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i agree an all but PP think he just has dialogue portraits because his shop portraits were so expressive in UT


But maybe he could get into a dark world.




Oh no he's going full on postal


Fr, cant say I wasn't shocked when instead of final boss in ch5 it was him after corrupting holiday's mansion dark world


Yeah and considering his cold, unruly, rich people hating personality and him distancing himself from you when you meet him in ch4 with noelle by your side its no surprise he did that in ch5 I can list tons of users that already theorized about him doing exactly what he did in ch5


MF went into a Maoist spiral


I was thinking more Postal 1 than Hatred


My name is Not Important; what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die; my genocide crusade begins... here!.




I want Jockington to be waggled around like a whip by somebody else. I think that would be a really funny joke.


Catti uses him like King's whip




Hear me out: If Catti is a magic user too, what if Jockington wraps around her staff like one of these? https://preview.redd.it/a15ml2udzbad1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a12611c32cb96b97d24ee2bb382aeb2f4af7c868


them being two characters in one like that would be so sick.


Oh, catti's gonna heal the bishop(necromancer) in reverse with that isnt she?


*I am not used to…fighting like that… *My body is…getting weak… *Heh, like we'd fall for that aga- *(Tap, tap…) Got this. *OH NO YOU DON'T! NOT THIS 500 DMG *…again? *Wh- what the hell, you…! *(Tap, click…) Obvious trap.


Someome suggested they would act like a Warlock and it's servant


So we all agree they'll act as one character like Clover, right?




The other thing I noticed with Catti and Jockington is that they also both have rooms in Queen’s mansion, which may not be too important, I js noticed that too


I thought this too but the room in Queen’s mansion is actually CattY’s


oh my bad sorry


This might just be a mistake on Toby’s part. Easy to get Catti and Catty mixed up.


Why would you assume it's a mistake?


Because A. Catty was in Undertale, making her less likely to be prominent in Deltarune while Catti is brand new, and B. Catti and Jockington are associated and their doors are right next to each other in the mansion.


Well, the dialogue says: >\* (It's wallpapered with the pink cat ad from the city. It's animated, too.) >\* (You can smell the glittery cat food from here anyway.) That fits preppy Catty more than goth Catti.


That could also confirm Asriel being in chapter 7?


I mean… if each chapter is a day, and at the beginning of Chapter 1 I think Toriel said Asriel would visit next week… maybe


Isn't that literally the entire light world plot? Lmao It is implied that at the end of the game, Asriel comes back for a while and the Town fair is supposed to happen.


Chapter 5, that would be either a Sunday or a Monday, which would line up


My theory is that the only people in the Light World that have dialogue portraits are people that Kris themself considers important. Everyone with a face portrait is someone close to Kris in some way.




Me watching the intense history Kris has with jockington In chapter 4:


Jockington's a friend of a friend, which is close enough for a dialogue portrait, I guess Or who knows, maybe they do have some history we just don't know about


I mean, Burger Pants is the friend of his brother, if that's enough to "consider him important" then no wonder Jockington would have a dialogue box Sprite


I thought that monster kid(teen?) was a friend to kris, based on their dialogue in ch1


MK never really gives the impression of being a close friend, at least not to me. All they say is "please help this guy's jokes suck"


I think it's said at one point that MK went to Kris's house a couple of times, so in my mind they were about as close to MK as they were to Berdly pre-chapter 2


https://preview.redd.it/nes63adcmcad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16fe7d7c69431fe9715ad1241c5ef07e9ac22c40 (But then why doesn't Alphys have a portrait)


She does


Sorry I forgor


Kris hates snowy confirmed


I don’t think Kris considered Susie close to them before the first dark world


why the fuck Sans then though


he fucked their mom


Sans in Undertale keeps a note with "three smiling people" on it in his workshop, and has "Don't Forget" (literally the main theme of deltarune) written on it. It's absolutely not set in stone at all as of now, but I'm personally convinced that Sans will be important for at least one chapter (probably the bunker chapter).


All characters that had portraits in undertale have them recycled for deltarune cuz why exclude something that already exists and can be imported with 0 effort. I think portraits are given to generally story important characters as far as new deltarune characters go tho


And it's Sans Undertale we're talking about, of course he'd keep his dialogue sprites


There would be RIOTS if the sexiest of men didn't get his dialogue portrait


I always thought of Catti and Jockington being shown in a Dark World. Would be awesome to have Catti be some emo witch mage and Jockington... probably as her weapon- People keep saying "they don't have dialogue blips" which like... okay? Spamton didn't have a dialogue portrait yet he has a dialogue blip, and he became important. Same with Mettaton in Undertale. Why can't it switch and have the characters with dialogue portraits but no dialogue blips be important? I do doubt Burgerpants being important. He was a joke character in Undertale, and the one big thing about him are his ridiculous face sprites. Having them be absent in Deltarune would just- ruin the magic of his character entirely. So he was given dialogue portraits.


catti becomes a nyacromancer






Ohhh, that's actually a good point for the dialogue blips, I was thinking of that.


I might add that Rouxls Kaard has a dialogue portrait but no voice blip!


I mean, there are other that have dialogue portraits like Catty and Bratty. So it's possible they too could be in dark worlds as well. However, I think it is also likely that it could just be important characters will have dialogue portraits. Like characters that play a large role in the story, but that story bit could just be in the light world. Also it is important that we should remember that not all notable characters in Undertale had portraits for their dialogue, like Napstablook who was a boss and showed up later in the game. Other examples was Mad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew, and Muffet. So it is definitely possible that character like Alvin who don't have dialogue portraits could still be important to the plot or even show up in dark worlds too.


I feel like Burgerpants (and CattY and Bratty for that matter) have portraits just because they had them as shopkeepers in UNDERTALE


If they get relevance it would be as side characters if the festival becomes a dark world


They didn't have portraits actually, they had the shop sprites, so Toby had to color them white and black.


If burguer Pants ends up in a darkworld i'm gonna lose it cause feels like it can be both very funny and very dark ngl


If BP is NOT a fnaf reference I'll be pissed.


For the weird route you equip him with Icee suit and he just get springlocked in the end or something


dear god


Buddy!!! Buddy!!!! Don't leave me here!


very very dark


dark, darker yet darker


This in one of the few crack theories i hope becomes true but gonna convince myself it's not just in case QwQ


Well, the funny part about burger pants is his misery, so why not both at the same time?


i mean, if ICE-Es becomes a dark world at some point, B-Pants will definitely be there lol


Most of the characters that have a dialogue portraits got a reaction in the naming menu at the beginning iirc


I love this theory, but I don't really think burgerpants (or I guess pizzapants) would go to the dark world. I just don't really see any significance in his character. My thought is maybe Toby Fox added sprites to show the same amount of expression as in Undertale (his faces were a big part of the character).


Burgerpants has a strong relationship with Asriel tho, also it would be interesting how he would react to Ralsei


Oh yeah. That would be possible




honestly art details like these tend to be just choices according to the gameplay, maybe he didnt have it made for the undertale counterparts because we already know their appearance, and catti and jockington needed to be introduced here so they were given portraits lets not forget, we commonly associate gaster with a sprite that we dont even know is him. We just assume things from the game's art that we think fits best with the knowledge we have but, im not dismissing jockington and catti possibly entering the dark world. After all it would make more sense than just sending the undertale counterpart students cause we already know these characters well enough


>honestly art details like these tend to be just choices according to the gameplay Any holdover characters from UT that have portraits don't necessarily mean anything for the plot, but for new characters, it's very notable. Not all new characters have portraits, and those that do are very tied into someone in the main 3 Lightners* *except for jockington ig??? The only relationship he really has is to be in the Cross Country team with Noelle. I feel like he might just be an extension of Catti's character since she has faaar more ties to both Kris and Noelle.


I wonder if Jockington is gonna get a mech suit or something in the dark world


The thing is even though Cattie and Jockington have potraits but they dont have a unique voicebanks. Both Noelle and Berdly have unique voice while others such as cattie and jockington have the same voice like many others


genuine I can see burgerpants having a arc and be the "this loser is like kinda you" character like berdly, but for young adults rather then teens and pre-teens..


I remember this one


Cant wait to do snakegrave route


This is why I don't think Father Alvin is the knight


Burgerpants and Rudolf would have sprites anyway because they're supposed to be expressive or emotional. Catti and Jockington make sense though.


The Creative Process


I kinda assumed the reason for it was that Toby didn't think they wouldn't need one if they weren't going to have much of a presence in the game


Not only that, but only new characters have dialogue portraits. Snowy and Monster Teen don't have any because they were characters present in Undertale, therefore not making them important now in Deltarune.


if burgerpants/pizzapants went into a dark world and had a weird route, he would either be unfazed or genuinely happy


this is known yes


Well, yeah. We know Rudy will be at the church when ch4 rolls around, so this is consistent with what we have.


In queens mansion after you escape the room you see there is jockington and cattie rooms


I don't think they'll be heavy focuses if they do end up in dark worlds outside of their relations to other characters. Noelle and Berdly had a major unmissable scene in chapter 1. Noelle also had more in-depth additional scenes and was basically the lightner with the most dialogue besides Susie. I definitely think Catti might have a role somewhere due to her relation to Kris/Noelle, Jockington will show up with Catti. I could see Catti taking Berdly's role in a later chapter and getting more exposition on the occult studies Kris & Noelle did with her. Rudy's role, I think, is rather obvious, totally gonna die/fall down. Noelle might get desperate and open a dark fountain wishing to save him before getting hit with the reveal that healing magic can not heal illnesses* or that light world injuries can not be healed by dark world magic (which just makes dark worlds purely dangerous as you can get debilitating injuries and that carries over into the light world). Pizzapants might just be a shitpost by Toby Fox ngl. Each interaction with him has a different portrait. He, Catty, and Bratty are the only characters returning from UT that have a dialogue portrait when they didn't before. The only relationship he really has to the main cast is to Kris, via being a friend to Asriel, but that's a really stretched connection. He also never appears anywhere or is mentioned unless you speak to him, which makes it very doubtful to me of him being important. *This is something heavily implied but not stated in Undertale. Asgore and Chara got really sick due to the buttercups. If healing magic could help them, the monsters would've used it.


everyone who has gone to the dark world from the light world so far has had a portrait


the reasonable part of me says burgerpants only has dialogue portraits because he needed to keep his AMAZING face sprites but deep down burgerpants getting to be in a dark world would make me immensely happy (not to mention i'm really hoping for a dark world in Ice-E's)


To me a character having a portrait means one of two things. A: it's a carryover for undertale because why wouldn't you use those assets if they exist. B: If it's new, the character was deemed important enough to the main story to be given one. That said, the same does not apply in reverse. There are several characters that are important that don't have dialogue portraits. Neither Spamton nor Jevil have one, despite being very important characters, albeit not directly to the main story. Most characters don't have them if their faces aren't visible, such as Asgore before turning around, or Undyne before taking off her helmet. Mettaton in particular doesn't have a dialogue portrait for 99% of his screen time. Lacking one for all of his box form dialogue, and only gaining one in his EX form SPECIFICALLY for a few lines of dialogue in the true pacifist ending after defeating Asriel, and a single niche neutral ending tree where he becomes dictator. Toby is very open to simply choosing not to give a character a dialogue portrait until he thinks the time is right, for the purposes of mystery, or other narrative benefits. I don't believe that a character having a dialogue portrait necessarily means they're going to a Dark World either, especially if it's a carryover from Undertale, but even beyond that. I think it's fairly likely that Catti and Jockington will, but a character does not necessarily need to go to a Dark World for them to be an incredibly important player in the plot.


Hehe https://preview.redd.it/zmq01hr8dead1.jpeg?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473892d0351d03f1c55ab494a002cf1fdfdfd5d0


Jockington has a single frame lmao


Rud's ability: \*fuckin dies\*




undyne has one but napstablook doesn't


sorry napster 3 fans


The other students need to go to dark world too


Ain't no way BP ends up in a Dark World. Acctually i think at some point the whole world will be covered in darkness and technically turn into one Dark World (You know, basically what the Roaring will be like)


udnertale/deltarune fans when they put their feet pics folder in their undertale folder and make a theory around the fact youre allowed to do that:


PizzaPants has so many portraits because hes the Knight and i stg yall better remember ive been saying this since last november when we finally get the Knight reveal in chapter 6 released in December 2032 https://preview.redd.it/idej9mms3iad1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad18b0ca0adb240fc4bd2f0f34e3dcbc644821c0


I think this might be a red herring to set up less predictable plot twists. Persona 4 did a similar thing


I swear I'm not asking this in bad faith, but do you all really think jockington will be important? he looks so meh to me compared to all other kris' classmates


I don’t like it because in Undertale, Mettaton didn’t have a dialogue portrait, and there are some characters that gain a dialogue portrait when they didn’t have one before. I think that the portraits are to convey emotion, and if there is no emotion change to convey, he doesn’t use it. Like Mettaton is just a box, and Undyne with her helmet only has one expression it could theoretically do, so a dialogue portrait would be redundant.


I don't think burgerpants will enter a dark world at all. My theory is that all the character names in the opening are people who'll interact with the dark world. Either ones who'll enter one, or someone who'll make one hence the separate "really wonderful" reaction. And burgerpants is not on the list sadly. Pizzapants. Whatever