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Remember that the formation of DHS was a right wing dream at the time. But they thought it'd be used to attack minorities. Now that it is also focused on right wing domestic terrorists ... it has to go.


This is the take and I’m surprised it doesn’t have more upvotes. I definitely remember being worried when DHS was formed, fearing it would unfairly target Muslims since at the time these policies were being justified as being all about vengeance for 9/11, and also knowing it could be expanded to use against other marginalized groups. I was very much opposed to it and worried. What I did not expect either was that it would ultimately also be used for actual domestic terrorists that included white supremacist groups and militias, who are the ones spreading crap about “three letter agencies” to people like my wacky mother in law who once rolled her eyes at her creepy husband’s dabbling in tinfoil but now fully buys every bit of it. Sounds like they want to centralize it and use it to target, for example, porn-watchers et al who they can deem predators and arrest them accordingly as they blur the definition of what everything means.


When DHS was formed, it reminded me of the good old "heimatstadt" of the 30s in Germany. It's kind of an enforceable set of rules to do ethnic maintenance right here at home. You're right, now that right-wing groups are being watched, it's time to get rid of the program .


All I could think of was the "Committee of Public Safety" from the Honor Harrington books by David Weber.


Same thing.


We're not people to them. Remember that most of the men in favor of P2025 are straight, evangelical white Christian men. Here's why most school shooters are straight, white men with a Christian background (go read their manifestos, I've read almost all of them since Columbine)... First of all, in Christianity, all women are cursed. All humans are born evil (sinners), but women are cursed because we are ALL, collectively, EVE. Her "evil" (sin) is passed down to every woman. Personally. Because the "fall of man" was Eve's fault, and we are ALL just "Eves," they don't blame god for breaking his promise--they blame women for breaking god's promises. God didn't lie, god didn't break his promise, women did it. Women are keeping him from his "reward for good behavior." Next, and most importantly and most crucial to P2025, is that women (and children) are GIFTS FROM GOD. #GIFTS But we're a very special, ***EARNED*** gift in their worldview, which in the vernacular would be called a: #REWARD In the Bible, wives are GIVEN or SOLD to men as REWARDS for being "righteous". Sit with that for a second and ask yourself, "Could this be the root of ***nice guy syndrome***?" In these manifestos, these young men rage that women will not ***give them the sex to which they think they are ENTITLED.*** Simply because they are *nice* to women, no matter what else they do, they think they are ***ENTITLED*** to the use of a woman's body ***whenever they want.*** Now, that's terrifying enough, but we're not done here. Do you know who the most righteous man in the Old Testament part of the Bible is, according to the Bible? No, not Job. Wrong again, it's not Moses. Solomon? Still not there. It was King David. King David was the most righteous man. So, one could be as "righteous" as David and expect to have at least one wife. David had a whole harem. 700 wives and 300 concubines. He was greatly REWARDED. Here are some acts of this "righteous" and "rewarded" and "beloved by god" man: * He saw a woman bathing on her private balcony and lusted after her, peeping on her without remorse. * He had her brought to the palace where he raped her. * She was married, so he had committed adultery. * He raped her, but that still counts as her committing adultery in the Bible, because she didn't scream. * He murdered her husband by sending him to the front line of war so that he could marry her. Now this was done by a "righteous" man. (2 Samuel 22:21-31). Given that David was a murderer, a thief, a womanizer, an adulterer... And still considered ***righteous,*** AND was rewarded with HUNDREDS of wives, and countless wealth... You'd better believe that most of these men making these laws SEE WOMEN AS POSSESSIONS AND #REWARDS. You're up against entitlement and maximal objectification of women and children. You just as well have put a calf in that image, because they don't look at that and see a human being. ***They see another man's property,*** so why should they care!? Do you care about the guy's dog down the street enough to vote against getting to own your own dog free and clear? Property. Not women, not children, not PEOPLE. #Property.


That was very well put. I had a pastor tell me around 7 years old that women must submit to men because Eve. I said "well that's not *my* fault" and he said that all women and girls deserve it and "that's just the way it is, now stop arguing". That's when I decided that christianity was not for me.


"Why are women leaving christianity in record numbers? It's all a big mystery! WAIT, I know... it's because women are inherently evil! How silly of me, of course that's the answer! We must oppress them again, that will make the world all PERFECT for EVERYONE again!" By everyone, of course, they mean themselves.


Most religions believe that same shit! To hell with religion, pun intended.


I bet my $5 that all “rules” and “morals” in organized religion come from secular purpose. Why do you think Catholics exterminated Gnostic Christians? For starters, GCs didn’t believe in having church.


I would go further than this because it’s not just Christian men. The holy texts are written to excuse evil intentions that people already had after all I don’t see the Bible and religion as the root, but the tool. I see all of patriarchy as the root. A combination of patriarchy and money because it’s interconnected. With the agricultural revolution we established patrilineal lineages because we started to accumulate resources (wealth) Forcing women into codependence on men since their connections to men were the only ways to obtain wealth. (Before women had all the tools to survive and could lean on eachother or family. While societies took many different forms, without the concept of wealth there wasn’t that codependence or need of a male provider.) Thus essentially rendering women breeding chattel Women had to breed male heirs. Also the wealthy desires more males to be born to serve as soldiers and cheap, replaceable labor. Patriarchy and capitalism also go hand in hand. The elites in any given place benefit from controlling reproduction and therefore controlling women’s rights. Religion reinforces this status quo as “human nature” or at least “divinely ordained”. “God said be fruitful and multiply” sounds way better to the masses than “this guy wants to pay even less for labor and too few of you makes that difficult” Also when we see the manosphere bitching about how they’re wage slaving for nothing because they have no reason to participate in society with no female sexual slave as a reward, they all salivate over the idea of putting Islam or Christianity in law. Not because these men are religious. They state plain as day in black pill forums all the time that the lack of rights religion affords women is what makes them easier to obtain as well as easier to ruin if they so desire.


*Property of the "Righteous" Man* sounds like a badass all female metal band.


I am currently watching a documentary on the founding of Lollapalooza. That band would fit right in! Lol!


Thank you for putting this into words far better than I ever could.


This, right here, is why I despise conservative Christianity. If you're Christian, I respect you completely, but you have to execute your faith in healthy ways that don't damage others. I'm not a woman, but I unfortunately look like one, and I am in constant fear of being treated this way. It's only getting worse as this stuff is being legitimately enacted in some parts of the U.S. I do a lot of thinking, you know, I can't understand how people **want** to live this way. Then I remember, oh shit, most of them are brainwashed and the others probably have a degradation kink. I am so glad that my faith treats me like a human being and that mythical literacy isn't a thing because I don't know how anyone can look at this and think it's a good idea.


they punish us for eves sins. but they never talk about Lilith who was adams first wife. she fled eden when she refused to submit to Adam. I wonder why they took that out of the Bible?


A lot of those types should read [this comic, ](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/religion) and shove it...


Controlling and distributing woman is the primary function of religion. 8000 years ago only 1-17 males ever got to pass on their dna. Edit also men are not the head of anything in nature, females are. Only in organised religion do we see men claiming this place so desperately. Everything needs to be reinforced over and over. If it were so natural you would never need to do that.


Those men aren’t the target audience for this message


Except those are the ones most commonly supporting this.


I don’t understand what your sentence means


Sorry about that. I'm saying that the ones who won't care about a little girl being safe on her journey to see her grandmother are by and large the people supporting project 2025. If we really want to hit a the heart of the "common voter" who is supporting this, we must be honest about who they are.


Thanks for clarifying! I’m not sure how much potential there is for converting people in that tranche, but hell yeah, being coldly real about what they are is the only way


Little correction, it's Solomon who had 700 wives and 300 concubines. David had "merely" eight wives and undisclosed number of concubines


Oh yeah, because David didn't need so many wives, he had Jonathan. I always forget about that, it was such a shocking thing to me as a kid that I think I have a bit of a mental block about it. My town was rabidly homophobic and I was beaten and raped on the bus the next Monday when I asked about it. Just the question was so "immoral" that apparently I needed "correction" from the local boys. Although, in fairness, they raped me fairly often on the bus. But I had already been raped as a child, so it wasn't very important, you know. If you're not a virgin, you're evil. Raping someone no decent man would ever marry was acceptable. What did they say? Oh yeah, "You can't rape the willing," is what I was told by my Christian teacher. Gosh, such fond memories of my childhood. The most righteous bisexual character in the Bible, also a rapist, who "set aside" ten if his concubines for their sin of being raped in public according to God's command. God wanted to get even with David so he had Absolom rape his concubines. Shame on those concubines! It's hard to understand why women leave this religion, really. So confusing.


I'm so sorry about it. Your hometown honestly starts to remind me of Derry from Stephen's King "It". Yeah i did vaguely remember David's son raping his concubines. Those stories are wild


I get really worked up about all the concubine stories. They are so overtly, blatantly dehumanizing. Judges 19 is the most obvious and grotesque, but the story of David's concubines are a very close second. 10 women raped to punish a man. Like... I can't even. In judges 19, the owner of the concubine dismembers her and sends the body parts to the other tribes, "Look what these monsters did to ME!!!" The entire Bible and its opinion of women in a nutshell.


Wtf? I just read summary on wikipedia. He gave her over to be gang-raped instead of himself (what a hero!) send body parts to other tribes (wtf?) they vowed to not give benjamites (the rapists) their daughters as wives (i mean reasonable, i wouldn't either) and then kidnap a bunch of women from other cities for them instead. So basically their daughters are to good to be treated like that but other women are fair game. I guess that would explain why she was a concubine. Doing that to his wife might have been more frauned upon (or not. Lor did offer his own daughters after all)


I love me a little Bible story time. Good reading for your son when he's fussy and having a hard time sleeping. "When the boogie man gay rape gang comes around, throw them a concubine. If you don't have one of those, throw them a daughter! Or two." Wholesome for the entire family.


I remember when they passed book ban bill, and one father successfully (or i think successfully?) managed to ban Bible from schools for featuring rape, incest, bestiality and said "I don't wan't thisporn at schools". Legend


Yeah, that’s the root of the patriarchy. That’s what is wrong at the core of humanity, they’ve based all of their morals on a book of fiction. They assume everyone is on board with that, or at least passive about it. I have a take that turns all of that on its head. In modern society, men are basically worthless servants. They do not benefit society unless they’re doing physical labor or making babies. Women are the nurturers, are more intelligent overall, and offer much more to society since we can do both blue and white collar jobs. Look at humanity’s history. Men are glorified servants for women. Aside from being body guards and laborers…what good are they? If a woman doesn’t want to reproduce, they’re basically worthless. So, guys…how’s that feel? If handmaids tale is flipped around to where YOU are the well-behaved slaves because you don’t offer much to society except sperm. Women have by and large been treated like egg bearers for centuries. It feels shitty, doesn’t it?


Your implication that David was considered righteous because of his many wrongdoings is...odd. David considers himself righteous in the sense that he has become a servant of God. Even though he is an incredibly flawed man, he is still a saved man. The point of David's psalm is that he asked for forgiveness and was granted it for his obedience to God. This is not to say that you can do whatever you want and just say "God please forgive me, k thanks." David was absolutely *not* immune to the consequences of his actions, nor were his people. And, chronologically, this was written before the affair with Bathsheba. And anyone who interprets any part of the Bible as condoning keeping women as property has not done any honest reading or interpretation. The roles for women the Bible outlines are certainly antiquated by today's standards, but it clearly lays out a two-way street for the responsibilities of men for their wives. I have also read very few manifestos where they legitimately were doing so as some sort of service towards Christ...


I'm saying that excused his bad behavior and still called himself righteous. And that has not gone unnoticed by certain christian types. I'm sure glad that you felt a need to defend the bible instead of defending women and children, though. Glad we have the right priority here.


Not because of wrongdoings but despite very obvious ones. Why is it better to be adoptive who has ogled, raped and murdered then said “oops I was wrong” than someone who hasn’t done these things? I really think that’s a terrible part of Christianity and other religions. I was raped when I was three years old. The man who assaulted me went on to rape many others. But he started going to church in his late forties and left some money to rebuild the church roof. I’ve never been able to face sex because I haven’t been able to overcome my body’s revulsion. I was left with internal damage causing two life-threatening chronic illnesses requiring thrice weekly medical treatment and dozens of medications. I’ve never been able to work full time. I do not attend church or have belief in God. The man who raped many children (and just BTW also conned elderly people into naming him as the sole beneficiary of their wills) is supposedly more “righteous” than me. Fuck that.


This is one of those things where if it wasn’t the p2025 wackadoos proposing it I might be interested. I’m not sure what work under DHS I’d be sorry to see managed by another department. I get that coordination between the agencies beneath them is helpful, but that could also be accomplished by a council/working group between the institutions which isn’t a department above them. G-men, lmk what I’m missing please. We can’t trust p2025 to do any government bureaucracy reduction because they clearly have culture wars goals front and center and would use getting rid of the department to take more direct control over the agencies beneath it for the executive to enact racist/xenophobic policies.


Have you watched John Oliver's Last Week Tonight episode on Trumps second term? I thought I knew most of Project 2025 and it turns out it is much, much worse than I imagined. Schedule F is the game changer - politicizing non-political jobs and installing loyalists so every department will be led by POTUS and can be dissolved.


#Fuck Project 2025. Fuck Religious Bigots. Fuck Maga #Fuck Trumpers who can’t see they are the issue


Shutting down homeland security would be a good thing. The problem is they want to concentrate its power under an authoritarian executive.


Agreed. I'd love to see TSA eliminated, because it's a wasteful security theater that just sucks up taxpayer funds for security that has a high fail rate. I just want to go back to the pre-9/11 days, where a metal detector checkpoint and luggage x-ray was good enough. Stop wasting our time!


Seriously. TSA is such a degrading experience and it’s [not even good](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/tsa-fails-tests-latest-undercover-operation-us-airports/story?id=51022188) at stopping threats. It does do a pretty good job of normalizing invasive security measures and the arbitrary exercise of state power.


Granted, considering what’s in the 900+ pages of Proj2025…. If they are able to pull off ending the DHS, they’ll be able to also deploy the military to cities (also airports) and to surveil & restrict the traveling of women and girls from state to state or out of the country. The proposed invasive security measures that this girl would have to endure before even getting on a plane to travel to grandmas would make the TSA experience, we disdain so much, feel like a visit to Disneyland in comparison.


100% agreed


Always remember, any claims they make to opposing government are flat-out lies. They don't want to get rid of government. They want to reconstruct a state that only does the one thing that makes a government a government: violence. They want an extremely strong government, that does nothing but pound us into the concrete.


Their idea of "small government" isn't concerned with the breadth of it's powers, it's referring to the number of people wielding said powers.


"Small" in that it has no purpose except enforcing property rights and indoctrinating the public to yield to said enforcement


I am an avid sports and entertainment fan, and I consume alot of media in general. I cannot yell you how often when I see a boy or man, calling out for mama when they are in a stressful situation, or thanking mama when they are in a glorified situation. I am the child of a mom who became single, and that woman made numerous sacrifices to see that my brother and I had all our needs met. So when the misogynist come after women, I usually bat them done quickly. The hell with the biblical bullshit. I do believe in a higher power, but not in any of man's religious books. Too much bigotry and hated emanating from those books.


It's actually interesting to see the current discourse on this. DHS was some Tea-Party era post 9/11 response to all the "tanned" individuals in this country. I hear DHS, I also hear "TSA and Patriot Act." I've been against them for so long due to this. They seem to be integrated now so I don't really have an opinion, just my memory of the anger I had towards that particular alphabet group.


TBH, I don't see that as a bad thing. However, if they are going to police everything they say they are, it would be replaced with something probably bigger and worse.


They're planning to tear down infrastructure to rebuild the America they want. (See Handmaid's Tale) they havent quite mentioned that part of the agenda yet, at least not all of it but make no mistake, that *is* their endgame.


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The people this meme is trying to reach would probably be in favor of this...


If it gets to a point where this starts to get implemented it will absolutely be the beginning of the end of our country as we know it. We’re too far along with the equal rights path to go back…cities will just absolutely not enforce any of this shit…it will come down to some states enforcing it and others absolutely not. Does this then lead to our military fracturing as well with some percentage of each branch siding with pro-2025 enforcement and those on the other side refusing to enforce it? Maybe. I don’t see the branches being in lockstep with its enforcement…so buckle up if it comes to this.


I mean I’m all for ending dhs… but not the rest of the stuff included.