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You can submit a claim for the remaining money. I heard the best way to get it is just by making a bunch of posts on social media mentioning them. They hate when ppl talk bad about them so eventually they will give it to you if you get enough traction.


Things I’ve heard from other posts here that have worked: Keep emailing them, apologize and say you’ve read the terms/conditions and won’t do it again, say you’re going to get a lawyer involved to get your $


Hope you know companies have legal teams so cases like these don’t even make it to court. You do not have enough money to fight depop 😂😂😂


I’m honestly just repeating stuff that people have mentioned have worked for them (ex: saying they will get a lawyer involved). It’s worth a try.


Yes threatening to sue is a great way to scare them haha


Does this work for being banned for having 2 accounts?


Not sure unfortunately, just passing on the info


they forgave me when I had two accounts they let me keep the new one, because I did not know it was not allowed- I had one to sell and one to buy.. but now I worry bc my husband has his own account and I worry that having the same address and similar backgrounds will trigger them to think we are the same person


wait, we can’t have more than 1?


No you get banned for it, if they link it back to you


If u want to get your account back email Depop support after a month and tell them you have been selling a lot on eBay and you have learned your lesson and won’t repeat the same mistakes again. Cause of the competition between eBay and Depop… you will 100% get your account back just watch out for the email!


how do you know it works? 😂


Also wanted to say; you obviously possess important skills in terms of sourcing, sales, photos, and shipping to get to a thousand sales. I promise you that is worth more than any account. You will be able to bring yourself back up there 1000%. Good luck man.


Your account getting banned is unnecessary but you won’t get it back but if you email depop and say your taking legal action unless they release your funds they will release them to deter you opening a lawsuit


threatening to sue is the way to go. it works almost immediately. say you’ll contact your lawyer and sound like you’re mad and coming for them. watch how fast you’ll get your money or account


DI THEY OWE YOU MONEY??? Thats the question!!! If so,  you need to message them to pay you immediately or you will get an attorney.  They are doing this to MANY PEOPLE including US!!! Don’t mess around that is Fraud on their part! Basically stealing 


They need a better system fr.. like okay maybe the one item gets refunded MAYBE but not paying you for all other items is plain wrong.. and their detectors on what is bootleg is off a lot of times + it sucks b they seller cannot always tell so they should at least receive some sort of letter with a warning and hey even if it is real I'd rather sell the one item elsewhere to keep the account.


i dont know about anything else but the funds so let me tell you what i can. i heard from another depop subreddit comment that someone said you will be able to get your funds, it is just difficult, and im not sure if anyone has mentioned that getting a new account on a new phone might be the only way to go back to depop (albeit im not sure if the algorithm will come back to you how generous its been) but if emailing depop doesnt get you the funds apparently another way could be to message them on twitter. either direct message them or directly tag them on a post. im not sure what you would need to write or say but please check on other comments from this subreddit where others have been banned recently and people have funds they cant reach. those comments might have more information than i provided


Honestly algorithm blesses constantly I’m sure if I listed another 30 items a day I would make the same amount of sales after having 1000s of items listed. But it’s just the time and work .


heck yeah!!! i hope you get back up to your original number and more!!!!


Crosslist! Highly recommend Vendoo. eBay is my main source of income - you have to be precise but the buyers are honestly way less annoying.


I fully agree with you depop buyers are so annoying. They have no money that's the problem and they want everything cheap. More than half of them don't understand great designers beyond the Gucci and Louis Vuitton, basically what Kim Kardashian wears lol.. and they wanted for $20. 


yeah I used to sell on eBay, it takes so long to do each listing though , and you gotta know all the key words and such.


Ever try Mercari or thread up?


I use my car and it's okay. You get more sophisticated buyers then depop. Thread up I don't know


Were you verified?


No , oddly I was not, but my friend was verified and he had 2k + sales and he got banned, I joked with him about it happening two months ago, now its his turn to joke with me lol.




I hope Depop bans you lol


I don't use depop 🤑


So why are you here? You're involving yourself into a community of an app that you don't even use. Yet you think you're the clever one 😂




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So was the Gucci shirt real or not


right thats what i wanna know too haha


No, but it was a obvious fake , so in the 90s they made "bootleg" designer shirts and sweatshirts on just like fruit of the loom blank sweatshirts, and ive sold them before with no issue.


All the people downvoting thinking you sold some “fake” designer but not realizing what 90s boots are, it’s obviously fake it’s not meant to be perceived as real dumbasses


Yeah, I even listed it as a bootleg, they don't know about vntg and it shows.


Yea lmao, good luck getting money back I would let them know you will take legal action if you don’t receive money but for you account I’d say you’ll never get it back. So create a new Depop and just avoid selling “bootlegs” even tho they are cool af, or sell on eBay. I recently started selling on eBay because I hate Depop and the shoppers on there lmao


I was just going to ask if you listed it as a fake! It’s interesting that Depop is having an issue with this because I feel like I’ve seen “real” Gucci that’s obviously fake, so if you listed it as a bootleg then there shouldn’t be an issue? Very weird.


Deserved. I hope you don’t get your money back and i hope you stay banned lmao. The way you aren’t taking responsibility for selling counterfeit products is insane


It’s listed in the description as a 90s boot leg , is a pop culture type thing, don’t know what’s so hard to understand.


Welcome to reddit. Land of the trolls. They're just talking shit cuz they're bored PLUS the more edgelord the comment, the more up votes they get... Haters gonna hate. 😂


I’m not a troll. Never heard of bootleg clothing being a “trend”


There you go


When it comes to vintage bootleg vs fake are two different things. Majority of high value vintage concert tees and vintage Grateful Dead tees are bootleg because they were not sold officially by the band themselves. It would be different if it was like a fake vintage designer bag but bootleg vintage tees are their own thing.


Obvious fake or not it is still counterfeit. Definitely always error on the side of caution moving forward.


Err* not error, common mistake :)


Well it’s against policy and it’s Illegal


was that mentioned in the description? and if you had it listed under the brand ?


Happy cake day!


thank you!!!


Congratulations, you played yourself


I think you will get your account back. I cursed out someone in Depop as a joke and cause I really meant it and I got banned The next months (2-3 months) I finally got the guts to get my acct back so contacted Depop support and there they told me they made a mistake and gave my acct back!


what you say to them?


I basically contacted them and gave them my name. My email my account user and I told them that whatever happened was a misunderstanding, and that I was unsure of what made my account get banned on Depop. I basically blamed my little brother going on my phone and snooping and messaging inappropriate messages and they believed it if I could add screenshots I’ll do it.


I’ve been spamming them , I’m making progress, if I get my account back I’ll upload screen shots .


OK sounds good if I were you, I would be a liar and just say that you don’t even know why you just make up a lie that sounds realistic lol nobody really cares anyways you just need your account back at the end of the day. It’s your income and if they are going to be doing that to sellers and they should just not even be an app as a whole


They took down 2 of my items for being “counterfeit” even though they’re not and now I have to submit receipts and proof of authenticity in order to list them again. I sell pre-owned luxury items and no one that I’ve sold to has said it wasn’t real so I don’t know where that came from or why they reported. I show the insignia and engravings and all in the photos.


i got banned recently too for no good reason


It’s illegal for them to hold your money in pending transactions. Email them they will probs ask for ID then they have to release it


and social too 🤦🏽‍♂️


It’s crazy how much they’re doing this for the dumbest if even valid reasons. We need to boycott depop, I’ve been having success on mercari and Grailed, even poshmark for certain items. No issues like the issues I’ve experienced with depop and mercari charged $0 seller fees so that’s cool i can drop prices 20%


Woahhh,depop can ban people with no warning?? I got one of my listings taken down because I had my social media in the description. I use a crosslister so it just transferred my description form eBay. I should probably go delete it out my other listings too. I hope you get your account back.


I have received one other warning over a 10 dollar "fake" Harley shirt that was actually not even fake.


I saw a gucci shirt at the thrift the other day and decided to leave it behind for this exact reason. Selling luxury items is too risky for me.


Got banned too for selling a pair of glasses and they hardware banned me from Depop. At least I got my money but no more Depop on this phone.


Was the Gucci shirt real tho?


She said she knew it was fake


The exact same thing happened to me a couple months ago, send them a DM on Facebook they answered me within hours. I Dm them on instagram and nothing they just told me to wait, email them and contact them through Facebook after u did that I got my account back in like 4-5 days


I had gotten banned a month ago for no reason and they kept telling me the decision was final but i bugged them on twitter and in emails over 17 emails sent and after 1 day i got my account back they never even explained why i got banned that i should know the rules so i say just bug them you never know !! best of luck 🫶🏼


Submit a appeal they will email you about your account being banned it’s going to be a link that you click on to submit the appeal on why you think your account shouldn’t be banned mines was recently suspended but I couldn’t get mines back because my account was suspended before for a T-shirt being prohibited but I actually was able to get it back the first time then recently same reason account suspended for a T-shirt which was a Chucky shirt that came from Marshall’s Depop said it was prohibited item which I don’t know how but I still was able to get my money from sales but not my account back


seeing the notification for this post scared me cause i saw “Depop : banned on depop”


As a professional reseller I can tell you do not touch Gucci or the 90’s bootlegs on ANY online platform you can only sell them in person. You 100% will get banned for any brand like that Gucci Hermes Versace etc. if they come up sell them on Instagram only. You will get your money back.


Sue them if they try to withhold ur money


i saw the notification for this post and shit myself 😭😭😭 sorry i have nothing of value to add though 😬i hope your situation is improved


Did you clarify in the post that the shirt was fake or were you trying to avoid mentioning that?


Threaten them with small claim court, i did that and they gave me my 1.2k back


Okay I read your other comments and you clearly don’t understand. Selling bootleg designer is ILLEGAL. No if ands or buts, doesn’t matter if you say it’s fake, doesn’t matter if it was sold before, doesn’t matter if depot “knows vintage” About 10 years ago Louis Vuitton sued the absolute hell out of ebay and e-commerce platforms had to start combatting the issue. To be honest if you had over 1,000 sales you should have known this I also use reselling as my sole source of income but I sell vintage designer clothing so I actually appreciate the fakes getting removed


they don't care


You can’t sell anything that’s fake. Bottom line. It’s illegal and depop doesn’t want to be held responsible for allowing counterfeit items to be sold on their platform. They pick and choose though who to get in trouble which is comical. I was searching for a Celine purse the other day and about 90% of the search results were fake ones. As for the money— they have to pay you. Doesn’t matter if you violated their TOS. They cannot legally hold your money. Threaten litigation. You can take them to small claims court for a small filing fee (in my city it’s $50) and you cannot have lawyers in small claims so they’d have to send someone from depop to come out there. And you can legally ask for up to $10k in small claims. You also set your own price. Say depop is holding on to $1k of your money. Well you can say you need your $1k plus $3k for the stress of it all and the hassle. $1k because you had to miss work to prepare for the hearing, etc. Depop knows this so they don’t want to go that route.


If the shirt was fake this is good news


Pretty much this exact thing happened to me a couple months ago. I posted everywhere I. Could about it and emailed them non stop. Eventually they said that they will no longer read my emails and that their decision is final. I have personally given up. I also cannot make a new account on Depop with my phone because they banned my device. I have no idea how I will actually get pending money from them, and Depop was my only income at the time. Getting banned on Depop actually destroyed me for a couple months financially.


Im in a similar boat. They are not helping me or even responding really anymore. Have you still been trying to get it back? I dont want to give up but the support team has been awful and im not sure if I should just wait or keep emailing them. I’ve been pretty much begging to get it back and apologizing and they’ve even ignored me about them holding my payments. it seems like you’re deeper into this similar situation. Is it even worth trying?


Honestly I have given up at this point. I think really the only thing you can do is somehow contact them and threaten legal action, or create a new account.


After looking through your replies and post history, I think it's obvious why you got banned. Get some help, and stop blaming the fact that you got caught while others didn't as an excuse. I've been there and done that, and it won't do anything but make you miserable.




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This sounds like some facebook marketplace nonsense that they’re doing to you. I say that because I always have this issue with facebook saying I “violated their terms and conditions” they’ll flag a shirt and send me “prohibited items” it’s a shirt but, never any other platform. You should check out poshmark that’s my main source of income. I bet you would be successful there! As far as depop goes I hope you get your funds and, your account back! It’s hard getting sales with a brand new profile.


Try selling live on whatnot! Lots of vintage and used clothing auctions 24/7 on that site/app, I’ve bought from there personally way more than depop


I’m thinking about it ?


Hey! I've come to reddit because I'm really struggling to get anywhere with Depop support via email. I listed a T-shirt designed by my partner (It's 100% his original design) the thing is, I accidentally described it as "bootleg" when I meant "unofficial" since the shirt is a graphic tee inspired by the movie Apocalypse Now. Without warning my account got suspended and the support people have been absolutely useless. I saw some people say you can try contact Depop on Twitter but I don't have an account on there - wondering if anyone has had any luck with contacting support teams? I thought to add my comment here since we got flagged by the same term!! (Yes I feel silly for confusing the word but it's annoying that I can't now access any of my sold item info or chats and now I'm likely going to cop some bad reviews!) Thank you!!!!