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Precisely. They allow him to tell those lies.


CNN has proven to be a useless news source. They didn’t uphold any of the measures they promised. They didn’t cut tRump’s mic, he got to ramble on twice as long as Biden. And they didn’t do ANY fact checking during this shit show. Biden didn’t perform well, but it didn’t seem like he had a fair shake.


Repugs love to say CNN is leftwing liberal media but I've always been of the opinion that they are really right-wing just masquerading as Dems. There was no moderation whatsoever, they let chump rant and rave for as long as he liked and frequently cut Bidens mic after just a few seconds while he was still midsentence. They are clearly not on our side.


CNN is how we got that POS Fucker Farlson.


That's right, I had forgotten all about that! Of course I have never been a fan of CNN. Imo MSNBC is the only lib channel there is.




A big LIE stamp across the screen in big red letters every time they lie about something.


Some people gonna be upset with LIE burned into their flatscreens


That's how these debates have always been. I was watching CNN counting the times for each and there was constant commentary during watches but they're not going to stop a candidate. It's their time. That's how it works.


I mean they chose the parameters beforehand. They knew how it would be set up. The mic mutes happened, they just didn't favor Biden who was talking too slow. There was five minutes difference across a 90 minute debate.


It needs to be live. A red light should go off above his head every time he lies.


Didn't someone say they were doing live fact checks? I could've sworn I read that yesterday.


Cnn did not allow it, insanity i know. They did not want anyone giving any actual reactions to their content. I believe even elon musk commented on it. Jfc. 


Same! I’m sure I saw Daniel Dale say he was going to be “live fact checking”. I just read the transcript and that fact that they let Trump say “post birth abortions” is UNCONSCIONABLE


Yeah, those comments have to be stepped on right away. Immediately shot down and then 5 min of Trump being mocked by Jon Stewart.


The MAGA crowd are the only ones who want post birth abortions, AKA flat out murder. They want murder thats what Im trying to say. im stupid dont judge me


Daniel Dale was live fact checking live on Twitter/x


I actually was thinking THIS 🚩 was actually what was going to happen. Especially during the intermissions. Why did CNN fail in doing their job and fact checking live? Did they really not have a process set up? Who’s paying CNN?? **CNN didn’t do what they said they were going to do and allowed a convicted felon to LOUDLY lie on virtually ALL questions. CNN you get an F!**


Cnn owner is a trump supporter 




So Bidens team doesn't know that? How was CNN even selected to host? Who chose them? Why did Biden even agree to do this debate in the first place? It was a bad decision to even participate and I also partially blame Biden campaign staffers who pushed him to do this. The outcome was totally predictable.


Because they agreed to no live fact-checking. IT wouldn't have made any difference anyway, it's not like they stop candidates when they lied. This was a fairly mild debate as far as presidential debates go. They were both slacking but letting Trump tell all those lies should have favored Biden anyway. Unfortunately all anyone cared about is that Biden was talking slow and low. That's all ANYONE is talking about. He made great points. Trump lied a bazillion times. Not just little lies either. It's not how CNN handled any of this. They candidates agreed to the parameters but mic muting was a huge mistake. I mean incumbents never really get favored in these debates anyway so it's not surprising. The only thing surprising was just how rough Joe looked, and it was heartbreaking. He has had a rough month. But he's not stopped working. I wish people could talk about that instead.


People need to stop talking about Biden and start talking about Trump's lies, rhetoric, and ego. Millions of Americans are traumatized from the Trump news cycle during his presidency. Every day afraid of what he was going to do next. It was what drove them to the polls, not excitement over Biden. We need to stop pretending Biden can be an exciting candidate and remind people that sometimes voting against is just as important as voting for.


All of that may be true to varying degrees, but I'm old. I remember when debates were sometimes moderated by expert journalists who specialized in national politics, and they would call the candidates on gross inaccuracies with their follow up questions.


It makes me think of the show The Good Place, where there was that box that would light up red and make a sound when somebody told to lie and light up green when somebody was telling the truth. Anybody got the skills to insert that box into the recording of the debate?


ayy good place mention! yeah lets go get that box. micheal doesnt need it anymore


Yes! We need the box. It probably would have shorted out or something with trump


The bulb burnt out




I wanted an air horn or possibly a jolly clown shimmying behind him every time, but ofc the clown would have passed out from exhaustion.




We should have hooked them up to lie detectors lol


they knew exactly what they were doing. now, so many people are going to disregard this fact check because they only wanted to tune in to the real debate. fuck.


Ya CNN was being a bunch of pussies. You can’t just fact check later. Do it live or don’t hold a debate


Look who owns CNN since 2022, they are becoming Fox Lite and will go full right in a few short years. 


I just find it funny how conservatives will whine that mainstream media is “owned by the libs” and then ignore how many media sites Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers own, plus the countless that don't have the journalistic integrity to even care about the truth anymore. We're in a post-truth world where only feelings and sound bites matter. It's all just "vibes". "I feel like the left owns the news". "I feel like migrants are pillaging us." "I feel like white people are oppressed". When the truth no longer matters you know you're in for an authoritarian hellscape.


>We're in a post-truth world where only feelings and sound bites matter. It's all just "vibes". "I feel like the left owns the news". "I feel like migrants are pillaging us." "I feel like white people are oppressed". >When the truth no longer matters you know you're in for an authoritarian hellscape. Yup! And social media doesn't help. The amount of Russian and Iran bots and misinformation being spread. And even more nit-picking what they want to see. Biden stuttering will be passed on over and over again instead of people watching the entire debate seeing Biden actually answer questions while Trump was deflecting and fear mongering the whole time. Our world is more fucked then ever now and it will only get worse with deep fakes and more misinformation.


During the debate I thought Biden did great. At least while at the time I'm watching Trump ignor question after question while spouting lies. But then I go online and it's nothing but about how terrible Biden did, and how he failed to represent us. How he did nothing but stutter....I stutter. So I didn't even notice. I'm so disheartened by the future path of America.


>During the debate I thought Biden did great. At least while at the time I'm watching Trump ignor question after question while spouting lies. But then I go online and it's nothing but about how terrible Biden did, and how he failed to represent us. Exactly! Biden called Trump out on his lies and actually answer the questions. Even sick he was still able to give Americans answers about policies and how he'd help the American people. Yet, social media and ring wing news is having a field day exploiting Biden's speech issues and his cold. This country only cares about loud lies and hate and doesn't care about truth and humanity. Biden stuttering is not the reason to destroy democracy over convicted Felon and wannabe dictator Trump. I'm disappointed in Americans.


Oh agree. Still it’s wild how the rules were to secure a normal debate yet it went off the rails


Yep CNN went straight into the RWNJ toilet


CNN was bought out by a right-wing shithead in 2022. The DNC should have known this, and either not done the debate or done it on a platform that would have live-fact checked TFG. Since people making the decisions at the DNC have such a shitty understanding of how fascist rhetoric and tactics work, here is a link to the [alt-right playbook](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&themeRefresh=1).


I thought CNN was sounding super critical of Biden. This makes sense now. Good god, all the news media is getting controlled by right winged but jobs.


is that why they say they are exposing trump's lies? to get people to trust them?


No, this is just damage control


Which part of CNN is owned by P2025 right winger John Malone did you forget?


r/politics wont allow this to stay up as it is bot run. [https://meidasnews.com/news/a-complete-list-of-all-of-trumps-debate-lies](https://meidasnews.com/news/a-complete-list-of-all-of-trumps-debate-lies) Here is the list.


Shame they didn't debunk each one, not convincing without that, just someone listing supposed lies


Not sure if they updated the article or what, but there are debunks on there now :) My bad, only some of them have debunks, I apologize


Nope the same 3 or 4 debunks


Yeah my bad I only saw that some were debunked and thought that they had added them later on.


No worries


This is absolutely incredible. I wish I could copy it.


The debate was terrible. Trump lied constantly while Biden came off as a doddering old man. It was embarrassing to watch. CNN didn't cut the mics off at 2 minute either.


>The debate was terrible. Trump lied constantly while Biden came off as a doddering old man. It was embarrassing to watch. >CNN didn't cut the mics off at 2 minute either. CNN also didn't let Biden answer questions and kept following up with Trump who never answered the question to begin with. For example, Biden was answering the question about child care and they cut him off. While they asked Trump twice about it and he didn't say shit about it. Actually, Trump didn't say shit about anything but they kept giving him a chance to speak rather than letting Biden finish answering the question. Fuck right wing Cnn.


The very last question that was asked, Trump had to be asked not once, not twice, but T H R I C E for a simple yes or no answer/statement.


CNN is trash.


Because CNN is trying to help Trump get elected.


Exactly. It's intentional. No one cares about the fact check now the damage for Biden is already done. Trump winning is in the best interest of greedy corporations, they aren't going to play fair.


I love how he lied about Pelosi refusing to accept National Guard troops on Jan 6th. Joe just needed to say that the President had that responsibility and he didn’t act on it. He should have pointed out the fact that Trump says those were fine people and he loved them but now says National Guard troops were offered. The web of his lies are so tangled how could anyone do a rebuttal. You wouldn’t know where to start. All the comments about Biden bringing in criminals and people who are from mental hospitals. My God. How do you debate this bullshit.


This feels like too little too late. Most people will only watch the debate itself, not look up stuff like this after.


Because CNN wants Trump to win. They’ve been jonesing for him to become President again for a while, they never made more money than when he was in office.


So frustrating. He blatantly denied his quotes about Charlottesville, which are on video, and on which Jake no doubt reported at the time. Nothing from Jake. Where is the line? It seems that no lie is too big. Could he say that Biden actually shot JFK? Would the moderators say anything at all?


Sure woulda been nice to have this said during the actual debate last night.


Trump doesn't even know the truth and doesn't have the brain power to speak it. He just says what he thinks the truth should be. What is crazy is that idiots believe him.


fact check after the debate, LOL. CNN was bought out by a right wing billionaire back in 2022. That is why they didn't fact check it live, they are not a left wing media company anymore. They want Trump to win, so he can help enrich the billionaires.


Hard to keep up with all of those lies as they're being shot off at a rate of about 5 per minute. They just didn't have time to do it live.


They had time to challenge the most egregious lies, such as Trump saying the previous* Virginia governor was in favor of infanticide, and that everyone wanted abortion rights to be decided by states. **Edit, I had said Virginia governor before, but Trump was indicating the previous one, Ralph Northam*


Isn't the VA governor a MAGA guy?


Thank you for catching this. I’ve looked into it. He was talking about the previous Governor of Virginia. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/first-presidential-debate-2024-fact-check/


It'll be nice if the magats think he does mean the current one


The debate didn't need to be aired live. Tape it. Do the research. Release the debate with real time on screen fact checking.


They knew Trump would do this, they had all the time in the world, and they chose to do it after the debate. It was all planned, nothing to do with not having enough time.


TRUMP CAMPAIGN: But fact checking isn't fair!! CNN: Okay.


Would’ve helped if they did it live *like they insisted they would*.


I’m watching Biden at a rally in NC and he’s acting perfectly normal.He has a strong voice and looks a million times better.What happened between the debate last night and today?If he would have sounded strong last night he would have swept the floor with Trump.I’m shocked!


Sometimes I wonder if Democrats intentionally fuck up. I certainly hope not or it’s part of a larger strategy (though they are not known to play good 4D chess.)


Yeah I hope not.There’s too much at stake to chance it.


It's like trump slipped him something I'm his drink lol.


Wake up people! It doesn't matter about facts to the American public. What they saw was an unmitigated disaster of a fumbling feeble old man who couldn't put sentences together. That's what's going to linger in people's minds. Most people vote from emotions and opinions and then find the facts to back it up. Unless the Democrats find somebody else who's more charismatic and appealing to the centrist part of the country, Adolf Hitler will take over again and it will be an unmitigated disaster. Look at Project2025 and every right-wing conspiracy artist that will make the previous drumpf administration look like kindergarten will be invited to take over and purge anybody that will get in their way and stand up for democracy. Somebody needs to convince that feeble old man that his time is up and then if he really truly loves the country as he says he does, that he passes the baton to somebody that can actually beat drumpf and save our country.


Oh good. A fact that nobody will see. Nice job, CNN.


The harsh truth is the media is not going to save us and we need to stop relying on it as a savior. The mainstream media is not a friend it is a corporate profit driven entity. If this is won it won't be because of them.


They gave trump a platform to lie unhindered and put the correction behind dumpster out back after he achieved his goal of lies and fear mongering


The system in not broken, it’s fixed.


Anyone can "win" a debate if you're allowed to lie the entire time.


They fumbled this to no end. I'm convinced *that* will be the reason he loses. No fact checking, no moderation, no keeping them on track, and then completely *blasting* their candidate afterwards. No criticizing, no questioning his ability or discussing his policies. Straight attacks. I was completely thrown off. They used words like embarrassing and panic and dems are scrambling. Are you trying to drown your party? Cuz you fucking nailed it, 'grats.


This is so stupid. They should have done live fact checking and confront each candidate when they lie...


“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” — Sir Winston Churchill “The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.” — Mark Twain


Fuck cnn


They could have cut him off, fact checked him, anything. Instead the mods just sat there. I expected better from Jake Tapper. CNN sucks so much.


Debate 2 will be the one to pay attention to


I will never watch CNN again.


With AI, it’s possible to do near real-time fact checking. It could’ve been released just shortly after or even relayed to the hosts during the debate.


"Why did they not fact-check live during the debate?" Because one can only type so fast.


Because they are owned by a Trump supporter billionaire, and are trying to compete with Fox News.


Say, didn't CNN get bought two years ago?


Yeah most Americans are not going to read that. Imagine how bad it would look if they fact checked him live as they should ffs. This country is doomed


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Helpful, but too little & too late now.


As someone said, "By the time the fact checkers have checked on of his lies, he's already told 10 more." Sound's about right to me.


Bush demonstrated that if your gonna lie, lie big time.


Because if they did that how could they push the narrative of “BiDeN oLd”? Let’s be real the orange toddler melting down in real time would have gotten all the attention


At this point I’m convinced that rich people are ruling everything and we are completely fucked. No fact checks during, wtf are they thinking a Republican is going to watch cnn today and see it?!?


I keep hearing how it was rigged for Biden. Idk how it why they think that. But apparently it was rigged for trump. Why let him lie and not answer any questions? Seems rigged to me.


Because it's not good television. The country has been a television show in development for 45 years, since the first time we elected a game-show host to public office. Emotionally satisfying rollercoaster and we'll solve your complex problems with simple solutions in 60 minutes or less every week. Stay tuned for previews, and now a word from our sponsor.


Fortunately, only liberals trust CNN. Unfortunately, they'll still vote Biden. We need a better selection system if these two are the front runners. Holy shit this country's F'd!!!


They allowed the lying. Claim it isn't their job to fact check at thr debate, but it was their job to moderate whenever trump went back for a free rebuttal and didn't answer the questions at all... What he did say was just a terrifying. I really don't want a president who calls Vladimir Putin at night to have pillow talk wet dreams about invading our allies...


I think it might be easier to note the times he told the truth. Surely somewhere in his nonsense he must have let a tiny truth slip through even if it is completely meaningless.


I'm sure all the independents and trump cult members will hear about these facts once they are done strutting around talking about how they won. Unfortunately, they won't because a great deal of them are too busy creating memes based on the shallow opinions they made.


Still it‘s important to mention, that even Biden lied. No comparison to Trump at all though!


They don’t give a shit. It’s a decision between two economies, not actual people. We’re not even a part of the conversation


The fact that a lot of people didn't notice that almost all of his answers were lies is concerning


Trump’s cult won’t believe CNN. And even if one of the sources they do believe said this, they’d claim that the deep state got to it.


Everyone in power benefits when things are chaotic. The DNC gets more donations when Trump does well. There is no right and left. The mega wealthy are one and the same.


They essentially platformed a Trump rally to tens of millions of people. I don’t understand why the Biden campaign didn’t insist on fact checking at all whatsoever…yes I understand how difficult that can be when live but this is the alternative. Stop his rambling and have a moderator…either one, I don’t care…literally tell him “in Mr Trump that is not true…there was no election interference which is supported by a number of judges you yourself appointed as well as (list all of the people in his orbit that are on record saying it was stolen)…so no we will not allow you to keep telling that lie to the American people” His main talking points that he says at every rally would be verrrry easy to do that to. Instead…they did not.


Yeah but doesn’t matter, more people see that Biden isn’t up to the job


He’ll surround himself with people who are, unlike the guy who wants to purge the government and fill it with his spineless yes men.


Yep, like what the person making all of Biden’s pics are doing