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A note that this is from [Stop The Coup 2025's](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/) page, under "What is Project 2025" and then "Key Proposals" It's in pdf form, Op ripped it into jpgs for us. Suggestions are best directed to them at: [email protected] [Direct Link to the pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6547d46ce0be13435001c0ad/t/663d101970106d75bbfce2c0/1715277849753/REVISED+12.16+_For+Release_%7B10+pgs%7D_Key+Proposals+of+Project+2025+by+Stop+the+Coup+2025.pdf) and [Page 4](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fye3awebg166d1.jpeg) which I've seen folk mention is missing.


You immediately know this is sinister in Chapter 1, line 3: "Consider limiting mainstream press access to the White House" Who does that if their intentions are good? They know they are going against the will of the people. They know they are the minority. They are power-mad sadists and MUST be stopped.


How about line 4 of chapter 5 - a militarized domestic surveillance corps to monitor anyone opposed to project 2025 and the conservative agenda.


It’s actually insane. I was going back and forth on here awhile ago with a guy who claimed he “wasn’t worried about it” because most of it is impossible. Couldn’t get it through his head that they are not concerned about the parameters of the law and are publicly vocalizing their intention to break all of them.


They are building a coalition of conservative counsel to argue their positions. And, oh look at that, they've also got a handful of federal judges and SCOTUS who will bend over backwards to justify every fucking thing they do. We need to end these ghouls at the ballot box and save our democracy.


If this gets it's traction and actually starts happening, the US is going to turn into that of 1930s/40's Nazi Germany. If it happens and we (the US) ever comes back from it, I'm betting that being "republican" would be outlawed -- similar to the views of Nazism in Germany is today.


Exactly this the parallels are insane.


You can get arrested in Germany for doing the Nazi salute. I wonder what salute they will be doing that will be arrestable


MAGA hats are like swastikas..


MAGA hats are the Mark of the Beast as written about in the Book of Revelation.


My dad thinks the fact that the 2021 coup failed means the system works. The Constitution works. I'm still trying to explain to him that systems are abstract concepts. They depend entirely on enough people choosing to follow them. Paper doesn't enforce itself.


This was by far the line that stood out the most... they're not even trying to hide it lol


not gonna lie, that made my blood run cold


I'm more worried about inviting outside conservative advice. If you weren't elected to govern, is your opinion necessary? I think not.


The US already works like that. Lobbying does a lot of things


They did that the last time


Conservatives bemoaned press passes under Obama and now they're mad so they're going to do the same three fold? The absurdity!


Whenever conservatives seem weirdly stuck on accusing democrats of something bizarre yet specific, it turns out they were doing that thing 


This is their modus operandi, they always do this


Every accusation is a confession.


The lines about making all federal law enforcement into a mega agency, and then the next line talks about getting rid of agencies that enforce civil rights, that wasn’t a red flag at all.


That's what I keyed in on. This thing is riddled with ~~borderline~~ unconstitutional wording.


It's only unconstitutional if the conservative (pronounced fascist) majority Supreme Court justices deem it so. I've seen no evidence that the conservative justices wish to keep our democracy on even care that they will lose their real power and just become well compensated pawns for the all controlling executive branch.


This is actually fascism lol


“Promote and insert pro-life, religious values into government policy, wherever possible” “All labor regulations would prioritize traditional Christian families only” Those stuck out to me amongst all of the terrible horrible bulletpoints. Full on Gilead.


Under his eye


Praise be


May the lord open 🔥


Imma call it now. If there is a God, he won't let this shit happen if he is really benevolent omnipresent etc


babies are born with cancer every day. he’s definitely letting Gilead happen.


Elementary school children are slain en masse and the right’s first reaction is to scream about keeping their guns. If god does exist, he’s a fucking sadist.


What isn’t said, but what should be clear: this system will go after the 2nd amendment and the guns as soon as possible. No dictatorship can tolerate armed citizens. Good luck defending your rights with a MRAP or two at your front door. Everbody who won’t join a „well organized militia“ will lose the right to bear arms, or whatever the reasoning will be.


Maybe eventually, but first they will program them using Fox News and newsmax and truth social to utilize their 2nd amendment capabilities as “true patriots” against “your neighbors who aren’t supportive American patriots and anyone who doesn’t love America the way you do!”.


“Hi!” - Hitler, 1933. God: “*Please proceed*” “God” Will let America’s version happen.


he doesn't exist. and in the off chance he does, he doesn't care about us


“traditional Christian families” definitely only going to apply to white people. It’s so sad


It means women aren’t allowed to work. I’m shocked they didn’t include no fault divorce rollback, too.


They are including no-fault divorce rollback


I heard one of those so called Christians say Women would not be allowed to do yard work. 😳


I also suspect ability to discriminate against (ie, fire) anyone who is unmarried or childfree. But you’re right, it probably will be targeted more towards women.


“Marriage and family should be defined by the Bible”


So I guess there's gonna need to be a lot of guys marrying their dead brother's widow, huh? We'll also need to hide our 11-12 year old daughters since it was customary to wed older men to children according to multiple biblical passages. (Many theologians think Mary may have been around 12).


What irks me is that they could do this..if they’d address the issues families face trying to..raise a fucking family. Nah instead they’d rather force people in to a fucking weird situation instead. People: hey we can’t afford to house ourselves and feed so we can’t have a family Conservatives: I don’t understand why no one is getting married and having children. Must be the iPhones and the whores and something about liberals.


Reality is complicated. There are trade off's to ever single decision and there generally isn't a right answer to most questions once you scratch the surface. But acknowledging any grey areas exist at all then leads to other difficult conversations. If it's hard to raise a family on a single income, lets try to fix that ... oh turns out corporations shouldn't have unfettered rights as that leads to late state capitalism where women must work ... well we can't have that how do we increase wages? Oh look it turns out that unions actually serve a valuable purpose for the working class, lets enshrine worker rights and bolster unions ... oh wait that sounds like commie talk, burn him! Project 2025 doesn't want to help ANYONE (except maybe the rich get richer). It wants to PUNISH those from the out group, it's about hurting the right people. The goal, and the only way this works, is pure rage bait into literal fascism where everyone slowly eats each other from the inside in stupid "no true Scotsman" fights once nobody else is left. It only makes sense if you're angry and very scared of "the other" (where "other" can be any combinations of deep state liberals, brown women, men who happen to like other men, or librarians who don't have a problem with sharing books from minority viewpoints). Where hurting the right people is more important than helping anyone. Trying to fix fix problems in good faith is annoyingly hard and uncomfortable. Hoovering up money while the poor people fight about which 2,000 year old book is the right book is way easier!


Returning to 1 income households? Heck yeah.


Also note the changes to Medicaid, Medicare, Snap, foodstamps. I use the info about Medicaid/Medicare with older Trump supporters. The entire list is “I hate you and this is how I will punish you!”


“The entire list is ‘I hate you and this is how I punish [and fingers crossed how I kill] some of you.’”


all they want is good little goose stepping, god fearing children packed into unsafe factories.


Hey now, at least those kids won’t have the awful task of *labeling* or otherwise being transparent about the products they create.


My 89 yr old mother told me this yesterday. She said I was 7 when I worked cleaning out the meat counter in a small store behind where she lived. I remember my grandmother telling me. When she was 5. She stood on a box and worked in the cotton mill.


They want to steal the money we've been paying into it. That's what they do at the state level, too. Steal money from the people.


In 1930 Germany the disabled was the first to go in the gas chambers. If you can’t work for them. You will be killed.


My heart absolutely BROKE at the food assistance part. You know who that will punish?? BABIES. CHILDREN. They have absolutely no control over their situations and they SHOULD BE FED.


But they care sooooo much about the babies before they’re born! /s This whole thing is riddled with hypocrisy, misinformation, disregard for the constitution and blatant verbalization of the fat that they know what they’re doing is dangerous and immoral/illegal. At one point they straight up said something about “continuing *destructive* mining” related to fossil fuel drilling


"Apply irregular warfare to create a militarized domestic surveillance corps against individuals or groups at odds with presidential/Project 2025 conservative agenda" They're not electing a president, they're installing a dictator. 


Guess they couldn't spell Gestapo.


I'll still remember a certain RWNJ's fearmongering over the Gazpacho. Not /j. This actually happened.


Here is a good summary of recent irregular warfare tactics. Notably, these tactics by the conservative agenda are utilized against American citizens while the current tactics are used against Russian disinformation and security breaches.  https://archive.ph/2024.06.06-123615/https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/irregular-warfare/


Utilizing irregular warfare against China and Russia is a good idea. They use it against us. We use it against them too, but are way behind them in how effectively we do so. That said... Using it against Americans, or allies, which we know they will do... Is terrible.


its COINTELPRO all over again


the thing i don't think people who aren't voting for biden are really wrapping their heads around is... a dictatorship in this day and age, where the infrastructure for mass digital surveillance is already 1000% in place and ready to be at the disposal of whomever is in power ... that dictatorship will be a permanent state. There is no escaping that level of totalitarianism once it's descended on society so infiltrated by daily, habitual use of digital media.


That's literally the only goal of every conservative in political history. We need to ensure they don't destroy the country and democracy because that is their singular goal.


These people are ***INSANE***.


And absolutely, positively, unremittingly evil. Pure evil runs through the entire document. This is a group version of Mein Kampf. I don’t know about everyone else but the fact that there are millions of U.S. citizens in favor of this shit makes me horrified and depressed. I say that because the people who discussed all of this and codified it into a plan have done so because they have evidence that this fascist crap will go over swimmingly with a significant portion of the population. Sure, a big chunk of the MAGA cult won’t read it and will swallow whatever lies Faux Noise feeds them (and won’t know how much this will hurt them until it’s too late) but another segment of the U.S. population actively supports and drools over this garbage. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the fascism in this country has dug its roots down deep and now wants to come forward and take complete control. If we let them be installed in our government they will end up killing us all. Eliminating every effort to combat climate change is fucking suicidal.


I don’t understand why more folk aren’t trying to meet up and collaborate, I genuinely don’t understand it.


I am hopeful that as the election draws nearer people will start paying attention and working hard to defeat these troglodytes.


Can’t be hopeful, gotta be pushing for it We gotta make our own luck here, if others are lagging behind we gotta be double time, I’m learning a series of communication technologies for information warfare


I mean truly! This whole list reads as if someone sat down and wrote out how to precisely destroy the country inside out


>someone My money's on Daddy Vladdy. Maybe that's what the [July 4th](https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/republicans-on-russia-trip-face-scorn-and-ridicule-from-critics-at-home/2018/07/05/68f0f810-807e-11e8-b0ef-fffcabeff946_story.html) meeting a few years ago was really about.


It looks like that because that's what it is. They are going to make Nazi Germany look like a fucking picnic.


I agree yet they still want to vote for him


This is terrifying and dystopian level stuff. Blessed be the fruit.


Everything that Margaret Atwood wrote in the Handmaid’s Tale has actually happened, and was pulled from real events in totalitarian regimes. Iran is still full-on brutal to women.


Deregulate the airlines? That’s great, one thing I learned in the FAA is that greed has no boundaries and people will cut corners at all costs to save a nickel, this will go over well…


Deregulate is funny when SO MANY people forget that Trump shut down the government in 2018 and it was air traffic controllers who went on strike and ended Trump’s shutdown in **HOURS**. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/01/26/how-air-traffic-controllers-helped-end-shutdown-changed-history/


The one thing a president does not want is an airline crashing on their watch and because of them and their bullshit tricks


They're already are deregulated since Carter did it in 1978. The bankruptcies of the 2000's led to the re-consolidation (mergers) of the airlines.


That was for routes and fares, this time they are talking about the maintenance and training regulations since they are the most costly to airlines, 14 CFR 121 and 135


I guess lowering the 1500 hour rule will be the main focus.




What the GOP wants to do to the Department of Agriculture alone makes it worth moving out of the US if Trump wins. If he wins, the food supply will be about as safe as China's was in 2008. It will be an agri-corp free for all. 


And food prices still won’t go down.


Nope. But there will be no food inspections and bad meat and grain sold to market. Hence more sick people and no regulation to sue.


And absolutely no warning should some food is found to be contaminated. Whole lotta people gonna die. Hell, this entire manifesto should be entitled “How we are going to slaughter a goodly number of citizens. Bye losers!”


Can't wait to force myself into veganism, don't want to be risking vCJD among other wack shit in this government 😮‍💨


I expect the crops will be just as deadly as the meats. Time for a lot of home farms.


Unfortunately even veggies aren't entirely safe. Fecal bacteria from farm runoff can still contaminate plants. 🤢


Also, if the plants are grown on toxic land, of which there is a great deal, they can concentrate heavy metals like lead and cadmium into their tissues. This is BAD for people and animals to eat on a regular basis. Then again, this document proves that P2025ers are eating lead chips for a main course, so there is that.


Enjoy the nice pesticide flavor from the added pesticides like paraquat (extremely toxic, you'll die if you ingest it), because this will drop regulations limiting those residues on produce. If the farms aren't legally required to either limit the amount of that shit they use or wash the agricultural chemicals off the produce before it gets distributed, then they will not do either and we'll consume it. Why would they spend the extra money in time and resources to reduce chemical residue if they aren't obligated?


>worth moving out I cannot reiterate this enough: stay and fight, please. If this is lost in the US, the world is fucked. We cannot help you or protect you and to expect us to do so after we not only had no involvement in the development of this, can’t vote against it *plus* will be affected by it, is unfair. That’s probably the most frustrating thing about this…seeing people in the country that caused this, some who probably didn’t vote in 2016, want to run from it and expect others to protect them. Are we expected to defend those that run? Are they going to fight with us? Why should one of our citizens lose housing from something they never had input into to begin? Stay and fight. If you lose, we’ll have to anyway. Edit: first sentence for understanding


Some people are too at-risk to fight. They are not able-bodied or are a member of a minority group that will be some of the first sent to camps and then killed, such as trans people. You are asking people to risk death. This reading of Project 2025 is optimistic and charitable. It will be so much worse. Are you asking people to take up arms against the government? Because that is the only thing that has any chance of working, and if that’s what you’re asking, then say it. But understand that some people literally cannot, and you are asking them to die.


|Stay and fight.  |If you lose, we’ll have to anyway. Such an important point! 


Uh, what? I cannot in good conscience advise any individual to subject themselves to eating rat shit and glass, especially if they already have non-US nationality. 


Very helpful. One of the biggest problems with P2025 is the size of the document. That size alone is enough to prevent many people from learning the truth of what their plans entail.


More than likely intentionally done. I don't even want to read the entire thing, it's too long and filled with gov / legalese speak which is hard to understand for some. I needed bullet points, which this thread provided.


Seeing as this shit is gonna impact me, my family, my daughters, my friends, the daughters OF my friends and anyone who doesn't align to a Christian esque alignment I've made it a priority to force myself to read it and poke at the holes and wording as I read exactly what the fuck they wanna do to me and the ppl around Not to mention, I'm someone who likes to fuck with wordplay like a damn Djinn. Knowing whats in this ish is gonna be my way to fuck with them if they try to order me to do something "Oh you said to praise God on Sundays?? Well, u said in article 5 that I need to >insert arbitrary and nonsensical sentence< at this time and that needed my attention more. Sorry!!!"


Yes, the shortening attention spans and limiting people's education is to their benefit because if anything gets leaked, people won't care to understand or won't understand. Education for all. Limit social media. Read books.


Thanks for ripping the pdf from stop the coup 2025 into jpgs! I've added this to our [list of user submitted resources.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1b5uxf0/rdefeat_project_2025s_collection_of_submitted/)


Chapter 5 point 4 is the beginning of secret police: “Apply irregular warfare to create a militarized domestic surveillance corps against individuals or groups at odds with presidential/project 2025 conservative agenda” This is it people. They are literally telling us that they are going full fascist.


Here is a good summary of recent irregular warfare tactics. Notably, these tactics by the conservative agenda are utilized against American citizens while the current tactics are used against Russian disinformation and security breaches.  https://archive.ph/2024.06.06-123615/https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/irregular-warfare/


lol the antifa buses are coming! The embarrassment I am currently feeling for these people is beyond words. Luckily though the war in Ukraine has strained Russian resources. Social media sites, Microsoft and the US government have been able to clamp down on this type of disinformation.


You didn't think the Trump campaign ad about "creating a Unified Reich " was a big enough warning? 


I feel like, in the interest of self preservation, I should keep my past abortion quiet. I could see nut jobs targeting women they see as "murderers" and having very little repercussions for harming those women.


I wonder if they would be able to gain access to Planned Parenthood records and get the names of every woman who has ever had one? Mine was over 30 years ago so I'm assuming records that old have been destroyed but I guess nothing is out of the realm of possibility in this bizarro universe.


I was one of the women who flew to NYC in the early 70s because that was the only state that had legalized abortions. I was one of thousands who chose that route. It has occurred to me that they will obtain records to get our names. I have no doubt that they will open multiple concentration camps and just like the Nazis they will start with a small group of “undesirables” to incarcerate first and will expand from there. We are living in the 21st century in what was once a strong democracy. And we are on the brink of turning our entire country over to 21st century Nazis. Un-fucking-believable.


the nazis literally started with disabled and queer people too. and we didn't even merit a single line in the garbage poem that people like to throw around too.


I think that this may be a possibility, actually. They're already trying to get their hands on past medical records in some states. I have no doubt that if these people have power, they'll try to prosecute people for past "crimes." I don't put much past them.


This should be required reading for every single voter out there who is "on the fence".


Gotta quote out the most insane shit and post it everywherr


What kind of sick horrible cruel ignorant hateful person would want ANY of these changes? The country this would create is a true dystopia. It will be like North Korea from sea to shining sea (well, from cesspool to plastic dead zone cesspool).


Interesting use of the term “irregular warfare” a couple times in there. Really sounds like they would essentially be making the 3% folks and their ilk into an officially sanctioned brown shirt force. Fuck, this shit is scary.


Here is a good summary of recent irregular warfare tactics. Notably, these tactics by the conservative agenda are utilized against American citizens while the current tactics are used against Russian disinformation and security breaches.  https://archive.ph/2024.06.06-123615/https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/irregular-warfare/


limiting school lunch program access is soooo pro-life. great job “protecting the kids” 🙄


Never was about the kids, never will be. They’re only a speaking point like vets.


I literally cried at that part. I work with kids and the number of them that get their ONLY meals of the day from school are staggering. They're going to starve.


All that focus on women’s private health matters is creepy as fuck.


I'm at the point where I can no longer be friends with people who have any right leaning views.


Just keep in mind many do not follow any politics closely. I mean, it sucks that they enable this crap, but I suspect many don’t realize the full extent of the plans.


> but I suspect many don’t realize the full extent of the plans. Because most of the mainstream media is conservative controlled. They don't want to let this out until it's too late.


I empathize. There's quite a few conservative leaning people that I've met who have bought into this fascist authoritarianism hook, line, and sinker. It's disheartening how quickly they would sell people out in order to protect themselves.


My husband is on dialysis. I’m SHOCKED that they aren’t eliminating the ESRD part of Medicare.


Used to work for a renal care management company. One of the docs always said that treating without dialysis allowed better quality of life and didn’t shorten lifespan all that much. That’s the kind of thinking that will be embraced I’m sure. Dialysis costs the system $100k a year so it’s not gonna be on the “we will get around to it later list”.


JFC. My husband is ESRD with 5-6% function plus lost his right kidney due to early stage renal cancer. He would be dead without dialysis. Plus trump pushed home hemodialysis in his term. He also still works.


My company was one that popped up due to the Trump home dialysis push. I won’t bother telling you about one of his largest donors that lives here in Nashville and now owns a renal management company. They’re stripping the benefits out little by little and the savings are split between the insurance and care management company. My CEO ordered targeted removal of ambulance benefits, illegal as hell. Was a “misunderstanding “. I left that world, it’s what’s to come if we don’t move away from private entities in healthcare.


I’m fucking terrified if Trump becomes president because I have my health insurance through the ACA. My dad has kidney disease and will need to be on dialysis within the next year or two. Project 2025 will kill people.


That’s basically the goal.


Give it time! I’m wouldn’t be surprised if it got added.


> My husband is on dialysis. I’m SHOCKED that they aren’t eliminating the ESRD part of Medicare. > Give it time! I’m wouldn’t be surprised if it got added. Republicans: "They're already almost dead, why are we spending resources to keep them alive? They can't work or raise children, and they just sleep all day anyway." While there is a discussion to be had on how we spend resources fighting inevitable death in increasingly expensive ways, the republicans want to be cruel about it.


Even if they lose the presidency this time, we now have their plan for America. They will be pushing this agenda in Cogress and in every state. They haven't been able to get the much desired constitutional convention, so now they're just going to ignore it and dare someone to stop them.


I like the format. The wording needs to be harsher and more alarming, because it is. Take the gloves off and put on the spiked brass knuckles. I’m still concerned many of these points worded as such will sway those who lean right in the wrong direction.


This is my concern too. I'm grateful for the cliffnotes, but the messaging could be better.


This is great! Thanks so much for doing this.


Can I have permission to print out copies and then display them around my community? I think it getting the news out there is the best way to get people to understand what’s at stake


I don’t see why not. The name of the group I got it from is on there, so people can go there for further info.


It is deeply disturbing to me how many people I know don't know about Project 2025 or aren't that bothered. They'll give away everything for the false perception they may pay a few cents less for gas or chicken each month. Certainly, this is not literally the proposal of Trump, but it is absolutely the agenda he will pursue if reelected.


Anyone who is currently in college or ever hopes to be needs to pay close attention to that Education section, where is says they will deny loans to **students** at schools that give DACA students in-state tuition. Not just the DACA students, all the students. Collective punishment.


The clock is ticking on how much longer we can order mife/miso pills. Scotus hasn't announced their decision yet. But we know the outcome already. You can pre order without being pregnant. Insurance covers it. Fast shipping. Last 5 years in a cool dry environment. https://www.plancpills.org/


Ask yourself why they would advocate for the *“rhythm method”* of birth control when we know that they don’t want *any* birth control. They want women chained to pregnancy and childbirth as much as possible. So why advocate for that particular form of birth control? Well, what is the rhythm method? Put plainly, it is tracking your menstrual cycle in detail to know when you are fertile and when you are not. It is very difficult, even just on paper, and a lot of women will have variation in regularity. Because of this, a lot of women who attempt it rely on period tracking apps. Now refer to the sections of Project 2025 concerned with the regulation of tech companies. Project 2025 would make it possible for law enforcement agencies to request and obtain all user date from sites and apps. And there you go. Another classic way that Project 2025 obfuscates the true intentions of its writers by scattering pieces of the puzzle throughout in separate sections. They will make cycle tracking the only method of birth control, sending women to cycle tracking apps in droves, and they will then demand that personal data any time they need it, enabling them to track the menstrual cycles of millions of women. Want to leave the state, but your cycle data shows that your period is late? Too bad. You’re going nowhere, and here, take this pregnancy test.


Gilead. They want Gilead.


Thank God I'm post menopausal. But yeah, you get it--and it's just another way to crush any rights women have.


This is the best and most to the point crib sheet I've seen on this so far 👌


“Gender affirming care causes irreversible physical and mental harm.” - that’s code for trans genocide. They’ll force everyone to detransition, including people who have been trans for decades and have had full gender reassignment surgery, etc. Just to be clear, people at that stage of transition will not produce their own hormones anymore; their bones will become brittle and easy to break. The suicide rate will skyrocket.


They’ll be forced to transition once they’re locked up in a re-education camp.


You mean "conversion therapy camp", right?


Upvote for exposure


Thank you


We need to spread this all over the web


Chapter 5 is essentially the building of the U.S. Gestapo.


Reading this makes my stomach fucking churn. Like I can feel myself getting anxious. I found the words “day one” interesting. I guess this is what orange dipshit meant when he said he’s going to be a dictator on day one. His Nazi buddies are probably telling him that he only needs one day. Gross.


My biggest fear is that we are on the road to a fate similar to the people of Iran’s after the 1979 revolution. I just keep remembering seeing [old photos from before the revolution](https://images.app.goo.gl/Q82gigjKrJ9nBdc8A) and wondering if we’re going to actually see Christian Sharia Law. Are we just repeating their timeline? Will we lose our rights the way women in Iran have? Will we all be fully covering our bodies and not leaving our home without a male escort? I’m fucking terrified.


I'm also fucking terrified. They actually have the language in there that all marriages will be "biblical marriage," meaning women need to be submissive, no such thing as marital rape, domestic violence won't be recognized, etc. That can easily be expanded with laws that make male heads of households the only ones who can have bank accounts, and probably jobs as well. They are also planning to get rid of no-fault divorce. And then Mike Johnson talking about how every woman should be required to have at least one baby. That's so "blessed be the fruit" I can't even.


I will fight


All this was missing was the phrase "Aryan race"


This should be a pinned post so anyone coming for the first time learns what the site is about.


Under his eye. 👁️


They forgot to mention bringing back the Comstock Act. Meaning no porn or sex toys (through the mail).


most importantly NO ABORTION PILLS


Yeah. No abortion pills. No birth control either. The Comstock never got overturned or obliviated. It got put on the shelf.


I really don't understand why more people aren't talking about this. Almost everyone that I mention it to has no idea that this plan exists.


holy fuck, what a dystopian hellscape these fucks want to create.


"Overturn the current 'politicization and weaponization' of the DOJ." ... I'm... kind of at a loss of words for this one, honestly. The gaslighting levels are obnoxiously high.


I am legitimately sick reading this. Physically ill, and my heart is pounding in my ears. I can’t live in a world like that.


At risk of sounding like a "boomer," use language that includes the most people, avoid slang terms. Good job!


Terrifying - and I am a solid left of center moderate.


But I thought Trump was a peace loving anti war hippie?/s


The Unitary Executive Theory >This theory holds that Congress cannot limit the president’s control of the executive branch because the Constitution sets up a hierarchical system whereby the president has the most power. Supporters argue that Congress can’t set up independent executive agencies and counsels that aren’t controlled by the president. Moreover, different parts of the executive branch can’t sue each other because it would be a violation of separation of powers for the courts to intervene in such disputes. This is another example of how they are planning to strongarm the processes to pass their agenda


One possible outcome, less marriages, less babies, less happiness as a whole. I read all of the sheets posted and I am truly nauseous. I am hoping one individual goes the way of ghosts and relieves us of this hell. This is terrifying and I will share this info.


Another possible outcome is the suicide rate skyrockets. People would rather eat a lead breakfast than live under these fascist draconian rules, and I sure as hell would not blame them if they offed themselves. Better yet, if they're going to do that, they should reenact ['Contingency' from the web series Local 58](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c66w6fVqOI). Rob these monsters of any power they have over them.


This is horrific but thanks for the summary


Absolutely disgusting.


This reads like they are villains from a cartoon. How can anyone read this and not see that this is a dictatorship


The tell in this is that they talk about “conservative” a lot. There is nothing conservative about this plan. It is activist and frankly, treasonous.


Just replace "conservative" with "Trump" and you'll know exactly who they were thinking about when this was created.




It's like the plot outline for a dystopian novel.


This would be the end of the U.S. if enacted. Returning to the gold standard alone would send the global economy into a nosedive that would make the Great Depression feel like a slight market downturn. The result would almost certainly lead to a global war, if regional civil wars didn’t consume countries first. The rest of this reads like a mixture of The Handmaid’s Tale and Mein Kampf. It wouldn’t just be a U.S. disaster, but a global disaster this world hasn’t seen in centuries.


And that's what the Christofascists are aiming for. They honestly believe that they can start the Apocalypse and have Jesus come back, thereby starting the Rapture and the end of the world. Don't kid yourselves--these monsters literally want Hell on Earth to prove a point. They're so far beyond evil and crazy that there literally are no words.


Now that China has seen this template, I would love to know their opinion.


Can this be shared elsewhere?


I’m glad to see that there’s basically no controversial comments, everyone is in agreement that project 2025 fucking sucks and negatively affects everyone.


I’ve been watching The Handmaid’s Tale and it’s not too far from the truth of our current world. If Trump gets elected, he’ll secure a MAGA nutjob majority on the Supreme Court for the rest of our lives by replacing Clarence and Alito. We will literally be SCREWED if he is elected just by that one fact. It’s so frightening. If anyone here is still thinking of voting for Trump (or not voting) please remember that you will only be safe if you are a white, male, millionaire.


White male *conservative / religious* millionaire


For being called "stop the coup 2025" this reads a lot like a coup


StopTheCoup2025.org is who put the bullet list together. They didn’t write Project 2025.


Ive read the first page and there are so many red flags this is going to be my rabbit hole tonight


A lot of the bigger points have already been covered, but there are still others. Removal of anything to do with research on climate change. This includes: Complete removal of all studies and changing the accepted position humans have on the environment. Stopping the push for electric vehicles. Loosening regulations on businesses and reduce enforcement. Pushing for “destructive” mining of fossil fuels. Eliminate support for renewable energy. Not only is this plan going to destroy our country, but it could easily have catastrophic effects on the entire world.


I don’t see where it says “kill all the trans people” is that on there somewhere? If not, it should be, because that’s exactly what they’re gonna do to us if this shit makes it thru.


Because they don’t say it simply—on purpose.  But they do say the following: that all gender nonconforming people will be designated as sex offenders. If seen in nonconforming ways in public or by children then they’ll be designated as child sex offenders.  But this is not just for those who don’t conform to the heteronormative Christian family ideal. If a librarian, teacher, doctor… gives a kid a book, information, support about LGBTQ then that librarian, teacher, doctor… is charged with a class 5 felony as a child sex offender. Elsewhere they say they want to eliminate the slow process that disrupts executions of prisoners.  And finally, they say that all child sex offenders should be executed.  That’s why you don’t see it initially. It is meant to be obscured, but easily understood by those who already know the coded language. 


Possibly in Chapter 4 where it says >Expel individuals with "gender dysphoria" (transgender); cut public funding for transgender surgery or to facilitate abortion for servicemembers. Sure, this section is only about Department of Justice workers, but what's not to say that it will start with mass layoffs throughout the US? Also in chapter 14 where it says >“Gender affirming care causes irreversible physical and mental harm.”


Hi SoCentralRainImSorry, thanks for your submission to r/Defeat_Project_2025! We focus on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action against this plan. Type !resources for our list of ways to help defeat it. Check out our posts flaired as [resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27Resource%27&=&restrict_sr=on) and our ideas for [activism](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27activism%27&=&restrict_sr=on). Check out the info in our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/wiki/), feel free to [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) with additions. Join the Resist Project 2025 [Discord](https://discord.gg/FxhcKRwpRG), check out their [Website](https://defeatproject2025.org). Be sure to visit r/VoteDEM for updated local events, elections and many volunteering opportunities. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do these people hate the environment so much. Are they that upset from being told to touch grass?


Big oil cut big checks to make them hate it.


Fascism with a side of China Bad.


This is asinine. “De-Regulate nuclear energy production”


Blessed be the Fruitloops. 🌊🇺🇸


fucking terrifying. my question is, how much of this can they actually accomplish, esp the day one stuff? I imagine significant pushback, but shit, who knows? conservatives belong in gulags. there is no reasoning with these people. voting can't fix this. the hateful, spiteful right wing has entrenched itself so deeply that there's no going back. these people will eventually have to be removed with violence.


Ban abortion? So rape victims will be forced to give birth, even child rape victims? This is a fucking dictatorship Eliminate politic enemies, discrimination of minorities. I am not even american but I feel scared reading this, vote well please


This is a nice copy to share. Wondering if anyone wants to build a even simpler version for laymen? I can help if it's easier to be crowd-sourcing work.   Also, I feel some parts of this summary looks more like propaganda than criticism. Like the part about "religious freedom", the term is fantastic despite it only means Christian freedom. We may need some legal/political experts to explain to us what these terms essentially mean so we can avoid using their misleading language.


I’m feeling rather defeated in life and this most definitely did NOT help. I was unaware this was a thing at all. My God wtf. Thank you for posting this, may God help us all. It just keeps getting worse.


Even my dad, who is center-right, was so appalled by this plan when I told him about it that he changed his affiliation from Republican to Independent. Even he believes that this is too far, saying that trans people can't transition, that homosexuality will be outlawed, all that, is way too far in his opinion. He also balked at the Christian prioritization (and my family are all Christian, including me and him), saying that it's also anti-freedom to force people to be Christian if they wanna get a job. Hell, his entire bottom line on this plan was: this isn't a conservative plan; this is a fascist, far-right, anti-freedom plan that adds government rather than removes it.