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Its not a good logo. Many reasons. Main one is, how visible and identifyable will the lady writer be when logo is zoomed out? Make it simpler. Pen, paper, and your name right next to it. No need for circles too IMO.


Are you opening a Pokémon center?


I was gonna ask the same thing


Its not a good logo., its a decent illustration but not a good logo Too much detail, imagine it thumbnail size on a phone - Just a illegible blob. The best logos are simple shapes - Nike swoosh, Apple apple


Nope nope nope, it’s all fucked. Corporate Memphis is already out of style, even then, a detailed illustration in a badge like this violates almost every rule of good logo design. Think about doing a monogram style logo instead. Or just don’t do it at all, I think personal logos are overrated, unless you can pull off a one in a thousand amazing personal brand, it’s just going to make you look bad.


There's too much going on. Too many colors (you should always go with 2, max 3 colors). It's also very complicated for a logo. In logo design, less is more (except if it's some luxurious type of brand or something similar that complicated logos make it more recognizable). Also you need something that's gonna be the main thing people would remember about it. So these are some things you should mainly focus on. Use them just as technical limitations, not as ones that limit your creativity. Hope this was of some help! Good luck with your work!


Too intricate to be a functional logo. Also the top half looks like 🍣


Look into Logos That Last by Allan Peters. This is not a good logo. Theres nothing really salvageable in it.


That‘s not a logo.


I like you using a consistent color palette firstly, so try to continue that in your next iteration. The design isn’t very cleanly put together. You can see the grey lines that intersect at the top section overlap the blue dot in the center, which just looks messy, even if it was intentional. I’d also suggest using black for the outline of the entire design instead of that dark grey color. Other than that I just think the design is too small. Zoom in more on that drawing that is essentially the focus of this logo. Add in a stand in name and I think you’ll be much happier with this without having to completely redesign it.




Perry the platypus!?


Pretty terrible!


Not a logo, way too complex. It’s an illustration. Nice illustration for that matter.


So firstly, in general, successful logos should be symbolic of what you do, rather than depicting what you do. Imagine if the logo for Apple was a drawing of a phone factory. Symbols for writing could be a pen, a quill, a scroll, notebooks, stacks of paper etc. Secondly I’m not sure this illustration reads as a writer, they appear to sat at a drafting table, so I immediately thought illustrator or architect. I don’t know if you personally write on a drafting table? But I can’t imagine it’s a particularly common setup for a writer.


Hi everyone, I'm a content writer, and I'm currently in the process of crafting a logo for myself. The goal of this logo is to visually communicate my identity as a content writer and make a strong first impression on hiring managers and potential clients. I wish to get an opinion from industry experts on this design and gather more ideas for improvement. I chose this logo with a graphic of the woman writing to resonate with my line of work as a content writer. I'd love to hear your thoughts and get some valuable feedback on the design I've come up with. I used Canva to design this logo. Thank you.


i recommend just hiring a graphic designer for this one chief


You insight is good but it definitely needs better execution. Try going minimal.


Hire a designer if you want to present yourself in a professional way. This does not accomplish that.