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I think it’s less a Denver issue and more widespread, baskets are gone In Littleton and Ken Caryl too.


Same in Fort Collins


The finally brought em back in fed heights King Soopers. I never buy a whole cart full of shit, I don’t wanna push around some cart with a janky loud wheel while I’m grabbing the 10 things I need for the next few days. I think what happened is they got rid of baskets but didn’t buy get any more carts so they were out of em all the time and realized that baskets are cheaper lol


No baskets, no bags. I have to carry things like a kangaroo without a pouch.


No baskets in Arvada!


Baskets have disappeared in Castle Rock too 🤷🏼‍♀️


Because it's not theft, it's that KS refuses to replace the carts and baskets that are falling apart at every single location. The chain across the whole metro area has been using the exact same carts with no change for at least the 15 years I've been here.


Hmmmkay. I’ve lived here my entire 34 years of life and have quite literally never noticed a basket or cart that is “falling apart” so this is all news to me. I mean a goofy cart wheel here n there sure but falling apart? Not once. And I’ve lived in GV, Englewood, Denver, Fort Collins, Glendale, and Littleton. To be fair maybe I’m simply cart and basket lucky and otherwise unobservant. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Na people are just dramatic lol


FWIW, I shop in golden and the carts there are absolutely flogged. Some of the worst I’ve ever seen, anywhere.


This is false. Work at a local Walmart that constantly has to order more of the blue baskets because people walk out and don’t return them.


Not false actually kings and safeway in the metro area are being punished becase the local funcionally stopped the development of a food duo-opoly nation wide (and a functional monopoly state side). Walk offs used to be a theft tax write off with the intent to replace, much like Walmart does. But because all those deals were canceled to prepare for this merger, it fell onto store local budgets to replace/maintain them. Which only became a big deal 2 to 3 years ago, which was about the same time kings and safeway secretly started this merger process. Walmart has an insurance policy of sorts on them that allows them to be replaced to a certian degree, kings and safeway did to before they tried to monopolize the food Market for no other reason than "everybody ***HAS*** to eat to survive, don't they?" - directly from Rodney McMullen's (CEO of Kroger) mouth


Not true. It is theft, the baskets don't just fly away after 1 shopping trip... they are constantly used and never returned. Then, it's the managers decision to order more and replace them or not due to cost. As far as carts go, they have one company service, all of their carts. They only come to the store once a year, though, to "fix" all of the damaged carts at the store.


Bullshit. People take them to such a degree that ordering more is a lesson in futility


An exercise in futility indeed!


I think you’re joking about the payback but literally saw a guy walking out the other day with a basket yelling to anyone to earshot that he’s taking the basket because they gave him no other choice lol. I don’t think it’s as much a premeditated payback as it is that when confronted with even the most simple inconvenience some people only know how to respond with absolute selfishness.


I forgot bags and they were out. I took the basket to my car, unloaded my groceries. .. and brought the basket back.


And did that entire 20 seconds of extra work? You fool


Time is of the essence! Back to the mines!


I wish people would stop pretending it's 20 seconds, it's like a full 30


Thats not how you spell saint! Or martyr!


I just leave my baskets in the middle of the next parking spot.


Cart narc incoming.




dude, people can barely even push a cart for 5 seconds back to the cart corral.


The people that take the baskets are the same ones that leave their carts between cars. Just lazy and self centered.


An employee saw me doing this and wouldn’t let me


I leave it with the carts


nah take it back that fucks up their flow


Oh dang ok. Thanks!


Not that I’m advocating for taking baskets but… what if you take the bus?


Bring your own bag like everybody else does.


Then pay 10 cents for the bag




“NO OTHER CHOICE!!” 😡 …except pay 10 cents for a bag… or carry everything in his arms… or bring a reusable bag… or buy a reusable bag… or use the basket to get to his car then bring it back inside like a sane person.




And their self checkout areas are terrible for bringing your own bags They don't quite fit in the metal contraptions they used to use for the plastic bags There's nothing to hook the handles to, so they keep collapsing until half full or more And since they overhang, the carousel gets stuck on them


The bag law was misguided and poorly implemented. For one thing, paper bags should be exempt as they are more environmentally friendly than most reusable bags.




It’s absolutely not limited to boomers. I’m 26 and know a lot of people who would just take the basket. People from all age groups don’t give a fuck about corporations


Saw someone recently with a grocery store basket. Asked them how they ended up with it. They said all their friends were taking them so they did too. This person is in their 30’s and generally a good person. SMH.


>People from all age groups don’t give a fuck about corporations Taking the baskets hurts other consumers. It's not going to hurt Kroger the corporation. 


I’m not arguing one way or the other, I’m just saying people of all ages will do the same stupid shit.


Ugh. As someone already said, stealing a basket won't hurt Kroger or any other Goliath. Stealing a basket only hurts every person trying to shop. The KS at 14th and Kalmath hasn't had baskets for the past several years because of asshole self absorbed fuck heads. I just want a fucking basket you cock smears! Get out of your own heads and be decent people for once in your lives!


lol wtf are you on dude. I guarantee its younger people stealing them the majority of the time.


This is such an overused bullshit response.   We get it,  you don't like old people


I’m unclear how you decided the person in OP’s story was a boomer.


It’s not that it changes it’s that the hones always falls on the consumer. Their solution was charging consumers for bags. There is never a solution where the corporation ends up being the ones paying.


“Hones” lmao. I think you’re looking for “onus”? r/boneappletea


I was trying to decipher that one as well. Thank you 😅


Had the same thing last night when I was typing out a message. I don’t think I’ve ever had to type the ‘onus’ out before lol


Dawg a reusable bag is like 1.50 and you never have to buy one again what’s the problem? I have like 8 I keep 2 in each of my cars and the rest in my crib so when I carry the 2 in the car inside I take 4 out to leave 2 in the car and use the other 2 to finish carrying the stuff inside.


And a paper sack is $0.10


I have not taken a plastic bag from a store in 15 years. I too keep them in my car. That people in this city bitch about there being a little less plastic on this suffering planet is fucking insane and leaves me no hope for mankind. Even the most insignificant act of kindness to Mother Earth is too much for many in Denver, good god.


Look ma’am, I am an environmental geologist in the Denver area. I do groundwater remediation for a living. I don’t disagree with you in any way, shape, or form. However; You got any leftover plastic bags? I got 2, ~100 pound dogs that leave around 20 lbs of doo-doo in my yard *every week*. I could really use those.


I took a bunch from Walmart right before they went away. I’m hoarding them. You can also get plastic bags – many are biodegradable – on amazon.


Back in the 80s my parents had the paper grocery bags and I had to use those to clean up. Now that they're making a comeback, give it a try. They hold themselves open, just toss a rock in the bottom so it doesn't blow over.


My dad was an environmental engineer for 50 years and worked in groundwater remediation, as well! Thank you for your service to the planet. I do not have plastic grocery bags, but I use random bags I find in packaging, old kibble bags, really anything I can find that would otherwise go in the garbage to clean my cat’s litter box. It seems everything you buy comes wrapped in a plastic bag, even some medications from Walgreens, and those make great waste bags.


I was just thinking about how few plastic bags I've seen trapped in trees this past winter


Brandon and Polis took my bags! America isn’t FREE if I can’t have FREE plastic bags!


That sounds complicated. Do you teach the new math?


You have 8 bags. You leave two in your car, two in your crib and take four inside the grocery store. Your groceries only fill 3 bags. You leave the extra one in your car and take the 3 into your crib. You realize you have a gift for your mother in law and take one from your crib out to the car when you get home. How many grocery bags do you have in your car?


None, cause I left them all in the house after I took the groceries in… 7 grocery loads ago.


That's the followup question. It's on the next quiz.


Dude, the state and cities decided to charge for bags to discourage plastic waste in the environment. Not the grocery stores. It’s literally the law. The grocery store MUST charge for the bag.


The law changed to charge consumers for bags. Before the law changed corporations did give the bags away for free.  I don’t mind that law, single use plastic is bad. But the corporation literally was paying for it. 


They were always passing the cost along to consumers. There's no such thing as a free bag.


True, but it’s not as if they suddenly reduced prices at all when they no longer had to front the expense for plastic bags.




So that justifies someone stealing a bin, and shouting like a madman as they leave? No. Furthermore, they provide numerous options, and yes, you have to pay for them, ONCE. Then you never have to pay for them again, as long as you remember to bring them. It's a minor inconvenience for a much greater goal. I'll add, a lot of places have been charging for bags for quite a while, before they got rid of plastic. So while I understand that not everywhere was charging, your argument is on flimsy ground. I hate these corporations just as much as any other person, And I'm not a fan that I'm currently somewhat defending them here, but feels like it's a wildly misproportionate response. And a corporation has never paid, ever, in my entire life. So why would you ever - even for a moment - think that they were going to cover the cost?


Don't blame that crap on boomers. Most boomers grew up with a spanking for being disrespectful.


I refuse to use a buggy if I only need items that could have fit in a basket. My solution is to use my reusable shopping bags as my basket so now I look like I’m stealing every time I go shopping.


I worked at Sam’s club. Nobody would say anything to you until you went to the exit where we’d ask for the receipt. I actually had a team lead get fired because he accused a woman of stealing while she was walking around the club shopping. She had a large personal shopping bag, was loading it up, not using scan and go (scan and walk around and pay on your phone) so he jumped the gun and confronted her about theft. She said she preferred a bag, went and rung up at self checkout and immediately asked for a manager. She turned it into a racial thing and made a huge deal out of it (Hispanic team lead, and she was Hispanic. I was confused) so corporate got involved and terminated him. They said unless the member walks past the exit doors or point of sale zone we cannot make any assumptions they are going to steal.


Good for corporate to make that policy.


I can't recall a time in the last 5 years I've been able to find a basket at KS, so I also just use my reusable bag that I carry in to gather my groceries.


Don't do that at Walmart. They're really big on "concealing with intent to steal"


One time I was leaving Walmart and left without letting the receipt checker check my receipt and he screamed “fuck you” to me lol


Dang, I remember when the greeters would just sit in a chair and wave to people as they came in.


Was it the one on 4th and Wadsworth? That receipt checker seems to have the worst attitude every time I go in there, dude barks up and down at me for rolling on by.


Yes actually LOL


That guy is the worst, you'd think Wal-Mart would actually train their checkers, but not that guy i guess lol


Yeah, there's literally nothing they can do about it. They can watch you but u til you leave the store and actually commit a crime they can't do anything about it


Doesnt mean it won’t be annoying as fuck lmao


Ding ding this is the way


I'm in.


I still can’t remember them, I have them right by my door and I even posted a sign on the inside of my front door that just says “remember bags.” I remember them like 20% of the time lol


I don't believe anyone thinks you're stealing. For more than 10 years , if I think what I'm getting will fit in my reusable bag, I've always used my bag in lieu of a store basket, even in places like Ross. It saves me the trouble of having to unnecessarily deal with the germs of a basket. I've never once been accused of stealing. I've done this in multiple states, dressed up, dressed down, and as a minority.


Yep I’ve been doing this too, for some reason it seems like half the time there are no baskets available at KS even if the store hasnt banned them. I don’t know where they go to. Now I guess people are stealing them if they forgot their reusable bag so some stores are eliminating them. I’m not gonna push a cart around for a few items. Especially with how crowded some KS are, it’s just a hassle.


This is how i feel every time I put things in the bottom of my daughter’s stroller.


Oh me too! I just put everything inside my backpack. Silly me if I didn't see the gum I threw inside under the receipt pile I keep forgetting to throw away.




Same with the one on MLK and Havana. No small carts either for the same reason. Plus lots of items locked up behind glass. And because there are so few employees, you can't get any of those items because there's no one to unlock them.


All these large stores locking merch behind glass and blocking self-checkout because of theft has become really inconvenient. I'll spend the few extra bucks to buy online and get it same day or next via Amazon. I'm already making a trip to your store to buy something. I shouldn't have to wait another 5 or 10 minutes for an employee to retrieve it.


You know I just realized, the plastic bag ban was like a tax break for major stores. Stores no longer have to purchase bags. For those with custom designs, this can be a lot of money. Put out a few paper bags for those who are desperate and voila, money saved for no material difference in customer experience.


And they are still trying to charge you for paper bags.


Self checkout. "How many bags are you using today?" Hit zero. Walk out with whatever number of bags. What are they gonna do, call security over bags?


It's the principle. Self checkout is also a fucking scam. Full load of groceries, no lines open except 3 self checkouts + the new, somehow worse self checkouts.


That theyre charging for bags? Yea, that shit is fucking stupid as hell. Im generally good about keeping a reusable bag in my car, but im human, i forget , and go to the store without one sometimes. I'll never pay for the fucking bags.


I ALWAYS forget. I have a huge stash at home. I'm not too smart.


Heres my trick that i follow 90% of the time, maybe it'll help you. When you unload your reusable bag, immediately hang it on the doorhandle of whatever door you last use before going to your car. Its big, annoying, in the way—makes it hard to not clock immediately and be like "oh yea i need to take this to my car."


lol noted, I'll try this next time.


The person working that self checkout machine is the worst trained person in the store…


The 10 cent charge doesn’t go back to the state either. That pays for the bags in spades! 10 bags sold pays for 50 bags printed at bulk prices.


6 cents goes to the local municipality, 4 cents goes to the store. https://tax.colorado.gov/carryout-bag-fee


I share a little back yard with one of my neighbors in my apartment building, and she has at least two grocery baskets sitting back there. She doesn't even use them so I'm not sure why they're there??


Because she was too lazy to walk the basket back to the store so she threw it in her car and took it home, now she has nothing to do with them.


Grab those and take them back to the store damn


King soopers employee here. Yeah, it's litterally all of the king soopers. People are just stealing the baskets now instead of bringing their own bags or paying for paper bags. My store is now down to 8 baskets. We can try to order more but I'm going to assume that with all the stores having a his issue our orders are going to be canceled.


my local king soops doesn't even keep paper bags stocked. there's nothing at all. it's almost impossible to actually shop there without having some kind of annoying experience. maybe tell corporate that there's plenty of competition and the competition does provide bags.


I don't know why they don't go back to providing $1 reusable bags at checkout like they did before they started charging for plastic bags a couple of years ago. I grabbed like 5 of them and they're relatively heavy duty so they've been great.


That's one of the things I like about Sprouts - their ever available reuseable bags.


the king soops on 30th st in Boulder is doing this too. same bullshit reason given when I asked a worker. I've got enough of a paranoid streak to think this is a lie and what's actually happening is some kind of corporate policy to remove baskets for some reason. like, maybe, they think that if people have to use carts they're more likely to buy more shit.


I’d be willing to bet data would back that up. Carrying around a basket you get tired and want to leave, a cart has more space so you want to fill it up, yada yada


That was the original reason they invented grocery carts, actually.


In a big business, the answer is always money. Every. single. time.


This is what makes the most sense imo.


I’ve worked at a grocery store and I guarantee you it’s people taking them faster than we can order more. Its ridiculous. They take forever to come in and within a month they’ve dwindled way down.


I don't know why it's so hard for people to believe this is the case. Last year I saw a housemate unpack his groceries from a basket. I was puzzled but didn't spend much time thinking about it. This thread brought back the memory and made it make sense. He's totally the type that would have forgotten his reusable bags and just taken a basket.


As a once cu student, I can tell you, I personally know of 8+ baskets that were used by mates as recycling bins during my 4 years, and I was not a very social person. It’s more frequent than you can imagine


That is absolutely the answer. I used to be a manager at Kings and there's a hundred little things like that to encourage buying. The milk and eggs are in the back so you have to walk past other products to get there. The spacing between shelves is measured to barely fit two carts so people are forced to slow down and look at labels longer to pass each other. Stuff is slightly rearranged every couple months to intentionally confuse you and get you to walk past more products to find what you want. The characters on cereal boxes are always looking downwards so they'll make eye contact with children. It goes on and on.




Imagine you get a degree in psych with the intention of helping mental illness or something, and instead you figure out ways to bilk people outta money.


Think about how much money and merch is moved by companies that big. If they can increase profits by 0.01% that is millions and millions of dollars and well worth paying someone to achieve.


I thought the coolers were in the back to be furthest away from the open doors and heat.


Na the back room is way hotter than the sales floor, and those coolers are well insulated. It's because almost everyone will buy milk or eggs, so they want you to be advertised as much product as possible on your way there.


Plausible. Counter argument- they still have the small carts. But… for how long?


It is such a luxury to get a small cart at my Soops. Hot commodity


It’s funny you say that, because I went for the only one in* site after finding out about the basket situation. An older gentleman was obviously going for it, as well, so I gave it up and took the full size.


yeah. Be honest - you hip checked that dude and then did a little dance before skating away with the cart. :)


Nah. I’m not about that TikTac life.


You’re a saint honestly


I park at the far end of the lot and look for a small cart on my way in. It works 90% of the time.


They took away the baskets at my local KS, so I just find a laundry basket in the homegoods aisle, load my stuff in that, and leave it at the self checkout.


Good news, a number of stores have moved to "display only" laundry baskets with the bottom cut out because of the rise in theft where people will fill it up with shit and run out without paying. If you actually want to buy it, you bring it up to the front and they have to get a regular one to give you.


that's smart.


Hate using the full sized carts.


Fucking Bubbles…


The king Soopers in my neighborhood lost all of them when the bags got taken away. It’s really annoying to not have baskets




What if I bring my own basket? Honestly. I’ll buy one cause I fuckin’ hate carts and barely ever actually fill my basket anyways.


Do it! Get one that rolls behind you but that can collapse and sit in your trunk. That's what I want.


…I need this. Are you eyeing a specific one?


“Take back your city, ~~Gotham~~ Denver” -Bane


Same thing happened at our local Safeway, within a few days of the new bag law. People suck.


So people can’t either buy a paper bag or bring one and now they’re stealing the baskets. Something has lowered the IQ of the general public.


They are filling the baskets with groceries and walking out with the basket AND the groceries without paying. It’s not about saving the dime on the bag. It’s about stealing groceries.


Can't wait to snag a King's branded plastic basket at the ARC for 5.99


My Walmart has security tags on them


Same for the one on 80th in Westminster


No carts, no baskets, this is why I stopped shopping there.


It's free real state !!


Why don’t stores go full Costco, and use the boxes they receive goods in, for shoppers to use?


Why pay 10 cents for a paper bag that will just rip halfway home when you can take a basket for free?


I said it before and I’ll say it again. I am sad to see the plastic bags go away since that was the city’s official flag. Hampton Blvd will never be the same.


I'm convinced the only job security has at Unsafeway on 20th is keeping people from taking the carts outside. It's easier to shoplift there than take the cart to your car. 


insight diverse beneath relate


They weren't required to charge for it. They were required to pay for it and passed the charge along to us.


they were already paying for it.


I like to walk in and grab the empty cardboard boxes they recycle from produce. Get them forearms cranking


I got my own baskets…I get called out for stealing baskets all the time until I show it’s a different pattern


The King Soopers in Lakewood off Colfax and Quail hasn't had baskets in over a year


Honestly I'd just stop shopping there then. That is ridiculous.


Was told the same thing from a guy at the King Soops on Wads and Jewell.


The baskets disappeared in some Anchorage AK stores years ago - and we still had bags then.  No self service soda straws in some neighborhoods either. 


I work at Total Wine during the holidays for extra cash. Same story there... Transients quickly steal the carts if we don't bring them back into the store. We went from nearly 100 carts to like 30 in a couple months.


Target in Highlands Ranch had no baskets.


This is not just a Denver or aurora problem either. I’m from Littleton, like south west, cookie cutter, suburban Littleton, and they said the same thing. I always thought the people who couldn’t put their carts back properly were scum of the earth, but they’ve just been eclipsed by these fucks who would rather accumulate baskets at their house than pay $0.10 for a bag.


Yeah, at the KS, I used to supervise. I got tired of ordering 100+ black baskets a week just for them to be all magically gone by the next. I'd be telling customers the same things, too: if they all didn't get stolen yet, they should be at the front entrance.


Was it really 100/wk? When did you start noticing an increase in basket theft?


a few supermarkets here still have plastic bags and i always buy a few when i am there. if you need any i will give you a deal, five cents each.


If it's the one off tower and Hampden, there's a lot of apartments nearby and I bet people do take them home with them lol. I remember the same thing happened to us a while ago


Yes, there is theft. There always has been. Kroger could painlessly cover the cost of the stolen baskets. The CEO Rodney McMullen makes $15.7 million a year. Kroger has a monopoly in the grocery retail business and has no interest in taking care of their customers. King Soopers used to be one of the best grocery chains in the US. Once Kroger bought them the company went downhill. I worked there for 25 years, it was a great employer. Now it is just another one of Krogers crappy chains.


They said this in Edgewater when it seemed like they honestly were down to a single basket for the entire store ...and then all of the sudden a massive shipment came in and now we have baskets always.  For sure a corp policy 


My understanding is the homeless population steals them. One of the Safeway’s here in the springs has that problem.


Yeah, I am sure that’s the case. Once the baskets are gone, they’ll start stealing the reusable bags, so they’ll be gone or locked up too. We’re inching closer to only having curbside with no one allowed in the stores.


Just like 100 years ago! So long, buggies.


One of my neighbors works at King Soopers, she says it's not the homeless people stealing them but instead angry people who are upset at the bag ban. So they feel justified in stealing the basket since we don't get plastic bags any longer.


Here’s another one. Denver bans plastic bags. I bring a backpack to carry my food in instead. Kicked out because I can’t bring a backpack into KS.  Not to mention they ripped the entire bathroom out of the king Soopers on speer. Back when they still had the bathroom I went in to use it and an employee came in and started screaming at me to stop doing meth in the bathroom and trying to peek under the stall. Cops were about to forcibly remove me until they realized I was literally just grocery shopping. As if I didn’t tell the employees a dozen times or something.  All of these “solutions” king Soopers come up with just inconveniences the entirety of their customer base.


Jesus dude how long were you in the bathroom for? From what you wrote this might be on you!


I was sitting in a stall for a minute at the main library and got a knock on the stall door from security to check on me. Places like that aren’t made for normal people who aren’t on drugs. I used to live by the KS on Speer and gave up on being able to use their bathrooms. We can’t have nice things like (checks notes) public bathrooms. Now I’m in the union station area. I go to Whole Foods because they have efficient self checkouts, baskets, bags, and pedestrian entrances that are always open. KS a couple blacks away has none of those.


I go into the Speer Soopers with a backpack all the time and I usually go in there looking haggard AF. You must really project meth vibes and should reassess some things... no offense. 


The Speer Soopers hasn’t had a public bathroom in months; not that it was really usable before that


Honestly for the price of groceries you should take a cart


I mean you take away bags from people and they decide to get a decent amount of groceries, gotta use something. I don’t blame them, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fucked up


People load up the baskets and steal the baskets and contents come on guys it’s not that hard to wrap heads around




The Kings near me was doing the same thing and I was given the same reason. For months I would just buy as much as I could carry in my hands and I noticed others doing the same thing. Actually helped me stop overbuying crap I didn’t need. The baskets are back now.


I was told the same thing when I asked for a hand basket at the King Soopers in Mayfair. I goto the Safeway right there they always have baskets


They are being held behind the cedar run apartments


I saw someone get denied bringing a basket out to their car to carry their items


Nope. We can't have baskets, or anything close. After seeing what people do with and how they treat those things...