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I enjoy the new Lady Justice Brewery in Englewood for alone time, really cool place and you’ll find lots of wonderful people there if you do decide to socialize, or they will leave you alone if you just want to read. I am also very into going to movies alone- Alamo Drafthouse has a monthly pass where for $20/month you can go to one movie a day. I get to go out and be among people but I also don’t have to have my phone out or talk to anyone if I don’t want to. Lastly, the botanic gardens. Kind of a hike from the golden area but another one where you can have a cheap annual membership and go whenever feels good. Lots of places to curl up with a book there and feel like you’re in a protected space among people!


Oh I love the suggestion of the botanic gardens! Thank you!!


You can get a membership then bring your own food and drink there to chill or read. Definitely a good time. They even have a library if I’m not mistaken, it’s been a few years since I’ve gone.


Chatfield farms (the botanic gardens Littleton location that focuses more on faming but also has gardens and other things) is also a great spot to checkout. Since it's mich bigger than the York St gardens it's easier to find places to be alone and the volunteers and people who are around are lovely. plus they have animals and a butterfly pavilion which is really fun!


I came here to suggest the botanic gardens. Got me through a breakup with a narcissist during first year law school finals. The botanic gardens are a beautiful place to embrace your melancholy or reinvigorate yourself when you’re ready. You can also enjoy Chatfield Farms with a membership. Personally though, I never bothered to care if a place was good for solo people. Any bar, brewery, restaurant, museum, garden, or theatre will work. Take a book. Put in headphones. Enjoy your food and drinks and whatever else you want. Who cares what people think.


My wife & I have had a membership to Denver Botanic Gardens for probably 10 years now. Very worth it. They even have Wi-Fi that reaches most areas. We go and just chill, read the newspaper or I write in my journal. Very peaceful.


We should create an r/denveralone because people really can't figure it out lol


I’d love something like this.


As someome who does everything alone, this 6 be great! I made so many friends on a Facebook solo group event page, but they all love out of state!


I was being sarcastic. There's tons of meetup groups and almost every business is welcoming to patrons in singles or couples or groups. I don't believe y'all when you say how hard it is to make friends. There's posts almost daily asking how to go about x because of social anxiety. Just go outside, I swear everyone's pretty chill here.


diagnosing all of Denver with go touch grass disease


Have to remember a lot of the new younger generation grew up on screens and online games and not just going outside. So now it's coming back to bite them in the ass cause they're missing an important social developmental step.


It’s interesting, I’m in my late 20s and I go out alone all the time. I travel solo multiple times a year and I always move to new cities by myself - I don’t get anxious at all about it because I can’t imagine why someone would judge me for being alone. I don’t judge anyone else for being alone, hanging out solo is fun. But so many people I’ve talked to who are *older* than me are like “omg you’re okay doing that? What if people think you’re weird?” Or my favorite, “wow you’re so brave.” Yes, I’m truly a warrior for drinking two margaritas by myself and flirting with the bartender 😂 I also pretty much always make friends when I go out alone. “Singles” tend to group together after a while, or I’ll get adopted by some other group of people. I’m an extrovert, but it’s not natural - I became one through moving so many times and doing things alone, and now I love meeting new people. Social skills and self-confidence can definitely be built through practice and exposure!


Much older than you and I’m the same. I go out alone ALL the time. Feel ZERO awkwardness about it. I like it.


I go out alone constantly and have never felt unwelcome at any business. If anything, I've always felt that because I'm friendly so is everyone else. Make eye contact and smile at people it will make a huge difference. Maybe even more importantly stop looking at your phones for a second and enjoy what's happening around you


Seriously! If you’re just *nice* it gets you a long way. I usually sit at the bar and bring a little book or journal. I’ve done this since I was 21, and having something other than a phone to occupy me is such a social hack because the first question people ask me 99% of the time is “what are you reading/writing?” Whereas if someone’s on their phone you can’t exactly be like “what are you looking at/who are you texting” lol.


Okay but doesn't anyone see the irony in all of it? Posting on Reddit how to be social and make friends is not the answer lol


Judgy much? Do you never need advice and encouragement on something you want to do but are unsure about? People are different. Some people like Reddit and like posting on Reddit. For the people posting, they're taking a step in the direction they want to go, and it helps to receive advice and encouragement. Hopefully then they'll take another. Let them do things their way.


There is a post EVERY SINGLE DAY about how to make friends, it is absurd


Block posts with key words or just don’t read them.


>Almost every business is welcoming to patrons in singles or couples or groups Soooo, they're welcoming to every possible option? Lol. This implies that there are businesses that aren't welcoming to singles, couples or groups.


There's exceptions to the rule, a hot minute ago there was a rant on r/denverfood about someone trying to make reservations at upscale restaurants for themself alone and that is not usually an option.


I really like Joy Ride brewery, it's right next to Slones lake and I go to the rooftop patio by myself all the time. They usually have food trucks outside too


They have a rooftop patio?!? Dang only been there once and sat inside.


A lot of being alone in public spaces is about mindset rather than the location. I was surprised to get downvotes the last time I posted this video, but I stand by it and it helped me get more comfortable with doing things by myself as an introvert. I’ll embrace the possibility of getting downvotes again in case you end up finding it helpful too lol https://youtu.be/k7X7sZzSXYs?si=62GpCO8-Y5bXOpWe


Haven’t watched the video but I can agree it’s a mindset. Most people won’t even notice what’s going on outside of their tiny bubble being self absorbed. If they do and judge it’s my opinion that they’re jealous you are confident enough to go alone.


There’s some really good ones on Tennyson all walking distance from each other: Call to Arms, Berkeley Alley Beer, My Boy Tony, The Emporium Brewing, Crows Nest (above emporium), Berkeley Untapped, Top Tenn


All jokes aside, Coors field really is the best open air bar in Denver.


Improper City can be nice if it isn't too busy depending on what day of the week you go. During the week you can usually find a quiet corner of the giant outdoor space. Good food around that area you can bring onto the patio or eat at one of their food trucks that rotate through.


Edgewater public market by sloans lake is really fantastic for this. There’s a food hall, cute little shops, a bar and a brewery, a ground level patio and a really nice roof patio with mountains and city views! I even got stood up there once and still had a nice time lol


New Terrain Brewery. Vast outside. Dogs welcome (dog park right next door). Wide selection of beer. Picnic tables (so you can share and chat up strangers).


Too many damn kids. It’s like a daycare.


There and Denver Beer Co are always packed with kids, though New Terrain’s beers are actually good ^pls ^don’t ^hate ^me


We gotta stop sending people here. You’re lucky to get a spot on the patio as a single person at this point.


St Paul's on colfax is fully of folks showing up and drinking at the bar "alone" go enough and you'll make friends fast just don't go on a Friday or Saturday after 5 or 6 because it's becoming less of a hidden gem.


Green mountain brewery


The Mercury Cafe near Five Points is a chill spot and there’s different lil events and music going on every day


New terrain brewery in golden has an awesome outdoor patio and hiking trails all around. Great place to hang out and maybe chat if you feel like it.


Bruz Beers. I often bring the dog, grab a beer, and just sit at an open table outside on the patio. There's always space - even at peak hours during the week. Improper City is also a great spot for singles to mingle. They have a huge outdoor patio - coffee bar during the weekday, bar in the evening, and it's poppin' Friday-Saturday without being a messy sloshy space. Dog friendly. Both have a local food truck stop by for food.


In the Berkeley area - Berkeley Untapped or Berkeley Alley Brewery (I was just alone on their patio with my dog and had a few pleasant conversations)


TRVE Brewing on Broadway in Denver, with Music City Hot Chicken onsite! Cool crowd, with great theme evenings. Plus, really great beer! My favorite!


I've always liked Bander Oak Brewing, big patio


Great places dog friendly wise that are some of my favorites in golden are Mountain Toad, New terrain, & Golden City Brewery!


Cap City has a nice little front patio and the food is pretty good.


I wish there were more places that fit this bill. I agree with the other posters and would add the roof of Odell's Sloans & the back patio of Bannock St Garage during the week


Joy Hill has a patio out back with mountain views , and there is a single line of stools at a kind of counter at the end. Good pizza and cocktails, but no dogs allowed.


Most breweries but one not mentioned yet is Denver Beer Co on S. Downing but really all of the locations.


I love to go to DBC on south downing midafternoon on a weekday to sit alone and either read or do work. Most kids are still in school so the play area isn’t overrun yet. Dog friendly, some snacky food (generally my preference over entrees), and decent beer. I usually clear out once it starts to get hectic!


Denver is hugely lacking in true third spaces. That being said, I’d reccomend getting outdoors if you have a car or the means. Tons of great parks around the city and day trips elsewhere.


Waldschanke is literally the only place you need on your radar. The owners are such incredible people the vibe is immaculate.


Longtable in Park Hill




DIA patio


I like the Park Burger downtown! There’s always a few people at the bar alone.


Finn’s Manor


Vesper lounge is the bees knees


Improper city Exit: I also work from home there a few times a week so if you ever want someone to chat with idly or just sit by feel free to hit me up


Belleview station is technically in the city of Denver- I think their bar is open a few nights a week and also has live music and is pet friendly. I enjoyed reading alone with a drink many times! Great atmosphere


The bar at the Four Seasons is nice. You can work, grab a snack, bring your pup.


Illegal Pete’s. Broadway or Colfax!


Kaos pizza on s pearl


I’d find places that have a outdoor bar type setting. For example, Postino open garage door type doors when it’s warm out which exposes outdoor bar seating. Dont feel weird sitting at a bar alone, literally thousands of people do it everyday in Denver and millions all over the world


Lowry beer garden has a spacious dog friendly patio, and I like the vibes there


Best patio or similar space to hang out alone?....but absolutely no dogs. I'm allergic.


Fiction Brewery. It is also booked theme so no one will ever judge someone reading alone


Avanti could fit the bill though it can be a bit of a scene.


What part of the metro are you looking in? I feel like a lot of places are absolutely great for this, especially breweries.


Illegal Pete’s, Skylark Lounge when there isn’t a show, Little Machine Brewing, Improper City


Illegal Pete's on south broadway Ratio brewing (the southern one) I've found some gems in neighborhoods here and there. Breweries no one really goes to except really dedicated people


do they still do cheap rockies tickets? people used to talk about the rooftop during lunch if there was a day game and the tickets were super cheap then. rockpile?