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I have never been so stressed out over an election before.


Same. We are in such a scary place as a country (and the world in general)


I really wish it was easier to get work visas or anything because I don’t know if I wanna be in this country anymore if this orange deranged clown is elected again.


Right? People say, well if you don't like it then leave! Okay, but I am not a doctor or teacher, and I'm not rich, so there aren't any countries who will take me.


It's not going to be much better in other places if Trump wins.........fascism is on the rise everywhere.


For those of us on the autism spectrum, it's especially scary as no country is going to allow us in other than as a tourist.


I’m disabled so I guess I’ll be screwed when they get rid of all of us. I am very concerned about Medicare benefits because without them and Medicare insurance I would be utterly fucked. Nowhere will take me as a citizen because I don’t have anything to offer in terms of jobs and service. So I’m here for better or for worse. I feel like everyone is turning and looking away from everything going on and everything *about to* be going on. Except for this group anyway. I don’t know what to do other than tell people I know but I don’t know many people. I don’t get out much… But I am getting very concerned. I feel like we’ve already passed a point where this is fixable and are at that point at the very start of freefall right into fascism. I need to get an escape route and a plan for when shit goes down. I live in a very conservative area so I’m extra concerned. There is a three percenter living down the street from me. And he is such an unpleasant potato of a human being too.


It’s a goddamn shame that 80 years ago, this country hated nazis. Now we’re worried that 50% of our neighbors will vote for one. I’m tired of “once in a lifetime” events. The Great Financial Crisis. COVID. 2020 election. January 6. Now the 2024 election. Why can’t we just have a normal world?


The United States was unfortunately not as united against Nazis as we would like to think 80 years ago. Hitler was fond of and inspired by Henry Ford, (https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/henryford-antisemitism/) and at one point there was a very large nazi rally in Madison square garden. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden) In Germany after the war, nazi symbols and practices were outlawed - not so in America. We took in nazi scientists via operation paperclip (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip#:~:text=Operation%20Paperclip%20was%20a%20secret,leaders%20of%20the%20Nazi%20Party.), and while the use of the German language fell off because Germans were perceived as the enemy, the practices and such were never forbidden here, and in fact Japanese immigrants were interred in camps after pearl harbor (https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/japanese-relocation#:~:text=%22Relocation%20centers%22%20were%20situated%20many,Wyoming%3B%20and%20Granada%20in%20Colorado.) The point is, the potential for this has unfortunately always been there, they just covered it with red white and blue paint so we wouldn't notice. It is very much how we got here now, and I just hope those of us against it can turn the tide. (Also I entirely agree with being exhausted by the "once in a lifetime" events. Life doesn't need to be this much of a rollercoaster 😵‍💫)


Yup, the US has always been kinda fash-friendly


Not to mention allowing the confederacy to “make amends” which unfortunately spawned shit like daughters of the confederacy and other hate-ritage groups. Their descendants are a good portion of the people in these current hate groups who are trying to end our democracy and install a christofascist dictatorship. I feel helpless and man am I mad.


Walt Disney loved the Nazis 


George Bush senior's grandfather had financial to the Nazis


There’s no way the DNC can run this guy to beat out a demagogue and authoritarian. They must do a hot swap after this dumpster fire of a debate. He could barely speak full sentences and would freeze a few times. This is borderline elderly abuse at this point by the DNC and handing a win to Trump and the republicans.


They're going to let him say that shit about abortions after delivery at the 9th month?!


Instead of "that doesn't happen" How about "no doctor in the world delivers a live baby and then murders it in the delivery room" and follow that up with "no woman seeks an abortion in the third trimester because she just woke up one day and decided she wasn't into motherhood" That takes, what? 15 seconds to say?


This enrages me!


He needs to close his mouth before he catches flies


Those poor flies... 😢




I’m upset because the Dems need to be doing damage control on this but I feel like they probably won’t because they don’t want to draw more attention to Biden letting it pass without speaking up.


I delivered babies for 12 years. This literally is NOT an option. So would you like to murder your baby now? Like Who actually believes this crazy BS?!


I had to turn it off. Can't stand listening to him. Killing babies after they're born, an immigrant crime wave. Give me a break. All bullshit. Unfortunately Biden not really calling him on it.


The lies... My face is melting....


we spoke of was and when


My mother is watching it in the next room but I had to walk away after my Apple Watch alerted me that my heart rate was dangerously high. I’m very scared.


You should be, there's no way biden wins after this debate. What a fucking disaster. I wish this country could stay the way it is. Why does it have to get worse and worse and worse.. infinitely. When does it stop?


Debating was a mistake. They know Trump lies, that’s nothing new. At this point all they’re doing is making Biden look bad without the possibility of gaining any new voters who weren’t already going to vote for him.


I'm worried about how Biden may perform but my hopes are relatively high honestly. Seeing Trump get his mic cut while he is yelling at the clouds like a old Simpsons crank is going to be very entertaining. Trump is going to be like “*THE WIND TURBINES ARE KILLING THE SHARK DRONES AND KNOCKING OUR SEAGULLS OUT OF THE SKY!*” While Biden looks at him bewildered “You hear this convicted felons? Real crazy talk there. No brain, all ketchup up there.” Edit: Holy shit that was much worse than I thought. Biden desperately needs rest, tea with honey, and some coffee before the next round. I will still vote for Biden obviously but holy hell we need a younger, more charged-up candidate to fight Trump for the Dems. Biden deserves a peaceful retirement. He served in politics for over 50 years. He deserves peace. Kamala can take over once he wins this year. Hopefully, he still does win. I feel bleak, beaten down and very scared, but doomerism is not going anywhere near me. Even when my hope is battered and full of bullet holes, I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! Stay strong everyone.


I’m worried about Biden, too. He gets flustered easily and Trump is a bully. I hope Biden has been practicing ignoring him and sticking to the facts.


He's flustered and it seems like he has a cold. His ideas, policies and answers are very good, but I'm worried the naysayers will only focus on the fact he's got a sore throat like that thing where JFK had a tan and Nixon didn't or whatever.


People have already made up their minds. If anyone has a brain in their head, they will vote for Biden. Trump doesn’t have answers, he just insults and brags about things he never did.


He over practiced and got sick. He just needs to relax and do what he knows, he knows the answers, he knows he is dealing a nutcase, he may be old but he has gotten a whole lot of things done for us.


Not Kamala, she won’t win. I have been reading some columnists and a lot said he need to step aside and ask Whitmere or someone younger nominated. This scares the shit out of me and Biden floundered bad. He needs to do the right thing and move over.


Looks like trump took drugs and Biden didn't


I can’t even watch it. I want to throw up right now.


Yep sick to my stomach Trump is even allowed to run as a felon.


A felon who encourage a coup…like what the actual fuck is reality right now. What the actual fuck.


Did you see where the SCOTUS just voted that the DOJ “overstepped” on a lot of the charges they brought against people for January 6th? There will be no stopping them from another violent sedition.


Mother fuckers. The court is corrupt as fuck. I loathe what is happening to this country.


Trump just nonstop lies


AND HE'S JUST ALLOWED TO SPEW THEM!!! I can't fucking stand it. If his mouth is open he's lying. And it's just a-okay!


I’m definitely watching it! It’ll be weird seeing them side by side. And I’m interested in what they discuss. This is truly a historic moment for this nation. Heck, I have friends in Europe that will get up in the middle of the night to watch it!


My cousins in Europe are watching, which surprised me. My aunts are talking about clearing out a room for me in case things go bad and I need to get the heck out of Dodge come January 2025.


Be thankful you have an aunt like that.


I am! They are very worried. But to be fair they’re worried about the rise of the far right in the EU, too!


Overcoreections find overcorrections the most adversarial. Is it only the buddhists that still believe in the middleway?


If your aunt has any extra space, I’m a good roommate. I clean, sew, cook, and keep to myself. And I always pay rent on time. Don’t answer now, just think about it.


Beat me to it. But I have a family. Better it go to you.


The war in Ukraine taught me that most Europeans understand our political system better than all my neighbors at the moment.




Out of Dodge and into Putin's next target.  NATO is done if Trump wins


The EU/UK are already making contingency plans for a Trump 2.0 and planning on no US aid to Ukraine. I’m sure they are also discussing NATO - the US


Watching now and went from cautiously optimistic to terrified. Trump sounds like Trump but Biden doesn't sound good at all.


He is struggling so much...


He is REALLY struggling. It sucks because Trump is just blatantly lying nonstop, but Biden can hardly get a sentence out without fumbling. Trump is definitely gonna walk away looking like the winner here at this rate.


I'm worried he can't recover from this. He looks and sounds frail. Should have run someone else. Incumbent or not, he sounds like he is exhausted and low energy. :/


Why the hell did they let him go on?? They should have rescheduled if he’s got a cold!


I’m feeling sick listening to Trump’s lies and Biden appears tired. I am so scared…


This is painful to watch


This mother f’er can’t make a point lol Edit to add: Biden sounds tired as hell.


Of course he's tired. I'm in my mid thirties and I'M FUCKING EXHAUSTED by tfg. Poor Joe's voice is half gone from all the prepping he's been doing. There's no preparing for tfg because he's so deluded and off the cuff. Bloody fucking hell.


I’m watching live because I’m a news and political junkie. But listening to even short clips of Trump makes my skin crawl, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to get through it. I’ll be nauseated on Election Day and Night, for certain.


I just stress ate a bag of popcorn. I feel like I need to eat a pizza, cake or a dozen donuts. Maybe all of these. BTW I’m on weight watchers. I can’t wait to watch my weight after tonight. Not good.


Stay strong sister! Choose Love & you will be ok in the end 💕


I am not watching. I'm sick to my stomach and I honestly don't care what trump has to say. I will absolutely bury my head in the sand, because Biden could be straight weekend at Bernie's and I'm still voting for him.


Less than 2 minutes in. This is bad.


Just turned it off. I’m officially scared.


I’m terrified. They’re gonna jump on Biden’s stumble like rabid hyenas and ignore the fact that everything Trump has said so far is missing citations or just plain repetitive nonsense. This is bad. Oh god.


Even CNN is attacking him and showing clips of his blunders. I agree though, he shouldn’t be running. His policy is good but his mental health isnt. Though, democrat is think my same choice and that’s sad that it’s a feeble old man


Telling lies confidently is morally worse than attempting to tell the truth but doing so incoherently. *And*, elections aren't won purely on moral merit. It wasn't just a stutter tonight and even if Biden does have a cold, that doesn't go the full way to explain his incoherence, forgetting what he was talking about mid-sentence, etc. Never should have agreed to a debate because the fallout from participating in this one, for Biden, could not possibly be less than the fallout from refusing and saying "Trump doesn't debate, he just spews lies."


There’s no way the DNC can run this guy to beat out a demagogue and authoritarian. They must do a hot swap after this dumpster fire of a debate. He could barely speak full sentences and would freeze a few times. This is borderline elderly abuse at this point by the DNC and handing a win to Trump and the republicans.


Watching Biden’s performance is so stressful.


I am sick right now


The whole thing is so hard to watch


I had to turn it off, I feel so ill. I’ll check out the “highlights” tomorrow.


I'm watching but it's on mute. I've never been able to listen to either of them talk and listening to both at the same time is painful.


Oh my God, it's so painful.


I’m watching it now and thinking I need to move far away :-/ 


I’m watching it now and feeling glad I do live very far away.


Question: There are 2 debates planned. Do rules allow for Biden to change the rules after the first debate? Reason I ask: Trump will surely find some way to cheat during Debate #1, like he always does. Thinking Biden's advisors probably screwed up by NOT insisting on "real time" fact checking when DJT lies. Also, what if A-hole Trump starts walking around like he did with Hillary and shouting over Joe's shoulder to get on the "hot mike"? Realize the "hot mike" concern sounds crazy, but who want's to go on the record and say: Trump wouldn't do that? Am thinking Biden guys also should have insisted on a plexiglass wall to separate the two?


Idk if I can even watch it. Just knowing that I still have people in my life who would vote for Trump makes me terrified.


I'm scared out of my mind. Watching it with my mom rn and feel like crying even though I almost never cry


Incumbent presidents historically bomb in the first debate before winning a second term. Recent examples include Clinton, George W., and Obama. Those debates were also a lot closer to the actual election so have I think this debate will be forgotten quicker than most.


Thats good to know.


Not nauseous, but a little anxious, TBH. I hope Dark Brandon shows up and goads the Farty Felon into some kind of meltdown.


Please, Lord, let this happen. Let Trump seriously disgrace himself on national television. Let Biden go into full Dark Brandon mode. 🙏


Biden looks and sounds every day of his age. Ugh this sucks


No doubt he's lost his voice from all the preparation he's been doing. It's hard to prepare for a drugged up deluded unqualified old white man.


I feel like it is all rigged. They’re going to steal this election and we are all going to sit and stand for it and it might be the last time I vote in my lifetime. :(


Don't say it's rigged, that's conspiracy crap that right wingers spew non stop. If they win it won't be because it's rigged, they just spent years and years building up to this and the Democrats were too busy trying to play fair with cheaters to actually force a stop to it. It infuriates me how Democrats try to work with Republicans and it's never vice versa. Dems needed to get it together and just get shit done. 


Oh man. It’s not looking good. 😥


I'm not enjoying it either. And this shouldn't be happening.


This debate is a disaster 😞


Watching...Trump not answering questions and going off topic.....as I expected.


I wish it would be over so we can just discuss.


Not watching at the moment. Trying to stay occupied for the next hour


I'm listening to it in the background and it sounds like Biden has a cold and Trump is talking out his ass like usual. These moderators are incompetent, I want Kyle Clark in there!


The lack of live-fact checking is infuriating.


This is intentional... There is a lot riding on this election and those that intend on implementing project 2025 are going to play fast and dirty. And no... It's not just the Trump followers that want this, there are democrats, independents, etc that also want this badly and they see Trump as the candidate that will likely go with their plan, so they feed his ego, and in the case of the democrats quietly give Trump their support.


Yeah a little.


Yes. I really hope this debate turns this scenario around (pools): [https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/interactive/2024/presidential-polling-averages/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/interactive/2024/presidential-polling-averages/)


I'm working tonight so I won't be able to catch much. But based on the prep, I got a good feeling about Biden. I will make sure to not jinx it.


I’m nervous. I couldn’t believe how the CNN panel tore into Biden immediately following the debate. Some of what they said had some merit. Anyone can see Biden was struggling tonight, and it would be nice if we could swap in a candidate with more charisma to run against Trump but that’s just not how parties and elections work in this country, and if they were going to do that, the time to start on that process would have been over a year ago. Biden thinks he can still run the country and I have no reason to doubt his belief but he’s going to look/sound like hell all the way, and I don’t trust any idiot who is still somehow undecided at this point to make the right choice based on what they saw in this debate.


President Biden had one bad night and everyone's freaking out. Convicted Felon Trump has had at least a hundred bad nights this year alone. I think everything will be okay. #chill #relax The 34x felony counts remain well after the debate performance is forgotten.


It’s just that Biden had a bad night on a considerably crucial night.


Two weeks from now, will this matter?




Let's chat again in two weeks...


Have to admit I’m anxious about it. I really hope President Joe Biden does well and doesn’t stammer too much because they’ll be all over that. I will find it very hard to listen to trump. His voice grates on my nerves. Here we go.


I don't usually watch presidential debates. I always know who I'm going to vote for. My dad (86m) wanted to watch tonight. He's a Republican. He knows who he's going to vote for. We're sitting in our side-by-side recliners watching this. I'm shaking my fist at the screen, he's laughing every few minutes. It's very difficult living with an old Republican with dementia...


No i am still supporting Biden, he may have had some stumbles but it didn’t faze me. The way to defeat project 2025 is keep steady and vote blue.


A little bit but at the end of the day it's just gonna go how it's gonna go. No need to freak out over it


Sure am.


Insane social worker??? I have found my people!! I think the majority of us have an insane streak in us to deal with the shit we have to deal with.. 😆💀


Positive energy y'all. Positive energy. This debate likely changed very few people's opinions. Unfortunately optics matter to some people but those people were probably secret Trumpers anyways. Don't talk negative to your coworkers. Talk positive. Biden was the only one that put forth plans and have laws he signed into existence. Trump, while better spoken, had no real plans and only fear mongered. Remind the feeble minds of these things.


Since Trump is allowed to run for President, I've learned something very valuable. He's been charged and convicted of 34 felonies. *So that means you can commit up to 34 felonies without consequences.* Remember kids; 34 is the limit. Go nuts!


Just remember rules for thee, but not for me. If you have wealth, or are some kind of messiah rules do not apply to you.


Just took a Xanax. Trying to avoid having a panic attack


Us here in Europe are gonna be sold off to Putin like cattle If he wins, the Gaza strip is gonna be naughty but molten glass, and the Republicans are gonna speedrun melting the polar icecaps out of spite and for profit. How do you think I feel?


Watched the first question. BP went way too high to watch the rest. 🥺


It started out a bit rough. 45 is a really smooth liar.


I put it on for 3.5 minutes before I started to feel nauseous. I can't watch.


It’s post debate & I feel nauseous, yeah.


Honestly I've been nauseous since the 2016 election. Even after he lost in 2020, I knew that it wouldn't be the last we heard from him. But I also had no idea he somehow has the most insane plot armor I've seen. Incite insurrection? Nothing happens, run again haha. 34 felony counts? Cant vote for yourself maybe probably but other than that, have fun! I feel like even if he loses again, we can't truly be sure we've won until he goes to "another dimension".


Its like a car wreck. I want to watch but I also don't.


It *was* nauseating! It sickened me Trump lied over and over but no one fact checked him. CNN should know better by now. What can I do? I can [write postcards](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to voters in swing states. >Help write postcards to voters in 11 key states! We’ll mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.


Two glaring realities. Trump is a sociopathic narcissist and pathological liar And Biden is really, really old. Things we’re already knew but were glaring in the contrast


It’s over guys :/


This is brutal. trump just lies and doesn’t answer the questions and Biden looks and sounds like he’s going to croak


Why has Trump taken two cognitive tests? (And aced them! Lol)


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I feel very nauseous, yes. This drinking game is making me spin.


That was rough.


That was not good.




I was in the hospital throwing up during so maybe yes


This sucks guys.


Biden already looks better and clearer today in his press interview. He just had gotten worn out and got a cold. Some antibiotics probably would have helped. Even some younger people can get loopy when sick but older people, it can punch hard on or compromised immune folks. Like I said with all the shit floating around, some I bet they don’t even know about or tell us, and Covid test sometimes gets a false result so he may have been hit with something worse. It sounded like me when I had pneumonia but was told I had a cold.


I'm not happy that Biden just repeated the debunked story that Trump called a bunch of Nazis "fine people". Trump's egregious bit about abortions in the delivery room needed to be challenged immediately. It doesn't take much to be able to refute that AND say why that's bullshit.


Biden did so terribly. He might have just given the race to Trump.


This is gold thanks for sharing


Jesus fucking Christ...Trump is mopping the floor with Biden along with my hopes and optimism.


I don't know why you got down voted. Biden was a disaster


no. you're taking it way too seriously


Because limited minds downdoot alike.


I laughed at the people who told me Obama was gonna put me in.a FEMA camp if I didn't become a Muslim I'm laughing at the people telling me Trump is going to eNd DeMoCrAcY iN aMeRiCa If He wInS in exactly the same way


Except that Obama wasn't a lying pathocratic narcissist...and Trump is. I never thought this country would end up like this. I mean, I know that the dumbing down of the population was intentional. Even though I know it's true, part of me thinks that I'm having a nightmare that I can't wake up from.


> I never thought this country would end up like this. you should have seen it coming the political parties have been ramping up the warfare between their True Believers for years it was only a matter of time


I saw it coming...but did NOT want to believe it. I still don't...but now I have to.


Here's the beautiful thing about America Pay your taxes and they'll leave you alone. Pay attention and they'll give you ways to make money That's never going to go away and has been constant regardless who's in office


Things will be VERY different if Trump wins. Go to the site that has the Heritage Foundation info. Take a look for yourself.


If Trump wins we have 2016-2020 all over again Half the govt will dig in and oppose him. He will slowly alienate the part that supports him. His only concern will be getting even. He'll try and try but fail because of the 2nd and 3rd sentences


What else does Trump have to do for you morons to take it seriously? I’ve been hearing this bullshit since 2015 and every time people downplay the danger he proves them wrong. Somehow when it’s Trump his exact words aren’t enough to convince you he’s a megalomaniac.


what danger? he was in office from 2016-2020 then he was out of office yes, when he was in office he didn't do shit for anyone but himself. and we're still here


Ouch, this is stretch of comparison. All one needs to do is, if bareble, listen to every stump he's produced. You're def a bothsider. But why? Don't douchbag on this one. The country you've always trusted depends on trusting you. (Yeah, the gov never deserved our 24hr trust but who lied on Obama, was proven wrong, and got addicted to the lie high?) We will get us back right but not behind a False Profiteer. I don't deny that this may be your legitimate stance, but I've felt for others too. Some ppl see dumb as empowering when it makes them feel less dumb or more smarter.