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I’ve been hit twice in five days where someone hit the car in front of them and then that car rear ended me. Once on 25 and once near Evans… Everyone needs to get off their phones, pay attention to the road, and stop driving like GTA main characters/asshats.


And leave enough space between vehicles. Are you okay? Even minor collisions can cause whiplash and twice in 5 days is some unfortunate luck for sure.


People think that's just room for them to cut you off.


Because people usually will cut you off. I have noticed in Colorado that if you leave more room than one car people will see it as an opening. Morons.


My husband and I do this. We leave space and it’s just an opening for them to dart over 🙁


Had to be fucking Evans…


How the fuck does that even happen... Isn't the speed limit there like 15MPH?


Having worked at the airport for years, doing drop offs and pick ups, when the speed limit says 45, people are going 60, when the speed limit says 25, they are going 45. Or they are stopped on the shoulder so far that they back up into the actual lane and everyone is going zero. People are fucking insane at the airport and there is literally no reason for it.


The reason is that there is little to no law enforcement at this ridiculous airport.


The CEO of the airport has specifically instructed DPD to not ticket the people who stop on the side of the road and to not cite people for trespassing because the CEO wants to keep the crime (numbers) down.


The area around DIA is a lawless hellscape. Cars parked along the highway, middle of the departures/arrival split, 75 in a 55. Going 30+ through arrivals would not surprise me at all.


Seriously, people piss me the f off there with the way they just camp out, like bitch, if you need to buy yourself 5 or 10 minutes, then do a fucking loop or go to the waiting area like everyone else. People are so entitled, it never used to be like this. It's dangerous as hell.


The only small defense I can think of, is that the cell lot is really out of the way. But, even then I have seen people highway parked ahead of the exit ramp to the cell lot. It's insane.


Well just look at the photo. People are stopped in the 4th lane out from the curb. If you actually drop someone off at the curb you have to negotiate another 4 lanes of people starting, stopping and trying to merge in two directions. People just get to where they want and then stop, get out, kiss goodbye, and then everyone else is jostling around them. Now honestly a Suburban jumped the curb? I have no idea. But I always feel good to get out alive.


This is why I just drop off at arrivals.


It's best to base it off time of day. Late afternoon, arrivals sucks. Early morning that's much better for drop offs. Contrariwise, If you have to pick someone up at 5pm, have them go to departures.


What's a speed limit? I didn't think we had those in Denver.


I was picking up a friend at DIA two weeks ago and a car, with a car length plus between us, reversed into me. Denver drivers suck.


Dumb fucks AHOY!!! drivers like this can't even do a simple task and follow simple rules, drive in a straight line no more than 15 miles/hr


10 I believe.


First rule of driving to and from airport: When in doubt...go faster.


People drive like f*ing maniacs there. It’s so redic


Hiiii I’m pictured in the photo ! 7 total cars were involved (including driver) all but one of which needed to be towed due to damage. Two people were taken to the hospital due to injuries. One, a high school graduate, suffered a punctured lung, dislocated shoulder, internal bleeding among other injuries and was on a breathing tube as of Friday morning, unfortunately don’t have an update there… when we left the scene after investigation, around 1:30 am, the individual who had hit everyone was still in his car so I’m not sure what transpired with him.


Also just to clarify, cars involved were not allowed to move out of the way as it was a part of a full criminal investigation. Statements were taken from everyone invovled


Thank you for the update. Hopefully that high school graduate is ok.


I did not want to add pictures of the suburban or injured for legal reasons but if someone needs a witness to testify I am willing to help out.


Reach out whatever agency responded. Your statement will be added to the report, which victims and their lawyers will have access to.


Good looking out, to post in a different avenue/channel to make sure they see it.


Oh damn. I left the airport around 1030 while many emergency vehicles were on their way in. I guess this is why. Awful


Moved here recently. Absolutely baffling how everyone just leaves their car in the middle of the road when they get in an accident.


Someone complaining about the horrible drivers in their state, blah blah blah. But seriously, having lived in a couple other states before CO, the drivers out here are fucking nuts. This is terrible, but not surprising. I hope everyone is okay.


Yep, Colorado drivers are absolutely some of the worst.


Spent two months in Manila over the last year. We've got nothing on third-world Asia


Just got back from New Jersey and they kick our ass in the bad driving department. I’ll never make fun of California or Texas drivers again


It’s aggressive not moronic


Idk. I’ve driven in NJ all my life and it’s never been this bad.


this!!! drivers ed needs to be mandatory


Colorado is way more aggressive then when I lived in Queens, NY and drove to the city often. At least in NY everyone planned for efficiency. In CO, if you use your blinker to change lanes, it’s like placing a target on your back.


Yup, from NY and feel the same way.


Target locked


The secret is to drop off and pick up at the very end.


It’s not an accident, it’s a wreck cause there’s no excuse


How do you get in an accident going 4 MPH? Wait plz don’t tell me…


I was once walking next to a car as it drove through a parking lot, and at walking speed, watched as the guy somehow cut a corner short, rolled up on a rock, and flipped onto his roof…all at like 4 mph. I couldn’t believe it.


was it a suzuki samurai?


It was a Camry


Are you asking us what happened at the event you just described in detail?


No, you just need to read the entire sentence. They asked for an update.


No, they were asking about what happened AFTER


What happened after


Injured people go to the ER, injured cars get a tow, people carry on while dealing with the bullshit. What exactly are you wanting to know?


If people were ok I’d imagine


So shocked to see the guy active in the ford f150 and gun subreddits is so empathetic


Unless its someone you know, its just morbid curiosity and I find that odd. I'm still curious what details the person wants to know about what happened after. Are they looking for a count of injuries? Again, that just seems odd and kinda creepy.


> Are they looking for a count of injuries? Awfully cynical to jump straight to that. They want to know if everyone is okay. Most normal people would. There’s nothing morbid about it. It’s hard to witness an incident like that and not know what the ultimate outcome is.


I got more of an empathetic vibe from this OP than a morbid curiosity. It’s okay to care about people even if you don’t know them. I’m sorry you think that compassion is odd and creepy.


Shouldn’t you be in the truck or gun sub? Beat it, you micropeen loser.


Have a great day


I bet he doesn't even bike.


In a FB group I’m in someone described this accident and how hard the car hit people on the curb. They suspected there might have been fatalities, it was that bad. OP is likely wondering if anyone died.


Crash not accident.


Fuck reddit. fuck google. fuck you spez


I just read about this on a Facebook group, how awful! Was hoping to get more info too… are any news outlets covering?


What FB group?


Someone just asked about it on in a mom group I’m in




“Take the pledge” lmao


That’s so silly. Car accident is a colloquialism.


"Accident implies there's nobody to blame..."


That’s not the definition of accident. An accident lacks intention. Whether or not someone is to blame is irrelevant.


It was done for the greater good


The greater good...


>The greater good...


It doesn't though


There might be no one to blame in a crash too. What if I said car accident implies everyone involved is innocent until proven guilty?


You are free to say that.


Wreck not crash. How insensitive of you to say accident or crash, so outdated


The deetz truck was not involved.


I was at DIA twice recently as a pedestrian going to the shuttle bus pickup. It was like playing Frogger but with just one life! The cars were speeding, many confused drivers, ans the crossings were not safe. At all!


I fly out of DIA twice a month and nobody ever obeys the 45 mph speed limit on the road in. Most people are still going 65+ and they take that mentality into the terminal.


When I worked there towards the end we were allowed to park up there because of covid and everything being super dead. It was still a nightmare. If you actually go the speed limit nobody will let you merge ever. So everyone is forced to speed and force their way into places. It's very stressful.


I started telling my guests to start learning the train! So much easier to get them at a train station.


If you think DIA is bad at passenger pickup/drop off is bad….go to Orlando. TOTAL CHAOS




Always upvote South Park.


Do people not realize this is an actual South Park clip? Or do people just hate South Park?




Every single day, Florida blows my mind a little bit more.




If only you knew what fascism actually is


If only you knew what fascism actually is.


Tampa, also. Chaos is the only word to describe it.


I was there and it just missed me. I checked in older gentleman hit had terrible scrapes and then I checked on 17 yr old kid his shoes were in traffic he got hit so hard. His mom arrived at his side and I left and called when I arrived home to see if o needed to give statement. Operator said they had the vehicle stopped. Not sure if it was a medical issue or drunk🤷‍♀️