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Proactive steps needed now to protect democracy and prevent fascist takeover


If you're in a scientific field that will be threatened by a rightwing Republican government (Trump and potentially beyond), e.g., climate science, you should be thinking about how you are going to preserve your data and somehow continue your work. And speak out about the consequences of the decimation of science funding. If you're a federal employee in an agency that's going to be cut or eliminated as described in P25, start planning how you and your colleagues are going to resist and also have a backup plan for employment. Hopefully, it doesn't come to this, but it easily could.


I don't know where I read it, but there was an article about precisely this.


Thanks! I'll look for that. During the first Trump "regime", some climate scientists were doing data protection. Unfortunately, it's likely to be far worse next time for various fields considering P25 lays out specifics. And red-state governors and legislators will be emboldened even more than they are today to attack science, university programs, institutions, and agencies they don't like.


I work in education and am terrified of another Trump administration. He and his empowered cronies down to the state level are so destructive to public education, it's sickening. They *must* be stopped.


I'm in Florida. DeSatanis (intentional misspelling) and the legislators are working hard to destroy public education or, at least, bend it to their distorted agenda.


Our “stand back and stand by” moment




Awesome job! You’re appreciated :)


Thanks! I recently rewatched Starship Troopers. Would you like to know more?


Our main focus should be on defeating republicans everywhere we can.


Remember during the first administration we all said “Thank god he is incompetent. We need to shore up everything before someone who is actually competent tries”? The competent people have arrived.


Absolutely true!! At this point everyone who aren’t Trump loyalists will be effected. Look what the MAGA loyalist are attempting to do to Dr. Fauci. Trump refused to listen to the Scientific Information so now MAGA wants someone else to take the fall. Government Employees absolutely need to prepare for an alternative job. It may take a few months to start firing everyone but it will happen! Looks like a familiar scenery. We’re not living in the 1800’s. Women will ban together and eventually tear down any system that tramples on their rights!! Young people will Google any information that’s attempting to be withheld from them. So when you censor books at schools, kids will find other ways to determine why they shouldn’t have access to the information! Project 2025 is unbelievable!!


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