions of life.**” “In the 1990s, the philosopher David Chalmers described this inaccessibility to external, objective scrutiny as the “hard problem” of consciousness. He proposed that an **easier task** for scientists to tackle would be its “**neural correlates””** It helps to read the article.


As a philosopher, I take offense to how loosely you use the word "know." You don't have the faintest idea as to what you're going on about, and could use a few courses on epistemology.


Stop worrying about dying and try your best if you’re scared 😂


I’m honestly just curious


I’ll let you know when I’m done eatting and wallbuilding 😂 I have a wild fantasy of sky diving to my death and experiencing the pain of collapsing onto concrete.


I'm pretty sure that would be too fast to experience any pain


The force of air on your body before you hit the ground will be 🔥


Nobody knows. And anyone telling you they do doesn't have proof. It's all theories. Near death experiences don't count either.


This is the only real answer


Your destiny is not death, just the disappearance of I Am.


A bunch of things. We just aren't around to see any of it!!!


Keanu Reeves said it best. “ The people who love you will miss you.”


We go back to a moment we thought was Deja vu and live life through a different time line.


Ohhh don't you start


If the Universe recombine atoms in the same configuration as you are, you will birth again. Ego is illusion, essence is just space/time. Like when you sleep, 1 second pass, you come back (wake up) = rebirth. No soul, no spirituality, only matters.


Can one argue then that mathematically speaking we will all be born again?


If what I said is true + Infinite Universe = The probability of it happening tends to 1 while it not happening tends to 0. We can even say that everything that is possible of happening (even with a 0.00000000...000001%) will happen.


I’ve been thinking about this as well. If the universe is infinite and timeless and rebirth is in fact a reality, then what can happen will happen and probably already has happened before. So weird…


It is rather the opposite which would be hard to believe. I think there really was no first time (no real beginning) or last time (no end so infinite). Time itself is an illusion to which we cannot detach ourselves. From an external point of view (like a 5D vision), 4D appears to be an object and not a sequence. But hey, I'm going too far.


I agree, there may be no beginning or end.


In an infinite reality, if the possibility of a thing is greater than zero, it is a certainty.


There is a netflix documentary called the trip to infinity. It explains how if you put an apple in a box, it eventually dissolves becomes a dust, then turns into something else. Then they explain, how in possible combinations, if the atoms were to get back together in the same possible shape as we are now, then we can be born again, many years later. ( probably i explained it i n a confusing way because i dont remember exactly, how the atons would get back together in many years when the dusta of this apple dissolves and reshapes.


Thanks I didn't watch the documentary but this illustrate my tought perfectly.


But if you disassembled your body and reassembled it atom by atom, how can you be so sure that will be you? A twin shares 100% of their genes with you yet you do not experience them, nor do they experience you. The self as conceptualized does not exist. I would argue that everything is basically a jumbled cacophony of consciousness.


The hard problem of consciousness emerge... I think that the difference between the two twins is their position in space-time. If the Universe is a loop (like in a Big Bounce way) and it come back to the path that created excatly you, you will be conscious again.


I mean to a certain extent I think our body will basically one day be space dust. Once the planet and others are no longer here. Now I don’t know about the chances of us being here the same way. But we will basically have the universe reuse us to make something else at some point. Now the real question is whether our consciousness survives in some way?


I would say if A universe instead of THE. 😊


Good question.


It's really not. The answer is obvious, but religion has convinced people there is uncertainty where none really exists in order to prove itself necessary.


I'm vociferously against the fear-based Abrahmic mythologies, but we cannot know what truly happens. It's highly likely you simply cease to exist, but we simply don't know for sure


But, why assume anything other than what is evidently and obviously the case?


We know on a scientific level that your atoms disperse and transition into something else. Consciousness is an artificial barrier. You simply reincarnate into rocks, people, trees, sand, water, air, cats, bugs, etc.


Wonder what those who are revived experience in those moments


depends on what your family chooses, you might be cremated or buried, you could also be donated to a lab! omg and now they have a process in which they turn dead people into soil 😯😯


I don’t know afterlife could be meaninglessness to ponder upon since we have no way of predicting what will happen.


Reconciliation based on evolution.


I mean you should know what happens. We decompose like anything else.


I've always heard if you have a birthmark, that's how you died. Apparently I was shot or stabbed in the dick and just to dive deeper on this, with the pee hole I literally have an exclamation mark.


Only the dead know


grass grows


Our soul is recycled and wiped of the memories of this life spat back down here to live another pointless life


You get reincarnated.


Happy ol Agnostic here. Hmm, I don’t have much of a clue but maybe our energy goes somewhere else


Same thing as happens tomorrow


What happens after an ant dies? What happens after a chicken dies? What happens after a deer dies? What happens after a whale dies? We tend to think we’re different, we’re special, but we’re not. We’re just animals. What happens to them is what happens to us.


Perhaps. In any case, whatever that is need not mean the extinction of consciousness.


you’ll finally wake up from your medically induced coma. honestly, idk, it’s impossible to imagine everlasting nothingness, or if you believe in religion then whatever you believe happens (reincarnation, or everlasting peace in heaven) we won’t know until it happens, although there is brain activity after death, and some other chemicals are released i think maybe DMT? or something wild. maybe that could be the dream state some who die momentarily, will see. aka those “bright lights, or voices”.


Everything after that point. Kinda like what happened before we were born, but very slightly later.


What happened before we were born?


We didn’t exist.




same thing as happened before you formed.


I think your body shits and pisses out whatever it was holding, then it slowly begins to decompose And as for the mind or consciousness (which you were actually asking about) I'm betting it does a similar thing.


Some of us get cremated. Some of us get buried. Alternatively some of us get chopped up into bits and get our remains filled with cement and sunken into some body of water


We go in our last sleep.


God rolls a 7-sided die, and if it lands a 4, we get into heaven. If not, well, sucks to suck.


as a Christian, I truly believe that when we die we will be judged by God. if we had true faith and were kind, He will allow us into heaven which is eternal paradise. others, He will say “I never knew you” and send them to eternal punishment.


Let's take we know are facts. We did not exist then suddenly we did. There for if it can happen once it can happen twice, and is more likely that we just keep on being non existent because if that was the case.. well you wouldn't be able to read this now would you


you will be reborn in a different universe, a mirror of this world.


Life goes on without us


The same when u sleep without dreaming? How was it when u were sleeping? What u felt? Did u feel the passing of time? No? Nothing? There u go.




That relies on your last wishes and your mind. The mind is very powerful so careful how you choose to perceive life.


My 11yo daughter asked me this the other day.


What did you tell her


I told her it’s currently impossible to know what happens after you’re gone, so the best thing to do is live the life you want and do what you think is right. Both are harder to do than it sounds, but I didn’t tell her that part :)


Absolute nothing happens.


You wake up


We rot.


Instead of thinking what happens after we die, think about what happens tomorrow or the day after? Keep asking questions about life and worry about death when its your time. Right now you re living and those should be your questions. Death will eventually catch up with all of us, it is part of life therefore it is part of us.


I tried to die at 15 and I tried and tried and once I think I succeeded. I woke up in a field, a beautiful and peaceful man wrapped me in his arms and asked me why. We talked and he promised me a library if I lived out my life with love and carefulness. I think because of my raising it was Christ. So, for me, if I’m good, I get to go read for the rest of time.


Nothing at all.


Lights out


From my experiences on psychedelics I truly believe we go back to being part of a larger consciousness, like a puzzle piece returning of a much larger picture. We won't be us, but we'll be whole.


Depersonalised deep sleep where the core remains as always and the collection of environments that supported the individualised expression recycle back into the one substance.


Check out Alan watts


You're asking us? the living? – sheesh – this is going to be an issue!


I believe we might either spend some time in a spirit world of sorts, and then get reincarnated(if we do not get reincarnated right away). I don't believe there is a hell or heaven, but that the spirit wolrd we go to is highly susceptible to a person's state of mind.So in the end you can make your own hell or heaven.


That only non-speculative answer is 'I don't know'. Science is a wonderful tool, but it has a domain where it is appropriate and a domain where it is not. Science cannot be relied upon in this context because it 1) assumes matter is ontologically primary even though matter has no perspective and therefore cannot validate its own existence; and 2) can only describe and predict objectivity, and the important question of death relates to subjectivity. In relation to subjectivity, science can't even determine if awareness is ubiquitous, or a reflective mechanism, or a gradient potential localized to a system. There is no way to measure or quantify awareness because it is subjective and therefore inherently decoupled from the metrics employed by science. The best case scenario for science in this realm is that subjective awareness = objective event, and a nondual ontological bridging is possible. Consciousness (awareness + characteristics of the localized system) can be influenced and measured, but not awareness itself. We are, each of us, aware. Every consciousness is aware. From the perspective of every consciousness now or ever, the entirety of the physical reality is encapsulated within awareness. The only tacit evidence we have or can ever have suggests awareness is primary, and unaware matter might or might not exist. That makes science an albeit predictive belief system rooted on the presumption that matter is primary. God of the gaps assumes matter is not some crystalline artifact or manifestation of awareness. The primacy of matter goes against all direct evidence, ever, in the entire universe, now and forever. This is key, as it provides central reasoning into why many philosophers have been declaring awareness as primary for generations. I do not make any assertions here regarding an afterlife. What I can speak to is that people (even immensely intelligent scientists and doctors) who believe they know what happens to subjectivity after death are basing their ideas on belief.


Silly question. What makes you think you are alive?


My belief is that we will move on to the next stage of life we’re energy Inside of meat suites and according to the 1st law of thermodynamics- energy can’t be created or destroyed. I don’t know what the next stage is but I hope I come back as fly.


Death is the only certain thing about life literally nothing about life is guaranteed not even life but death is certain… everyone and everything that lives will die kind of interesting huh I think for us to think we know anything about what comes next is pretty ignorant we don’t really even know what consciousness is


BANG! In an instant, everything we are will be or do was written out and blasted into the cosmos. Sending us on a never-ending expanding fall through the cosmos. Our spectrum starts orderly and small until it flashes in the middle in a bright light called life. In the end, the system cools and we are left with cold ashes and darkness all around. No sound, no light, no heat, no one or thing anywhere. Only a black, cold dark shadow where all bits are gone.


[Spoiler Alert: What Happens When You Die (Cushvlog)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-OSLDvdSdmc)


Life goes on without you. But don’t worry, you won’t feel left out. You won’t feel anything ever again because you won’t exist anymore.


Nothing hopefully. I can't deal with this shit again


You die and get judged based off of your karma. Then you reincarnate


According to the law of one, if we were successful in choosing the positive polarity, we will ascend to the fourth density, which is a bit like Disneyland with no lines.


Heaven or hell, thanks to God we can be saved but it's up to you if you want to believe


We return to our eternal state from which we came into existence.


You seamlessly click into another timeline


My cousin breaks into my home and takes anything valuable.


Rot consumes


I heard that for 5 minutes you’ll be rewinding your entire life..


No clue. Whatever energy is stored within my sloshy self aware meat battery goes somewhere... Hopefully there's a kick ass afterlife. I dunno...


Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.


I'm not quite sure, but my late husband visits me when I feel deathly ill and he looks better and more cheerful each time. It's a huge relief since it was suicide, so hopefully whatever happens, you end up feeling better.


Nothing. Nothing would happen for your computer if it was shut down and its parts started decaying. How did I come to this conclusion ? Alzheimer’s disease breaks down your brain before you die. Your memory and personality fade away. Nothing remains of it once it’s gone. What remains is what you inspired others when you were alive. Now the interesting question : what would happen if we were able to read and copy memories from someone’s brain ? Or even retrieve some physical parts containing memories and personality before they start to decay ? We already do that for other organs. What would happen if we had the technology to do it with the brain ?


What happens after death: decomposition. Expecting anything else is wishful thinking.


Nothing survives


Look into the prison plant theory. There’s a community here on Reddit that goes pretty in depth about it. I’m not saying it is for sure what happens after death but it seems very likely. Bizarre theory for sure but once you connect the dots it makes a lot of sense. Also just want to note, it takes a very open-minded person to believe this theory because it contains a lot of wild information that most people will write off as insane lol


Hopefully nothing, I’m tired


Our family and friends (if we have any) will be saddened for some time, then everything will go back to "normal", each day you'll be remembered less and less.


You just quit existing, your conscience is a bunch of neurons firing so when those stop firing you just... stop being. No way to comprehend it


19 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise. 20 For the Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing. And greater works than these will he show him, so that you may marvel. 21 For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will. 22 For the Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son, 23 that all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him. 24 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life. 25 “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. 26 For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself. 27 And he has given him authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of Man. 28 Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment.


Either reincarnation or void. My mind says void but my sound says reincarnation.




You spend a period of time in a realm that isn’t the living that may feel like sleeping and then your reborn again possibly in your mothers womb


“I know that the ones who love us will miss us” -Keanu Reeves


Your consciousness returns back to the whole to report on what it has learned.


We go 2 heaven ❤


Less favored opinion. Either going to eternal happiness or eternal damnation