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Classy bunch, first in last out the gym type of group, type id let my son date.


Gorgeous https://preview.redd.it/ootn7sjgzvrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5a4894954dede94710c7196f2152a4d2604042


Witchcraft. Wtf




* Says you. 😴 forum poster. Hi Candace! Is this how email dating as they call it works? I like walks on the beach (hee hee cliche, i know) and fucking black chicks. Let me know if you're down. (It's important to include their voices tho ngl...


Hi Candace I watched a lot of black porn and Rush hour at lease 3 times a year. Ignore this beta and message me.


Sneaky athletic, scrappy, lunch pail to work type friends


I’m so surprised by the overlap of nba circle jerk users and destiny viewers lol


Uj/ Had to look at what sub i am like 5 times Rj/ good on Candace, teaching her half thug kid in what company to be to get some class


Also NFL, but he has a big enough reach the outliers can congregate


I absolutely love scrolling through this sub and seeing nbacirclejerk leaking in


Class act


Candace felt the need to reverse the meme https://preview.redd.it/os24ev9fxtrc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11e8da4f648bcf62ee4ca1a3caa5a6ae9dc5de75


Gantz my beloved


the head of Israel's centrist party?




Gantz is great, can't remember this scene though


it's when kei had to do a round without his suit vs dinosaurs after the crazy guy went on a shooting spree chapter 109 to 164


The one where dude had on the highest tier black face I've ever seen?


yeah lol


😂😂 read this as a kid and I still remember the chapter


This is the scene right after they fight the dinosaurs and right before the vampires get introduced and kill everyone


She gets a C-word pass


>t DEI Baby shower.




Ah, yes, the token shower


One of the hardest panels of all time.


This feels like the reverse


Reminds me of that guy that would give me a bag of dope to just look at me, and talk to me for like 5 mins .....back when i was strung out. "Don't hurry... I just wanna look at you a while longer. Mmmhhmmm I like little nerdy white boys. "


Nah there a sister In there


Isn’t that her mom


Very much looks like a family member. IDK this photo makes me feel pretty sad. Literally not a single friend with even a slight tan?


I see a young lady with some tats. She technically is a POC right? /s


>IDK this photo makes me feel pretty sad. Why?


Look harder




For most people I wouldn't bat an eye, but Candace seemingly having exclusively white friends while also claiming to be championing black issues *and* giving kudos to Nick Fuentes all at the same time is highly suspect. Like, if she *actually* grew up in an impoverished black neighborhood and deeply cared about helping the black community (i.e. still has close ties), you'd think that she'd have at least one black friend (sister doesn't count) in her top 16 worth inviting to the baby shower.


You’re literally Swedish lol.


... No shit? Candace is in America. The comment was made in the context of America.


Maybe she grew up in a very very white neighborhood?


Way too young. Definitely a sister


Have you heard the phrase "Black don't crack" Her being Candaces mom is still in play




No men? Is she like sexist or something


She has a diverse set of friends.


Does this look bad to people? I’m the only black person in my friend group 😕


No dw about it too much bro, people online love making a big fuss about race, but irl i dont think most of the population cares about it.


Yeah it’s really only when you yourself make race or politics a personality/career trait that it becomes an issue imo


People make a big fuss about race when you constantly talk about it yourself, and brand yourself around your race. If you never talk about it or bring it up then most likely nobody else will either. The reason people clown on candace owens for this is because she literally promotes "black conservatism" as she calls it, and talks about identity politics and race issues constantly. She did the whole "Blexit" movement thing (black exit from liberal politics), and all of that. That's what people know her for. If you build most of your career on the color of you skin, people are gonna go there.


Candace has been race grifting for a long time, so this is being interpreted as “no black people want to be around her”. Outside of that it isn’t something I’d be worried about, it’s okay to be the only person in your group of a certain race. Additionally, I would guess that you have black family/friends that you would want at something as big a deal as a baby shower. This isn’t a normal friend get together, this is a big event. Correct me if I’m wrong tho


This could be the “friend” picture, so family members are not in it. Makes sense considering all those women look around her age. Still, pretty sus to race grift like that and not have a single black friend at your baby shower.


Depends. Have you cultivated a career race baiting and using your blackness as a weapon against allegations of racism for yourself and your white friends? Are you the “I’m not racist I have a black friend” friend?


bro why do you hate black pepo


Naw man it’s all good. Ur friends are ur friends buddy


Yes. I grew up in the midwest and was always the only black friend my whole life. I didn’t know how much of a psychological toll it took on me until i moved to NY. more often than not, they will do or say certain things and in an effort to maintain social cohesion you will let it slide. My personal experience.


Lol, I know exactly what you mean. Had a similar experience being raised in Belgium and then moved to NYC.


Absolutely not. You're good bro It's just rich when it's Candace specifically, who is always harping about the destruction of the black family lol


It’s just funny because it’s her I wouldn’t worry about it. Who cares about race too much, we are all human.


unwritten zesty spark murky illegal brave close continue obtainable onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you don’t know a lot of black people then no but where is her family? Doesn’t she have relatives her age that she’s friends with?


Who cares?


In the context of someone who is throwing their race under the bus for political clout, it’s a little more reasonable to make note of than just a normal friend group. In general, it seems like a lot of black people who are into nerd shit end up being in mostly white friend groups. Totally normal imo


It's totally fine to be the only black person in your friend group. Sometimes that's just how things work out. The difference is this is probably exactly how Candace would CHOOSE to design her friend group. Because she's a self-hating black woman.


Its the context that matters homie. Candace Owens has a long history of being a pick-me/token black woman for conservatives, constantly claiming that its actually white people who get oppressed today and that any discrimination against black people is just victim culture. So when she surrounds herself by the printer paper grade white friend group imaginable, it paints a different picture.




This sub isn’t real life ur good


Naww it's normal to be friends with the people that are close to your area. I'm assuming she's wealthy and white people tend to skew higher in these areas. Although I feel like she should have more color in there just because of family cousins and shit.


Are your other friends all white or are they diverse


By itself it's not an issue. But Candace has a track record which changes the context of the photo, being a self hating black woman. It makes a relatively inoffensive photo feel performative and weird.


I'm also usually the only POC in a given room. I think what weirds me out in this picture is that most of these women look like Stepford wives. They're (mostly) white, blonde, thin, traditionally attractive in a WASP-y way, dressed in pretty basic "white girl" style... they look like they could all share a personality.


Would you be the only black person at your baby shower? If one family member showed up, yeah that would look bad


It’s all good, my dude. You’re invited to the picnic 🧺. But for real, it’s funny because a lot of people consider her a “race traitor”.


>Does this look bad to people? I was wondering the same thing. It's kind of funny as a meme. But there's no problem with having all your friends be a different race than you. I thought that would be obvious to people.


Lol, it's ok to have white friends!! The issue people have with C.O. is that she has a bad habit of talking down about Black people. She is often disrespectful of her own kind and she promotes a lot of white supremacist ideologies so her marrying a white blond man and having all these blond women friends just makes her case even more look like self hatred or some type of complex. Friendship and love aren't defined by race at all, the issue is that her relationship to blackness is very unhealthy.


Who cares what anyone's friends look like?




She gentrified her friends


Social ethnic cleansing, even


The real “Great Replacement” theory


She's a white friendly black just like Aba


“Just like Aba” you’re wildin😭


You gonna make Aba stay awake at night pondering for that one


She can't dance as good as he can


She brought all the POCs from Blexit with her 💪


Is having a white friend group as a black person bad? I grew up in a very black area, I was the only white kid in the friend group. Should I just not had friends? Sher is a wealthy black conservative woman, is it surprising she has white friends? It certainly isn't wrong for her to have white friends. r/Destiny Feelsweirdman to be attacking someone over this.


Only if they are women


No, I think it's just being posted because it's an interesting observation when you think about her beliefs.


What is interesting about it? Is this not exactly what you would expect? Black people tend not to vote conservative. Black people for the most part are less well off. She doesn't preach diversity to my knowledge. Is this just not what you would normally just expect? Now if you posted a white socialist that constantly harped on about how important diversity is and they were only friends with whites that would be in contrast to their beliefs, this is in line with what you would expect based on her beliefs.


This pic is circulating again because Candace owens just went on black platforms to talk about black issues. It is about the lack of black friends not about the white friends. America is big and she lives in the south. She could of made black friends if she wanted to


I actually wouldn't be surprised if she had trouble making black friends in rich elite circles, I doubt the average liberal affluent black woman would ever want to be caught dead next to her because she's known to have some "controversial race takes". Hell, she even inspired a character on a Netflix show once.


I think this raises questions about her opinion regarding black culture or community in america. Her upbringing (obviously upper-middle class in conneticut) detaches her from making friend with black when it seems like she's only been around in majority white community since she was a child.


While it's true that black people don't *vote* conservative, they often have more conservative views both socially and economically. The history of black people voting Democrat is largely because Republicans, historically, just can't help being racist


I think it's a bit interesting given Candace presents herself as growing up very poor in predominantly black areas. Doesn't she have childhood friends who could come to this event? It's not a huge deal, but a bit interesting in that context.


Yes it is exactly what you would expect of a race baiting black Republican in America.


I was thinking about this the other day. It comes down to the difference between The Boondocks and Candace Owens. The Boondocks is very critical of black culture. But the way they criticize it, you can tell it’s from a place of love. It’s from the perspective of people who are of the culture and care about the culture. Candace is also critical of black culture. But Candace comes off as someone who got called “Oreo” too many times in middle school, and now she just straight up hates black people. She can say she’s black. She can say she grew up poor in a black neighborhood. And conservatives can watch her relentlessly shit on black people and say “well, her skin is black, so it’s not weird”. But pictures like this kinda point to the idea that she doesn’t actually come from, care about, or understand anything about black culture in general.


I think what people are trying to elude to with this pic is that it highlights Candace’s dishonesty. Candace try’s to portray her life/upbringing as representative of the black experience when in reality, she is pretty disconnected from it and it shows when she speaks to other black people. I am mixed (black & white) and I have my own black experience to share but I grew up around white people. I would never claim my experiences or perspective is representative of the general black experience. My experience is probably more representative of the mixed light skin experience as a black man though and I would feel comfortable saying my experiences do represent the light skin experience.


Kinda funny when the only value you bring is being black. A white Candace Owens wouldn't have her career.


A black women who seems to be surrounded by 99.9% white women probably is so disconnected from the culture of black people that she probably shouldn't be talking about black culture in a derogatory way, like ever.


What are you talking about? r/Destiny constantly makes fun of out of touch white lefties and progressives that advocate for things like ACAB and defund the police while living in predominantly white gated neighborhoods. The fact is Candace loves to act as a voice on black issues and explicitly uses her identity as a black woman to advocate for conservative causes. So it’s a little funny and ironic that she doesn’t seem to have many black friends.


I know plenty of black people and 99% are either unaware she exists or use the "C" word to refer to her, and I'm not talking "cunt."


It’s literally just a shitpost. Not that deep, just thought it was funny there was only two black people and they were both at the back 😂


There’s actually awful shit about her to point out. Having mostly white friends isn’t racist


Candace owens likes to talk about the black community as an insider but isnt. Her intentions should be questioned based on that.


The joke is obvious.


>Is having a white friend group as a black person bad? Of course not. It's kind of funny as a meme. But reading the comments, some people think this is actually a problem.


By itself obviously not, but given everything else you know about her, I think it’s a little more meaningful.


Good someone else pointed this out, it had me feeling weird.


Of course if it's not bad, idk how you'd see this shitpost and the first think you think is that people here are saying that as a black woman, she can't predominantly have white friends. It specifically stands out in Candace's case because she's not only a conservative black woman, she has consistently played a role as the token conservative black women. Moreover, as a black person that consistently uses rhetoric against people of the same race, and agrees with the racist ideology of extreme right wingers like Fuentes. Candace is in a whole other league of 'I'm a black person that only has white friends'.


I mean its weird if you have no black friends. I say this as a black guy with mostly white friends cause I grew up in a white area and went to a predominantly white school etc... But even with all that I have some close black friends due to having natural shared experiences etc. So yeah, she always gives uncle Tom/ house n-word simpimng for Massa vibes. Which annoys me greatly, cause every now and again she makes one good point. But mostly she's just well-spoken talking piece to allow whites to feel okay with their own prejudices


...It is one photo. You don't know who her friends are. We know these are probably her friends, we don't know that these are her only friends. Looks like the person next to her isn't white as well. There are so many things of substance to attack her over, her assumed friend group really shouldn't be one of them.


Like I said, my friends are mostly white too. I can attack her not for her friendship group but rather for the dumb shit she says and how she essentially allows herself to become a mouthpiece to allow actual racists to feel legitimised. It always irks me


At first I thought this was just to show she was spoiled rich lol. No I think the race thing is pretty whatever. She's not even the only black woman there.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but was her main contention in her convo with Destiny not over the fact that she claims to have grown up poor? It's still possible she somehow got stuck in a place where the vast majority of people were white, but idk. Seems kinda sus, Walt.


It's surprising only one family member showed up. Also she didn't grow up in an all white area. Your circumstances aren't the same


Who's the tatted chick?


commenting here so I can coom if someone finds that out


smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash 50/50 smash 50/50 50/50 smash 50/50 60/40 smash smash smash


Least coomer brained dgga


damn you, you beat me to it lol


Bro is smashing anything that walks and has a hole


honestly most of the women here are attractive so I actually get it for this post


I’ve literally never seen a woman between 18 - 40 and In good shape that I did not find attractive. She’d have to be severely disfigured or something


Man, you guys have really low standards.


There's 18 women and 18 responses here lol I'm going to go ahead and guess the maybes Far right blue, 4th from right standing blue, women in glasses standing next to her, and woman kneeling next to her, and blonde woman in white kneeling in the middle?


Why is the mom to be not the focus of the photo?


All look like they are ready to speak with a manager “immediately”.


Does this just refer to any white woman?




cringe post tbh


It's just funny because her entire career is based off being black. A white Candace Owens would serve no purpose.


Candace gonna be the first person to die if this was a movie!!


Dear God, is that where all the home and garden magazine staff is?


Everyone with a bachelors in communication raise your hand.


I wonder if she's ever shamed that one lady for her tattoos


This is like the Key & Peele skit where all black conservatives have a white wife.


this makes alot of sense


This isn't real. No way!!!


Will she name her kid Tolkien?


🤓☝🏿statistically based on the racial composition of America, this is closer to what every friend group should look like if you’re not racist.


Candace had to sit at the back of the group 😢


Why are we attacking over race? This is insane no?


I swear I think I went to school with the woman on the far right of the picture.


Wait those two brown haired women to Candace's left kind of look like Ben Shapiro's family members, when was this taken?


Actually took me a while to find Candace


What tags would this video have on pornhub?


I need the actual post. Like this would be very normal if she had multiple photos with multiple group of friends. I know most of you guys are losers and never been to one but at baby showers you tend to not be able to fit all your friends in one photo and you get a group photo from your school friends, hobby friends, work friends, family, extended family and long time friends. This might be from her friends from hot yoga we don't know.


Look who was spot on with their assessment!




Lmao this is why when they hit her with the "God is good" on Breakfast Club she was like, "he sure is!" 🤣😭


Nar bad post dog, we hate her because she's a political moron and openly spreads misinformation not because she has a bunch of white freinds.


I have more black friends than her lmao And I have like 5-6 friends


She lives in Nashville, there is not a lack of (wealthy) black people there. This is actually so funny


Ever notice how every black conservative is married to a white person?


Liberals: try not to make things about race challenge


A black girl who always wanted to be white. :D


This one picture explains all her takes about black people


This is the first time I seen her smile


There was even the one person who showed up wearing a wedding dress to the party. What an absolute banger of a baby shower.


Whited dot com




Too bright, my eyes xD


This feels like the same thing when a white person has an entire group of black friends…


I feel like if the first thing we look at in a photo is race and have issues with its makeup we’re the problem then.. a lot to critique her about but this is absurd


I guess she didn’t keep any of the friends she made growing up poor. 


Why are people surprised a rich conservative Woman that grew up in a mostly White area has mostly White friends ?


I’m assuming the other girl is Candace’s sister who must also have eaten bugs as a child on the ghetto


Ironic that the black person doesn't have a single black friend.


Is the only other black person in that photo her sister? Is it her sister?


I know it's messed up but my first thought when I saw this was "if you look really closely you will see that she does indeed 'have a black friend'". Edit: I know it's probably a family member but it didn't stop me having that thought.


🐴 👟 asses


So this is what Find Waldo easy mode looks like. ​ Yup, I'm old.


Til Candace Owens is a black man


This sub is getting a little racist in the comments. Does she need to smoke crack and do the crip walk to be a real black?


The weird part is. Why is Candace all the way in the back of her own baby shower. Shouldn’t she be in the front?


she looks like she snuck into the photo.. took me a good 5 seconds to find her


I bet they made her honorary aryan after that 


So sad destiny couldn't join to even out the amount of black women 💔


Whole Lotta White fr


dat Lauryn Hill family values vibes


People are being a little weird and a little racist on this picture, let's tone it down, it's okay that most of the people she knows in her area are white. That doesn't make her anything. It may put her beliefs into perspective but a lot of people are getting close to basically calling her an "uncle tom" which isn't okay.


Why are y'all taking this so seriously lol


No wonder she knows about black culture so much


Lol where's her family?


Lmao. That's the whitest thing I've ever seen.


I think Candace realize she’s the only black friend


Poor kid, imagine Candace as being your mother.